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Show OGDEN DAILY COMMEPXIAL: Tl'ESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1S91. i E.IL ,- - - - OGDCN. COKKFI U '"TTEilUT mix. aucatx&J. . ai htuoiM lt, Mubd it mi. IWterd ia ta M sir 4 Wwiuiirua t Ci. Iwulf Hurt. aial Lth.i - Ut- - etj at TS ante lr saoata. atw-al- (Emtmrf at klMttMM rr.i b Mirmtil I'LBUsiUNa t AMUSEMENTS. d. City Las sou Sli Lake rax. not boast of Olea T-1L- l tlucga sLkh the to CO, fur tb PoMuffio l OtnW. Ctk. 1m Uiuarti UM auui a ho PRESS ASSOCIATION. The organization of an tMuciatioD of tLa editora, managert and publisher of Utah territory ought no longer to be deferred. The newspaper men of tLia territory are brainy, energetic and enterprising, and an aaaoci&tioa formed by them would compare favorably in merit, if not ia number, with similar organization in the country. Many arguments could be adJuced to forma- exatcp'ie. Dcxi rx is to Laves big iruo and steel May it thrive and bring forth plait. wiles. How much of our legislation has bees good fruit. directly effected by money and beauty Thc temperature of the past few days will never be knom n as we shall probevolved a demand for a one-inchas ably always remain ia ignorance as to wi kerosene lamp which will comfort k on e li the exact cumber of the leaves fourt-feet square. trees. It is to be hojd, however, that ably heat a room in time public sentiment may become eo man has bought a A 51i Ht thoroughly aroused against the disgust-ic- g adA indecent institution referred to ten thousand dollar dug. Judged by that the name of -- lobbyist" thall puet the standard of intellect aid common as much of contumely and scora as we sense, a MatiSbthusetts dog has a master. now embody ia the name of thief." The idea that the honored and trusted We in Utah ought to beable to stand a representatives of the people are possible to corrupt, or that they may be cajoled into yielding their honest convictions by ur. niMM ami tiles" m'Vli-- h &liin.l ci insistfr influence of any kind is abhor- pieiiteousiy every uay in me climatically rent to all people of honesty and intelli ks fuvored sections of the country. gence. Uet the professional lobbyist Mant people in Italy Lave suffered have an enforced opportunity of uieir live earning an honest living. He and she terribir ana several uave will do that when they fiud their disrep- ! during the retvet 6evere snow storms utable occupation gone, uixl public j The people of Italy are hereby kindly opinion must be the nie&us of destroying j informed that the only genuine Italian their avocation. either is to be found in L Uh. m ten-cen- I J PRESENT PROSPECTS blood-curdlin- OF WAR. g 1 death-dealin- - A NATIONAL DISGRACE. A corrupting institution which has since time immemorial been permitted to disgrace American legislation is the .professional lobbyist. He and she (and, sad to relate, the feminine pronoun might properly be placed first, on account ot relative importance) are to be found .regularly installed at the capttol at "Washington during every session of Congress and at the state capitols through the sessions of their legislatures and form one of the accepted features of legislative life. That these creatures not only exist, but are able many of them to amass .fortunes by their nefarious calling is an . ' Nevix, of Adrian, Mich., has been pardoned out of the penitentiary, where he had made a fair start on a ten-yesentence. He had been convicted of stealing. Most men sentenced to state's prison for this offense finish their terms before rejoining the outer world; but this case was very different from the ordinary steal. The enterprising ex mayor of Adrian had stolen $300,-00- 0 from the city. The wonder is that he was put to any inconvenience at all. Salt Lake City bemoans the fact that on the congressional calendar of appropriations for publio buildings she is unable to discern anything that looks like her own hoped-fo- r public pile. the opera house will vaoovilje mm BMdlnftBUioosot Home MXaars the Standard proven in millions of home for more than a quarter of a (jpntory. It is used by the United States Government. buiiunuu Hipwniwui uio urrak vulTersiiSes as the Strongest, Purest, and nfost Healthful. Cream Baking Powder does not Dr. Price's A &rKskis Tjima a A Ih U (HUTi oiiiin. eOOlU vvi' kiu mmnnia PRICK ""up BAKING POWDER CO. in Cans. New l'ork. Chicaao, Saa Fraaciseo Bt Louis. ONE NIGHT ONLY, Franeuwo journal sat s cf the orgaciza'.ioa that coum to the it Orabd S evcmg: -eotcHiNtces by a The proj,Tmiii tketch by F.U axij U'eUoer, which on of tbui art sbost the prork-teoea Busibt-- of musical instruoiecta. The Bc liteU brothers exhibit gnat ull aa4 daring on the boriaoctid oars Marian acd are Learuly applauded. IbrEU. a pretty girl with a peculiar rt;.le, sings pleasantly and se'kera! enoorea. Conroy and Fox do a deal nine tketch m fck-- creales a of of Jai gt.ter by the wit and ther