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Show iMiDEN DA1LV COMMERCIAL: FKIDA V. A FAK5IK12? KAILIIUAD. -- if I y.H js--tit aJjjui-i- . iC G4 ii. d 4Tt a t. pilck. a t- -f '3 it," ttiac fa inawtt LtAfk op ul B ab3 i a grw.i bf l? of LLiinrR. wiia a tur?t tj- -i (.? l.?ut Larvly TtaLl at tia U.. Veil, cai't jtm kt 1 ui Uu--- i Uwt tint wu Ce. 'liarttrt a laalera Hm TWf TW la ea A CMii, tin.' By tin tiiur, yoa taay Timmk limtm I aMmtiM fr""a taurine, I vm jjutem.u-- 1 ia tim woman. Wa, U.w I Ltd Lrf KpuiJc. aal o I treat 4twa (ait f tW rUntol Ciii at. It 1 ot!eaj.-- ram aol brought ber ep a ca!2. hae tLa&krJ m fur it, UmJc a U brr kad. awiol k cmtiie ia ill vmiam. X- - J.. Jaa. a A grrt deaj itlctmda4 aort of way. and aluwJy di-- a th th ahoct rmio4 vnttrv W dxrkcea OTrfUnad. Well, are building, anj rp-r- r 1 1 fans of New of aa boor ii ofiew4 ia rwjujnsa to kjr. th jlliwi5 aad tri- radiant dowa eaaa ate maci-ftt- i Uw comJ intm thai baa U I kaow wumaa that oitbAat. tlM) only ia tha prejort. of tba tb to vaUed erer tup who of r tb farmer ia Fur twenty-fia tat t with crai.be oa ooly Btooauu-ihi iuuonhata Deigfcborhood. mad for her way." to eaudl Lw liht of who ova those all matter that Waltz a Wnxiii. the lmi for twwty tulle w ao to th a aoula aad wet of tin Tillage, Lave HISTORY HIDDEN AWAY. frota ytarto jeaxin the Lij t the of jrn-otUr Vm tkal ciUter one ur tha Om Vf h Ha4 A liMMul trc&k liaw of railway traTcrsiuif tb with ( Um d'EUU f a. La.U a branch railway fctaU wotil-i railway ias- Urucfli km. Tl New YotK, Jan. 8. Tbtre it many a eDeunra?"! tinted bit of hittory LiJda away ia ut haia train time to time t or Km thii b' by prutawi rumen of tlii metropolis where one it thtra iJte. aul temvly a f .nt auy- would leat expect to find it Who would think of goin? into a second claa whtf about t brutish ahicb Uia Fivndi restaurant fjr a cop of cof and a roll, and coniiin; out with a better idea of the revolution of 153 than he ever got from books, with a romantic rvmiciacence of the eonp d'etat at ptisans thrown ia by way of dessert? Vet that wai my good fortune the otheT HEW JERSEY BU!L3 A WAV TO MARKET. Cf AGTSUtTUR-ST- S JASIURY 30. ltvi. t-- Jt-r- alit fa i) tbn-q3r- Carriages First Shipment of the Season Just Received. j ia ! tt j-- itr-srl-y it tS nurwt a ram or a ID T wwfaot. a swart ur a peart cuquttMh. asd dumui it at u:j t Ufrrj 1UTS M Al !aiT. face (Mr. I k mk4 Stmt m a Oowr vac herand cf blJ (Um it tttr nioiawr rkjrj lik a nu," Vilijr. mf pur11'. I kn" but lunt 1 chutM lur 07 wtia, wirar asan. marry ft trtrl Tht't rirhC br all uxmoa, li abr'l ha T'hi. tuu bouume auuto ana her txmu.d faiie nlut wrtmaatirt Uutt tint doe to function 1 untmut, imf. ul diaurdrr or iwmiiar to ulanuia. paiuf rre t In ttw eur ot wtiK-t- t ttr. brr Wbic WUrta Um ttrn-g4o- tkn ' gn-a- - day. As I entered the restaurant its one waiter ruao reluctantly from the book be wu reading and awaited my order. Ulanring at the volume which still lay on the table I saw that it was a novel by Zola, of which the strategic maneuver at Plamau U the mainspring. "Ah," I said, "and so you are a lover of ZolaT "No," said the waiter scornfully, "I am not a lover of Zola; I am a lover of Alpltonae Dandet" But you were just reading Zola." 'True; but because I read one of his books is no sign that I love them alL ataP or tui ko&d. This book contains something that inter neera of one road or another have not ests rae, that u all but wait till I get drirenpeRS indicating either a vtvlimi-r.aryour coffee." The waiter brought my coffee and sat turvey or a final location. Iu thin war the word of promise has Intra con- - down at the opposite tide of the table. 