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Show CGDEK DAILY COMMERCIAL: THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1531. Dobson & Co. Atterkry, OUR u PHIOES sued, however At right lLy Wb U offer jou grater icadac-Hteth&a evw ted to q;Jo!e goods M fallows: 5 XECKm WEAR At t!. k at SOG TWEXTT-FIFT- Undenvear per Suit, H Loodoo Extra Utmry AH Wool lbT Ba-brlg- Bibbed Unshrinkable... Bilbr'n 10 thread Thread Mvttled Wool nr-lin- l Kilk-tnui- h To Fotr-- f !y lines ColiuViid CVillar oh- - frow 2tv. Mth 2.Lineto l.Cuff Kibll Wool.. fS (It dtt Wool 5.00 UmU' Australian 4U iM 3.00 COO 4..'j0 ."Lj) jjtreet. Collars & Cuffs, STRTCKT., 20 percent off. Fine Woretod tAt, 33' Collar Eedaoed a C fr tUtX Induced from 3. Induced from to 'Sir. tutch. tVllalud Cuffs Reduced tram 50& to ac-- ea h. 4.80 Cash Hatters & Furnishers. These goods are A i, and rare bargains-- Silk Handkerchiefs at 33 h' per cent. off. Linen Handkerchiefs at 20 per cent. off. HALF HOSE. GLOVES. 3.00 L50 (SpecUlt Double 111 read Merino Silk BlTc and assorted colors, .fill Silk Blk and assorted colors. . 1.T5 Siik bl'k and assorted colors.. LOO LT5 LOO Street Gloves L15 0 JM The above goods are extra Eor the next two weeks we offer our Entire Stock at a Straight Cut of 20 per cent, from regular selling prices, and in some instances a Cut of 33 per cent. This is a bona fide Cut Sale. "Wo quote prices in the adjoining columns and attach hereto the Sworn Statement of E. T. Dobson, our General value and we will only allow 4 pairs to one purchaser. Extra Otters. Assorted Color Natural 73 Wool .40 1-- 3 Silk-splice- d 1.00 .CO Extra Heavv Wool Half Hose M Extra Fine Wool Half Hoee. . .V) .40 .40 (Special)......, Fine Wool Half Hose Fine Cotton Hone ( Jood Cotton Half Hoee 2 prs. . Good Cotton I lalf 1 lose 3 prs . . .2-- '. .JO .25 :S .23 These are bargains, come and see them. WHITE SHIRTS. Laundried Dress Shirt Drees fl.Tj Shirts..... Laundried Shirts Laundried Shirt Extra Quality , Unlaundried Manager. Traveling Bags and Valises 25 per cent. off. Attcrbury, Dobson Driving Giovri Buck Glove hnd Buclc Glove unlined TERRITORY OF UTAH, County of Weber. does depose and say, that he I J Silk Plain Fine fiood Embroidered Silk Suspenders Quality ss . Still Brakemau Killed. There is a rumor and it is well founded that the headquarters of the Utah division of the Union Pacific are to be moved to Ogden from Salt Lake. "This is but the initial step," said a railroad man yesterday, "toward the transfer of the entire force of officers to this city. The road can be better handled from this point, and the officials are beginning to realize it" d Mr. C. E. Wurtele, the superintendent of the Union Pacific Wyoming division, arrived yesterday from the east in his special car "021." He was accompanied by his predecessor, Fred Mertsheimer, who now holds the position of master mechanic on the system. Mr. Wurtele, when questioned by a Commercial representative declined to give even a mere outline of his intended policy. "As far as I know" he said, "all the old men will be retained. There are no changes contemplated." "Is there any truth in the report that the headquarters of the division are to be removed to this city?" askjod the reporter. "It may be," was the response, "although I have heard nothing concerning it except what I have read in the newspapers. I shall return in a week and may be able then to give you something more definite. At present I don't care ' to say anything." Mr. Mertsheimer was also charmingly "I can tell you nothing now," he said. The party leaves this morning for Cheyenne. newly-appointe- . , W EDDING BELLS. Two of Ojrden's Young: People Mar- ried Last Night. Last evening, at the residence of Mr. Wm. Brown, Mr. Fred F. Bond and Miss Mary Rose Brown were united in Hymeneal bonds. The groom is the well known and esteemed young business man of this city, heretofore connected with the grocery house of H. M. Bond & Co., and also of the firm of Bond & Revor, managers of the Union opera house. lie is energetic, attentive to business, a good citizen, and The bride is the personally estimable. daughter of Officer Brown, and is one of Ogden's handsome, bright-- accomplished and popular young women. The Commercial joins the many friends of the happy twain in warm congratulations. VERY SLY ABOUT IT. The Officers Were Fearful For Dillon's Neck. Most of the city police and two deputy United States marshals were on hand on Tuesday afternoon when the examination of M. W. Dillon, the assassin, was over and the promptly gathered near the cell door where Dillon was locked up, as if fearing there