iter and several eucrs that are new here. Kite Davis is one of the urof g features of the programme. Her friu:ig and imitations show jrreata power of mimicry and a broad appre-rut.oof fun. She U followed by Ciuqueviilii, who, as a juler, is the marvelous ever seeo. Dutch liijy tut le as f utcy as ever." U-i- Wednesday, January 14. i' v r EICH it HARRIS' quK-kcee- s i The Giant Pioneers of The piece seems to have duplicated the suivetw it made at the same theatre last for since the opening last week eo-p- le Finest i.pec-iulti- 137 IOf. per III. Telephone 107. n f " (Formerly of the Ogden City Steam Laundry.) NEW MACHINERY Bonds. Government lmnrln rlrcoH M follows : U. S. 4's ree'd 120 !C S. mni C. S. 4's coupon ...AM Pacific 6's C. S.4'isreg'a....HH'! ! NEW EQUIPMENT. Mr. Craig is prepared, as heretofore to turn out the best laundry work in Ogden. Telephone 107. TROY STEAM LAUNDRY 137 25th Street, Ogden. IBM COMMERCE. 6'tC8, Sterling excliauRO, quiet, weaker; Sixtj- liar silver 12. 25th Street, r6eefge--A- . New York Money. Yon. Jan. 12. Monpv oa call my oneiwi ni . rnma mercantile paper. NhwYork. Jan. - lb. TIIOY STEAM LAUNDRY. Kate Upson Clark, of Brooklvn. is the wife of E.P. Clark, of the New York Evening Post, and the daughter of Edwin Upson, just deceased. Mr. Upson in 1850 was a member of the firm of publishers who were driven out of Mobile. Ala., for selling one copy of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and tha "Life of Frederick Douglass. New - 2c. per 1 2300 WASHINGTON AVENUE. just tilled a bushel basket. The snakes were from three to six foet long. ciommi jicanvassed, UTAH GROCERY AND COMMISSION CO. Snike Yarn. AND Hams, d These are Unprecedented Bargains. You cannot afford to miss them. Norwich, Conn., Jan. 12. In digging a cellar in the rural hamlet of Monville Centre, six miles southwest of this city, a day or .two ago, David A. S. M. Johnson unearthed a solid ball of snakes five feet beneath the surface of the ground. They killed the serpents as the ball slow ly unwound itself. They got forty-thre- e black and two milk snakes, whose bodi( s FINANCE " Sugar-rur-o- Salt Fish in Pails at Less than Wholesale Prices. 1 A Xutme? s Ileailed bv the Incomparable Choke llince Heat, fo to Jail. Must Hiii-cias- rs. WE OFFEE THIS WEEK the houses have been crowded ami turned away at every performance. Sii'.ce last year the piece has been improved in the way of now business; and while, of course, the original story is aulheiel tj more or less, the new introduced, together with the new people, make the piece go ith a 6ing that it had rot before. The laughter is unceasing from the time the curtain uscends until it drops upon the final act, the funny situations crowding so close u)U each other that the audience has barely a breathing spell between laughs." Seats are now on sale at the box office. New York, Jan 12. Herman Schoen-berLeo. Wintertield and August Walther of Amberg's Theatre bave been fined 1250 each, and Schoenberg and Wintertield have been sentenced to thirty days' imprisonment in addition for producing "Die Wilde Jagd" at Amberg's Theatre in spite of Augustin Daly's injunction, which Judge Barrett granted on Mr. Daly's claiming to hold the right to produce the play in the United States. Mr. A ru berg was in Philadelphia when the injunction was granted, and was served on the actors in his stead. The lay was produced nevertheless. Judge' larrett says that they actea "in con tumacious defiance of the injunction. each in his own sphere assisting in acts wtoich cannot .be regarded otherwise than as a contempt ot the order of the court." Manager Schoenberg said last nitrht that they would tpply to day for a stay until ino return ,to the city or Manager AiulKTir. who tiHUhicHl an answer in Mr, Mr. Daly's suit for a permanent injunc tion. - Thursday, Friday and Saturday Eveninjrs and Saturday Matinee, Jan. la, 10 17, "Natural lias" Company. farce-eouied- an, inn CIISTQUJEVA.LLI The following is the Chicago Sunday Herald: "Tonight mill inaugurate at the Chicago opera house the second week of the unliable "Natural (Jan." It-- . Fun-make- The Company evtcinz and Saturday uiatiriee, Jan. 10th and 17th. n i Vaudevilles. --The The Very Best Hntertainers in America. Very Best Girard's "Xaturxd Gas" Donnelly company will appear at the Grand opera houtie Tbun-day- , Friday and Saturday from A STAR SPECLVLTY CO.- i'. X&tnral 0( Boston grt h l'lb, ! Everyoc -- flV GROCERS, Importers ana Jofcrs. X n,0 imu 'lOB Copper, Lead and Tin. Hull- New YORK. Jan. January J14.60. Lead. firm. .Domestic. S4.52V Tin, quiet ; Straits, $20.60. OGDEN MARKET REPORT. Wholesale Prices. Corrected daily by Oibsoa Smnrthwaite, wholesale produce dealers, Washington Ogden City, I tali, CiKAIS. WttuMi epw Xo. 1 mill lH-- r on ing f;icked, per cwt.. iiarly, hrewmg, No. 1 0:i, Barley, brewing, .No. perewt. Buvinir. s c, Largest Confectionery Manufacturers in U tali. Rollir. 