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Show ttdptatg ar 17? fcSCJ QC3fe330 m m oer, could only sse 17 per dtagruM ns ctJCtof its slaw "we're ee WPPSS," said saJt IB tPA spokesman Ann Garrett. "The biggest difference is that we are betiding this plant at the right time and in senrlMa relation to the negotiating teaeas IwTua Fewer and the bteraooaa. tain Power Agency UPi) have worked eet a teat-ti- re ne lower interact thaa private tllitv bonds. The package added ap to cheap power or at least, power at a cheaper price thaa electricity produced by ed plants of private piiiMm tnCaliaar- U and Utahl city thohm er Project, tt eOered attractive benefits. 1 was to be th world's power largest but coal-fir- oil-fir- ed The proposal was so at. tacUve that Utah Power and plant, generating 3,044 meg-awa- its of electricity from a remote desert sit soar Utah's coal fields and a steady supply of fueL And, more Unportantlr, it was to ba financed through tba sala of tax-fr- ee muni, elpal bonds, which carry a light, the state's largest private electric company, deferred some some of its owe planned eoastruetioa and signed op to buy 25 per-ce- nt of the IPP electric!, la tact, the company ty. ebfig. UttcoeloVtaseM. ft IPP was planned hi the booaiaf 1910s whea pew. er deauad was increasing. With the recession, deei and has suddenly dropped and Interest rates have soared poshing the cost of the project froa under 14 billion to over St billion -- $11 billion added. Utah Power is now trying desperately to get eat of the project, and IPP's other par. Q of 2, . if paid in advance. AT-t- ic bow for the winter. Cellulose and Rental machine available. Over 500 Bags la stock. Check my prices last!! Jones Glass and Insalatloa, Fill8. 39tfa more, Barbie clothes. Con. tact Betty Jean Cook at 55 N 400 West. 43,44,45p 50? billing charge. CARD OF THANKS 10? per word, YOUR minimum $3.50. SCRATCH PADS: 3 X 5, 5 X 6 or made to order. At the County News, 415 erect. aft gee PUnt 743-517- South Main. Milford. i ORDERS ARE NOW BEING taken for signs. Order early for Christmas. Call 9, after 3 .00 p.m. 45,46,47p $100! TRUCKS $75! Available at local govern, ment sales. Call (refund, ext. able) 3910 for your directory on how to purchase. 24 hrs. 45,46,47p CARS 387-275- 1969 PONTIAC FOR SALE. Call 3864488. Cheap. PER WEEK PART time at home. Webster, America's . favorite dictionary company needs' home workers to update local mailing lists. All' $100 . ages, experience unnecesCall sary. 60Q0, Ext. 8625. 44,45p 45p FOR SALE:Buschelectronlc sllcer. Demonstrator. Like new. $55.00, was $89.50. Call Marl Mar6. 45c shall, PIANO, LOWREY WALNUT Returned with Console bench, can arrange pay. ments as low as 12 simple annual interest. Write credit manager, Suite Eldrldge Travis, 148 ZCMI center, S.L.C. 84111. Ut. 44,45,46p " PUREBRED SALE: German Shorthalr Paptv Excellent Hunterstcvu 386-2245,46 c TO, NOTICE IT MAY CON-?eWem, nc respon- l SIGNED, William Roy Barton 45,46,47 Chllds purse, at the Methodist Church, after the auction and rummage sale. Owner claim at the COUNTY NEWS office. 5 acres with corrals, sheds ect. Call 45,46,47p LOST ANIMAL: ENHANCE YOUR STOVE OR fireplace plus adding saf- ed Multi-stripe- d. IT'S HERE! SANTA'S Workshop. Open 12:00 to 5:30. All handmade items. Bake goods and candy sold on 45c Saturday. 39tfii SAVE UP TO $2175.00 ON your 1982 Income taxes WEDDING STATIONERY: Everything you need for that special day. Invitanapkins, accestions, sories. Extra quality, fast Priced reason styles to choose able. Many Photo Invitations, from. color or black and white. See samples at Beaver County News, 415 South 1. Main, Milford, Utah 387-288- tin STOVES STOVES Ladles reg. $10.50-14.5- 0 now $9.99. New shipment of Traffic Jeans .girls sites 4-- and $2.00 off marked price. Lace. 10 yards, for $1.00, Flan. N THINGS: tops 00 PUBLIC water. In Miaertville. or 386-22- 7-- 14 a yard. 45c Iftt "II III ' MI ji HEARING 7-- PUBLIC NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that 1. the regularly scheduled City Council Meeting for November 15, 1982, Monday will be held on Tuesday, November 16, 1982 at 7:00 pjn. Notice given by City Recorder G. of the 1979 Planning and Zoning Ordinances for the City of Milford, Number 4, the governing body shall hold a public hearing before granting a variance . . . The City Council of Milford City will hold a public hear, lng November 15, 1982, at 7O0 pja. at the etty of. flees, 83 W. 400 S. Milford, Utah. 386-241- 4. g RENT: Two bedroom house, X wood stoves, one oil burner. 