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Show PAGE 9 JUNE 9 JEilffrtJHwitor Miiford City Cotmdi Mintc$ May 16,1995 Linda Bradshaw ask that the record show that she was opposed to the annexation unless they build a bnck Mayor Wiseman called to fence.. . meeting to order at approximately 7:37 p.m. Those in attendance : Councilman Sower were: Counciimen Carter, Sower, motioned to approve the payroll as Councilman Carter Dotson, ; Smith, and Thomas, presented, Recorder Netto, Treasurer Griffiths, seconded the motion, all in favor. Troy Torgersen, Bart Fisher, Ron Attorney Kanell presented a Master Policy : Declaration Wunderlich, Doug Sagers, Sieve Statement to be included in the. Dana, Ken Chamberlain, Richard Master Plan for Milford City. Chamberlain, Neil Bradshaw, Linda Councilman Thomas Bradshaw, Sam Florence, Beverly motioned to authorize Mayor , Erickson, Mcagan Erickson, Gary Wiseman and Recorder Netto to Sullivan, Dick Rollins, Lary Carter, Mark Whitney, Ken Frost, Norm sign the contract with the Permanent Thompson, Charles Kosmuch, Craig Fund, Impact Community Councilman Smith seconded the White, Michael James, Lowell Mellor, Susan Mellor, and Alice motion, all in favor. Smith reporting for the Milford. Councilman Carter Monitor. motioned to pay Treasurer Griffiths her overtime at time and a half, Doug Sagers and Steve Dana ask the Council if the Councilman Thomas seconded the be interested in looking for motion, all m favor. m Mayor Wiseman presented funding for improvements a letter from the Pub for Fun undeveloped areas. Bart Fisher, reported cross requesting a special permit to sell beer at the Pavilion on the night of connection training to the Council. ... Richard the Milford Daze Dance. Mayor Chamberlain, Bond Council, Milford City Wiseman was instructed to consult sewer the and with Sheriff Yardfey concerning this water presented bonds to the Council. Councilman matter Dotson motioned to adopt the bond Councilman Sower resolution for a $1,304,000 Parity motioned to adjourn into executive session to discuss personnel at Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 1 995, ' . Councilman Carter seconded the approximate)' 5 10:05 p.m.,.. Councilman Dotson seconded the motion, all in favor. Councilman ThorMs motioned to adopt the bond motion, vote was as follows: Councilman resolution for a $594,000 Parity Carter yes, Councilman Water Revenue Bond, Series 1994, Sower yes. c :,l :i !... I.J uic Dotson- - Councilman acvuiucai yes, vuunmnuui' oiiuui Councilman Smith motion, all in favor. yes, ' Councilman Thomas - yes. Those in "f Councihnan'"- motioned to advertise for a Public attendance were: Mayor Wiseman, Counciimen Carter, Sower, Dotson, Hearing to be held for North Manor ; Extension Milford Smith, and Thomas, Attorney Annexation to be held June 20, Kanell, and Recorder Netto. 1995 at 5 p.m.. Councilman Dotson Thomas Councilman seconded the motion, all in favor. motioned to adjourn the executive session at approximately 10:45 (Hay Sullivan requested an easement fro Milibra City to cross p.m.: Councilman Smith seconded the motion, all in favor. the one foot of property owned by As there was no further Milford City on the east side of the Industrial Park so that he could have business, the meeting adjourned at access to his property. Attorney approximately 10:45 p.m. Public Hearing Kanell was instructed, to prepare easements for Kith Mr. Sullivan and May 16, 1995 Circle Four. Councilman Thomas Mayor Wiseman called the moved to have Councilman Sower meeting to order at approximately 7:00 p.m. Those in attendance take care of survey arrangements were: Counciimen Thomas, Smith, and to work with Attorney Kanell to write the proposed easements. Mr. Sower, land Carter, Dotson, Recorder Netto, Treasurer Griffiths, Sullivan also ask if there would be a Attorney Kanell, Leadman Whiting, problem with present zoning on Lots 7 & 8 of the Industrial Park City Engineers Time Jones and Troy for a locate would he where shop Torgersen, Dick Rollins, Mark farm use and a hay shed. Attorney Whitney, Ron Wunderlich, Lary Kanell explained that there was an Cater, Neil Bradshaw, Linda with committee architectural Bradshaw, Ben Forrnan, Roland Protective Covenants set up that Larsen, Ward Thompson, Shelley would need to be reviewed. He Singleton, Pam Durrant, Mary Jo advised Mr. Sullivan to read these Holm, Doug Carter, George Mwpnont otvt then mike a nmnosal Griffiths, Madryn Griffiths, Dave " to the committee. Councilman Hurst, Sam Florence, Ken Frost, Thornas motioned mat since the City Boyd White, Al Turner, Warren is a part of the