1 75 Factor v and Salesrooms, 1 $ " " " Hiuh patent Straight grade ' Other (Trades " Corn meal Rolled Uats, per DM. . " ' Bran and Shorts $ 8 . 2 10 1 80 2 25 7 75 1 i 75 go $2 00 S2H33E3 " Wild Lucerne Produce. Bntter, best, per Butter, Utah, Egs. per doi Onions, " " 1 lb " . . urn in " m aim THE OGDEN CRACKER CO. 90 (INCORPORATED.) Hat. Timothy, str'ht per"t'n Timothy, m'xd " Red Top v ENUE, OGDEN 127 1 15 1 25 1 40 " (? f 69 j! " Barley, feed, Barley, ciiopped Corn, eastern Corn, chopped Flocb. IU superior excellent OPERA HOUSE prevct t ia etWrWrnrf-rbouUi avail tLU&stJt uf tin- - opportunity aid a it. As exchange says: "The silver men were never so strong as they are at this That war has not yet been declared time in tion of such an association would be Washington. Eight republicans pro!i table, pleasant and beneficial to its between Kcgland and America anent voting with the democrats can now dicthe Behring sea squabble may const- tate all members. legislation in the senate. The itute a matter of surprise to those who same tactics can control silver legislation Not the least in importance is the ac are wont to take without sufficient salt in the house." from would result that quaintanceship forecasts of the the the meetings. The social relations of ubiquitous "war scare" correspondent. TnE weather in this region is cold, for It might be mentioned, right here, a fact, but it is not a cold such meetings are among their most which people that this interesting purveyor of news suffer from. If see a newspaper pleasant features. In addition to the which is you to happen has been assiduously man and comradeship promenading the streets in a sealgood fellowship engaged in organizing wars among skin overcoat you may know that he does engendered, there are many, practical leading nations of the earth for several not wear it because he needs to, but simbenef U to be derived by the members. years past. Keen observers may also because he can. have noticed that in about 100 per cent ply They talk over plans and methods of of the cases cited the sanguinary enbusiness and work, compare experiences, Ri dkard Kipuxo, the meteoric light counters failed to occur as advertised. and get new ideas from each other. of the literary world of today, ia in Sun There must be some very good reason He is a young man and has Francisco. of features usual the literary Among for the unexampled era of peace which written enough to establish an already has obtained are association the meetings essays happily great among press an excellent permanent reputation unpertaining to the relations of the pub- - and powerful nations of the world for a less he make the common mistake of not number of years past It is a fact that r lisher and advertiser; thS relative imthese several mighty powers have never stopping his work before he gets to writportance of the editorial room and the been so well prepared for war as at the ing trash. business office; cash vs. time subscrip- present time. Increased facilities for Forty thovsakd 11 notes are being tions; job work as a fine art; artistic butchering mankind in the latest scien week by the treasury decolor work; the question whether the tific style have been adopted by all the printed every at Washington and eighty partment in as just reader or the advertiser should have principal nations, and, short stated they were never in such excel- thousand fives are in process of turning in accordance with the silver bill precedence; and many other topics re- lent shape to prosecute bloody w ar as to- out, lately passod. The signs of the times inlating to newspaper work and the print- day. This is the roason why wo are not dicate tbat we are close to the era of ing business. There would also prob- free coinage. Hail the day! ably be, as is usual on such occasions likely to have any war. Each nation is afraid of each other nation and its possiessays and addresses on such subjects ble The gold bugs if New York seem to allies, and this is the beneficent re as the amenities and asperities of jour- sult pf such stupendous preparations for have made a dism il failuro in thuirrfTort nalism; editorial impersonality; the Jatf NiJtifl.i'avMgCiHhliaU Uul'lffg tt!J lliTruiarv Js on iuo torectS I The ciresof th silver of legislation. law iet these trim past. lew years. publio and the newspaper; the ill are metal white forcknost proving day by day let the continue; preparations iibel; political dead beats, etc nations keep right on increasing antl im and the same may be sr.id ot the Another future highly appreciated financial situation in general throughout g proving their enginer by the fraternity is the annual excursion. til the word "war" shall mean the country. Railroad companies are generally very havoc and desolation and death from a The following war ite u courteous to territorial and state press contemplate the ruin and destructii in a town ; t; far from a of mankind