165 N. 100 E. Center St. $180X0 per month. Contact Linda FOR ,11 -- Pursuant to Chapter The proposed variance is for Selma Kirk, who wishes to build a carport and drive which is not in compliance with minimum sldtyard, at , 00 Weddings, family groups, and all family needs. Our' 29th year of business, satisfaction guaranteed. tfnnc HELP WANTED: Individual Beaver, Utah. with economy car to nasi froa St. newspapers George on Wednesdays. CCmVlITi the Contact Red at jRj? MAMMMG tavKH (UU, Aha. (On. IS Dk IS Dm IS Ok MNOT IS Dk Em Am r- - JlSSo. J SDrc.. 79KH . a so ts oa j 19 So So j 77 So J I So J So. So So. 12 . J So. 17 7SOrt so l9So W So 79 So Drc 79 So 79 So Km. SKo j S. . Drc. 11 29 . 19 So . SSo. SSo. rs so II Drt 79 fco 10 Drc 10 Drc Na S Ne. Drc. tenia MDk WOk Otc II Drc SDn Far Dtc-I- S II So. Dn 77 So. 22 So . . I Sot 25 Oct . BETTY LOU T eiml Mar oW aiarit dW faaoMai aat aad dtht m VS Pmt AnaaafeM imttumom. limn all auJ Avmta rMt 17 Drc 17 Pr- e- Sffr j T tf-il-t Gtmtn I .inlifi U j tt (hr gale ihouM be necned IS Drt S UMi Drt SDrc I Norm 4-- .j 79 So 79 So II Drc NewhauM Ainca Atwtraka CermteenW. Utem CenwaiSoMUi Amtnca ' Far Emc MmJEm tiemiiii 6D 79 So 29So 6 Drt 6 Drc. 79No 79 Nov. ,..,, Aeie SDrc 29 So 6 Dec 6 Dec . J 29 No espertencing a 5-- 6 EDO percent annual growth. "But that dropped to two percent,' he said. "IPP is no longer attractive for two reasons. One is the cost and the other is slackening demand." The company recently curtailed construction of a 400 megawatt gen. fourth e rating unit at its Hunter plant in eastern Utah due to a drop in demand. -- Don't 13 10 Drc 10 Dec 7Ko tiMllWWAwk Wen Aaice S So 29 So IS So. Oti So 6So. S So .... 25 Oct. I So. 2J 0 2J Oct. IS Ot Thursday November 11, 1982 - COUNTY NEWS, 387-288- Those wishing to submit lmput or comments may do so at the meeting, or by filing them with the City's Recorder at regular business hours at the City Of. flee, 55 W. 400 S., Milford, 1. f t serf a wen i COmmIKiai MSiMNTiM strain eMWICW OOHi Utah, until 4100 15, 1962. ember BOX 294 CALL ELECTRIC SHAVER REPAIRS We carry a complete line of shaver parts ffiro and accessories for popular name brands Buildup of unburned part icles can cause a chimney fire. To prevent this, chimneys from fireplaces and woodstoves need cleaning, reminds Steven C. Bllboa, extension safety specialist. Safety Education Office, Utah State University. He says fireplaces used and air --tight continuously stoves need to be cleaned once a year at the minimum. They may even need to be cleaned once a month. He suggests checking the flue lining every couple of weeks to find out how fast creosote is accumulating Inside the flue. A quarter nch-thick accumulation of creosote signals that It's time to clean the flu yourself or call in a professional to do it, he said. Quick! Ono Day Repair Sorvico on Most Modols Gom Jowolors Codar City 152 North Main, Revolutionary Method for Removing Snow! EXCITING CONCEPT FROM MIRACLE PRODUCTS nw rovomtionarv ly!tm 'or PusrvOvw fonevmg now m on Hordm wov You aon l puh on t mow you mciv gtde inowawov euoiAiowo SIMM UGMT AND fFFCIENT HtAVY CONSTRUCTION DUTY O WORKS ON SOW HtAVY WIT SNOW POWDER DRV SNOW -i- KRKO FOR THE ENTIRE FAMLY FOLDS EAS1Y FOR STORAGE ALSO .ACCUMUUIII SNOW GREAT FOR TRAURS. FIAT ROOFS, COMMERCIAl OR FOSTA0E Creosote, a tarlike sub. stance created in a flue's VOX MN HtJfOUMG SO, MXXitURT. MIRACLE lining from unburned particles, presents the fire haz- - mUXNGS INDUSTRIAL send check a nowYOwe (TOTAL CT iso for "M es 'J75) TO FUMMER. M7S2 HODUCRSC TURNFUi DRIVE. MKXXEBURY. CT 06762 .AND "FUSHOViR" BACON 1 CLASSIFIED AOS 431-263- 4 Fov Outefc Sfwtcv 260 North 100 West Beaver YOU WANT! V They're Full cf PUBLIC ,t)a October 4th. WANT TO BUY HOUSE WITH Cc!IS372C3 LeoG.KenslI at least three bedrooms on at least 1 11 acres or 1 11 acres of last with water and power, 15 Milford. Call 387-502- 1. 