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Show Friday, Marchlsn HILL TOP TIMES Page 2 YOU SAID IT! QUESTION: Have you got spring fever? ANSWERS: The Hill Top Timet Is a civilian enterprise published by Wasatch Publishing Co.. for the Hill Air Force Base Civilian Welfare Assocation In the interest of the personnel of the Osden Air Materiel Area at Hill Air Force Base, Utah. Editorial and news matter Is furnished by the Public Information Office, OOAMA. USAF, Air Materiel Command, Hill AFB, and is available for general release. The Hill Top Times receives Armed Forces Press Service material. Opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of the Department of the Air Force. Address all Ads to the Wasatch Publishing Co., P. O. Box 253, Ogden. Utah. Represented nationally by the W. B. Bradbury Co., 122 East 42nd Street, New York 17. N. Y. HEADQUARTERS BRIEFINGS - - By Brig. General Norris.B. Harbold One of the most important attributes of good citizenship is that of Personal Integrity. This means Honesty; honesty of word, and honesty of deed. Included within the scope of this honesty is that of property responsibility. Each of us in the service of our government participates in a public trust with respect to the property ;and. supplies, for which we are responsible. This trust is given us, not by some vague and indefinite '"they", but by the people of the United States. As individual we are also custodians of our own property. We must accept this trust in full. Every, piece of equipment, every item of supply which is lost or damaged through carelessness, or haste, means that .we are not fulfilling the responsibility given us. It also means we are adding to the taxes that we pay as individuals. The volume of property which is handled, and the value of many of the pieces of equipment should make us even more conscious of the necessity for care and accuracy. This is not someone else's job, all of us are involved; all of us are responsible for government property; in the paper work, in packing, in handling, in Supply, and in Maintenance. Property honesty is not hard to find, nor to maintain, but once lost, It is hard to regain. , . . tax-paye- rs, SSgt. Walter Airmen of the United .States Air Kuttig, Statisti- Force occasionally receive unique cal Services "Well, if being assignments which take them to the corners of restless, tired, strange and and filled with the world. Master Sergeant Clebert strange yearn- L. Washburg, formerly of Headings are symp- quarters Squadron, 25th Air Depot toms of spring Wing at Hill Air Force Base, has fever then I've recently received such an assigngot it. But I ment. guess this fever In distant Asia, the disputed teris nothing that Kashmir has .been the ritory or four five days off every week scene ofofbitter disputes between the wouldn't cure." neighboring states of India and Constance MilPakistan. Until the United Nations ler, Civilian Perintervened, sharp clashes occasionsonnel "Yes, flared between the states. Now, ally bad a I've got teams of United Nations military case of spring observers from the U. S. and other fever. I don't know wether it's the fever or being just plain lonesome for my YOUR far-awa- husband who is overseas. Any way, if- he'd come back home I'm sure that's the prescription that would cure all my ills." ... strategic . counter-attac- (3) Tacti(4) Air Trans- k, cal Air Support, and . port. WING TIPS: The Air Force is an agency of our Democracy. As such it is established and supported by citizens of the democracy . . . the taxpaying public who pay the, bills. Basic concept of AF information program is that the people have the RIGHT to be fully informed about the AF, subject only to limitations of legitimate military security. The public is entitled to fullest progress reports on what AF is doing for its protection, how its money is being expended. Active public Information is the process of opening the door and providing these progress reports. It behoves AF members to keep their house in order so that active public information will produce GOOD public relations. PI cannot camouflage bad activities, it Is here to report factual information to the public. ... 971,-00- ... fen Summer Uniforms NEW SHADE 193 fc . the silver star. Sergeant Washburg is icavc auu nit f urce J3ASe 'y after the first of April. . 