committee that the Johnson, Norm Thompson, Bart Max Mayer, Gilbert location of the would Fisher, support City the shops. Councilman Dotson McCulley, Beverly Erickson, Rene seconded the motion, all in favor. Hardy, James Hardy, Carl Boyter, Richard Dotson Sharon Councilman Boyter, Chamberlain, Ken Chamberlain, motioned to accept the North Star Bob Davis, and Alice smith Annexation, Councilman Thomas in favor. all seconded the motion, representing the Milford Monitor. : ' . City-woul- . : f Pyt -- : . Mayor W iseman had Lary .Carter present the map of the proposed North Star Annexation and explain the boundaries of the proposed Annexation. She then opened the floor to for public comment . Max Mayer ask if water v was coming into the City on this proposal. Councilman Sower stated that this was being addressed in the General Plan." Shelley Singleton ask if present sewer lagoons would be sufficient the for proposed annexation. . Leadman Whiting stated that they would be. As there was no further the public hearing business, at adjourned approximately 7:26 p.m. Public Hearing May 16, 1995 r Mayor Wiseman called the meeting to order at approximately 6 00 p.m. Those m attendance were: Counciimen Thomas, Smith, Dotson, Sower, and Carter. Recorder Netto, Treasurer (inflilhs, Attorney Kanell, I madman Whiting, City Engineers Time Jones and Troy Torgersen, Doug Carter, George Griffiths, Madlyn Griffiths, Dave Hurst, Bart Fisher. Max Mayer, Al Turner, Fern Turner, Bob Davis, Nancy Hess, Mitch Baxter, Betty Baxter, Gilbert McCulley, Linda Neil Bradshaw, Boyd ; Bradshaw, White. Norm Lamb, Mary Jo Holm, Pam Durrant, Ken Chamberlain, Richard Chamberlain, Carl Boyter, Sharon Boyter, James Hardy, Rene Hardy, Beverly Erickson, Meagan Enckson, Shelley Singleton, Roland Mark- - - Whitney, Larsen,Ron" Wunderlich, Lary Carter, Ken Frost, Warren Johnson, Ward Thompson, Junior Davis, Ben Forrnan, Sam Florence, Richard Rollins, and Alice Smith representing the Milford - -- that a reserve could be built up. Boyd White ask what would happen ifthe casts were to exceed projected , Mr. Jones explained that the work would be done on a priority basis: Mr. White ask when the project would begin. Mr. Jones stated that the bids would go out in July and they would be awarded in August. Work should be finished costs: following spring or early summer. James Hardy ask how much additional water pressure would be realized from the project Mr. Jones told him that although he increased pipe size would reduce the loss of pressure during the summer high use the water pressure would not be increased because of the height of the water tank Doug Carter ask why hot mix wouldn't be 1995 roto meal would be used as a base with hot mix on top. As mere was no further business,' the public hearing adjourned at approximately 7:00 p.m. 1 EditorPublisher the Alice Smith - Staff: Sara Smith & Jason Fisher , Ad Deadline: 5:00 p.m. Tuesday Ph: Fax:801-387-552- 1 450 North 100 East PO. Box 224 Milford, Utah 84751 used and Mr. Jones explained that Green Machine Pest Control Weed Free & Green Lawns Lawn & Ask Your Neighbors - We . Kill Bugs! Ron Memmbtt (Same Local Owner for 25 Years) (juaranUtd $cmc$ I Pcsiiivt Xautk For More Information Call Char at 801 87-2537 -3- Monitor Leadman Whiting presented Die present needs to repair and upgrade the existing water and seWer system. Tim Jones, City Engineer, presented the project and gave an explanation of funding applied for. He then ask for public comment. ' Dave Hurst ask why the cost of the project had gone up since the first public hearing. Nancy Hess of the State Division of Water Quality reported that the proposed rate was comparable to other communities in similar circumstances. Milford City A& a unique situation because all of - their water -- is pumped. Ken Chamberlain, City Bond Council, discussed the interest of the bonds and the present value of the loans if the City were to compete on an open market The Council each took a minute to express their support of the loans and grants. Mitch Baxter ask about impact fees to support some of the costs involved with growth. Councilman Sower stated that the people who use the services ' are the people who pay for the services. Max Mayer ask how much money left from the rate increase will be used for maintenance and operation. Mr. Jones stated that it would be the same as before and - . 1 Daily Prescription Delivery Order by 3:00 P.M. Delivered at 5:00 P.M. Monday Saturday (cut off time 1:30 on Saturday) Milford Drug 464 S. Main St. 801-387-21- 04 Open 10:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. |