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Show VPizj The business of the firm increase with tlw growth cf the camp, and these gentlemen propose to have things'in fchape for almost any emergency. Ose of onr merchants says he will give $25 towards filing up Main street ana waking it appear respectable. Are there any more that would be equally Ye believe as liberal? everyone residing or doiwr business on Main street. would contribute sometnm? towaras this important improvement if they to do so. were only Te2 CEmiT of ox drivers to ibeir team 23 tcev pzss heavily ioaded thveagh the Vreit, is becoming of as ill warrant the such a rcas-ituiilaw cf a making it a penalty jnssage for cruelty to animal. Thj brutal manner in which soa.e animals are whipped is enough to awaken the sympathy of the most hardened criminal It ought to be stopped. Thk horn, violin, dram and dulcimer were the instruments that composed the Park City band on election day. Many voters were mads enthusiastic and carried to the polls by teams to vote. The ladies were conveyed in carriages and buggies and dropped their votes in the ballot box with as much ease and grace as though they had practiced it tor years. Tiie ditches for the water works will be completed We should like to see the pipe laid mora rapidly, but as the blame 9'ests wi!h the parties who have the "detract for furnishing the thimbles that connect the pipes, we must hold them responsible for the delay. Our pevple stand very much in nwd of the water and those Salt Lake parties should hurry the matter up. Tke Pike Tiros., publishers of the Silver Reef JliVr, were tried and acquitted in Beaver on Tuesday on a charge of libel. They were arrested tor publishing an article on the geological formation of the Christy Company's claims, and it was charged by the owners of the property that the ob ject of the article was for the purpose of fitter. EXKXaO XlHIHO VOTES. Peksctnal Kentiou. CATTOHT. Mr. H. H. Willi?, General Manafer Constables Moore and Thomas reFoliowtsg is the bullion shipments of the Hawkeye Coxpany, called this Leke Wednesday, from Sal'. turned week the ending from the Ontario for . where they had faftly deposited the al- Wetk. Awr-tiththe in Welcome ACGUST ot 7, P. U. 10. of the J.r7XDAT, Superintendent Clark, 9,538.91 leged accomplice JulySl-Satur- day Sheriff Turner. R IL, in OF SALT LAKE CITY, RESPLXTFULLY ANNOUNCES TO T"3 o..w.os mnrdpr of the son of com; any with other railroad Aug. 1 Sunday in is known Utah, he as officials, spent Tuesday night in the 6,11.0y Jack Emerson, Aug. 2 Monday tne of murder, Park. 6,?40.53 denies any knowledge Citizens Aug. Opened to tne time of Vt ejeome g capture, , rKrEiXT JT 8EAES," IJDW-Aug. 4 Wednesday ........ 4.3U4.&4 prior Mr. James Clark, wbo wa3 injured when the latter made his confession, Aug. 5Tbnrsday of electric caps remplicating Emerson m one of the mur by the explosion for 6,3155 derers. sak; produce U'r Ctj : Salt Lake this In the 3Iarsae Coimtitvalor Building, and Aug. 6 Friday departed somewhat cently, His 00 ' "m. wr triibel though story huring reciirtd th Contract frtm tit f 18e Dr. n.iauscn. oy Welcome week, accompanied to that tfcefiwt is mixed, t $&,630.58 20c Total 4. ac 4ox PARK CITY WATEIS WOHKS COMPANY, wanted him to drive one of his teams Thomas- K. Snow,r of Salt !Lake, agent : i r,pnKX Assessment work on the Eevelator from Park City, 83 h? bad two, and IW ... SKR VICE TIPES. IS PREP ARE D TO EXTENT) TRS THE TO mum LAY tne lor (aikl,foinger sewing iuacuun, busishows a fine prospect for a good mine. would board and give turn a tree pas- ' 2 S3 SAME TO THE RESIDENCES' A SD BUSINESS HOUSES The sewing machine yesterday. , two shows on T I'VC Ibe Black Diamond fV . sage, fcmerson says ne saw oioou ness is very good around Park City. l Ml U JIM. mtd&alzj W r tTT'S V mA, per 03!n. t1 feet of milling ore. tbe pillow-sliand asked las comrade will f M,pl Jroc'l the surveyor, Major Gorlinski, when Welcome replied LAKE CITY- 80 , The Hawkeye