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Show IKiDEK DA1L. COMMKKCIAL: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6f UVu. November 1 ther has been t be put to actual ttaC People who Tax os thing to U hoped fur PnH Siac from UaiVy a total of KC'XU bet studying ti ase tiiegs a dow k that La wll retire with shut slapped or VA too U ore. At f IW per pottoda, Mr. Aabby would rather aocpt U oV speed aad graos b stay. toa. wim-f- is about tb average ralu of UTAH, a these of about to THE COMMERCIAL. a OCDEN. . U. Em Mit BZXBT JAMES CaTTaXal. 1M KBS Cuniunu. .Tu Dial alua4 mm tarta auort. Emkj. a. it IWL pcMh4 wv at Iii'f iiiaca. rmf. . (La d by nil wma laa. lit, ami Sfafriifii pro. ia adraaca, M DeBMraa ia ta Cuav- - Ilv vfV e - WHOLESALE GROCERS. Importers and Jobbers. 1. par citf at 3 mat par BMalk. W atMnaaai to til mMaKtkiM Am)4 THK OUMMiifct fLWOaMiNu UI, IU, Cm. Ulaa. at tfea tab&Km at Ocdea. I'uk. fur a mmna a'ia (katara amiiiii n threat lb ataJ i such ore, shipoieeta rrjTt--t valu uf about Ilium total at Lava a Utah Let reprowctatire iodi vkl uaL Aad yet they must planum Wahigtoa. Tb internet of th terriMontana ia adraao that, prejudice atide, tory ar deserving uf proper rare. Helena La deidl not to build a Mr. Ashby ia tha main is right He Lw uf Commerce building. as mod tL wruog. ILj Las named the Mlset earned ia Utah and spent in Chamber W. T- EaKtmae. mho has beea ia busi-nramadytob applied. Has L banned Utah does doubl good. Patronizing in LMjub for years, has ascreditors. tbs cure? Lis of benefit fur tb i signed aa exoe"ett hoo ibdut&rte Phil M&anix, gmersl merchant at viewed in any Lght UZJkTAL PlSgASm Augusta, has faiW for frLM 1 1 Tb assets ar in real ebtat and will probably It has been demonstrated that scke Utah is in favor of th fr cuinsg cover the liabilities. u in op-is able to grappl with th disease gwraa. of silver and against every Tb county commiaikiaer voted to build a new bridge across tb MisIt has tracked th aucrob to iu lair, poaitkia to benign aad just legialatkja soula river la Missoula un condition that It has assaulted th stealthy baoriili having this ebd ia vtew. tb city advance fJU,uJ0 mora untd th invisiU fu oi man is aeakea A petition is being circulated fur th ing. It threatens to annihilat fevers Sesatob Pltmb of Kansas does not commutalioa of th death penalty in and ehass th plagu into oblivion's m cases of th convicted Indians to propose to follow tha trail aiade by In tb for life. Tb effort is not Now it is time for srieoo to turn its at intro has He to a grave. political galls much encouragement receiving tention to mental idMyncraciea, duced a fre coinag measure. The funeral of Judge Anderson took It is acknowledged that mankind is Lfeoember 3 at MiaaouLa. Promiplace mors or less insane. Tb perfectly bal nent aer there f rum Helen a. tuasuos statesmen at Some of th Washington aoeed mind is as rare as th perfect hulte and Anaconda to attend and aid in record make a to best their are doing in th ceremoniea. One of the last acta body. To find th human anatomy abth brief time of th single session of of tb deceased was the signing of a solutely flawless ia proportion, sound in deed of fifty acres near the city to Hon. official lit remaining to them. vary organ, f re from weakness or pain, Frank IL Woody in trust for th use would be greater thaa th discovery of and benefit of Mason Lodge No. 13 of a planet It ia meet that some of th Ir th pensions crest a deficiency Missouli attention that is lavished upon the ther will be comfort in th thought PEESS OPINION. casket of th mind b given to th that the money will be in th family mind itself; not th mentality that has purse of citizens We earned it years ago It la Long. goo out, but that which is still reck- and appreciate it now. Junction Star: The president's Grand oned BSD. is not a remarkable document message yesterinOgden Tkcops ar There crimes due to forms of passed through dis- except in the matter of length. sanity. Indeed to this souro some day bound for th scene of Indian to be seemed all enjoying would ascribe all crimes. Kleptomania, quiet They No Insults to Gladstone. dipsomania, and other manias that do the trip, and if they anticipated a gory Sioux City Journal: Parnell will cernot seem to demand incaroeraUon, yet experience were evidently rather glad tainly gain nothing for himself or for his of it require treatment Can not a Koch be country by insulting William Ewart Gladstone. found to deal with them? Is ther no Commissioner Raum of the pension lymph for consumption of the soul, or conAn Infant Industry. balm for the fever of the intellect? Here bureau knows since the opening of is an This be roasted. is to what it Boston Herald: The Canadian plan is a field for endless experiment Let gress imposing a tax of tH on marriages is the thief receive an injection made