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Show OUDEX DAILY COMMERCIAL! TUESDAY. MAY 3. SEE0E3 11 TELOLE, 7t Xr Yerk iZ??14 i.r.tT. a ism. Tiwj i tf ggwJt:ir 7Lria Fiiht or Let. ifaiiriiaaU at . of Kt3su ut Cm. May .. ct Uhjjt jrrvwta aui xjri-mr.;u twLi fxvtoi tba tao teat of tsar to la- tSk tluaia territory Jimt portrait iadieai Uit Lr tt fuj tAU Etoet are iti&aiLg a eas-iriiKa itStzu. rjwett . a.al U.at at iscr drru liiro-icr, ly jrc'WB tilt anl Lc'idii t.U Ur ar t!.e it tbtj fcava growa wiaer aal better or ort at tl Luiii ol WkichsUr r aluAjst prvr lLt it and a traas ctncca. Tt Cteivka up cot Ttt pi&r. tif ii&ot pc-tr- t tit tat-isme- l4 Lsm&a bedtig itf.-wAr- f7 grow to lock tcomc oil. a:u ftfti ft frigit a to L of iho Tb c. jr ;ietuci;g portrait it in aotr-- t fast owiaf ta tb tnJrn way of drwssmg tlehir aaJ tb cut of ti gurmeiit. This in es TLc fasliiua pecially tmot lb wjiu--u- . to tb eye i.i the hour QsaiUy of tin beboMtT, Fur tiiU reatwu. la hating ft portrait photographs! or paintrJ, it iiwtll to bare tb hair anl d-aa unobtrusive as Htijro laee or other wrapping! on tL baada of womea umally convey the impression. orJe they ar exceedingly artistic, th.tt the wearers were suffering fruin hrnry cold iu the J aul were awathrd up accordingly. In The Herald'a portrait. O raco ( JremwooJ ami Jennie Junt aro oJit-- r kk lst pibk. 4s ht-a- cnluhully not the with advanclerlooks in Mrs. Croly forty t.f aixty, and the light in Grae Greenwood' eve ia nierrit-- r than it was wkii aha was a girL There arv five picture of Chaaneey M. Depew. At twenty he looked to have a loug haired, melanc holy poet aouL From on hie face loet the age of twenty-fir- e the melancholy, poetic expression and gained eteadily a twinkle of hninor, which ia decidedly improving to hie beanty. In Lin later years he losee hair aa he gains fame. David Dudley Field at eighty-siis tunch better looking than he was at sixty-threBishop Potter's face at fifty-Bi- x is leas severe and ascetic and more kindly and tolerant than it Eev. Morgan Dix, was at thirty-nine- . however, has developed the other way, which is what one might expect of a man who has been scolding women for twenty years. Robert Collyer's rosy face, with its diadem of white hair, is splen The blacksmith did at sixty-sevepreacher never had a day's illness in his life. Then we have Vice President Morton, also sixty-eeveyears old. Hin face as good looking as it was just twenty years ago, when he wore long side whiskers. The Herald reporter remarks that with the side whkkershe seemed a man whom one would ask to take a drink. Now, with his whiskers off, one wonld not Finally, William M. Evarta is just as handsome as he was twenty years ago. ing jf-nn- s. su-a- x e. n an-pea- !. l a'w.i f It u reported tLe CLerokee gj will caii for volunteer to drive Ui off tit f.'Ut The l.livo;ty fiw t Ti.aihh, it aa fcnd .ll ruit to are a roua ir.e th-:- ..uttrk. ngt em Prvi-- a iuljj tii hmzi J. ft usi'u LO.x.a let . MrTe4 or Stolen Oa TiMftday, April 2th, from Thirty tret ttrrt-i- . nrar Mocro arecu. one brLt bay Lorae, nixi year old, ngtt fttiout I,U-- poiiBl- - has whit star in face, also scar on back of left fore foot. Ehod ail around. Had baiter on when last sen. Will be g.4 to raxure acy ir.firiaatioa. Lbral reward for return of the aoova. tJy owner, C MoCm.i.s, No. 31, Twenty gLth atreet, Ogdea. n - 1 1 Hel-fric- ThA KArvanf. fyirl Af it ia njaunminrr annh alarming prfportiona tharit threatens to Ingulf the country. There will be no relief till housekeepers in all parts of the country form a protective union on the plan of that started in Philadelphia and protect themselves. In Philadelphia there is a school of cooking and housekeeping, from which for a small fee and faithful acquisition of instruction