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Show .IUDAV. OGDKX DAILY COMMERCIAL: J prraatta aa4 aar4 Tfcat CM an aaa ouomi tuwa aj uaw 4url aMvia Ktt Tim. - 11 U5 f Wear i fc A Uwl Btay eaay k at & Oom IB Km T rf Sam. f Pacihc Coptwr. ratlaaala CaHyle. I trr knew Carlyle," Hjt the c of "GUnore of Urt-a- t autd Little ei-- j by aita. To U-- the troth. I did not greatly eort--t his ac last dara of hia, 4iiutanea in tfct bru ilin I eoold hava knows hia.' arm not without a ertain dread I of thia roaring- - apustla of taararnKr. Ontw. humrtrer, indutff tratU altUng oppuaitc to hitn in a CMae otnnibna, I werored to addreaa him. I tried tbc wathrf tha recognized oonrmatioMl prwit but la thia cam it failed of its aitoal effect. He fart bo aaawmr, bat tkt Hum, leaning oa hia ataff ia brood rt.g nileoue tod with introa peetira eye, until ha iwacbed bia deatinaboc Wbea h had gut oat, I, affecting not to know him, aakad tha conductor who ha waa. The later had kmebed hia hat to him. " Teir, I know him well enough, wot jroo T otfea rid. in mf bna. call a littery gent writca books wot nobody caa understand.' ' Tba contactor pauaed. aa if mentally aiaminff np from hia raperiar stand-poitha footboard poor Carlyla's cbaracteriatica, and then addad, with a touch, half of pity, half of contempt ia Vrw Toaa. Frii. 36 Am A tCABEa ESIToat. A mrtw4 fartBtr etaik4 HKa th turn ita a Sif uaa aa arm. " B yom tfcc edaurt " -- 1 am." was half appfrfcmaira FfWy. " Hm twoAoUaia eras' tnvt aaarr, b(c. aaaaU. " Yu ara ' be went oa. " oar daufSt was awh and ha to Ste: aha aa4 ma awWm. yrrw vaak as4 aata, trt hkm arpatrt. tck ached, hasda aa4 with eouah. toe, oMildn't aiety, ead ww thoHjwt aha ha4 eDwaumpuua. h mffStraM has Mwtd aha tnrS that Dr. Puiraaa favonaa Fnwmitinai maav tKMwd ta roar paper, vhaa aha hraaa to an-tb- I la t a4 arrnJ tu kat-fer- hia ao una ana ha w) aas now wt kla aabatrthar.' Kow tha aditav Inoklec fnr anothrv srar. Tha sawtMte he awraa. ftin aorta aa waa aha terawe 4auhtr. rmmonot tha tiaaaia nancoaw to aeboa. and fwnwrMa- - tsa vbatrwettona watch eauawS war troubt. It nm iaa iim hntaawailori' eaaa, or pno I1jQS rafuaari. Ira a kvrtimat inaiUcMM, act a Drvaracw. Coe touia ao aleuhol to awtwiahfi aa arras or ucar So (artwaot as ta atoaaaeh aw4 aa. ran dlsvatloa. For a Book of MB aca ea Wooes: Bar Pieaar aad How to Cur Lbma. tarat aaaM la ptmm aareloMl aaaiaa Ina erala, ia atampa. to Woau a DinraxaAar Mao. - H, AancxiATio. Mo. 'Buffalo. K. V. as Mats Btraat, ! J C Laiatira, or (mtharuc, aocorrtias to aia aaauat, CBcaMat. Pufar-cnahlo takw. Cur ttek M)aV CaaatlaUaak acka, allltaaaawsa, eeata a viaL Hf Srusftoa- mod Kaateat a bit off hia chomp, Uks many of those genta; bot he ain't a "Lad sort if yon take him the right way.' " 1 a tWrlm. A. popular 1?tt3rtr whohaS appeared Morn big andiencea oa- - handrsda of platforms during the past tea or twelve years, says that lecturing it tha hardest way of earning a firing. Tbeleetttreris all tha time exhausted with travel from i!aca to place by railroad or steam boat, or stags coach or other eoareyaaoa. Ha lUMta; ar-an- a. t par wart. BarWs. hrwwias. . perrwtfeed. Barter, Kariaf. (rm.aaara