'You have read the book?" be tinoally made to the ear to le broken to Finally there appeared on the scene a Yonnsr man. the son or a tanner in the neighborhood, whe auuwsted plan by wUch theae farmert oonld build a railway for themeelrea. He had had noma eiperienoe in the wettt, where he had practiced aomewliat t a mrvevor nut and enirineer, and he wai tnert-rorened to with reepect.if with nothing more. He told them that they at pmeut hnd no need of a very eipenxire railroad, but merely required one with capacity nm cioot to safely do (he buninew which the read would hare at the beginning. He saw that the fanners could themselv one build such aroid. and he nnjfpr-- Ul which should start at Morrintown, on the Morris and Emwx division of th Delaware. Larkawanua and Western railroad, and go southwest through Mor ris, Sonierfct and Hunterdeu counties, paeeiuir through the towns of Brookxide, Mendham, Peapack, PottersviHe and New Oermnntown to WWte Houne, on the New Jersey Central railroad." Such a road, he explained, would traverse beautiful, healthful and fertile 'section peculiarly adapted to the jrrowth of small fruits and hardy vegetable, making each hilltop a dean-ablvilla site for city people who wauled summer homes. The farmers believed in all young Mr. Melick told the in, except as to their ability to build the rond, and the only encouragement he got mm the meetin, was that after he hud 'couanlted the farmers in the other neighborhoods they would BP bitu again. Mr. Melick went to work with great energy, and did scarcely anything else for nix months but agitata thiH question along and at either end of the line. But lie could not bring the different neighborhoods together so that there was any concert miles of road of action. Twenty-fiv- e eemed too much for them. When Mr. Melick reluctantly abandoned the idea miles of building the whole twenty-fiv- e at once, he hit upon ilie plan of building it in short sections. This was a happy idea, and he put it ia immediate actiou. He formed a company called the Rockaway Valley railroad, and solicited subscriptions from the farmers from White House to New Germantown, a distance of five mile, and explained that each subscriber would get the full amount of his subncriptlon in stock and an equal amount in first mortgso bonds 'and that each subscriber should also have the privilege of paying his subscription with work or in railway ties or other material Of course some of the subscribers preferred to pay in money, and there were enough of these to enable him to put up with the secretary of state the amount necessary to aeenre the charter which the general railway act requires. This having been done, work was begun, and in very many instances the grading of the road was douo by each farmer through his own farm. This went on gayly for a season, and the railway for the first section of five miles waa built at such times as farm work was not pressing. Money that is cash had only to be spent for the railway iron and bridge timber, and enough of this was easily borrowed from the local banks and elsewhere. This section having been built another was planned, five miles in length, to PottersviHe, in Somerset county, and panning the sama plan as to means and work tills section was completed before the next season was over. Then a third section of three miles was begmi, and this reached to Peapack, still in Soiner- net county, but very near the Morris county line. This was finished last winter, and for a time it looked as if this would be the eastern end of the fanners' railroad. Over the Morris county line the frv e es Yea." I arunut ovrwrkxL dreaamakera. . num aaarant4. f rWurxW. it la -," uro out," , ulUioert, niimmi-- . mtlalmu or give Kor "rua-aVtwn- taL-arta- -a- hofi-rirtt," numtiir iwxbera. mai Uxbia women (rKTlly, I'r. Pkrw't r'tvoriw Mi Uie rrrateat earthly booo. Frvccnptiua oordial briua uueualed at an aad raaurauva twuc, ur uvna'ta-clver- . bourkc-(rt- i?BH7.iii?BiiyMi:wjf0 (ID"'!:::? Co. KIESEL WHOLESALE Company GROCERS, aif-riM- Coprrlfbt. UBS, bf Dr. WOBLO't DU. Mas, Liquor and Cigar Merclianls AST. Pierce's Pellets Wedding Goods, regulate and eteaase the liver, atotaacfa and buwM. Tkejr arc purely rerotable and Oa a iTttt. Suhl pertwttr hanaleaa.eenta a vial. br druaTkaa. Si DRUGGISTS. & Programmes BT7 Twtaly. Ml aaVamrt SM. aiatrfv,tlaa-- tavaJkaetk, Ogden, Utah. INVITATIONS, Pocatello; Idaho. Visiting J AS. WALLACE AOFST8 FOR CARL UPMANN'S DRUGGIST. Commercial Publishing Co., frti 2404 SPECIALTIES : C -I- ; Fine French Candle. Home Made Tattie. Fore' Ice I ream. PrcaeritioDt Carof ullj Compounded. 