hoisting works will be whr caused it, attac flU(, psr kuauwl k of nose Heed. At make bis headquarters in the Park for that he had an i ti r Tf vrl ra it t a. PlnntlMav HTilfff completed in "about two weeks. The another time he was csked if he did a number of weeks iurveyiug mining A Pnll Cnnnlr Skf X 'it -work of uuking a shaft will be com- not smell Iron Pipes and Fittings Kept iu Stock.. T Kubbcr to other business. Hose, PASX Float. claims and he said attending ai.d did, he anything menced sometime next week. and asked Welcome if it was his feet, Mr. Pisi hcd and three daughters ar''A, sew addition is being addad to Mr. A steike ws made in the White when the latter laughed and saii "you rived on Monday evening from New north. the oa house east. 300 level vesterdav on the Pine ZiXbittny' are always nosing around, seeing York City. Hence the continuous half two a and The pay streak is about his name in the Dariers as one ot tbe smile on our IIosheb is erecting an addition popular rextanratettrs inctes wide ana improving in wiuin. abettors, be concluded to give himself face. to hi residence on the north side. looks The ore is black sulphates and up and telegraphed to .Mr. Moore, oi .Tmt addition to the Marsac mill . for rich. Park City, that if ha wa3 wanted he The Election. Howell roaster will soon b sided PARK CITY, could be found at Carbon, Wyoming. Utah in the made A strike was rich t fjtA covered. Mr. with Mr. in Moore, company Up to the hour of goin g to press we on Monday of a tine body of chloride acHeber stage team took a jam- have been unable to obtain the returns and suhihuret ore in the upper level. Thomas, started after the alleged " in saloon and in a rse down Main street this week, from the county seat, which is no The ore struck isn sure indication of a complice and found him lil POUTERS AXD PeALEUS IS above place. He offered no resist- doubt owing to their not being all in r &bv& little damages , , lartre Douy wnen iney uiiii iuiu iuo the ance when he was handcrafted, and said from the precincts. Sheriff Allison i? hiil on the northeast. CoiBTocK experts are reported as fay he knew he was wanted. When ar has been and W. I. "'zj ,tbe Oafevio is the best mine they The Miriam Ferry, a lode running rested he wore, the hat. coat, veot and elected Prosecuting Snyder as there loda. Comstotk ff o saeen Attorney, Jhe ae north and south, cutting the" Snake shoes worn farms Turner, and says was no Robert balmon, it Mr. R. W. Creek formation at a right angle, has that Welccme made birri a present of is safe toopposition. f.'imt-ji- i to the " say, has been . ! Where cut. 1 found with ap-an been urner and of builder, murder open The them. vMiieW carpenter young office of County Clerk, as the opposition, ' vein matter and the cool and deliberate manner in a call. lode Lrie crosses the him the issue. in. Give this if any, was not very sHron g. Below we pom Hardware and Miners Supplies, Wines, Liquors, Eto ' looks as though which his remains were conveyed from been that has developed vote the of Park f Precinct, altercation yes-t give W. in City a J. Lingle, an pay ora might be found with but little tilace to place, is no doubt without which, though not official, is about corterday with Charley Gilbert, drew a Both AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. of crime. work. the m history parallel rect': knife on the latter. He was arrested await tb are men now in t penitentiary ' nd bound over to keep the peace. Thomas W. Justices P. Baken, 218; The Morning Star lode is he second claim southwest of the Utah. The ing the action ot the Urand v'ury.wmcn Cnpit,2!8: Wm. M. Ferry, 134; J. G. iroxsKis erecting a fine December. in convene Watson, Go. owners are sinking on the line of the residence on the east tide of Park It is the belief of a great many that Constables Robert Johnson. 