Cora, whupoed ruxa. a f S I . ' fa 1 lb " 1 in W S . U Ea.perdu " Ouuaa. Looeroetead. per lb... ( eutai aaeka 044 1 St 1 Heamleaa aacka Sf U 15 uu TabU aalt, per too ( leaneoaneult p'r t a Hetail prtoea ar about company, WHOLESALE 13 par eo S3 JT) ( lS 6(0 hia bar. . lamNirayfawwasi.rMi ta. ataaaWa, Oaw4hB,lir.l'l Waarh Car abM-i- . aaikm a as . tw4arla aaa4 IVsara iaa aiatn. . Iw au m. liteili a fwm skaas las yw a. f 1 ar, est m aVaaa aw aa t f aaa at a a awaaaMwaM at ana-kmmti gi laaTaVU ysMsf iBwaJsi sasara aa iiaaaaas wait M II a . AM as ). t ) M aba ar tt a. fcra- aaarr an rWatari . t. ASM T. h 111 V IrsraaX nrryiktai-a4drsaai asr rAKIh i LAk tnuMMi vatfuia, auixv. B'ERY AND CHILD IN MAX. WOMAN BJT Twaait. Ul aad faarth au. taa Aarta, Pocatello, Idaho. Ogden,Utah. aokstts for CARL jUPMANN'S k STRATTON Also for VVallis & Co. Mexican ITAH. STORM'S hand-mad- e, Custom house Diseases of tJic Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Dcaaa HatrikatlBaj PIKE'S PEAK ROUTE! Perfrtmerj and Toilet Articles, GB0CEB8, Liquor and Cigar Merchants iv, IMPORTANT TO DRUGGIST. 4 kiesel J. "0" II MM hi JOS. WALLACE Chronic Diseases anil Deformities. STANDARD GUAGE aarwaaa Tlie nd f arffvia and examinlna phroWan nf "Tha Liebia Suraical Ioetitute and World Die- peaeary of Kaneaa 4 ity and haa rraoetaso will rt.it Of den and have office at the 3nioa SALT LAKK CITY, (VfiDFV PACIFIC t)AST, hotel. Pen. 3 ami St, at ( lift aouea, Halt Lake, aad aU aorta- - VuULA, , west polnte. Feb. 27 and is. Till will he a rare ebanee VIA free wl'htlie for the people of Ctah to neeeaaful t'aliforaia apeeialiat. mont uldeat and MAN1T0C. LEADVILLE. AH PES and GLEN- who baa hail nearly flfiy yera.ieeial praetiee, WOOD 8PBIX(.S. barins arailuated in IHX emrmher tlie old 9CENEBT EQUIPMENT duetor will rieit Utah himaelf. Dr. Liehia Caaqoallad. Vaaarpaaaad. t . of Han Franaiara are tha only reliahle peeialUta from tha larwe eitiet who Ttait Ctah qnarterly. who treat all wautina and annoyins ehronie diaeaaea of men, women aad ehlldrea. only braoa aad deformity manufacThroosh Pttllnaa Sleeper and PuUmaa aad tiawho visit Ctah from Saa Franaieen aad Tottriat ear between Deoeer and Saa Fraaelaea. turer Kaaeaa City. Throash the heart of tha Boeby Moaataiat; tb moat amrtfortabla, the aafeat, aad tha roata. sraadaat of all ror rata, pamphleta, Ma., call oa O. kENWOKTHY, renentl awat, or addraea J.deaertpur Saata Pa Boat, Salt Laka City. H. COIXBBAM, aanarai naoatar, Colorado Bprlaaa, Colo. i'HAa. 8. LEE, funeral paaaaaawr aawnt, . , . , Dearer, Colo. DENTEB, COLORADO SPRINGS 4 PrEBLO AJID PrawripUoDa Carefully Compoaadad. J3i Whioirton Araaoa. B. HURLBITT, WBOLSSALS ASD BaTAO. DRUGGIST, Cmer f dtiafa Ire. Stmi uder Uth isd Twenty Brooi Hold. TOILET ARTICLES . PfitM J. --Dkaleb W. MeNUTT Agricnltural - Implements, & CO., Buggies, Road Carts. Blackboards. THE Turbine Wheels, ' OIGAE8. JSntrines Saw Mills. Of dan at tha Air ta a 1 siatlvs. Experiments or the French rail ways FUth BU show that the resiatance of the atmosphere to tha motion of highspeed trains Nf Vrans. OGDJKN amounts often to half the total resistaoca. ! Two engines, of