2349 Vakhiwrtoo ATenne. BlTi.II. Ave, and Corner Washington Strttt, under Broom lee Cream for par-at one day't notice. Lot It It. St'HWOERES, tkr. lth and Wab-itirtun Ave. tlea tupplied DRUGGIST, u Twenty-fid- X1 M tit) 1 c . S- - ' ALL CORRESPONDENCE the Market. The only Turkish Bath house in Utah is now opened at 364 24th St., McNUTT & CO., basement of Woodman-se- e block. r - Druggists All who know of the Sanitary and Curatire properties of thia kind of bath can find ererythinc in first clas ttj le.at the above FKE PERFUMER snd TOILET ARTICLES. ano Dohkstio D. L. GOODIIAKT, J. KIESEL & CO. F. OGDEN STEAM -- $500 Reward P. IIENDERSIIOT. Manager. Prop AUNDRY CO. . O. A. PA11MELEY, " Sec. and Treas. SINCE PURCHASING THE ! Vegetablt Lirer Pills, when the dlreetions are rtriotly ecvplied with. Thrr art pnnly Veertabw, and t tail to ni aatiofaction. Sugar Coated. Larrtkoxei. eonUtninr at rill, it etnt!. Btwara of eonaterMtt and Imitetiuns. The prnuine maaiifactnred only ay TK iOUM C. WEST CoarAK V, CUiCAUO, ILL. , T (IXCORPOBA.TED.) St, Near Young, OGDEN WR will mit the abort reward far any cam of hirer Omoplaiat, Dynpepota, Bkk Headache, IndlgMtion. or Oottlvaness wt cannot cm re with West't a traitor.' ; O. Ordert by Mail Promptljr Attended to. TO BE ADDRESSED TO OCR "OGDEN OFTiCE." Orders respectfully solicited and satisfaction guar- - naniodTplace. OIGrAES: Fifth, OF1 STOCK, BULK AND BOTTLED. PrononncedthehettinTerritoa Snni WiTTR II a 1 La Xrr it and OUlA tatitfy rourtelTe. Iaroa-ra- - EXPORT, SELECT BOHEMIAN AND HOFBRAU, CONSTANTLY IU h TOILET ARTICLES J. W. - The Pabst Breing Company's Milwaukee Beer HoteL FntatT Stock or la a A-R S. yHQ:,K3AT,W BrAT.TTRai F. B. HURLBUT, AMD hand-made- ,. Custom house CIGARS AND TOBACCO. WaOLBSALB STRATTON & STORM'S Also for Wallis & Co. Mexican Ave. Perfumery and Toilet Articles, "And remember the account of the coup d'etat at Pluwana?" "Surely." "Very well," said the waiter, becoming very impreaaive, "my grandfather was the chief actor in that drama. But-fo- r him there would have been no Second Empire!" I expressed proper astonish ment, and begged the waiter to explain. "But, dear me," he said, shaking his head, "my grandfather had no idea of what be was doing for Napoleon. He was good Republican as any of them." "Then how did he perform such signal servic for Aapoleon?" I inquired. "Ah, that ia it; because he was an aas," replied the waiter, who evidently would have been something of a Repub lican himself if he had lived in thoe times. "My grandfather was an igno rant, foolish old man and a fanatic. He was an under gardener in the service of M. Potwart, who had ulways been stanch Republican, but was now acting secretly against both the Republicans and the Legitimists. My grandfather did not know this, so he made a very convenient tool. "The grounds of M. Possart's house at the rear were separated from those of M. Pegneur by shrubbery and a low paling fence. M. Pegneur waa a leading Hpirit among the Republican, and kuew all about their strength and their pluns. M. Pegneur employed as governess for his children a pretty little Pariiuenne with whom M. Possart, being young and handsome, had flirted deaperately over the boundary fence. Her name was Nanette. One day Nanette came to the fence and spoke to my grandfather, who was at work in his master's garden. 