of the experience that every public man gets of snd a poor way to encourage an infant insooner most of them or sooner later, essence of tracts upon stealing. Let the dustry. z nxat-ruJi- COFin.K m ductiues circs aisUaee thaa the mere conclusions of as OQDEN TO IDAHO That then should railroad be through Idaho from north to south, titer can be do question. Thst Og-drwould naturally bt the initial point of this road, and that any attempt to construct it and ignor OgJeo would be recklessly foolish bo intelligent man who studies tha aituatioa will deny. No an u mora fully cognizant of tba and recklessness than tha Halt Lake schemers who are trying to perpetrate them and blind tha capitalist to n fool-iahnn- h facta, Tha plan to avoid Ogden by building the Una circling about great Salt Laic through the bowling deaolation of a wilderness that ia as god forsaken as the heart of Sahara, is so utterly devoid of sens that it can serve only to call attention to the course that may properly be pursued, and that the citizens of Og-de- n will pursue, unless unpardonably negligent of their own interests. They hare no plainer duty than to enoourage the building of a line. The road northward would mean in the near future another road veering to the west and ultimately finding its way to the Sound. This dual line would drain a vast territory tributary to n by every right of locat'oo, but a territory that must be cared fur soon or go to those who have, the enterprise to reach out for it If Ogden's citizens would only note the wild enthusiasm of the Salt Lakers in their combination of desert and nerve, they would waken speedily to the vital importance of this matter. They would unitedly declare tor the construction of the road in its proper place, where it would cover a fertile and settled domain and not meander through the waste places of the earth; where it would bring the traffic, to closest and quickest connection with the markets. Each road, the one north and the one aorta west,' will be a reality. They are .pot phantoms nor blue print merely. The states of Idaho, Oregon and are too great' and Washington rich to be longer neglected. It the Union Pacific would take up the project it could have two of its best feeders covering a portion of the country that is now without transit facilities. While Mr. Gould does not speak encouragingly of farther construction he is too shrewd a man to let a chance like the present slip by. Ogdec needs to impress upon him or some other man of keen judgment and executive ability cot only that to tap the north and west is feasible and necessary, but that the city stands ready to offer substantial aid. Ug-de- 110,-OO- at-b- chronic liar be dosed with concentrated accounts of the fate of Ananias. Give the the story of Joseph fleeing from th wit of Potiphar. Every grade of offense will suggest its specific. It is the criminal microbe who roosts within the somewhat vacuous dome of thought that must be ferreted out and s overcome. Arir..Trs deny that the Pine Ridge Indians are suffering from any lack of food. The point however, is one concerning which neither Indian nor agent will be regarded as absolute authority. Colorado militia is prepared to go against the Sioux at a momenta notice. It will be remembered that these same brave boys once went against the Uter, and that several of them valiantly ac quired water blisters on the heel. Billy Annix, who was once a newepal per man in Omaha, is now secretary Senator Paddock. Billy has declared t the Washington correspondents that thj . T l: scare is simpiy a nosx. ot. luuiun lnis course settles a matter about whicll there was beginning to be some apprc hension. 1 Ouden ia the best point that could be selected as a smelting center. It is fortunate both for the city and the smelting men, as well as the mines throughout a large section, that this fact is about to be substantially recognized. Before many months there will be a large melter here, amply backed by capital and ores can not only be treated more RIDDLB OF THB 8HPINX. readily and cheaply than elsewhere, but there will bo an immense saving in Western miners have long Among recent publications is "The freights. Kiddle of the Sphinx." It is a volume been dissatisfied with the methods of of nearly 500 pages, 'attractive in appear- the smelters at Denver and Missouri ance, and would bo much more attrac- river points. It is high time that they tive and effective had the author con- should have recourse to a plant nearer densed it into halt the space. It is by the place of output The smelter will N. B. Ashbv, a lecturer of the National add much to the commercial importance "Farmers' Alliance. The particular pila- ofOgden. ris is in the name. Mr. Ashby fails to A mono great projects destined to benestablish any connection between the Sphinx and the American agriculturist efit