which tha resistanca WX will the abova raward fnr an? rat of Urt was measured separately and found to Oomalalnt, UrajMpala. Sick aaadarha, IndigaMloa. Ooa tlpatioa or OuatiraiMMi wa rannot car wits Weal'i be 19.8 pounds per ton at thirty-seve- n Utw mil. whta tha Slrarttaa arc trictly Vtabl with. miles per hour, were coupled together eoaipltMl ThrarsurelrVtall.aaaaTH tnU to rlr utttfitctloa. SocarCaaasa. Laraahoiaa and aguiu tried. The resistance fell to eoaUtataf . Bawar of eoaatrfalt( 1 4.3 pounds per ton. The second engine and taillatloai.' Tha (vniiln aMaatutund only to was masked by the first It may be areld kr A. H WAtKKB, gued from this that by a suitable adapUrasstat. OcSea, Vtah. of elec a the of front tation locomotive, trical or otherwise, a saving of from 8 toJ THC OGDCN TRUNK FACTORY 10 per cent of the effective power could be made. Electrical Review. $500 Bpx7ard ff aa tha Finfar Sails. Nearly twenty years ago Dr. Wilks directed attention to the curious fact that a transverse furrow always- appears OB tba nails after a serious illness. ' Medical men ignored what they called the visionary opinions of "Mr. Wilks, giving tha matter but little attention ia their medical works. Recently a new interest ia the subject has been revived and pathological tocieties have begun an investigation. One remarkable case shows nail furrows canned by three days seasick-new4 Herald of Health. Wagon Material, Heavy Hardware, Iron and Steel. Baker Barbed Wire, Black- smith Tools, Etc. THE BKUNSAVICK ! Finest Billiard Hall in Utah. tTp Staira Over Maden'a Cut-ra- We bant the larnwt HaU in Ogden and tM the Brtuuwick Table exrln-irab- - ". COME AND SEE US. HOT SPRINGS, Of this city, are equal to the most famous in the world. The curative properties of these waters are most wonderful and bathing in them is most pleasant. No case of rheumatism or blood disease has yet been found which could not be conquered by careful treatment at these springs. Arrangements have been made to have all Raymond and VVhitcomb excursions stop over here for at least one day and all Union Pacific overland tickets are good for a ten days' stop over at the Springs. The I. G. Proudfit & Co., HOTEL DEPARTMENT THE BRUNSWICK. s. If the foot of a fly is put under the Uannraetare tha Beat Tronic. glass of a good microscope it maybe promptly attndod to. Old Tronkn Rpairi!t Takra ia seen how simple is the contrivance that Eiehanaa. Orders called for and Delivered to all of tha part city. seeing able to defy the laws of gravitaKLINE A OPPMAX. tion. The foot is made np of two pads, Jso. HQ Twenty-fift- h 9t. . covered with fine short hairs, with a fSevV 4 miff Hftt tWanw) haw h pair of curved hooks above them. Bewar for wa, Amaa raf. Aaafm, hind each pad is a tiny bag filled with Teta. and Jtifk Hona, To4e4, Otaiw, a cut. CHhr ar ckrtir aa tilt clear, liquid gum, the hairi also being m ymr em ram a it h. T"H in rtw ta wnn anl in hollow and filled with the same (tick; t horns, b'TerrT a,(HI lTe raa he anm art rMlv eammar nam 9i to :..,:. . ,. .... fluid., 19 a daw. A atwa. We afeiw van hot f 11 and Start bkma. t art rarh taafaslnM or all th Han. Hif skoor fur