a girl may obtain a diploma that will get her a good place any day in the year. She and the woman who hires her mutually bind themselves by written contract to certain things. Among other conditions the girl binds herself to Btay bo long. If she breaks the agreement and flies off at a tangent she cannot get a place with any of the housekeepers belonging to the league. So many of the Quaker City women do belong to the protective organization that the girl who is faithless to her promise cannot find the best sort of a home iu a hurry. The employer, on her part, binds herself also to certain things, among others to kind and considerate treatment of her hired help. If she on her part breaks the contract, the girl has a remedy also. She can have the case investigated by the league and get justice. There must sooner or later be a housekeeper's protective league and school of instruction in housekeeping ia all the cities of the country. Women themselves must take the matter in hand. There are those who in defense of the Puritan ancestors declare it is all nonsense to assert that there was any objection to a man's kissing his wife on Sunday. They say the blue law forbidding this was a device of the enemy, put into a spurious volume of laws by one who hated the pilgrim fathers and sought to cast ridicule on them. This may be the fact. It is also tV 3 fact, however, that in 1656 Captain Kemble, returning from a sea voyage, kissed his wife on the doorstep when she met him, forgetting it was Sunday and remembering only that he had not seen her in three years. For this "lewd and unseemly behavior," it is matter of history that poor Captain Kemble was set in the stocks two hours, enduring the taunts of the multitude. If the average street boy of 1656 was anything like his type 235 years later the punishment was severe enough for any offense. "pub-licquel- h, ld, a Another Kohher. Toledo, Ohio, May 2. William II. Cook, clerk of the police court, was arretted tonight charged with the embez zlement of ?1(,000. It is thought the amount may run much higher. Cook had been trying to settle things up, but today he broke down and confessed to the mayor that he w as short in his accounts and could not say how much it w. Uook was one or the migrit be most popular officials in the city and pronnueat in local republican politics. Polish Centennial. Ciuoaoo, May 2. Exercises commemorating the centenniid anniversary of the adoption of Poland's constitution were tiegun today by a mngniltcent meeting of citizens, proceeded by a parade of all the Polish societies in the A hove the Rpeakers platform in the city. Central Music Hall was a huge shield of canvas bearing the port raits of ashing ton, Kocciusko and Pulaski. Polish-America- Another Arrest Made. Nsw York, May 2. The police au thorities at Jamaica, L. I., have a man in custody supposed to be the missing C Knichlo, who accompanied Currie Brown to the hotel on the night of her murder. He answers the description and had bloodstains on his clothes, but vigorously protests he is Charles Holland of Rye, A Minnesota Fire. Mason City, Iowa, May 2. The busi ness portion of Lyle, Minnesota, was was wiped out by tire today, two rail road depots, two hotels, two elevators and several stores were burned. Three business buildings are left. The aggregate loss is heavy. More Shocks Reported. Wobirn, Mass., d anower the eompiaint filed thereim wiAiis service on yon of this summons if served with in this County ; or, if served out of this County, hut in this District, within twenty davs: otherwise within forty days or judgment by de fault will ne taken against you, according to the prayer of said complaint. The saiil action is brought to obtain the of tiiis court to dissolve the oouds of matrimony now and heretofore