Ogden is the establishment here of The book merits notice here, not for an immense brewery. This project has its literary merit, but because the sub- passed the stage of incipiency. The cite jects it treats are of leading importance. has been selected and the sum to be inThe farmer has become a factor in polit- vested will reach $1,000,000. This will ical life. Why is he there and what will mean a great deal. It will mean the lie do? These are questions that Mr. employment of skilled labor, an inAshby has essayed, with considerable creased market for Utah's hops and success to answer. In doing bo barley, and establish yet more firmly "he has been too prolix. He has Ogden's position as a distributing centre. laid down propositions that neither People will drink beer, and they can child nor philosopher would at- have as fine an article, made entirely tempt to combat, and then has elab- from Utah's products, as can be turned orately defended them. . He haswasted out in St. Louis or Milwaukee. Manuwords. He did not need to place a facturers are beginning to realize that primer in the hands of his readers. It to share the prosperity of the great West may be assumed that a reader has infor- they mnst literally be In it. mation an.4 intelligence. Such are the faults of the work. Railroads hare been known to dis TUe bwk traces th.S history of agri-- " criminate against certain cities. Even Culture from the first shows its indus- the Union Pacific would have to plead trial importance and its honor. It guilty to such ft course within a few demonstrates the basal relations to- years. But Viniug is no longer with the wards all other branches of labor. It road and Vining methods went to the follows agriculture to the present day, sorap heap when a better man took that when its devotees cannot earn a living managerial tyrant's place. Railroad men by tilling their acres. It touches upon now recognize that the building up of all the leading problems that now vex towns is the beet policy. It would be the legislator. Lands, railroads, money money to the Union Pacific to encourand other economic factors are treated age the establishment of smelters and at length, and finally the remedy is other large enterprises at Ogden, its - named, the sovereign remedy organisaterminal point and one of its most imtion. portant ones. For the long haul that it It cannot be said of the book that it is would lose on ores it would have an insew. Indeed the author acknowledges creased patronage from points giving that it is largely a compilation. But he hauls of several hundred miles. It has sought excellent authorities. He would have the benefit of a growth in has presented a mass of information general traffic and it could not help but that is well worth careful thought The partake of the prosperity that the stimtheories he advances, drawn from tacts ulated gcowth of Ogden and Utah would ad conditions that he cites, are about promote. ' , The Largest Confttionary Manufacturers in Utah. I Factory and Salesrooms. 2:327 Not to be Outdone. to have electric street csrs by Denver News: White caps have in New England. Evidently the first of the year. Only those who have seen the electric system supplant the pa- the mother states do not propone to be left by their descendants in the West tient mule can understand the vast and healthy stimulus this means to every A Serious Charge. material interest of the city. Kansas City Star: Mr. Blaine is charged by the Chicago Herald with being the Statesmen who introduce free coinage parent of McKinleyism. It remains to measures have no right to selfishly up- be seen whether the man from Maine will be able to prove an alibi. hold their own as against others equally It is not a time for winning good. Confidence In Miles. self aggrandizement It is a time for Denver Times: It is both a gratificaranking a united effort for free coinage. tion and a reassurance that Gen. Miles has been given full discretion in the conIt must be admitted that the bitterest duct of operations against the Indians. opposition to the elections bill comes An Unfriendly Thrust. from the section of the country where With seventy four Helena Journal: elections are notoriously unfair. To deaths in the month of November, many, in this fact appears the only rea- Butte may certainly be said to be a son for sustaining the bill. The princi decidedly lively place for the undertakers. ple they do not wholly approve. WALL AVENUE, MILLINERY. Fashionables Select E MISS J. KLINKENBEABD I ELEGANT SISTEK. & 11 HATS! For the Latest Styles, Most Attractive Trimings and Artistic Designs, Call on MISS E. J. KLINKENBEABD & SISTEB, No. 2351 Washington. Avenuo- - SUBSCRIBE A Natural Inquiry. Sioux City Journal: The newspapers are still asking the question, "Can a politician' be a Christion?" when it is plain that nobody but a Christian