nrfc-rFailar anknowa amrtac that. SK W 9nA wfN4arfVit. Parttrnlara lae rtMrtlavaiat, M mirn B.HllakCe, ,Bilw The accumulation of electricity gen- I erated by the friction of belts in an room is often a matter of conidei able annoyance. A little steam escaping cinder the belts is auggested as a remedy. f THE CHICAGO Milwaukee Cnal m k aAnowVdfwf & St Paul RAILWAY awr-- w gardless of consequences. "0 b- Wf Is the only line ninnlns ftilid Teetlbuleil. Steam-heate- tl and Electric-lishte- d Train l)ib-betwee' Chieaao and Omaha. of Atimntneent Sleepins Caroinip.wJ and- ' T- -e - Fla'rst DiaiBjf Csrs la EVERY! HING FIRST-CLAS- tfce H lOMaH, a a. 0, :wtu. USa ' 1CI " ' S. Main Street, Co. Wedding Goods, S. INVITATIONS, T. F. POWELL, 00R "OGDEN ers OFFICE.-Ord- . J. KIESEL & CO. Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY CRACKERS. 25th St. Factory in Rear of Central Hotel ...... P.O.Box 268. v" ; ,t THE OGDEN W. F. PRICE, EICHEI'S CRACKER Manar, . . CO., Ogden, Utah. UNDERTAKING PARLORS. Funeral Directors and Embalmers. Wa carry tha lanrmt, most CASKETS and complete and elegant stoek of FUNERAL. FURNISHINGS Wert offChieago. Serrioea condaeted at our Parlor when desirad. Embalming ol bodiea for ahipnent a specialty. EICHErS TJNDEBTAKINQ PABLOES. THE FINEST HEARSE IN UTAH. 2263 Washington Avenue. Telephone 207. COREY BRO'S & COMPT, 2132 Washington Ayenue. LIVERY & FEED STABLES Rutiiii. nnrvl'AUwl tha anftrw T.ifnr" anil IV.n.fa. Iw.Ihu. Martin nro a, wa are prepared to receire order, for SlX(iLE AND DOUBLE DRIVING BIOS, CARRIAGES . FOB OPEBA AXD WEDDIN3 PARTIKS, MOMXO OF n.r.GA(iE OR FURXITORE, LADIES' CAPRI AHEI WITH CAREFUL DRIVERS. QvT Risirding . CALUNG oml Feeding Department will be fonnd Satisfactory in erery respect COR KY BRO'S & COMPANY t2 Washington Arenna - World. farther iafonnatioa aa lo Rate of Fare, fcaatiaiiaawiorWhitaa. .Anywill be cheerfully famished by I Diaacrib It and ienl etc, . ALEX MITCHBLL. It aalh la fw9oaaaMQdia v v art all anffaiaia. Is in competent hands, serv ice may and first-clas- s be had at the Springs Hotel. Come out and the baths. The Motry tor makes through trips from the Broom Hotel corner as per time table in this paper. Fare 30 cents for the round trip from the city limits. The Hot. Springs TO (INCORPORATED.) ; gajaadtayaarjh lN I The anlr aata maetl for HaHsaTI. anteed. ' bf at all Promptlf Atteadad to. KaeUtaaaa TO BE ADDRESSED respectfully solicited and satisfaction guar- Great Sanitarium, FLVirERnmdTlMlfliRTlCliS. laroaTBO ako OoaasTto ALL CORRESPONDENCE THE OGDEN CRACKER CO. OGDEN'S Waaoris, 111 stock; bulk and bottled. F. in rocnairaa. Druggists export, select bohemian aad hofbrau, corstantlt . tbabestinTarritor-OUU- i OB PABST BREWING CO'S MILWAUKEE BEER. GEO. A. LOWE, Ogden Candy Kitchen la the Market. Pnonnoxi iriTrn nAlLQ Xrr It and aatiafr WHQT.KWAT.ir. PKAT.TCR8 eult - TnrssT Stora or ' Iu applying stimulants to the head a fair amount should first be need, and then the quantity increased gradually, bnt never carried to such an extent that they are need indiscriminately antl re- k (II) KH tu 13 14 Of . " Loceroe Co. Fred. . MSW " " Top Rl WU4 la I 19 1 Shurt Timothy, atrlit par Timothy, ai'sd' On i.fliiM f.t. t'i I1B 1 Ml " Rich pataat Straight vraOa " ' Othar aradas " ( on ateai RulladOata. par bM.. iiraa a4 Bat. Furniture IS t " " " atHHd Boyle DRUGGISTS. 