existing betwoeu the pluintill aud defendant, and that the infant Ida alorgun, as mentioned in complaint, be awarded to the plaintiff, l'lauitiff alleges that she is entitled to said decree on the ground that the defendant has willfully neglected to provide the with the common necessaries of life, plaintiff (euig able to do so : but on the cont rary says that ho will not in the future contribute to her support or maintenance. For further and fuller particulars reference is hereby made to the complaint on tile herein. And you are hereby notified that if you fall U. Appear and auswer the said complaint aa above require.!, the said plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded therein. Witness the Hon. James A. Miner, Judge, and the seali f the District Court of the First Judicial District, in and for the HK4I..1 Territory of I'tah, this 2nd day of April, In the year of our liOrd one thousand eight hundred and ninety-onjurig-tne- ut C, H. MoClckB, Clerk. By L. B. Best, Deputy Clerk. Hear! Hoar! Frightful Accident. Wheeling, W. Va., May 2. At Mar A tin's Ferry today an unknown miscreant gave three little boys, James and Milton Turney and Charles Wilson, a dynamite cartridge. The boys played with it until it exploded, frightfully mangling them. The two will die and a third boy will be blind. Taking: Alarming' Symptoms. London, May 2. The influenza is spreading rapidly in England. In London many barristers, officials of law courts, members of the lords and commons, are suffering. At Woolwich arsenal so many workmen are laid up that work is interfered with. The squabble that has broken out between the women's board of managers for the World's fair and their fair secretary will give glorious opportunity to those ribalds who spell woman's cause "caws" to remark once more, "Just like a woman!" Free Trade With Canada. Lansing, Mich., May 2. The legislature adopted a resolution favoring a scheme for furthering the interests of this country and Canada by securing a free interchange of their respective commodities. Brooklyn has now a colored member of the board of education a lawyer, T. McCants Stewart. He was appointed bv the Democratic mayor, Chapin, Old Hutch is Going Home. Teruk Hacte, Ind., May 2. Hutchinson, the Chicago speculator, who stopped over here over night, took a train this afternoon for Chicago. i r. Lfri :V. tjata ls m Jt Atui o tUnnd U a. Lwin. iirt k L. orr:a titrtwt t.ts raacoo. rkt (H4eniu&aMii 4 racraacT Ju'jneo - L. A. tlrffc Uu'W- raxct. JU Locki 4, OfOrt. ltn,r X l'otitata-- ARCHITECT i. rortia oets 1 ttslioe of thsPee-- ai t-- ttunrl. t'WiktabUr-- H. Jutlee of the Fo- V) ntkl Asfi Duer. l oBtUl(,-JatkKtkVinr. raaciarT. William i Ja4ic rj the H. Taykir. Cuutabte-Jsju- M kiin conclave Bia. iUc rtrriTi I ouktl-JuKiJiwtUw 11. aa a WHErXEK tttiidui, Carver. L . !. itMviui riaciacr. y LATKIYXLLK rUEClKCT. the Peace James H attains. mabbiott raacrecT. Justice of the Pear Simon F. Halversoo. Constable Caleb Parry. LTSSB riBCWCT. Jnetine of the Peace Peter L. Sherner. James iiarrop. i Laos nifixtT. Justice of the l'eaee-- P. P. Bittgham. ConstatU Daniel N. Drake. tjntble Wabinton ITAH. ,il Uild it tuwliuga In linixhu of Pythias hall. T ecty fourth ktrerU ! tnaudard building) every Thorxiay waving at half f.at imii sharp, nntif further ao i Apilicati.Ht forms may h obtained from W lr. Perry A. brothers uok, shington staoss, Hojourniug cordially invited. Peiu ival J. Babati, President. t. J. Via esj. Secretary, Cov t'nh St. tl. Are., Ogden, Clah. Hrtk MutikafibMiMAiil &f vr fur a; JarV AuM, o4 Jsm. Ikxim. 