233; J. lode between crvstalized lime and por Aschheim's to of in the rear as is Emerson an abettor not Avenue, i guilty L. Weber, 211 ; A. J. Moore, VM. The fissure is filled so far with, pbvrv. - asserted is mu-ditore. of Tamer. It the green quartz, sand ana decomposed parties who seem to know that ' ' ' Ocr school wa3 opened this week ' porphyry heavily stained. This lode by Notice. driv-n- s will no doubt develop into a good mine Emerson was paid by Welcome for with a good attendance. Mr. Condon 1 , Tw ' AND -- 0UBEES OF UIPOSTEKS he had and the if team, further, This is to give notice that A. J, ' - thinks he will be able to handle it this Another big strike was made yes been an accomplice to the deed, he could Moore is my legally appointed ri)uty. winter if the attendance does not eS-- i blackmail. the in owned his mine, by in was Crystal as have terday escaped everything scholars. coed seventy-fiv- e tie is prepared to give the n. ossary The Fonrih of July Finance Commit Messrs. Kilfoyle and Conner Bros., at favor. bonds and subscribe the oath ;f office Mrs to' that ot We learn are the head liiz the Cottonwood, pleased .'; tee request that the committee of ar; E M. Allkon,' PATENT MEDICINES AND PERFUMERY, required by law. 400 from feet her from made was strike about is slowly improving and the citizens generally .'A,,. Hayt of Snmmit county, Sheriff Accident. of the rangements of about severe at and a illness hetaorraga Painful the tunnel, depth meet with them in the school house on Pauk Citv, Aug. 5, 1880. 3 stomach. Dr. Disbrow considers her a bait teet. Ice specimen be Oils, Assay Sponges, Tuesday evening next, for the purpose lour and Recorder for Snake N. C. ' out of all immediate danger. of deciding upon some steps towards tore us shows native silver, green Creek Springer, met another with ETC, ETC., ETC. painAll of illustrated the latest District, ides and gray bromides. It is dalies, At meeting of the directors of the the fencing of the cemetery. Every in- cl.oloi j rock and looks very rich, ful accident on Tuesday afternoon last, magazines and newspapers at D. F free milling in interested is Park dividual in City , Park City Water Works held on the ledge being four feet wide. The which, thongh not fatal, came sotonear iieeler 3. Uocd stock ot toDaccos, cigars, -20th of Jane, W, L Snyder's resigna-- r this matter and tuey should not tail to the try smokers articles, stationery, etc. Agent Sole Agents fur Dr. Seidell's Catarrh Snuff, and Dr. gnedeker'g Saline Mlitarv. and hanging walls are well de being so that Nate has no desire foot ' tion as a director was accepted and attend this meeting. but are loose and crumbling. it over again. Mr. J. R. Nichols, of tor Wanamaker fc tirown, dealers in fined, James Sr Wheeler duly elected to fill H SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. foh Piiices. Park City is to have a new law firm. The hanging wall is quartzite and the Salt Lake, and Mr. Springer, had just ready mads - clothing, Philadelphia. . the vacancy. Milt Thomas and John Moore, the de- foot wall shows granite. The tunnel completed a visit through the Pinyon bainples and prices shown, measures t ) Utah has not been the only Territory feated candidates, are going to open a is in about sixty feet and will be driven mine, and coming out, Nate picked up taken and the goods returned by ex' 11- that has been favored by showers of law and collection office, and they will without cessation until this ledge is his shot gun and the two proceeded a press. short distance from the mine on the rain within the past two weeks. Ari-- c be known hereafter as "1 nomas x tapped. , u. a. aeklf.r, the news man, is The main trestle work, when they stopped to take . tona, Wyoming. Idaho and Montana Moore, attorncys-at-law.- " Mr. Lewis Cieptat, owner of the Re- a view of the surrounding well established in his new quarters opeach have quenched their thirst by the feature of their business will be "colcountry, lections promptly attended to and no ward, in Snake Creek District, about Nate resting the butt of the gun on his posite Thiriot's meat market. His gentle rain drops. 