4P Head Garden the spring a young man's Rake to the turnslightly fancy 4-Ti- thoughts of leave. I could really use an ex tended furlough, possibly six to eight months. This kind of weather makes me want a new spring outfit I think a nice spring suit with brand" new mastersergeant stripes would fit the bill." Virginia Ches-k- a, Engine Test "I'll say I've got spring fever! This time of the year gives you the urge to get in the car Regular ne $1.89 Spading Fork for long wear. Head forged one piece from ' ONLY of solid steel. $1.79 well built fork, to stand de-sign- hard wear. handle, top. gar- den rake built Reg. $2.50 A tough, tooth 14 ed m-t- t. handle. SATURDAY ONLY SO" blade, ..ex strong han . some place, any place, just so you're on the go. Probably a good way to cure yourself of spring fever is to roll up your sleeves and get to work on the spring housecleaning." Motor Pool --"I W guess spring is :y coming for sure. I saw everybody out the other jTl cars. When their washing I was a little boy, my grandmother used to give us sassafras tea in the spring of the year. She said it was the best thing in the world to tune up our systems." Scoffs Lawn Seed Vigoro Triple cleaned seed assures no chaff. Over 3,000,000 seeds per is time to apply lawn fertilizer. Let spring soak it down, to roots. Now pound. SOOTTS COSTS LESS. 1 lb $1.25 5 lbs... .$6.15 50 lbs SOUTHGATG-OLSO- N - UC3V TJASTTG U0QEI? PrunSna ShfiCft Goodyear Garden Hose Good quality rubber, 2 hose. Guaranteed 10 years. ply 25 ft Hand pruner for light pnaf of hedces. rose bushes. Sprl action. ONLY...:.. .....$5.90 Scvfft 4 ffvts Hard Brilliant Easy Shin , INSIST ON 1165 South Main Street FREE DELIVERY LIQUID OR STAIN TAILORS Phone Salt Lake City 4, Utah $3.00 . j Custom -Tailoring MILITARY CIVILIAN 7) rK f g. . blade is f scouring. reinf ora $1.59 "Dw Tough, pered it and go fyoasfcfat Rtcofors cm faM Spots - Display of Fabric. Measurement for Custom-tailorinOrder now for assured delivery. Bow TSgt. Charles at the OFFICERS' CLUB April 2, 3 and 4th service over 13 years. hJ served six years overseai! during World War II in the E Liieaire ui operations. He t V.v1 j . . unii w " presidential tion, three bronze battle std EflR out a longing in longing to go fishing. The first spring breezes always' make me want to get out the fishing pole and Greco, Hq and "In Hq Squad Earl E. Olson Will be shown by these tailors armies native of Kennedy, New Sergeant Washburg has beeri A me get away from it all." (Silvertone) . xuuiiui cum kind of weath- day AIR FORCE join one of these teams er sure brings PI cannot gild a lily the AF hasn't grown, it can only shine a spotlight of public attention on a lily that . wtte LawEngine Up This Four Basic Tasks of the Air Force STAR-STUDDE- D FASTER members, are on hand juim investigation of oeiween iraiustan and I the country of Kashmir Master Sergeant WashW U-- N. Reed v must be grown by AF efforts to do a good jeb. STAIGHT FROM THE SHOULDERS: General Hoyt S. Vandenberg believes the South Korean campaign clinched the case for a jet Air Force. Vandenberg says: "The boys feel better in jets . . . jets can take it better than concan get out of ventional types hot spots in a hurry or go upstairs and fight if attacked." BRIEFS FROM THE CHIEFS: Under Secretary of AF John A. McCone outlines current status of "We are currently AF build-u- p programming for . . . 95 to 100 Wings. We are also planning to 0 reach a personnel strength of people. In addition to teaching we are also the wing levels going to have the industrial base which will allow us to again double the size of our Air Force should we be required to do so. The aim in all this is to avoid a war." ARMED FORCES DAY: In 1951 will be 19 May.. President Truman has affirmed date. Official slogan is "Defenders of Freedom" . . . theme will be tribute to Armed Forces as integral and interdependent part of the total material and spiritual power of America now being mobilized and a renewal of faith in our country's sacred heritage, the ideals of peace and freedom, to the preservation of which our power is dedicated. yx k rence, Build 1 THE INSIDE LINE: Air Force wide public information program has five major points (1) Emphasize "Peace through Strength" objectives of Air Force, (2) Inform public on AF support of unification concept, (3) Give public facts on what AF is doing to support its four basic tasks, (4) Keep Reserve Groups informed, and (5) Report local activities which disclose AF efficiency. Hill AFB PIO program embodies these points report to them happening within your sections to aid in getting the message across. Four basic tasks of AF are (1) Air Defense of the U. S., (2) The Local Airman Vill Join United Investigating Team In Pakistan PAST! Iirtn Iff. It lull Ct iiLmimi iiui.i.iMi.rn 82 2326 Washington Boulevard PHONE 8-53- 38 $1.79 |