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Show JUNE 2, 1995 PAGE 11 Paint For Sale: 50 Gallons of top of the line interior latex white semi gloss (can be tinted) by Pittsburg Paint Company. Paint is in five gallon cans. $8.00 per gal. or $40.00 per can. This is a good deal for someone. My goof is your gain. I ordered more than I needed. This is regularly over $20.00 per Call gallon. Minersville 386-22- 38 For Rent: 3 bedroom house with garage. WD hookups, dishwasher, large yard. Available June. Basement apartment also available June. Call )1 Anyone Needing brick or block work done contact Todd Eldredge at 586-87- 33 387-27- Help Wanted: 03 Individual in interested community service to perform secretarial function for Milford Valley Memorial Hospital Board. Duties include taking and minutes for transcribing monthly board meetings and any special meeting that may be called, sending out notices of meetings to board members and working closely whb chairperson of the board to provide secretarial services to necessary complete business of the board. Position $300.00 pays annuafly($25ino). Interested persons please contact Loretta Fortran at 3875021 - Leave message. Public Hearing Milford City will hold a Public Hearing June 20, 1995 at 5:00 p.m. in the Milford City Office, 302 South Main, Milford, Utah to - receive public input on the North Milford proposed Manor Extension Annexation. A copy of the annexation and proposed declaration policy may be reviewed at the Milford City Office, 302 South Main, during normal business hours, s Susan Netto Milford City Recorder Published in Milford Monitor May 19. 1995 New baby in the family? Company from out of lawn? Military News? Something happening in your school or Invoked in an community? . interesting club projects? Send your news lo Milford Monitor. P.O. Box 224, Milford, Utah 84751: For Sale: 1979 CR250R $400obo. Call Jeramie at 387-285- 3, Help Wanted: Two young men for painting and building. Approximately 4 weeks. $5.50 hr. Call 387- 5219 after June 3, Kindergarten Teaching Position Belknap Elementary School has a Kindergarten teaching position opening for the 1995-9- 6 school year. A Utah is Certificate Teaching in required Elementary Education and an Early Childhood Endorsement. Apply at Beaver County School. District Office, 291 North main, Beaver, Utah 84713. Applications must be at the District Office by June If you have an 7, 1995. application currently on file, check with the district office to see that it is current. Any question call at Notice 438-229- 1 Beaver County Special Service District 5 is requesting bids for a fence located at the Beaver County Class II Landfill. Bid should include material and labor. 240 Rod Barb wire fence. (1) barb wire gate (1) 20ft metal gate (2) end panels (2) 3 post corners Bids must be received at 405 South Main, P. O. Box 278, Milford, Utah 84751 by June 22. 1995. Published in Milford Monitor ire . . jjuaZJ9iiai; Netke The Beaver County Assessor and Beaver County Treasurer , will be in the Milford CHy Office, 302 South Main, to license vehicles on Monday, June 26, instead of the regularly scheduled date of June 19. EditorPublisher Call for Applications Beaver County Sheriffs Milford City is now accepting applications for the Report 1995: Week of May Milford Felony theft from School involving High VCR's is under investigation. A South Dakota man was arrested by Utah Highway Patrol and booked into jail on charges of Driving Under the 22-2- 8, position of Milford City Treasurer or Recorder for the Milford City Office. General office skills required and experience computer preferred. Applications can be obtained by contacting the Milford City Office, 302 South Main, Milford, Utah between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Applications will be accepted until Tuesday, June 6, 1995 at 3:00 p.m. For further information, please call (801) sSusan Nettn Milford City Recorder Published in Milford Monitor Sara Smith & Jason Fisher Ad Deadline: 5:00 p.m. Tuesday Ph: Fax:801-387-552. . And our new computer system makes that good service even better. Call me. Brent Stapley 51 757 N. Main Beaver, Utah Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. FAM STATI INSUaANCI ia 8ttoFavnkitufBrc9CofnpuVuM mik msWOm OioarrMngion, ranvjumoN. - Mule: As a convenience for advertiser. Milford Monitor classified ads are the honor system. The Monitor extends dumbs to those who have published paid promptly, and requests cooperatkn from aH others, so that town system can continue. Billing for a $2. ad sunnk ia not fedhW JjlBC2U29i Public Notice is available at the following locations: Business Licenses are due for renewal Jury 1. Payment should be presented to the Milford City Office, 302 South Main, prior to that date. rV Susan Netto Milford City Recorder Pubfisned in Milford Monitor June 2 1995 Public Notice Alt dog licenses are due Jury 1. Payment and proof of vaccination should be presented to the Milford City Office, 302 South Main, prior to that date. s Susan Netto Milford City Recorder Published in Milford Monitor AD John' Service Station 238 S. Main -- Milford 5 Phone: . Milford Cneveron 402 S. Main -- Milford Phone. 387-55- LaSLpsie 3 43kJt : Phone:387-555- 5 FW 387-226- 241 S. Main- - MUford Phone: Phone: -- Beaver 386-242- 470 Open 24 Hours 433 S. Main -- Milford 1 Phone: Bill's Chevron 1 18 S. Center St - Minersville 5 Phone: 386-229- 387-225- Phone: I Market 55 W. Main Minersville 1 Phone: tontty (crr.cn (2ft Wanted: - Miford 387-28- Hong Kong (afe calls. " ' 438-28- 425 S. 100 W. Phone: 387-24- 24 31 N. Mala Phone: . , F'Mbi ... SSJESS; Todd 387-275- 8. 387-24- TXW Veda' Milford number for Sheriffs Office is Please do not use 91 1 for Recipes for ESA Cookbook. Call Toni at 387.5558 ml Trailsidc General Store v 7 cy 437 S. Main -- Milford rW387-989- 2 , 100 East Milford, Utah 84751 neighbor service' The Sheriffs department made 28 responses to requests fro assistance. Of these calls, one was to keep the peace, eight to check out or suspicious persons 11 to circumstances, and assist other agencies. 31 W. Mam P.O. Box 224 insurance I sell Influence of Alcohol. A Greenville man was arrested by UHP. He was booked into jail on charges of Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol. 1 ,450 North I back the family with good was reported in Greenville. Utah Highway Patrol also arrested a St. George She was booked woman. into Beaver County Jail on charges of Driving Under the Alice Smith Staff: " of Alcohol. Theft of tools from a truck June2.199S fiscal year 1994-9- 5 budget. ' VVfrifflfflNfflP. Milford City Recorder Published in Milford Monitor issued. Influence 387-271- 1. Public Notice The Milford City Council will hold a Public Hearing June 20, 1995 at 6:45 P.M. in the Milford City Office, 302 South Main, to consider adoption of the operating budget for Milford City for fiscal year 1995-9- 6 and to make changes in the Three traffic accidents, each involving only property damage, were investigated by the Sheriffs Department. Fifteen traffic stops were made with ten citations -- Minersville 386-248- 7 S.00 :m.tf (- - Hi W.tffii Special "Thank You1 to all of our Distributors! |