43.44.45p Attorney at Law dSt&tteJn .O.Iox73S Utah 64m KSta. This translates opartag on Channel 59, re-- " lo- miles of SUBSCRIBE DON'T BORROW! 1982, Television of Springfield Utah, Inc. filed with the Federal Communications Com. mission an application for renewal of License of telV vision translator statfca SAVE!! cated wtthla NOTICE V AndYWII 50 Services Published In the Beaver County News, October 28, Not. 11, 1982. SUPER BUYS SoRsriTtism AVAILABLE: Boy Scouts to do Fall yard work. Call 387-24and ask for Sam. . 44,45,e Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Education of the Beaver County School District until 10:00 a.m. December 1, 1982, for the following: ' 1. Renovation of the Mil ford High School Auditorium at Milford, Utah. Plans, specifications, and informs, tion will be available from architect Mr. Paul Evans, 515 East Broadway, Salt Lake City, Utah 84102. phone 1, November 15, 1982. General, mechanical, and electrical contractors . must be. pre -- qualified. Bids will also be re. 2. ceived for the wooden shed located behind the McNeil home at 90 North 100 East, and for a scraper , Beaver, t blade stored within the shed. - 3. (1) trailer made from Willy's Jeep pickup frame can be seen at the district office. 328-891- Signed Betty Bacon, City Recorder OUR HAVE WHAT 436-231- 0 pjn., Nov. broadcasts KSTU, ChaneU S3, wtth a power output f 100 watts. The areas served are Milford, Hamilton's Fort and Newcastle. Published In the Beaver i County News, Oct. 28, Nov. 4, 11 and 16, 1982. : AMERICAN HXSTTASX cab mm OMSX KSSXttt CAKKCTt 5 C?F 0 07F II STCZ MtOfUM fVUVVfW rfflCC:4T0VI 7 $379M The board reserves the right to reject any or all .bids. ' By order of the Board Hmi up to 2.000 h. f 5 re- putable woodstove and fire place accessory dealers. The may be chimney cleaned from the top down by attaching a weight to one end of the brush and a long rope to the other or to at. tach another rope to the bottom of the brush and have someone tug from the bottom side as the brushes work back and forth In the chlm- - NOTICE ., 7 eral stores and at most To be safe, see that the chimney gets a thorough cleaning as needed. Experts say the most effective way to clean the flue is to sweep it out with a steel -- wire brush. Other objects used in the chimney may do lrrepalrable damage to the flue or they may get struck In the chimney. Special chimney sweeping brushes are available at sev ard. Published In the Beaver County News Nov. 11, 1982. 158 North lOOWest.Mllford, Utah. "ejtijr uavtci Woodsman, Hurricane, Heritage in stock. Low. est prices In Utah. Also pipe, grates, , cultured stone veneer, and other accessories. Jones Glass and Insulation, 183 N. 400 39tfn W., Fillmore. nel-$2.- FOR SALE: Two bedroom Home with Vi acre lot, with 2 shares of water. Two to acre lots, each with 1 share of for PHOTO KERKSIEK WraKEHR PLUMBING 6x I 45,46,47p Jones Insulation, Fill39tm more, 743.5178.' service. r gJI a "Solar -- Glut JEANS TTZTi Solar for details. ot, 7-- ' Iff oz. Hot Water System now!! System must be operating by Dec. 31st to get 1982 credit, call STOVES BOTHER WITH A COUPLE OF CIAS51REP AP5 MILL. SELL THE STUFF W FASTER! 387-267- 743-517- by installing Long Persian cat, hair- - Answers to Pepper. Kids want him home. Reward offered. Phone 7. 45c ety and value to your home by using "Cultured Stone Venter." Over 3,000 sq. ft. in stock. 50? sq. ft. cheaper than SLC prices. Jones Glass and Insula8. tion, Fillmore, Roll" kELti? WW FOUND: FOR SALE: al Ct 1982. that will last for years. Contact your Worldbook Chlldcraft representative today for the specials and details, evenings at 387. 2827. 