1 vMda, Ohha. Practices in the District Court and all th court. Personal attention given u eollectiona. Kemember the place, iu Perry's wooden building, near meat shop of C. H. Ureanwell k Bros., 1 i Twenty fourth street, Ogden, C lah. P. O. boi MS. am BALL ALUSOS. JIMBALL Ml MlW attd Ogden, Ctah. Jastiee of the Fsc Constable Francis JACOB a Washington avenue and Jsmes Johnson. M. Bulnap. Tventy-foun- Co. President. LA.6sDORF, Cashier Interest allowed on Tim Deposits. O. E. Armstbono, Pres't. Hill. Cash. Tventy-fonrt- Rteam-heate- - Surplus k W, , w. lUITB, EVERYTHING A SMITH, ATTORNEEYS-AT-LA- Office, rooms 85, 38 and 87, Bank building. 75.C09. Dl SECTORS: J. C. Armstrong, T. A. Whalen, M. Buchmiller, Henry tkinant. H. 0. Harkness, David Ecclee, Patrick liealy, 161 a. COTTINGHAM, p'PHYSICIAN AND SPECIALIST. In connection with general practice, gives special attention to diseases peculiar to females diseases of the genito urinary organs, diseases ur int rectum, vu. : files, nstula, fissure and ulceration ; disease of the ear, nose, throat and chest. Consultation free. Oitlce over Postofflee. Telephone 209. rpCSH t. W tk FARI8, $125,000. 7,500. - Commercial Agent. T. F. POWELL, Traveling Agent. a Main Salt Lake City Street, THE OGDEN TRUNK FACTORY TASIS. MARKETS. (Successor to - S. CIVIL ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS. Plans, specification and estimates prepared and work superintended. maps, piaui. tracings, blue print, etc., etc., executed on short notice. Booms t and 4, I nion block. No. 382 Twentr Fourth Street, Ogdnn, Ctah. OGDEN, UTAH. Capital Paid in, Surplus, - - FIRST-CLAS- Any further information as to Rate of Far etc., will be cheerfully furnished by ALEX MITCHELL. First Nationa Manufactures the Best Trunks. Repairing promptly attended to. Old Trunks Taken In Exchange. Orders called for and Delivered to all parts of th city. KLINE 4 OPPMAN. BANK, ROBERT BROGELMAN STATU OGDEN Can la the World. The Finest Dining; street, Ogden, Utah. h 0. A. TUSH. $150,000. Individed Profits, d d BAN8FORD SMITH gMlTH Paul St. & CIVIL ENGINEERS. OGDEN, UTAH. Paid in Capital, rfc- Uhmbu faarl( Siiannt Is the only line running Solid Vestibuled, and Electric-lighteTrain Daily between Chieago and Omaha, eomposed of Maguihcent bleeping Car and PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. C. WMCI'lArftil. RAILWAY No. IMS Washington avenne, S. HEXWOOD, Office, 3 GENERAL BANKING. J. wan mm g Moarty awaafcg tikaewi THE CHICAGO Milwaukee W, ATTO RN E - 12.000.00 - 8200.000.00 street, k BOREMaN, Office, Ogden, L tan. OGDEN, UTAIL M. w rrk KUWABO M, ALL1SOM ATTORN E BANKS. J. feltf ATTORNEYS-AT-LA- ooraa rtBcncr. Ill Loan dtat twt fm. I HM. rU rlitailuw ItmNM .w Mrataf fMmwiMiilt Offiee, over Ctah National Bank, corner of Justice of the Peace J. W. Hnrt. Constable Joseph Uogge. C. C. BICHARDS, sorur K. WHITE. IAMKS M. WEST WBBEB rtBCINCr. - sai. Saw ATTORNEY-AT-LA- J. Ilntehins. Capital, Surplus, U. W. Wa r. vAibta. OtiDEX. lot JusUm SuirBi Conrt, Nns.ta. A MACillLLAX. Office: 240! ot uu: t'.i fr COIURDELIOS LODGE. t. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ruimt W, OF 67. (iEORQE. SON9 RICHARD JEOSAKD Justice of the Peace ilsuo Poalter. Constable vrew purrvrr. Justice of the Peaoe W. H. tVaadall. Constable Oeorge H. Mayeock, Justice of C'vustsble John J QEDEB II.. U. W. L KrraLEB. Finer. LAWYERS. tJ 0. at I JO. VtoltU eterj Tim1a) eeiliig va attend. ntulhtwt eordiall tnt tted tt).. tsii. MO. X Mart The ahote Farker. rucmtpv. ctstab JnCire of th Poe-- 1 imothy Ksa.'sU. L Coasiable rJjruo UjtMa. ha LOliuK A. ARCHITECTS. Offim xvma 1 IT tt raarnicr. Eirtkoaxa riaciCT. at tlx Pear -- Richard IWstabie-Jo- StCRET SOCIETIES. fumWbed. ASD MOSUSENTS A eo!i Maaamdr J. . CooLiKM . C soma. t. P. lvcijii 11 SO. a. K. T. tio to C. P. LAMBKET. (unm vt Jeffer avenue and street. b to be time t arkd amui. Aisotroa leucine chekfu Basnaa. -. MOl tTiXjUUXSl'LHI. piDUJTY FOR HEADSTONES me Justie of the F,r L J, Dl. JKOORATiOV