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Show v. OGDEN DAILY COMilEPXIAL: WEDNESDAY, JAXl'ARV 21, ig9I. Itterkry, OUR m PRICES stand, boww Are rjgtt lixy Mbt wish 10 ofier yon r and to lLaji aafulkwa: iadut-ium- g,oou Dobson & Co. 5 jruii SOG TATONTY-FIFT- STREET., H Four p!y Liaea Collars Redaoad each to fwr 11.00. Celluloid CuUra Eedeoed 25ft. to lie. acb. Ltaen Cuffa Reduced from Xe. fnxa Fa Worsted Bibbed Wool, a Ljtrs Da 6.40 4U0 L5u 3.dD iot E.Ud Heavy Lterby I'oahrmkaUe. nMMBalbrig'a thread X50 SJD Two Thread Mottled Wool ZXU (Speciali ISO DihiU Thread Marino US Kik-Bni- 16 fi Gash Hatters & Furnishers. LOO . I taVMBaaBMayaaa Street Gloves The above goods are extra value and we will only allow ' 4 pairs to one purchaser. Silk-splice- .73 .40 LOO .00 .40 .40 Extra H!vy Wool Half Hoee ,7) Extra Fine Wool Half Hose. . M .25 Fine Wool Half Hose This is a bona fide Cut Sale. "We quote prices in the adjoining columns4 and attach hereto the Sworn Statement of E. T. Dobson, our General Manager. .'JO .35 Fine Cotton' Hoee Uood Cotton Half 1 Iom 2 pre . . : Good Cotton Halt Hose3prs.. , .25 These are bargains, come and see them. WHITE SHIRTS. 2J0 & 306 26TH STREET. Co.; 1 i TERRITORY OF UTAH, ss County of Weber. T. DOBSON. beincr first dulv swnrn. on nath does depose and say, that he is a member of the firm of ATTERBURY, DOBSON & CO.; that the goods of said hrm are marked in plain hgures that in no instance have the nrices of goods been RAISED: that their regular prices are, io his best knowledge and belief, as low as those of any house in Ogden City, quality of ocds considered; that the above mentioned discount will actually be given. E. T. DOBSON. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of an. A. D. 1S91. 13. TE I Seal. Seau j Lb, Notary Public. J insurance. GRAND ARMY, iJ5re started in the hotel jillieryxho of New York, a Jarge Bvxijr0t gootftihan through the ex(losion of an oil can. started westwaruto be jobbed And the Wonia-r-a Hokton, Kau Jan. 19. The princiRelief Corps In- fv. j. ivPKiPV mil M.1111 uisunciautc been from this city as a uwyfibuting center. pal portion ot the business part of the RUlled Last Officers Sight. Asrainst The StaHdard." Ti e room recently aftupied by the Ogcity was distfoyed by tire Saturday Last night, with a nSall crowded with The fcssee, .aggregate Hev, J. Wesley Hill, pastor of the First den City railway company will be the insured. 'iE. church, chlled at TheCommer-- j headquarters of U,iB important jobbing- - the members of John AA Dix Post No. 3. of the Grand Army of the rptMblana editorial rooms yesterday in a very acquisition. RnstAn PrAfAwlo limine ilv 'tnant frame of mind epneerning an 1 Xew the ladies of John A. Dix Post No. 2, of nt. Establislimf rndertakin? Bosto.n, Jan. 20. Foneuil hall was a . the Women's Relief Corps, the public tion ot'i wuuuara. . .. xo. ui .uuie Riohey's nndertaking parlors, at 2263 installation ceremonies were performed packed today with business men of . in Washington, avenue, are the most com- as announoed in the columns of The Boston, gathered at the call of Mayor last Sunday ' rTort ..of Air. Hill. s sermon 1. : i Matthews to formally protest against urn vnria-tiwho 01 plete in their line of any in the territory. Commercial of yesterday. i wuicu tne suojeci nljjht, me iree coinage ot silver. In exnamed officers for of the Manhood." a is The the Walter discussing gentleman long following q Richey attan stated that and were knows all installed in the business by Deputy ensuing year tfyme, the speaker perience CALL FOR MASS MEETING. made on the the features ot his business thoroughly. Department Commander Henry Page, of empt had been to race y buildHalt Lake Uity: glorify He has leased the large prt of the human m.n through the development of his ing on Washington avenue, No. 22G3 Commander, John J. Cortex, vice E. Voters Requested to Meet and ConH. Thia, the speaker Washington avenue, and is fitting It up T. Hulaniski; senior plrsical powers. sider the Political Sitnation. sal, had led to pugilism and to prize in the most complete and luxurious W.Eldridge, vice, J.J. Cor tez; junior vice under were drawn Lt. is reeman Jo. hearse the new latest His rulea, vice f rings very commander, liritnn; style. We, the undersigned legal voters of hating; an the participants who succeeded in in design and finish, after the style of Quartermaster, H. C Wardleigh, re- the . Fourth, Municipal ward of Ogden deiroying their opponents' faces were the French funeral car," weighing over elected; adjutant, W. W. Crossman vice do hereby call the voters of said ot .' City, manhood. H. E. E. has stock He Steele: T. the Hulaniski rtdljd the highest type 1,700 pounds. largest chaplain, Bo this, the reverend speaker declared, of caskets in the territory and can fill vice 1L M. Bond; officer of the day, J. ward together in mass convention, at the Thia was any demands in this tine. Thia estab- W. Willison vice Thos. Cahoon; officer county court house, Wednesday evenwn nothing but brutehood. 