44,45,46,47,48,49p now r?i than those contracted by myself as of October 16, GIVE A CHRISTMAS GIFT 8. WHOM sible for any debts other 36 387-553- east-centr- 386-249- FOR m tM b ii ii 10? per word, mln. $2.00. 3 Insertions for the price Own driver. at! tfcanis he penr A exist, lf, ltl. If transmission lines are ADORABLE RAG DOLLS Any kind any size. Home-ma- de oers if lag technology .M If the entire plant Is not Utah. 11 the IPA has eeld mete thaa noised immediately, she ad. dad. It can easily be seal, $1 biUloa to bees. seme weye. the IPP eddown. Garrett said the hugh cost and Its spoMsrtog Sfnacy, increases are mostly a facthe IPA, reeemblo ftkeftaaa. tor of high interest rates. c tally troebted Weehtnpoe The cost of the project could Public PowerSepplySysten. The IPA was treated by an drop, she said, if those in. terest rates come down. act of Una Utah LegUlatari But Utah Power officials which permitted sesswrous said they cant wait. Get. local governments to band out is becoming a mat. ting a to finance tage together tor of survival. Nervous New pwbUeally --owned ngUSy.The lav also allowed the Utah York bond rating firms have cities to go tote partner-shi- p already dropped UPtL's rating from double --A to A with Los legates and and have been threatening swberfee five of Its Bartons, to it even more unless Gen-da- le drop Aaaanlm, Riverside, tt out. A lower rat. pulls and Pasadena, which lag means the company Is would receive apnweeSmateiy viewed as a higher risk and 80 percent of the powtr. has more trouble borrowing eneour-aged The Legislator money. Utah Power to get InS's pure econom'cs," said volved. Since Utah was usVal Fulayson, director Dr. clean and ing Its water, coal air lor the plant, tie law- of development for the utilmakers wasted to team) sure ity, "la 1976, tt appeared to be the right thing to do. that aboet half the power reBut things have changed. mained la the state. The "The alternative was oar how. IPA Utah members, proposed Wellington Plant which had an estimated cost 1 of $1,300 per kilowatt. The IPP was estimated at $1,000 per kilowatt." That cost has now climbed to nearly $3,000 per kilowatt, while UPAL thinks tt can still build a plant for $1,300, said Flnlayson. Interest rates were the primary reason for the In. creasing cost. But there have been other factors. When the plant was originally planned, tt was to have been built NOTICE Utah near In NOTICE Is hereby given coal fields on a river with that the governing body of unallocated water rights. the City of Milford Intends But the site was too close to vacate that certain alley to Capitol Reef National Park running north and south and the plant had to be re through the center of Block moved to west central Utah. 2, Railroad Addition Subdl-visio- n Coal will have to be shipped to Milford City, as further by rail at a higher such alley appears on the cost. The IPA also had to official plats and records buy water to supply the plant. of the City of Milford. It paid local farmers lnMll-lar- d A public hearing will be County $1.400 per acre-foheld 6H December a record for water at 7:00 p.m. during the regsales in the state. The cost ularly scheduled Milford was nearly $80 million. City Council meeting at the Dave Mead, UP&L public Milford City Office to conrelations director, said sider the above intention. UP&L entered the contract, Published in the Beaver an annual growth anticipating County News Nov. 11, 18, In power demand of 8 perDec. 2, 1982. cent. The company had been tng beildrngs (SGDQDC3TTV WANT AD RATES nces- .- sae added, -- we bexldctag on a single site, are coal and not an- catar ee we are not bedeviled by regelations. And are are I for let mma?' some ef Its Bet the term have est made peblle peseta; arteo. taace ef all of the nmrtki. signed a contract inc to bey the power, even TeatMNvaWi f Education of Beaver County School District. NICHOLAS R.DOTSON Published in the Beaver County News November 11 and II, 1982. i CWeezTstjUXtwwttS C727C7 l.M. 1 SSS Tfea Well Pcnotlr-- i Sextt Wwst 972-07S- 972-C7- C3 Uinnl 9 |