700 feet west of the brought in right foot. While gazing intently at stock of cigars, tobaccos, stationery, - Mrs. Mahonet is now very comfort-- - returns niada." Thomas will open the some fine specimens Badger, this morning from the office and Moore will close it. This is scenery and tbe country before contectionery and periodicals is com - fcWy situated in her new quarters op--', an firm and deserves suc- the above claim that loos very rich in them the gun slipped from its resting plete. If you want any book or periodi enterprising silver and lead. He has a shaft sunk place, falling about three feet, one of the cal ever published, give him your or posite tlie Park City Bakery, where her cess. . anmerons friends will find her ready t about twenty feet deep on the vein, striking against a timber der and he will furnish it at publishers '" tu attend to their wants. Ocs' worthy Deputy Sheriff, A. J. which is three feet wide. Tbe foot and hammers which exploded the gun, a pot tion of prices. so well to the descripanswers Moore, & hanging walls are quartzite, and every the charge grazing his right breast MESSRS. Hemes, Hutchings & Ward have the Emerson, t hat the crowd indication, be says, points to a true of the ItscoRD for a can of their tion of Jackmistook a flesh wound, and passed upinflicting tukg accomNotice. as him the at Take pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Park City and vicinity that they fissure vein. The Eclipse, owned by Ogden his right jaw under the V bite Lilly Baking Powder. It is proin the murder of young Turner. the same gentleman, in Snake Creek wards striking urc tuiuiJicteu tucu iie OLoro uiiu uave put in a X Ull OIOCK OI two ear nounced No. 1 for pastry, purposes. plice wounds and making ghastly stockThere be will of a the Milt Thomas says that all manner ef District, 300 feet north of the Dolly meeting Give it a trial. hole a Forthe ear. cutting through holders Works of the Park Water City cuss words were hurled at him by the Varden, has a tunnel run in about 200 EuctioH day passed off quietly, no crowd outside of the .ear, 'while John feot. They have not yet reached pay- tunately heheretained his equilibrium dis-or Companv Saturday, Aug. 7, 1880, at tbe would have otherwise fallen a office E. of P. Ferry at 8 p. m.. for tbe great disturbance being; made. Several was dissecting a, chicken wing. If a ing ore. but everything points favor- tance of about 200 feet, which no doubt were intoxicated, and a few fists were break had been made Milt declares the ably to its near approach. Work,, will purpose of levying an extra assessment would have the that the and transacting such other business as completed job as break for boeutne3Tii ie the ir.bntwhPthcrlcrowAjrfinld huve made J shot gun failed 'ng through & accomplish. Mr. may come before the meeting.' --htli anybody's iiinantnr & Nichols hastened to tbe Walker Uiiantsji, " or not we are una le to say. ' assistance "' L.P. Last Monday the Record office Wag and Nate, 26-- 27 Buckeye for ' Sec. and Treas. BTJBIED ALTV3. of crew assailed a Salt Lakers, jolly by Two ladies' of the1 gathering np his shattered hat started ta Strawberry And Also Iron, Cxriety of Salt Lake, will address the who were on their way Wednebdny reoraini? considerable ex for the Sampson carrying the gun witn Miners' Tools. exand Corr's Hand Book of Mining Law fishing, citizens of Park City, in Ui school Valley for a hunting was raised in Park City over him, which, by the way. he had retaincitement at toWholesale Messrs. and Ed. the We Retail. allude., tor at pedition. sale ed his othce. hold the At the hecoud a tonse this and A. Sampson Wm. Flinn was upon. evenings, report that for the purpose of crgttnizir.g a branch White, Juliu and Theodore Lovendale buried alive by the caving of a tunnel. team wss procured and he was hurrid-l- y VV armbelock. were and Chet,' They hero. is invited. brought to town and Dr. McFalls It did not require much repetition of Everybody society ed to the