can truiy answer it. Utah Wather. Provo Enquirer: Think of it, December is here and still no snow below an altitude of 9,000 feett The grass is green In one of their demands at least, the in the valley, and birds of migration still farmers will have the unwavering sup linger with us. Was ever a finer climate This is seen by tourists? port of the industrial classes. he demand for free coinage of silver, Silver Going Up. dore money is needed for transacting Denver Republican: The price of sil he business of the country;' Free coin ver is rising rapidly. It is to be hoped age is the legitimate method by which it that the advance is due to the growing ' probability of the enactment of a free an be obtained. coinage law during the present session of congress. JfEWS OF THE WEST. Willing to Pay Two Cents. ft inn V f"!i v Tniirnnl Hnoooti f nrtatarr Colorado. is urged a good deal lately, but Leadville has had a 84,000 fire. Three t K Abeing VMt. ia Tint, milnh intnTAalaA in anv dwellings were burned. such proposition just now, however it John Van Dyke was killed by a fall in may oe later on. w nai me west wants a Denver building. He was a carpenter. is better service. Tabor has purchased the Fifteenth Street theater for 33,000. It FINANCE AND COMMERCE. recently cost $105,000. Pueblo bunco men tried to confidence New York Money. a policeman who wore citizen's clothes. Dec 5. Money on call naT. New York. They are now in jail. closed off o red at 4. Prime mercantile raier. 6 Sterling exchange, weak, excited. Sixty-A- y Many cattle in the vicinity of Grand bill demand $4.83 Vt. Bar tUrer, Junction have been lost by being mired 10.4V H.W.i, water. Bearch oi while in Bonds. A Denver suicide was identified as A. M. Wright Later, Mr. Wright turned NbwTokc. Dec 5. Government bondi cloaed up in excellent health and denied the as follows : S. 44's conpon .103 U. S. 4's reg'd allegation. U. S. 4's coupon . . . 120'4 Pacific 6 s 10 At Walsenburg in a quarrel over a u. t.t ftsreg a....MH l game of cards Peter Foley shot and Copper, Lead and Tin. killed Richard Edwards. The murderer Nsw York. Dee. 5. Cornier, easier. Lake. surrendered himself. December. $1VS5. Lead weak : domestic. S4.B5. Merced Simpson, a living in Tin strong ; Straits, $22.05. Long's canon, was found dead in the woods near the mouth of the canon, about ten milec from Trinidad. He had been shot three times with a Winchester, forty-fiv- e caliber, at close range. He had evidently been shot from ambush. OGDEnS J is One of the representative citizens of Butte, writes ia a private letter, that up in his section Ogden is regarded as the great city of Utah It is not surprising that such a view should prevail in a stir Ogden is ring metropolis like Butte. great but fast becoming greater. I r later, both. OciDE J FOR THE DAILY COMMERCIAL Only 75 cents per Month. Subscribe for the Weekly Commercial! fr JOBBERS OP: HARDWARE, Stoves, Tinware, Etc. . half-bree- MILES, STREVELUULMER 2468 and 2470 Washington Ave. d Telephone 211. Boyle Block. THE OGDEN ABSTRACT Ideho, The legislature will convene on the 8th of December. News of the resignation of President Arlnma nf t.hA ITninn PuiiHp. WAS re ceived with unbounded satisfaction at Boise. ,Roger Bros., Plated Silverware. CO. (Imxtrporated.) Office, Brat National Bank Building, . Vina nf tViA nrinoinnl rit.ieS of this state have elected delegates to the commercial convention which assembles at Boise City December 9. The Idaho City World says that the Silver Mountain company has raised the attachment and will continue work through the winter. The surveyors of .the Utah fc Idaho railway are down opposite Hon. John Hailey's ranch. They aim to follow along the old Kelton stage read to Shoshone. The postofnee at Hunter has been given up by Mr. C Zenger, its present postmaster, and he has given notiee that if the residents near that place wish it continued they must have a new man appointed. Washington A.ve, Ogden, Utah, Is iaMng DANIEL .recgnized authority on land titles Weber county. Ptad Is atUUocs of Homes 40 Xasrs tha Standard, It in Correspondence solicited. HAMER, Manager. Junction city machine works, J superior excellence proren in million of homes for more than a quarter of a century. It is used by the United States Government. Endorsed by the heads of the Great UniTersities 10O-1Twenty-thiras the Strongest, Purest, nd moot Healthful. bet. Wall and Uneola. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not ln Klines, Boilers, Pumps, Its, I will taralth and eroct KnflaM, contain Ammonia, Lime or AJurn. Sold only in Cans. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. Boilers, Heaton and Machinery by contract and do my work a the best manns. fl New York. Chicago, San Francisco St Louis. msouns work snd repairing promptly attended to at shop. Practical Founder d D1" 8tm and Machinist. |