JdeKay. ea A-- it ALVEESOSi. .fxti,n. ai4 eliajit UtiMoa. iteorgv U I mrria. SltM kHK-T- . Jostle of the Fm- -. H. Frusw. ooiUi Jilua Uuuld. kokts oodcv raamiCT. Jastlrsv of ths Fe James Huitnf. ( tWaiar octoratioa onj Treads? HamouD, ALIv-kl. I. ''P. ifklA. BWC. t Q'itfc t HA Pita. so. CONTRACTORS A!D BUILDERS. anrreviuu - narrsor. itira . Graad (ypen Builds-OODE5i, CTlH. W. ALVEi).. Plana. T &d P.KitiK 1. SUFLMLNDEKT. A.ND Koosu, U. touilif sa. D. bat R.A.M. P1 J Tunya. tuutjtbi- - tL4 Funl. THi aa OGbt-rtaratcT, twtit tt U Frosi-- a. Ferns. aa.. 1m Sbtf Jli !l MmCllxTf . atMi nusucttka Al'MSIio. fc. A. utcxmtt uvbaa Jutlf Jsl Faerf Seoui J 4 A. A. F. riXCTEIC WIRING A .4 LWra ui..Lw lJ aZl kii-3- . . ntLs. ftrt.r.i-.SuJrJ rnStH t lt-- H. C. BIOELOW, President. JOHN A. HUVLE, Vice President A, P. B1UEL.OW. Cashier. Interest Paid on Time and Savings Deposits, Frits ABror Inian) No. 270 CHICAGO Twenty-fift- Bt, h Sausage Works! FOR MEN ONLY! For LOST or FAILING KANHOODf OsseralaadHERVOtlS EfiEIXni; Weakness of Body and Hind, Effesta Foot of Twentieth St. Bobu.1, SuM. BiMlOOD rftilT RMtorrd. How to ealtr-- asS City Office at Cream City Meat Market, 25th 8t. OUDKN, UTAH, SUUt. 8lmlkKKtK,tM)llTKUn'kUOHIIlV3ArtKTH0i' iWlal.lf nnfilliaf HOIK TUIATSENT Snrtu Im s v. BAKIX "to" OF ALL KINDS OF SAUSAGE A 81slMuSnaTariNiirm. WrtUtkM, B.llt;taS0 V.eripltt. riptuatius snS urorBiallrS(MaHd)fra, RiKik, C- ERIE MEDICAL O- BUFFALO, H, V. SPECIALTY. UTAH NATIONAL We Sell BANK All orders by mail or wire given attention. Telephone 53. P O. Bog 65..prompt Jewell Gasoline Stoves, V. United States Depository. Peninsular and Ohio Steel . CAPITAL, Ranges, SURPLUS, Interest Paid on Time Builder's Hardware, . Helfhioh, Caehler, and Manager. SELL CHEAP. CITIZENS' BANK OFOGDKK UTAH. Agents tor leading warm air furnaces and Bolton Hot Water Heaters. Knowles, CAPITAL, 360, 24th St. . $200,000. H. A.Wells, Sidney 8tevena C. E. Wurtele.H. H. 8pencer, Ad. Kunn, Theo.Bobinson AN ORDINANGE. Repealing an ordinance to provide money for public buildinRs, passed September 12th, 1S90. n Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Ogden City, that an ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance to provide money for public buildings, passed September 12th, 18S0, and recorded in the office of the City Recorder, of Ogden City, in ordinance book "B" at pages 223, 224, 225 and 22. be and the same is hereby repealed Passed April 15th, 1891. WM.H. TURNER, Mayor. SKAL f I Corsln tfaouulMdsotW l-I a THtvK8UHlifiCo OHCISNTI, air CI I acknowledged leaaing iwmerir for aorrlMB 4k ttiaat. The onlr vmH i aocorrtioeorVVhit I prescribe It and feel safa In menmmeiuUn 1ft to all sufferer. A. J. B1VMCB, old by fait .n,,nii iire l tl. ALI.C V, 4o. .Auuusta, lint Muiae. Orders taken at yonr door, and goods dellv- th8 tT5p V PROMPT a specialty. Our Meat pKLlVl-IUWagon is a Market on wheels which calls at your house so thnt you may select your own Soods. It runs north of 23d St. on Washington and the Bench. Tel. No. 1.33H "Washington Ava DR. LESLIE'S i Special Prescription! A pamphlet of Information andab-y- 7 t? showing How to 1 rateuts. tjaveBts, Trade w . a 1 .1 a. MA aa tj Stf : k)l. '"'. urcssnsr. i 13 THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY IN THE WORLD THAT WILL ABSOLUTELY CURE D1BECT0BS: Warren W. Corey, Thos. Gaboon, 8. 8. Schramm, hm & ft Bis Ihe they Ura Game in Season. Wmss W. Corkt. President. Wm. V. .nt, arm innrowrt l will alao lumHli altuallocoi li vauninm Ihalaniounl. P,o money for m unle.. a, above. Ka.tl, and qolckly learned. I bit' ..ne worker from each dl.lrirt or county. I hara already taufhi and provided wllh employment a lirra nnmher, who jr. making over SmH ajearearh. li'aWKW K" '0.,l,, J'l l'ciilara F It F. E. Addre.1 at on,-.