might be an attempt to run him out by a rope. The crowd which was grim and silent, was promptly hustled out of the jail building and encouraged to move on. Dillon was promptly disguised beyond easy recognition, and while a number of officers gathered in front of the building as if to guard it, he was quietly hustled out the back way aud hurried off to the 6 o'clock, Union Pacific tram, for the penitentary at Salt Lake City. Deputy Marshals Corey and Gill accompanied him as guards. During the evening the jail was in frequent telephonic communication with persons wanting to know where Dillon was. The officers say that cloth for masks for a lynching party was bought. There was certainly a good deal of hot feeling against Dillon and all precautions taken to get him out of the city were well warranted by the danger there was of a lynching performance. d His crime was condemned yesterday without any sentiments of charity or justification. Edwards & Townshend. Accountants, auditors, purchasing and general agents. Merchants; and storekeepers books kept at reasonable monthly andcomplieated charges. accounts adjusted. Records searched. Collections made, etc. 2206 Washington ave. P. O. box 204. h SILVERWARE, " 4.00 3.00 L75 4.00 2.10 1.00 1.75 1.25 M .25 L75 L25 .to 3D .15 & Co., A GOOD HAUL. Patrolman Wm. Turner Caught Three Crooks Last Night. Some time after 11 o'clock last night Merchant Patrolman Wm. Turner wag making a regular trip through the. alley back of Browning Bros.' store. He noticed a black object by the Erow-ninworkshop which suddenly disappeared. Turner then swung around and back and ran upon a sleek looking young fel low who explained that he was just going through the alley. He was allowed to go for the time. lurner then went and suddenly lifted up the folding doors that close the stairway into the cellar of Browning's workshop and there were two fellows. one with a candle and gun and the other just behind the first Turner ordered the man with the gun to drop it or he would kill him and the order was promptly complied with. The rear chaD started to sneak eff but was tabbed. They were handcuffed together and taken to the city jail. Turner then went after the sleek young fellow found in the alley and Boon met him on Twenty-fiftstreet and marched him over to the jail, too. He had several ar ticles of jewelry and gave the name of Jbd. Baker. The other two called them selves Hank Kesler and Thomas Mo- Gallon. , Their game was to enter Browning's store by the cellar, but they found the workshop cellar was separate and they got loft They bro.ke the doors open to get in. The feilovv outside was watching. After they were locked up the two caught in the cellar were heard to give Baker a good cussin'. He had a gun on him when caught A gun was found in the collar that had been dropped by the one standing behind the chap with the bundle. It was an elegant haul by officer Turner. h Caledonian Society. A mooting of the Caledonian society will be held in the A. O. U. W. hall on Friday, the 23rd inst, as 8 p. m. A full attendance is requested. DIAMONDS. WATCHES, Umbrellas Silver-mounte- d Grold Solid and Line Complete 0 MX) 306 25TH STREET. JEWELRY, Offices Well Known .....K-V- ) Attcrbury. Dobson SPECTACLES, .1 6.40 Mackintoshes at actual cost. x. SPECTACLES, in Doubt VellfJsTev., yesterday morning. Ho was standing on the roof of an eaatern bound freight when the sudden application of the air brakes by the engineer threw him to the ground. The fireman witnessed the fall and the train was stopped, but life was extinct when the crew reached him. The body was taken back to Wells, and it will bo shipped back to his home in Illinois. Garten has been in the employ of the Southern Pacific about a year, and was very popular with his mates Ed Botsford went to Pocatello last night in response to a telegram from George Cliff, chief dispatcher on the Utah & Northern, to take second trick. "Bots" is in good seape to have his name again on the Union Pacific pay roll. It seems to be a settled thing that Superintendent Ryder, of the Utah & Northern, will not be in it aftor the first of the month. LJ0 SUSPENDERS. Tom Garten, a well known brakemaa of the Southern Pacific, was killed near The Wyominsr Division 1.75 Silk Hat, Extra Quhlity....fs.O0 C.00 Silk Hat 5.00 Derby Hat. Best 4.00 Derby Hats IVrbv Hats, Good Value 2.50 Soft Hats, except Stetsons... 