teeth, and wo presume they being called, dressed the wounds and the' assistance to reto report procure lUEsnAY evening a num.D?:r,pi re will have their wigwam lined with made his patient as comfortable as the lieve man tke unfortunate from his volvers were whipped out of theirhid and mountain rat skins becondition. A large num- circumstnnces would permit. Nate deing places by angry disputants but no fore they are out many days. Success, precarious ber of men hastened to the mouth of clares that the heavy account book James Cordon, the well known and shots were fired. Men who have no boys. mmmmw, WkMWMBWV j the ennyoimbovc Nelson's ranche and which he carried in his side vest pocket reliable Upholster of Suit Lake, is in 0 Control over their passions ought not to the was saved that his commenced smart life, only to aleck for a thing operations speedily town, and will remain for a limited Yesterday thought The Finest and most carry sncij. weapons, Complete S'.ock of exhibit his smartness in front of liberating Mr. Flinn, who was im- n. it divided the chaiv, of shot and period. Our readers will do well to VXaftUY evening Mr, Pearce brought Gveenevvald's by attacking an inoffen- prisoned but could couverse with those changed (he course of the'" portion that give him their work, his reputation uu siiteen passengers from Salt Lake, sive Chinaman, wbo was passing along outside, and knew that assistance was struck him.: Wednesday morning he is surpassed by none. He will have with the excepwitn nis two coaches. KainOr' shiue the street molesting no one. He grasp- near at hand. The accident occurred was feeling first-rat- e parlor furniture and wal the Kimball and Pearce stages ed the Celestial and threw him down about 8 o'clock a. m., and it was one tion of a great deal of stiffness and cataloguesof e AND PROVISIONS. FOREMOST OF ALL IS OUR lounges at his- - workshop. , makes regular trips, and none others and SUPERIOR pulled his queue rather too severe- o'clock before he was released from soreness, and is confident that he will be New Mattresses and Lounges made and should be patronized. ., . his perilous position. Messrs. James able to weather the difficulty and come old ones repaired on short notice. Leave ly for John's liking. The Chinaman Mr. Tewksbury has commenced work hastened to his foet and gathered up Harrington, I). Dignan and Johnny out ahead again. He was taken to his orders at the I'ecoed office. Angove, with the assistance of a host home in Midway on Wednesday. The upon his new store adjoining Wiseman an armful of ro'ki and started for the of other gentlemen, worked incessantly injuries are vry painful but not of a A Cork's on the north. Mr. T. is a b. A., who threw Bis hand back to his T TTXT e v business man. which nroves hip pocket under the pretense of draw- until the dirt and timbers were suff- fatal character. No. bones were broken at vvnolesule and lletail. Dr.McFalls and examined the removed so that Mr. Flinn carefully inatnis present quarters are too small ing a pistol.of This movement had not iciently w.mnds and found no shot remaining. the effect The workmen checking the Chinaman, could be liberated. for his rapidly inereasung trade. ' Main St. Bait Lake Oity. much difficulty in reaching Nate's numerous friends will be glad who pressed him so closely and hurlpd BRANDS OF a number of our business Qmra stones (50 rapidly that the smart aleck him. but no such thought as fail enter- to learn of his speedy recovery. Street Cars to and from the Depot bouses and residences are availing was forced to take to his heels for ed their minds when tlicy knew that a Room and Board from 1.00 to 1M the of themselves opportunity of having friend was imprisoned - and his life deper day. Room and Hoard Jront $7.00 wate convenient, it will not be many safely. Notes. Eailboad their When exertions. pended upon to &j.W per wed;, r.