- , Balcb Boston Meat Market. Deposits. Refrigerators. WE L. B. HALL, KINDS OFim 125,000 Fresh Meats, Fish, Poultry and J. E. Doolt, President. L. B. Adams, W. N. Bhtllixo, Cashier. Vice President. Tinso. BOBISON, Wetbbkbi. lOO.OOO. Garden Tools and Vice-Pre- s. E. It I I gndmaka to hrl.lT F. A any fairly inl.lll(ratprwBffllUier uu ran re., aaa ana who, i.irucuoi), win worn afidiiatriou.ly, S3000 Ogtlen, Utah. May North Woburn, Burlington, Winchester and Stoneman were visited by an earthquake last evening, and though no damage was done, there was quite a heavy shook in some places. irffc - J. QlLlCi MASONIC. 0a M SOSXLTI a of the town, tut the st.il in 5 oik. si.erut left '1'aLpali VaUv :th a posse All person uidfbtad to the firm of U rwLforee the ludiaua. ('ariaou A Kaufman (Chkgv Cash. Grocery i, are hereby notit'.ed that aa aseig-of said tirm, all accounts, uotea and 1' lilted to the State. Rejoinder due said nrtn are in my hands for debts Chofcte Mnwt. WAfUISi TOM, May ieoihwUon, you are hereby notified to and Carlisle, eoutiM-- f r the Canadian call and artand tie same at onoa. ease, government in the ivhritig s C 1L King, Aaulgce. bftve preij&red a eupplmentary brief, in to the brief of the nature of a A .National Event. the attorney general. In it the ooiiUBt-The holding of the World's Fair in a reiterate amnion thatthe seizure of the scarcely tifty years old will be a recity of law or warrant without u isvard went, but whether it will under the ieutive construction of the markable benefit this nation as much aa the really mad revised ntafJts. Hi l&HHtorative Nevine by of the dnioovery suare inferior the to thai alt courts Mile isdoubtfuL This is Franklin Dr. mandapreme court and suhjwt to its to need American what the people just mus or prohibition. The only real que cure the exeeesi ve nervousness, dyspepsia (mid ill the cat, thev say, is: "Has the diwinees, eleepleefttieea, L'utUxl Hiati juriikficttxn of conduct of headache, nervous debility, dullness, neuralgia, the foreign rexeels in the waters of the confusion of mind etc It acta like a behring aea more than a tt.nnue league charm. Trial bottle and tine book on After discuaping the from its norw?" "Nervous and Heart Diseasee," with objection of the attorney general to an testimonials, free at II. A. of court the the examination by supreme aiker's. It is warranted to contain no Alaska district of the entire proceedings or dangerous drugs. morphine opium, court, the counsel say the only question with which this court is called upon to Notice of resolution of Copartnership. concern itself is that of the jurisdiction of the district court. Notice is hereby given that the co-Itef-rri- ng to the statement of the atheretofore existing between Iiartnership Franklin, Thos. A. Harris, torney general that the claimant did not appply for a writ of prohibition before Russell L. Armstrong and John R. Ellis Mnteuce, the counsel aay the petitionerr under the tirm name and style of Frankcould not apply for want of time, the lin, Harris & Co., is this day dissolved Said Peter A. IL whole proceedings from libel to eentance by mutual consent beiug completed in six days and at a Franklin is authorized to settle all the time when the supreme court was not affairs of the tirm, to collect all monies in session. The counsel contend at due said firm and assumes all the liabililength there is nothing in the evidence to ties of said firm. show that seals were killed within the John B. Ellis, Thomas A. Harris, three mile limit and quotes from the evidence to prove that assertion. In conPeteb A. II. Fbanklin, RrssELL L. Armstrong. clusion, the counsel aseerts that there can be no doubt the seizure was Dated, Ogden, Utah, April 23, 1891. to the made without reference All of the business of the said tirm the three will hereafter be conducted through the acts committed within or Citizens Bank in Ogden, Wm. V. land main miles of the the cashier of said.bank, being auadjacent inlands and under the instructions of the secretary of the treasurer, thorized to receive and receipt for all which held all sealing east of the l'J3rd monies, and will have power of attormeridian a violation of paragraph ney to make deeds of lots aa paid for, it. nntil further notice. 