5.00 Soft Hat. 3.00 Soft Hats, lk Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore existing Trouble in Iowa. between Trotter & Kissel, tailors, No. Twenty-fourtstreet, is this day Des Moines, Jan. 21. The railroad dissolved oy mutual consent, C. D. Trot- commissioners were asked to compel the ter retiring. The business will bo con- Milwaukee & St raultoopon the station tinued by Henry Kissel. C. D. Trotter. at Briggs, which was closed recently. The company complains that the citiHenry Kissel. zens refused food and shelter to the man Ogden, Utah, January 19, 189L MOVED TO OGDEN. 1.40 25 LW HATSIIiATS! sent there and ordered him to leave. TWO ARRESTS. now refuses to send Tho4company rrrjflrwf-ttia- n. - The commissioners will Marshal McLellan Maile Another investigate the matter at once. Visit to Cache Valley. On the 20th Marshal McLellan ar The Hot Springs Company will run rested at Clarkston, near the Idaho line, early and late, trains, commencing this day. xne nrst tram in tne morning win one Henry Yatos, charged with "U. C.w run to connect with the early city train unlawful cohabitation or polygamy. He and the last train will leave the springs is alleged to have a wife and a plural at 10 o'clock p. m. feminine appendage also erroneously called a wife by fellows who do not re IT MUST BE ST0FPED. cognize the Edmunds law or the Woodruff manifesto. It is Time for Several Measures to be He was arraigned before C. C Good win of Logan, waived examination, and Instituted. gave a bond of 61,090 to appear. Mr. McLellan also arrested John Ogden has one of the best opera houses in the west. Ogden also has its hoodlum Mont robe at Logan, charged with an with a deadly weapon. He was element The two institutions ought to assault admitted to bail in the sum of $1,000 by be kept apart, or made to harmonize Judge R. W. Cross. with the eternal fitness of things. Montrobe stood off two deputy United These remarks are suggested by a com- States marshals one time and when Mo Lellan went after him later with a Win plaint made to this office. At the last chester he swam a river with the mer entertainment two bonnet were spoiled cury below the freezing point hnd only by some miserable wretches in the gullery yielded to a "drop" that McLellan pot spitting tobacco juice on two ladies sit- on htm. This was some timf ago. He ting in the parquette. Such outrages is a plucky old fellow. cannot be permitted. The shrill whistling indulged in is a nuisance that should A Shooting Affray. also be abated. How can these these things be pre Garfield, Ark, Jan. 21. Near Rogers, vented? Easily enough. A special po- Ark., yesterday, a constable of that place liceman or two in citizen's clothes would was shot and killed, and Deputy Sheriff soon cause a wonderful reformation. Hoodlums learn very quickly. By the Wright mortally wounded by two brothtime three or four had beep, jerked down ers named Sheppard whom the officers stairs and put in the cooler over night were attempting to arrest for murderous the remainder would expectorate and assault whistle less. Discouraging for the Men. A Lucky Wyoming Town. Chicago, Jan. 21. The situation today in the St Paul telegraph operators' Evansto.m, Wyo., Jan. 21. Special ,to strike was rather discouraging for the The Commercial. Hams Fork, a town men, ten of them hnving returned to work. Their however, still forty mites northwest of Evanston, on seems to thinkcommittee, the men might yet win. the Oregon Short Line railroad, was inConvention of Eagaire Agents. corporated today. Rich coal mines have been recently discovered there. The New Oislua.vs, Jan. 2L The tenth anUintah Coal company, a New York con- nual convention of the National Associacern, is behind the schema with money. tion of General Baggage Agents met The town is building up rapidly. It is hero today. Meetings will be held with cloued doors. rich in environment SUPERINTENDENT C0RWIX TO BE 1.00 1.75 Caps now going at 33K per cent. off. Umbrellas,' good assortment 25 per cent. off. DOBSON, being first duly sworn, on oath firm of ATTERBURY, DOBSON & CO.; of a member the is that the goods of said firm are marked in plain figures; that in no instance have the prices of goods been RAISED; that their regular prices are, to his best knowledge and belief, as low as those of any house in Ogden City, quality of goods considered; that the above E. T. DOBSON. mentioned discount will actually be given. Subscribed and sworn to before me this i th day of Jan. A. D. 1S91. B. TERN ES, Notary Public. Seal. J Seal. Co.-- , 306 25TH STREET. N RAILWAY CIRCLES. 2.(10 Extra Value: 1.40 2.50 2.00 2.00 1.60 1.50 1.20 1.00 .80 .90 1.25 75 M & 1100 ISO IhwGlove , Spectacles Properly Fitted. Eyes treated by Experienced Optician for all defects, Free of Chart J. Gv EAINE.'.. &2483 COMPANY, Washincrton Ayenue. e. Oecden, XJtali. |