-'- . days' before our water works will be the workmen reached him, he was The grading for thffUtah Eastern is FKOH WAS3HIP. completed and now is the time to put BILL OP FARE, Etc., Etc. found to be fastened by a timber which between here and in the connections. him acm-- the back and had about completed ' Eds. Record: The grain crop along caught doubled him up in a heap so that es- Echo. Ws learn that the Masons of 'this the Weber is so far matured as to show by his own exertions was imposSuperintendent Clark's private car place are going to have a lodge. A sn average crop of wheat, oats and bar- cape been has handsome sura subscribed bv ley potatoes rather slim, bu an ex- sible. I)r. Mc Falls being on the ground, was run over to Coalville from Echo, an examination showed that bis back on Wednesday, on the U. P. branch f 1 members of the order for the purpose tremely abundant, hay crop, so that not' '. ; of defraying Ibe necessary expenses of withstanding the discouraging weather was so injured that he has a paralvis track. t of both legs. The Doctor is of 'the 1 1 in good during the spring months the farmers Messrs. Etdiklge and duff moved lorganizing, and tiiey will order in the course of three of Summit county will bo Letter pre- opinion that his recovery from the in- their force of men to the head of Silver will be unkJAXiX' JJLiVJ jury, although probable, , Uii'I,' pared for the coming winter than doubtedly slow, and it will be some Creek Canyon on Thursday, and will Tax snow inli.fWii of the mocn- - usual. time before he will be - again able to commence grading for tbe U. P. branch The 2itx of July .being "Utah's work. at the lJark City end of the road WHOLESALE AXD BETA It rEALKO IN ' ten Fourth of July," and this year the A deer and as hard and as near as we can learn. It The seems, for first tho U. P. branch bridge x r. Robey says there are jubilee of the Latter-dalace in Jaints, there .tbat he was engaged in prospecting for was built across Cuali Creek this week as a more general telobration than vicinity of his wood camp where the water, andhadnnk abfti'i .twelve, Tho Company, has, received two smr Watshin,I!nder the manage- feet deeBjjndJiad.diiXteilfroin 7T aaow is so deep and solid that it wjll usufilin the kit Joadsof poles aiwi VjU Wm. Messrs. ment of Crook James and oe twelve - feet, commence the erection ofia . W'graph j boi meiiea away tms season. . Hixon the festivities were extremely Kf tartar ,?a4--jC Utah minors who have been in Col-- -. well arranged. The young men and througa sort, damp soil. At til P. tirun line lmmeaiaieiy . oeiween rarK City ! HATS AKD CARPETS. . tho cave Mr. Flinn was about ten ana r.eno. oradq do not think noch of the State women paraded with banners twenty. of A J'nll Line or feet fi om the bottom of the shaft in as a mining country. Judge Varnes five Mens', Dots', Ladies' and Children's Hoofs and Sheet. 1 , Six thousand tics are banked at th young men with the "Sagebrush the drift. It was very fortunate that . eays fee met some Salt Laker in the Banner," showing Utah as it was when head "ORDERS the BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. of Weber to be floated lif v ready was assistance so on fiuitEUton rmntrv hntthav Aia. the hand, as pioneers came here. Cant. Brad he no doubt wouldpromptly have perished. He down to Coalville for the Utah East fusted with it In. Lead villa he says bury commanding; twenty-fiv- e is now as comfortable as possible at ern. A large number of ties are scat. "hcuse to let" is seen oa every street men with banner representingyoung tered along the line of this road and the Col. Nelson's, and we hope he may soon track-layintad at every turn. will scon commence. present product ot Ltah, Monroe Hixon recover. Next Monday Uintah District will commanding; neit came tne young etaiita Recorder. ThenrMont iunm. ladies dressed in wuite carrying a ban' AOOISSKT AT TBE SKILTEB. Single Meals, 5 cents. A School Dance. Mr. D. Dignan, is a candidate, and ner inscribed "Daughters of Zion." un fnt, W. A. PITT, PBOP. Lr. Duiel T. Kennellv is aJon running der the direction