2. Secretaries May Peter A. H. Franklin. Washington, Blaine and Poster had s long conference Dated, Ogden, Utah, April 23, 1891. todav on the fisheries subject becretary Foster submitted a rough draft of ALIAS SUMMONS. instructions prepared for the guidance In the District Court of the First Judicial of the ngent at Seal Island and for the District of Utah Territory, Weber County : 1 revenue cutter Rush for the coming Alice Morgan, Plaintiff, sermon. He declined this evening to inJ Thomas Defendant. J. dicate the nature of the instructions in The people Morgan, of the Territory of Utah send greetwas said either case, but the matter ing: To Thomas J. Morgan, Defendant. such a delicate one that the utmost You are hereby required toaupear in an action pains was being taken in preparing the brought against yon by the instructions so as not to trench on the plaintiff, In the District Conrt of the First Judicial District of the Territory of Utah, and tn treaty rights or agreements. tenH jitsja KS. ewlltt. lJU . BUSINESS CARDS. a. ftkts ronrn errs ooa-pfw-- l. above-name- The Philadelphia Method. e tvs can i p.r.ty U aa director; ornciAL ii twt .tie ao:ii ?iret-Lk- 11. M. oCATPa, oo7 P IU. Attest : T. P. Bryan, City Recorder. I, T. P. Bryan, Recorder of Orden City, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance repealing an ordinance to provide money for public buildings, paseed September 12th, 1X90. Passedby ie City Council of Ogden City, a testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and aliied the corporate seal of 0den City, this l!th day of April, 1ki. Seal T. P. IISVAif, City Recorder. PICK HEADACHE! In 48 hours UonorrhcBa anill rtisclianres from Jie nrinsryorJ lirans sre arrested bySantal-Mldy- j I t'ailBU l withnitrlt,VMivA,,1anf nce Of AM, DKUHGISTSI or P. O.liOX goBl. New YortJ tESTIMONIALa SI. TOD 4. CRAWFORD, Commission Merchants and Dealers in Building Material. Santa Rosa, Cal., Jan. 19th, 1891. Briggs Medicine Co. Gouts : Yours of the 15th received. I shall be glad to assist you in promoting the sale of Dr. Leslie's Special Prescription. Indeed, most of what I have bought of yon in the past four years has been given away, myself having been completely cured after a lifetime of headache, as I shall gladly certify. Should you write to either Dr. Markell or Dr. Mason, of this place, you may refer to Tod A Cba wfobd, as to the superiority of your Special Yours truly. Prescription. Will. Tod. Price 25 Cents. Sold by all Drns-arist- a. Briggs Medicine Co., San Francisco, Cal MONEY: can a earn art at trar Wt !r srarork, nptdly and honorablr, 9J tboaa af either aea. voitna ar old. and In their wn toca!itte.,wberevar thay Ilea. Any . ... .., u. ,u, .m,. wrytsmg. Wa Man yoo. No rl.. ean darota tounamnii entirely new lead.and wondarful aoceail to arary Berionera are (Von, la4 , i50 ,d an3 mora after a 111,1. WacinpWMk foml.t, fU'lEUS" Wil"t,!- - No !T F aiplali ?.7i worker. brlr, lb. am.' e.pen.m. Full TUVB 4t Cu., AldlaiA. aAl!t. .r,t PRINTING INKS ! To Printers and Publishers : The CoMsntBcut. Pcblishino ( OMPANt is a large and select stock of Standard, carrying fine ind BmTerfln News, Poster and Job Inks. Roller and Tablet-in- g Sizes and Varnishes also kept Composition. in stock. Those in need of inks will do well to buy of Thb Commbboiaj. |