published paper large proportion are excursions r Associations. Lengthy "seat of ..ar:" "A short then when we nations have any serious the by no means exceptional, and during was played this afterot shall ball oaee we vital on a first rupture question tjnme such happy occasions the members make faces at each other for a time and noon between the Harrison nine and a travel and live like nabobs and receive then settle the cams belli by arbitration. nine made up from company (Co. D,) rethe most distinguished consideration." By all moans lot the "warlike prepara- sulting iu favor of the home nine." If ' our "bold sojer boys" don't look out There is Btill another advantngo that tions" go on. some of thefn may be brought home i will accrue to Utah and her newspaper Here is an advertisement in the Sao dead, after all. men if a press association be formod. City (Iowa) Sun: "For sale A farm of It will be entitled to delegate represen- l,G0O acres near Waterloo, Iowa. Under Is the real estate columns today will tation in the National Editorial associ- good cultivation, with all necessary be found an interview with Mr. U T. ationthe brainiest body of men in the buildings, fences, groves, water; etc. In Pettingill, who has lately returned from close to schools and a visit to Denver. He brings back glad United States. The annual meeting good neighborhood, chu robes and accessible to market. As tidings of the interest felt in Ogden by this year will be hold in St. Paul, Min- it has not paid expenses for the past prominent capitalists in Colorado's capnesota, and promises to be even better five years, I will sell it for f2 an acre, ital city and the gentleman's testimony than the notable meeting in Boston last cash. Address with stamp for return is merely a corroboration of that of all postage, Horace Boies, Des Moices." If others who have had an opportunity of year. the man can find a purchaser and get hearing the opinions of Ogden held by ' These are but few ot the numerous rid of his farm he will do well to come the outside world. benefits and advantages to be derived. to Utah. Ho cannot hope, however, to Many others will doubtless occur to the buy land at the price at which he offers to According to the Salt Lake Herald, minds of editors and publishers who sell his questionable possessions in Iowa, "A session of the city council of Salt but when he has it he will have some- Lake City in which some member does read this article. which is good for what it it was not threaten to fight some other memBut, brethren of the pnws, why not thing made for. And should the time come ber, or in which the term 'boodler' or 'definitely act? Why not organize? Let when he wanted to sell it, he would not 'liar' is not used, would be something" us all assume, that the proposition meets be forced to give it away. startling." The members of the Salt with general support. Let us not waste Lake City council should drop up here The bright particular Kansas City some Friday evening and inspect a picprecious time in formal preliminaries. Let us take it for granted that a meet-ia- g Star says: "Millionaire Stanford was ture of peace and harmony which we have on regular weekly exhibition. of the Utah editors, managers and unanimously renominated for United States senator at a caucus meeting of publishers has been called (it does not republican members of both branches of matter by whom) for the purpose of or- the California I6gislature, held at Sacraganizing "The Utah Press Association." mento yesterday. Mr. Stanford is the Lot us all assume that the call is for a man who wants Uncle Sam to hang out three balls over his front door." Wrong, meeting to be held at the Hotel Cullen, brother, for once. Mr. Stanford is the in Salt Lake City, on Tuesday, January man who wants Uncle Sam to make life 27th, at 7:30 p. m. What say you, miserable to the men who hang three Brethren? Will you be there? balls over their front doors. support the proposition that the t4 footpad, f jc A&traa-- h 1 A'l eonrnBntrat THE soMMhki'LU. (MAS ill. I'tiJL row-a- vr-Iketi- nz lL JISIAKI kwtkwui tM. Cfe Saaar Ws caa see oar breath issult to ewy hot rprertatire of a nr.6Ar.g rxtasutueocy and an Jf and & disgnt to the UTAH. repcUUe creature in official lif wbo are ready to barter their tuuiboud fur Em nan's yield their indeadeoce gold ii.fu.eco cf wocan's to the edud.ve IV TOE COMMERCIAL. 14 13 11 10 00 V) 50 50 7 50 Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY CRACKERS. 25 22 23 04!4 Lucerne seed, per lb... 7 Cental sacks (9 !4 20 Seamless sacks 22 lK 00 Table salt, per ton 8 00 Clean coarse salt p'r t'n Retail prices are about IS per ceo', higher. Alfalfa seed is still lower, with very bad prospects. It will take a 4 eent per pound parchase and today to market seed. Wheat is Tery nil. weak-dem- of Central Hotel 25th St. Factory in Rear P. O. Box 268. THE OGDEN W. F. PRICE, Manager, CRACKER . CO., Ogden, Utah. |