21, 1891, for the purpose ot aplied to Ogden and the atatetnant waa lishment is a .model one in its way and of the guard, J. W. Dock vioe H. W. ing, January i discussing events material to the inter, ode that it waa to the shame of the success is sure to be its portion. Eldridge. The newly elected officers of the Wo- est ot said voters in the coming political cif and a disgrace to her fair name that man's Relief Corps were installedby Mr campaign. thi grosa form of immorality waa The Methodist Berival.' A full attendance ' is aarnestlv re-and heralded over the country H. C Wardleigh, pqst president, and for ' aneated. , The revival services at the Methodist chief attraction will follows: her as of the be asne ensuing year they R. T. Pettengill, B. U Mrs. Stepeens, Mrs. vine R. "rom the above statement the Stan-da- d church are being .continued through H. Griffith President, J. M. Anderson, in its article yesterday alleged that thia week. Lost night the house was Hulaniski: senior vice, Mrs. T. Clarke Wm. H. Smith Chae. Corey, Hill had denounced the city filled and .an unusual interest was mani- vice Mrs. J. Thompson; junior vice, Mrs. C. RHank, M V. Gideon. Mrs. O. O. Morton. C. G. Eklund, treasurer, cancil, and insulted one of its mem- fested. Thirteen declared their desire to be- M. Baker, Brough, ', secretary, Mrs. M. J. A. Stephens, " oes, who is in his congregation, and S.J.Allen, Eight united with the LetricrhL reaoDointed: chaolain. Mrs. J. D. Horrick, hsl stigmatized the city of Ogden. in a come christians. Wm. Farrell, and the members say Dr. Reid vioe Mrs. G. G. Griffin; oon-- 4 J. H. Spargo, geteral way, aa a sort of a modern church on Sunday IL Buchmiller, Sclom or Gomorrah. What particuthey expect at least one hundred addi- ductor, Mra. Wm. Hicks; guard, Miss J. J. Sullivan Wm. H. Twiner, B. F. Livingston, lar aroused the ire of Mr. Hill waa the tions before the meetings close. Over Kate McGregor. IL C. Wardleigh, and the of the J. H. Knauss, conclusion the After fat that the Standard patted him on forty have been received ao far ' 4 ? L. D. Ensign, services the joint A. H. Swan, tb back and warmly applauded him for work still goes forward. at 7:30 o'clock. installation D. Evans. Services every evening Poets adjourned to refreshments and J.G.Anderson, hi alleged utterances. He says he went from that time about until high tothe Standard office and indignantly Dissolution Kotiee. daied the statements made in the A western farmer's daughter, who twelve the foraging parties ariole referred to, and expressed in very persuaded her father to give her a farm took possession of the tables and reThe partnership heretofore existing euphatio language the opinion that the for her own, manages the entire eighty freshments while their wives And daugh- between .Trottsr & Kissel, tailors, No. wrst thing which that paper could acres herself , and last year managed to ters saw to it that no want was left un- 347, Twenty-fourt- h street, is this, day posibly do for him was to bestow upon clear 91,000, besides buying her clothes satisfied. It was a time such as the dissolved by mutual consent, C. D. Trot; a onoe now blue in Liu its praise. and machinery and stock for the farm. year. ter retiring, , The business will be conenjoy '...,;; She has a girl friend for a companion tinued by Henry Kissel. ' . and keeps one man. JThe Goods Coming;, CD. Trottbr. The Fire Record. Hkxrt Kissei. y received to a one hundred dispatch The editors of Colorado, iocording Jan. 19. The WesColo, Alakoha, 19, 1891. Ogden, Utah, January contern hotel and four adjoining buildings by Messrs. Banks A, Weistt, strong, are holding a ' were burned Saturday morning. No t : ' "Sohmer," the Queen ot Pianoe. western agents of James G. Johnson & vention in Denver. moiv I ll - 1 - 1 two-stor- ootin-taano- ed CM. : '. ? - s' yes-teda- semi-annu- SPECTACLES, SPECTACLES, ! ..f2J50 1.75 .. 1.75 L25 .. L25 M .. IO M .. 5 .15 Atterbury, Dobson & 306 28TH STREET., f i Co., ! ; IX JVTHGXAXT PREACHER- - 1 L20 " ' 1 I LAO Caps now going at 33K per cent. off. Umbrellas, good assortment 25 per cent. off. Mackintoshes at actual cost. " Attcrbtiry, Dobson ... Bilk Embroidered..... main Bilk Fine Suependera (iood Oualtty LxUa Value 81.73 Traveling Bags and Valises 25 per cent. off. 10 L75 SUSPENDERS. 