of Misses Hattie On Saturday afternoon last as W. E, We are informed by the committee Crittenden and Maggie fx the same office. We expect to gee a Nixon, Carriethen the foreman of the Ferry of arrangements that a danee will be the Sunday school, Terhune, hotly contested election as beta, men McMichael; was feeding a sample of lime-roc- k EEOT III THE WOULD I on the nigbt of August 19th for and their friends are not leaving any under its able superintendent, Mr. Smelter, into the Cornish rolls lie lost his given the benefit of the Ontario Gulch Dis Peterson, with a banner bearing tbe balance it mes unturned. y and in the heavy gear trict school, in Lawrence inscription, '"Strength of Zion." After wheels at thefalling shields' side of The citizens tf Salt Lake bave been the 2 ine, 8 was Hall. The proceeds, tver and above there was singing, procession cut treated with a little woolly water for speecnes, and bruised from severely the the necessary expenses, will be donated tne school House, and knee in etc., f"snefstie purposes. A negro herder to tho right shoulder. He was to the above an auernoou aance tor the young school, and as the cause is d.Tre his theep into City Creek, and folks in agitating with a long slender pine one worthy the hall. The festivities Young's supportyof everyone, we " stick few a made Carpentering of every detprtptir of so case tbe which pieces were rock, plain to concluded with a jubilee ball in Hoyt's J Pjper to see tne uau pacied jnst as full not eatchinir in the rolls very readilr. nope ! wWt the Fifteenth Amendent hall at Hoytsville. promptly attended to. as The all dance possible. who gentlemen Kay they are according to theory, the stick getting up the affair are yftb Judge was attempting to at.the next jubilee is the wish of your when, j was eanght and before the muscles vow over ims vyesr . correspondent. bo mote it be. 1 -EscrtAM. Oeb" baa bis left eve dresspd in , WAsrsair, Aug. 3,1380. Ir-.cvcui ui lUB teawn. UOBO S VrT.i "inrnini aad wears a baadape around foil intn thu - J""olul f GAS, iZ tv i kaadT He tra fallinsr a tree this lit Zi poplar band wilt furnish the mutic, AS II I when the Butt swims Ground con-- y WAJIXS3, to expaetatioas -, Htoaiii-liucistriking him on daily gaining strength. tended to all. The committees and fur- "t lide of the bead, . cutting it bad- - Twenty wood choppers wanted ther be will particulars jublisbed next a nearly . severing Lis ear. - He by Jaeerstt Mnffit W rrpq PHT7ATE B0ABDIN3 !Jrly while clor. liIt of weefe, so keep your eyej oeled. IllKjr Aicuon aianraiiy. ?2.50 ntr a it. rr Hi ?J1 ran MAIN STREET, bv it. and lodsmsratirrsA. J. Whites fcoard.' Fxnnir Pt Ar.KK;v L rr&'i.M taa)a Mr YtTtt ' and AND - 'Escord offi'ce. I T bloc R I 1? v an(i lJ TV.,.ilHn 127 2 heast of posrtoilice, and -- AL JjBtTH w Lake City, - Utah. SHKBT I.KJO KEt'T M'HTOC Mt daily lrom . . 19" MA norma, . . . . S' f . Cli. fresh t. ' Poaches. 11 T I 'i ; Ti iiuf iiUK.e tarv. rt, , i iprrr. twi Mrntiaa $3.00 par JHy. reur. i. z n en want ii'firh .n iu vaiccv wecJC I U....U Terms rjif&vS j s.rr.v,' i a coil ; jiiia A. lOBLEOH & CO., PEOP v.o, box so. . . rTr 11 CO-- I ' - , M ti, 'jt 'Tis ' . - i '. OTCAn AND IVATOn :' FIFl7- a of Park City, that he has esdav BRANCH SIHIO -- : ;i I f- V- A SALT PRICES. Try UTAH. V: & f ancy lirocenes, Ulotliing, staple b-- , ... . MUUKb, ALLhN . er a U(J. ..." Chemical & Pharmacutical Preparations, Paints, Material, Glassware, J xd 83?-Se- I New ftwel Mew Gbodb! . YOUNG MILES SHELF HARDWARE, f -- I Carpenters' Tools, t Builders' Hardware . st Steele and , jack-rabb- Upholstering! it " "a-- jl'uulv mm mamv ui Utiles, nut-fram- m Jisii EHia iniDiR m m mm m rcriana Mouse. wide-awak- THE FINEST , Liqours, Cigars and Tobaccos ALWAYS OIsr IIATVJ.' Crockery nvA Glassware in Stock. s " , I , , y r I'. 9h if1I L. g IIODDC, C0tlTRACT0 . BUILDER. tbe-mach- i4- SrawTtrS Jj c T -.- . u- iiill DAVID JAMES. 4 TIMER, ri!v ! " .... 1 'r YfATf Iron,Hosc,&LcadPT Salt pumps mTii:: i r |