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Show Utah Press Association 307 West 300 South, Suite 5005 Milford Monitor P.O. Box 224 Milford UT 84751 Salt Lake City UT 84101-121- BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID MILFORD, UT 2 84751 PERMIT NO 15 nun Mi m J r W At Serving Beaver County Since 1991 Formely the Dodge City News VOL. V NO. 21 MAY 26, 1995 ESA "This is the Place" Dedication ceremony for "This Is The Place " where a veterans monument will be in erected of memory Minersville veterans who have served, and are still serving, to protect the freedoms of this great nation is scheduled for 11:00 AM., Monday, May 29, at the Minersville City Park. The program, is sponsored by the American Legion and American Legion It pot . ililllillS (ll . '1 mom, ...5. ... Auxiliary. '' r IRgna IfiSHfenl ...V VFW Post 1546 will 1 .l, 1 Photo Courtesy Walker Phelps Milford Main Street Daze Association - Back row: Cher Phelps (Secretary), Carta Campeau (President). Middle: Tom McGinn (Treasurer), George Campeau. Front: Richard Fassett (Vice President), Mary Sower, Bill Easton. Not pictured: Gloria McDermott, Becky Fassett, and Walker Phelps. Uilfcrd m Street Daze Kicks Off The Celetrztbn Cf Ser! The event begins at 9:30 AM. with a flag raising ceremony at the Caboose Park. The childrens' parade begins at 10:00. The ESA Fashion Show Dancers will perform in front of the Caboose Park directly after the parade. KSSD and KSUB will broadcast live from Main Street 10:00 AM. to 1 :00 P.M. Special first time attraction is a carnival for the children. Spike driving contests, horseshoes, food booths - everything from frozen bananas to scones - roller blade race, miniature golf putting contests, crafters from throughout the county, personalized barrettes, are just a few of the highlights planned for the day. Drawing for the ESA Sorority hope chest is scheduled for 1 :00 P.M. at the Caboose Park. Hershey Track Meet begins at 1 :00 P.M. at the MHfad High School track. There will also be a Gymkana 5:00 P.M. at the rodeo grounds. The Boy Scouts will be conducting a car wash at A & F Enterprises throughout the day. is from 5:00 to 7:00 P.M. at the Pavilion. Cost is $5.00 per The Lady Lions person or $20.00 per family. Take this opportunity to sample locally grown pork donated by Circle Four Farms. The evenings ends with a dance at the Pavilion to the music of "Stampede" sponsored by the Milford Lions Gub. The goal of Main Street Daze is to showcase Milford for the new residents, and invite former and current residents to enjoy the town. Started in 1991 under the direction of Carla Campeau and Tom Rollins, the celebration has grown steadily and added events every year. The association will continue actively, even after May 27, with the intent of expanding for future years until the event becomes a week-lon- g celebration. There will be throughout the year, will all proceeds remaining with the association. All interested individuals are welcome to bring their ideas and join the group. The association would like to thank the many local merchants for their support. Bar-B-- Q fund-raise- rs host a Memorial Day program at 10:00 A.M. Monday, May 29th, at the Milford City Cemetery to honor deceased Veterans interred there. The program should last about 10 through 12. By Gloria McDermott The April business meeting was held at the home of Wiseman. Carol Educational reports were given by Adele McGinn, Lorie Schow and Carol Wiseman. They presented good ideas on flowers and plants for home enhancement, both inside and out. KathyAcklin reported on the fashion show, and Toni Rollins reported on the Milford Main Street Daze project. Sorority members decided to sell barrettes and tattoos as fund raisers. Next item of business McDermott; Carla Campeau; Secretary, Stephany Puffer; Treasurer, Kavtvn Thompson. The officers were sworn in at the Founders Meeting, held at the Station Restaurant. The Pin Jewel held at Kristin ceremony was Janet Larsen, Mayer's. Jammie Hardy, Stephany Puffer, Katrina Sagers and Sandy Walker received their Jewel Pins and became new Hostess sorority members. Kristin Mayer, Julie Barnes and Cathy Jiminez provided a delicious dinner in addition to entertaining the group with a Vice-Preside- nt, Winer Is... By Valirie Short The Beaver County Fair Board is pleased to that Nathaniel announce Dotson, a Minersville 7th grader, is the winner of the "design a hot air balloon" contest. He will receive $20. and a free ride in the balloon at the fair. We received so many entries it was hard to judge, as they were so beautiful and colorful. Therefore, we have chosen Felicia VanLuven, Milford, and Nicole Cruz, Beaver, to enjoy a free ride in the balloon also. Thanks for your participation, and watch for many more "fun" contests to be held during the fair, August Officers was election of officers. They Gloria are: President, thirty minutes. And The Sorority Elects . game. All members helped with highway clean up and the chore was completed quickly completed. "We've never had a bad crop! Milford grads have a history of excelling in college and in life. " Councilman Harlan Thomas |