1.40 2.00 2.00 1.60 1.30 1.20 1.00 .80 1.25 .90 .50 .75 Laundried Dress Shirta Drees Shirta Laundried Shirta Laundried Shirta Extra Quality Unlaundried 2.25 Bilk Hata, Eitra Quhlity. ..$8 00 6.40 C:iL IIa- ... 6.(0 UX ... 6.00 4.00 Derby Hata, Beat. ... 4 00 3.00 IJerby lists Derby Hata. Good Value.. ... 2JJ0 L7S Hoft Hata, exoept Stetsons ... 5.00 4 XX) Soft Hata, ... 3.00 2.10 Soft Hata, ... L50 LOO " 1-- 3 L00 0 L75 HlTSIHTS! lar selling prices, and in some instances a Cut of. 33 per cent. d (Special) 12.(0 1.00 DreaeUlovea Driving Gkwes.. Back Gloves lined Buck Gloves anliaed For the next two weeks we offer our Entire Stock at a Straight Cut of QO per cent, from regu- Extra Offers. Assorted Colon Natural Wool &. GLOVES. Silk Bl"k and aaeorted oolors. .tlX 1.15 Hdk Bile and aaaurted colore. . L75 .90 SUk BTk and aiieotted color.. LOO : -- Silk Handkerchiefs at 33K per cent. off. Linen Handkerchiefs at ao per cent. off. rare bargains- - HALF HOSE. bw Celluloid Cuffa Reduced from 50 toS.ta. each. These goods are A i, and ! 2i to 2jc tJOO 4-. . 4..V) 3.70 LaJbriggsa- - - Collars & Qufis. 20 percent off. AoKraUfca LambC Wool All Wool Loodue lr fkt- At tbekMt ebb, 33',' Dwoouat Call ad aee it. 'j Underwear per Suit, EAE 3STECK SILVERWARE, JEWELRY, f Trrvr i vf " I VrlT I Mntr l- - T hiiiiiSii.hi ffn h two-stor- h . WATCHES, DIAMONDS. A- -r Silver-mounte- d Solid Gold and Line Complete 4 J. Gc. Spectacles Properly Fitted. RAINE Umbrellas Eyes treated by Experienced Optician for all defects, Free of Charge; &2483 COMPANY "Washintxton -- A.yeiitie. if muwauaee, nas aeciaed to make his headquarters in Ogden. Kfth Wardera,ho! Last night at an hour not known, the Lotta tomorrow night east show window on tho corner o? Twenty-fiftstreet and Lincoln avenue Realty transfers yesterday S37,2Tj0. waa broken into and content amounting There is to be a new bank in Ogden. to about 19 were stolen. This in addition to the replacement of the window glass Lotta tomorrow night at the Grand. oost 13) made the damage amount Much mud on the croeaings yesterday, (which to about f 12. Yesterday brought no tidFourth Ward mass meeting tonight ings as to who the robbers were. The county court was in session yes ANOTHER BAD BLAZE. v terday, Jndge Maginnia was down to the Cap- The General Store fcear Twenty-eigt- h ital yesterday. and Washington Burned. Ogdon's sidewalks call for praise from almost every visitor. Ogden had another bad' fire last night ' frame store y Manager Patrick, of the Hot springs, The Pylea ' comes into town daily now. on Washington building avenue, , and Twenty-nint- h The Fifth Ward Liberals meet to- between twenty-eigh- t was night See the call in this paper. practically , destroyed, The new plant of the Ogden Electric last night About lo'clook it was found to be in flames and the family sleeping Light company is in running order. Twenty-fourtWhite on up stairs had a narrow escape bom tha The block, street, presents a very rich appearance. death trap. The fir . seemed to original aeder See the call for a mass meeting of Fourth Ward voters. It meets tonight the stairway in the first storx.The stock merchandise and building, Ben Rich, the popular manager of the of general went to Salt Lake valued at about $5,000, was practically Equitable Co-oa total loss. An elegant atone front building is to The fife department did food service be erected immediately on Washington as usual A few of the geoda were taken or the Crescent out of the avenue, just north the loss is nearly but tHiilding Novelty words. Theretwaa a partial Insurance. total Mr. L. W. Shinn.the efficient manager and Rio Grande exof the Wells-Farg- o Announcement. press business in this city, who has been sick for a week, got out again yesterday. Havintr been anlinittid hi man frinnrfa Mr. E. D. Condit of Denver, Colorado, to become a candidate for the mayorrepresenting the Ruttan Iron Works, ship of Ogden, I hereby announce my was in the city yesterday. He stopped candidacy for that office. over to attend the Grand Army installation. ' The following telegrams remain unSoGonsfor the Indians, delivered at the Western Union tel'tfraph Washington, Jan. 20, Senator San office: Thomas Brown 2, C. C tihaler, ders introduced a bill making it an of Mrs. Josephine Jacobs, A. C. Stephenson, M. Trawilligan. , fence punishable by fine and imprisonChan. II. Kelsey, general agent for ment for any perron to eed er lecd fira Utah and Idaho, of the Northwestern arms and ammunition to Indians. - Ogden, Utah. |