'Www cannot get solid sleep any flma. Ha rinds himself is - unconfortable quarters: in all sorts of hotels. He cannot get to bed till, nearly midnight after any lecture. He is bothered with committees and agents. He often inds that both tha audience" and the recetpta are light ' Tha Iftctnrer here quoted says that ha is won oat down to the bones after a few weeks of lecturing, and that be sever had aa exhausting work when ha was a deck hand aboard Vhip as he has had daring the years 'in which ha has bees on tha lectors platform. HI nervous system has been shattered by it New York Bbb. Just Received. . SUBKETEErVBT. raoooca. of Ana. laad axd Tia. --4 hm-aaii!il. Uk atoa4 ; t4. U.ti. Kti huaita. Butter, beat, par Butter, Utah. tha votae: en-jci- Carriaees First Shipment of the Season UJ Vliolaaala Prioaa. runwrtad Sail 7 kf (iibaaa A Baaarthaaita. wfcolraala amauM dMilera. tlO M mUaiU (Hrdaa t Mr. Uth, daaia aVUiaa. nayiaar. Wheat, an So. 1 U1- SS aa.Barh Oata. aarkod. arr rwt- I tu kartry. bmnai, Xo. t nt Artars Wfca Fatal. Speaking of peotikt who paint, Edward W. Keuihlf, the artiat, said: 'I know many artora who are artista with the brush and pencil, and very fair artista at that Joaeph Jefferson goes in for water colon. Dixpy draws queer caricature, and I saw one of hia eccentric drawings on a Parker house (Boston) bill of far only the other day. Louia Harrison, tha comedian, ia a rapid draughtsman. Tin Murphy need to be a house painter la Washington, so he comes rightly by his tasta for pen and QendL Hia dressing room w be rarer ha may be ia corered with daubs roughly bnt effectively done in greane,-pain- t and crayon. Lotta, Minnie Maddern, Madeline Lncette and Alios Ktug Hamilton draw very neatly. . H. Bothers has made sketches which Dan Frohman considers worthy of hanging .framed in the lobby of 'toe Lyososa theatre. George Faweeta Row used ta a ia for oils. Alexaader SaMai, son of his father, hat pres staJ a ireey neat water color to Harts BurrtVogha. New " ' Tork BeraW awl) ; (.IF.S ra Il t Oar j Bab lujut,: V. S. I a .. 1:3 I". - 4 tcumnm. Ul C. 8. t rear 4 iJC wat aee t&augU, i ar. (Hi-- , Booda. bfM rtUiKM tuwrknJ star aaar. 3t-- K-'i- . al migwsil aifa aaa Jm nJi Inu LUi aag. . tJ.u--J snia T - as mmm to uftov omMriwI a fe. M anminaTirali rkaed twu (hi. fTiaaa ii , ttrn-jivuttaaa. .) rti I a U mj, aj Sr.. auier Saw I UMt aurvl I. Tos Mcewv. Kaa-- eao: unai ftweiUVf iai uui aae4. a4 0b H AND COJINEECE FINANCE EGYPT. TAWNY HEAD FROM A V. IS9I. FE15RCAB i ? Trarelins Aiwnt. " Salt Lake City Programmes & Visiting J UNCTION CITY, MACHINE WORKS, Practical Founder y 1 wanty-talr- 4 and Machinist. bat Wall aad Lincoln. Y-tfinllava. -9dbm T t i Bollen, Heaters and Hachta.rr at eontrao and do my wort ata rlnsT AMAKflt alrMJad1 taa M.itklna mifb a alal aaaaisai v a tanirl f--iag W m akaa MWaMV miakfy ravaaafraj mirwMW Tkaalar in Mtamn Xiurtnaa r . f.v auu arvot a ng: nas isiuiui a tha beat aiaaoar. Aaaara |