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Show 1952 jtember 26, HILL TOP TIMES rJ HJimdJ BtM Wtf 9 J DIG SELLING DAYS! (o)oo EASY 2V2 jyW.1h4.P.w.,step... X ,& Power Scope TERMS 134.95 ; a & CD33EB CE031 .v.....-'- . raOuD Hip Boots J. C. Higgin Sizes 6 to 12. . ."".' " Quality 11.35 Rugged, durable light weight. New improvedl Sponge rubber Innertole. X light weight wtih reinforcement points of greatest wear. J. C. Higgins POWER and accuracy with aenuin bob action made in Belgium by Fobrique Nationate! A BMtrplc of design and crafttmanshipl Chromed barrel Mat Md wear! Specially designed Ml k gneWew mdel O Jka we Mail Am wa aanr W ! Mm of t rfne. U O EASY t-- TCMS I Brown Shell Vests Keeps Any Size Shell Hindy Save Today Sold only by Sears! compensator gives you 3 different hot controls for all kinds of game! Cuts recoil op to 40M custom x elusive ventilated rib for faster sighting ... 3 6 shots In a action-fi- res "Free-lollin- front. feist as seconds! g Z3 u Qo & CD30EB EASY TERMS GX5QSJ Gun Cases Zipper Sizes 48 and In Loads underneath like expensive repeaters! "Fast-trave- l" boM forged balance for easy" handling. Proof-teste- d choked for accuracy! steel barrel Heavy rubber recoil pad, thumb safety, walnut pistol grip Feather-lig- ht is precision stock! Available J. C. Higgins Hunting Coats 5.00 Special Now Save 1.10 - 1 ' 'if Iff A this sturdy Formerly 6.98, army duck coot is a real buy! finish and Water-repellerubber-line-d game bag. With two flapped shell pockets corduroy - faced collar for shoulong wear. Reinforced 36 Brown. lder construction. nt SAVE 10 In Case Lots of Shotgun Shells Box of 25, !2 Gauge Case of ...2.50 to 48. in 12, 16 and 20 gauge. 45.00 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF 44, 52-inc- h Now Only 4.44 . h Oood quality! With heavy duty suede-clot- h fabric cover, tough sipper, lining. Reinforced at muzsle and bolt. 20-inc- MANY SPECIAL ITEMS OFFERED DURING THE THIS SALE! In full or modified choke. SHOTGUNS 53.50 Single Shot-Remin- gton 110.45 Automatic J. C. Higgins Pum HEAVYWEIGHT BOOT SOX RIFLES Savage Model 340, J. .30-3- 0 C. 69.00 J9.95 Higgins Winchester 94, $5 HOLDS IN J .48.75 .30-3- 0 Winchester Model 94, C7 CLIAN1M3 SHOTGUN 67.95 69.00 .32 Special 20 Boxes AU other sizes and velocities at similar savings. 1.59 . . For warm weather use, or to carry extra shells. Bellows type chest pocket with 24 elastic shell loops. Button PINT VACUUM SOmi -- . C7r7C7 3 CAL. ClIANING ROD r VALUES TO r . LAY-AWA- Y CtOTU RXAUSTtC DUCK CALL ' -- $1X9 k kT Dial Store Hours: 10 A.M. 2231 Wash. Blvd. Free Parking O 3ilG fiSSiSZ .22 If? 8-58- 31 to 6 P.M. J 1' |