'So, so,' he said, going up to the fence, 'you and my young master have quarreled. You no ionger meet as you used to.' " 'No,' said Nanette, 'we have not quarreled. Listen. We are going to marry! But we can't meet here any more. Your master ia suspected of being nami, -- y the hot. Fred .J. ttf-- butf U-- ta-j- furniture Boyle aVaac, Clear fatpwrfe Tabacca tmr 5 eeata id eitractn, palnb Absolutely par tnil Tree from all or lUTortnf , and art at diaped. It a beautiful and pa fcet clear, not a eintm or chercnt. Equal U aa DtBt djar In tlw I'aited State, that U told regular. Ogden City Steam Laundry ehp U GEO. A. LOWE, We hare added many Improvement! to our Fine Equipment, employed Experienced and Competent help, and art now prepared to give our patrons t F. 1. KIESEL CO, Solt ignis, Ogin, " 'NeverP swiid my grandfather; 'it is ! , 814 hy A. H. WALKER. fiibe. ' He is no traitor.' Urautat. Ocdea. t'tak. " 'It U true he is snsjiected, and we said can But watched. are help us,' yon Nanette plaintively. 'Do you have a THE OGDEN TRUNK FACTORY good appetite? -D- EALER I- X"'Very,' said my grandfather, which was true, for I have heard my mother say he was an old glutton. Agricultural - Implements, " 'And are you fond of sugar cakes? " 'Extremely,' said my grandfather, licking his lips, Buggies, " 'Well, then, listen,' said Nanette. JBuckboards, 'Quite often, maybe every other day, I will bring you some sugar cakes and hand them over the fence; but yon must eat them at once, for we shall be watched. But do not eat the little piece of paper in Mills. JKngines the center of one of the cakes. Conceal it in your hand, and after a while take it to M. Possart.' "The very next day Nanette brought Wajron Material, Heavy Hardsome sugar cakes to the fence, and called out to my grandfather: 'Old man, old ataaufaetnrM tht Beat Trunk. ware, Iron and Steel. mnn, are you hungry? Here are some promptly attended to. Old Trnnlct Repairinx Taken in Ordera called for and Delirered to Baker nice sugar cakes for you.' My grandfaBarbed Wire, Blackther went up to the fenoa at once, took all part of to city. IUSE A OPPM AN, center he cakes and ate them. In the No. 270 Twenty-fift- h St. smith Tools, Etc. t of one wasalittlebitof paperwhich" "Your grandfather could not read," I UTAH. OGtJKN StantolnaalieikMajaiH.at interrupted. AkMia, tKM.tr Am, rft. Tim, a4 Jh. Hon, Ittfi. 01. "No more than a cow, of course not. riK. utamafeeugif wwvii. way THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN He took the piece of paper to M. Possart, nlinmHH.Nt TFaaeikw4aa4Hn who seemed very glad to get it. Nearly rukww.wiMn.wrwm tme every day f6r a month my old fool of a IhatlM ""ilTjfta Atitaeif.Aitap iawHK grandfather took those pieces of paper to . awwwyia.cwsriiltMfrtiM M. Possart.'' wmiiwuiw. M Mwetr u.r uken ieaf laeja. "And then what happened?" "Then there was the coup d'etat." M.H!IU CulSeaaapSrUiuiw,lfiOa to do all kind of ', It " "M. Possart never was tn love with Nanette? " Wc is "No, certainly not. She was a spy, toa rtaaU' tat ia just as he was." , 3eatarriawiav( . "And the little nieces of paper" SL ; tr '"Contained exact informatio'' at nit 7 aVetHaeaaerWtittK . the plans of the Republic"! An," . m It AND Htm h aattiartentt said the waiter, with a patheW dirug of o aa mttm, ttlwi6intC. :, a. i. trivEjt. m. 0. Furniture Moving n his shoulders, "but for my stutuv old I X Gncmttti.t Specialty. irrandfither there wc la have been no Wagons, Road Carts. Turbine Wheels, Saw As Good Service as Can be Had in. Mali. . We intend to Lead Competitore in Quality of Work, and leate the Quantity to an Appreciative Fublic. Give at a trial. U OGDEN STEAM LAUNDEY CO. Tel. 173 S5tU St. Iienr of IJeed Hotel. COREY BRO'S & COMFY, 2432 Washington Avenne. LIVERY & FEED STABLES ' w wi Transfer Co., ! eelr-wV'- BAGGAGE '4-- K4 1 j Wjtftkf V;v rCae,w--- - 3 Xo : 2Sth St. Tolei"" heretofora ;.rriwl Mar&TCw?. fiiXGLE AX I) o. by Mettra. DOUBLE DKIVUfQ PARTIES, ' BIGS. CARRIAGES FOR OPEEA AXD WEDDING MOVIXG OF BAGGAGE OK FCRXITURE, LADIES' CALLIXG CARRIAGES WITH CAREFUL DRIVERS. Our Boardinf and Feeding Department will be found Satisfactory in ewy respect COEEY' BEO'S & COMPANY ;; J - 38 WahintoB Atenoa UNCTION CITY .MACHINE WORKS, - S Scalar la V ...W. K. H01AJ9T), Proprietor, " Founder and Machinist. ?HWii bat. Wall and Lincoln. 3 Bteam iBftaaaBoUan, Paatpt, He, i Md eantrae aad da fe, wrk a tat bawt Bonan, Haatm aad Hacalnerr aiaam. Oanera p aatalaa vara aad rttlrtOf araiapUy atlaaaad to at iHaa, 4 t j |