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Show Friday, August HJLL TOP TIMES Page 2 Air Force Aid Society Drive Extended 18, Hydraulic Testing fcv Invention Bicblesf Flostic Shople Room Nocrs telle 6 Comb Signal Light Shields strip Major Hoople of comic invenCompletion Stags fame, with all his unique B-2- . 'it l; i 0i 1 JUL?. I - Tiii I TSet. Prank S. Funic The membership campaign for the Air Force Aid Society has been extended to enable this base to reach its 92,000 quota, according to Captain Willard D. Reed, Air Force Aid Society officer. To date, I141&89 have been raised by voluntary contributions of military personnel. Brig. General Norris B. Harboid (left) and Colonel James S. Sutton (center) are shown buying their membership cards in the Air Force Aid Society from Captain Reed. The Aid Society is the Air Force's own way of taking care of Its military personnel who are in need of assistance," Captain Reed said. "The society has been very, active at Hill AFB as proved by the eight loans and three grants' made to military personnel and dependents who needed emergency who had help during the last month." Captain Reed urged those not purchased their membership in the Air Society to do so at once and extended appreciation to those who have already contributed. Photo by Hill Air Force Base Exchange Celebrates Fifty-Fift- h Anniversary The Hill Air Force Base Exchange is celebrating an anniverOn sary. Fifty-fiv- e years ago 1895 and Air the 25, Army July Force started an exchange service to supply the troops, at reasonable prices, articles of ordinary use, wear and consumption not supplied by the government, and to afford them means of recreational and rational amusement. . The local exchange, celebrating, To make a hazardous job as safe as humanly possible, officials at Hill Air Force Base have ordered construction started on a specially designed room for the testing of ' hydraulic parts and accessories, The new test room." being built by Olsen Construction Engineers of Ogden, will have working facilities for approximately 10 workers ana will provide a complete change of air every three minutes. The big danger in testing hydrau lic equipment is in the testing fluids, according to Emil A. Wood ward, foreman. For fuel pumps and fuel accessories, highly flammable nnptha gasoline is used. To prevent concentrations of the explosive fumes, exhaust . vents will be in thus all the floor, of the room air in the room will be removed from the floor and replenished through the ceiling. This system of changing the air will also prevent the hazard of hydraulic fluid mist explosions. During the testing of equipment; the hydraulic fluid is under great pressure. A break in any of the testing lines would result in the fluid being expelled instantly, resulting in a certain amount of mist beine formed. Woodward stated. An inopportune spark could cause a serious exposion In the presence of the mist. However, with the rapidly changing air,' it is impossible for a mist concentration. Bowes, civilian manager. Five branches of exchange service are offered to military personnel of Hill AFB. They are the main general store which sells ligltt A. GOOD FOOD DANCING household items, clothing, drugs and other essentials;' three canteens which serve light lunches; and a service station. Orchestra on Friday and , Within the last two years the local exchanges have been renovated, Captain' Shine said. The main store has been completely recanwith this fifty-fift- h modeled and a new anniversary hundreds of other exchanges across teen for the convenience of tranthe country, is operated by Captain sient aircraft personnel has been Stanley S. Shine, and Mrs. Lydia established. on-the-li- Saturday Nights At wierd-lookin- ay more were needed in the repairj aircraft at this : base, Me J Weaver, 656 15th St., Ogden, plastic worker, decided that nj shields could be ma? factured locally so he set to and designed a wooden jig Q made it possible to mould the pQ 1 glas in the desired shape. "Without the mould jig it ttJ impossible to shape the plexigi) in the necessary contours," sm Iaurel K.' Walker, foreman'. w with the device invented by Weave! we can turn out a perfectly shield in no time." ' , To make the bomb signal-smeiu, a nai piece oi niexi?ln. onto a wooaen frame. Thi pciampea is then" nut into a SOO and heated until the plastic is sol and pliable. The frame and pies glas are tnen put m the jig jJ vented oy weaver, and when t handle with a wooden duplicate the shield is pulled down, it fori the contours of the shield in thi ed cone-shap- "3 , Merlin Weaver (above) designed the above mould jig which is 6 being used to manufacture bomb signal Ught shields at a B-2- great saving to the Air Force. The plastic shields can be made locally at a saving on each shield -- of 1&12. " plastic. shield The bomb signal-ligform the end of the 6 fuseM and are easily shattered, thus need ing to be replaced often, sail Walker. Having the plastic shield! manufactured here will save coJ siderable time and money. ht B-2- r . - Pick Up Your Food NeeJs On Your Way Home ; SERVICES MEN WEIX30WED ' " .;. B-2- which are located on the tail J 6 aircraft and encase the w signal-ligh- t, had to be ordered fa1 the manufacturer. When more1 B-2- SAY FRIEND - v BEER tions, has got nothing over on the Kill AFB plastic shop. When the with plastic shop was 'confronted an order' for a number of plastic 6 tail cone shields, they got busy cong and developed a to them enabled that traption :. ne SUNSET Hiway 01 tlAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FAQVAY FURNITURE CO. l Do De Who Thrifty wwv vvv vvvvvvvv ACROSS FROM POST OFFICE mm Fcrnitero SPECIAL! cl O Nationally Advertised Washer Low j I Prices Attractive O Indoor Drier Rack O 10 Boxes Soap All For 1 S1 19.50 LAMPS As Low As $3.00 See Our Refrigerators And Duy An All Wool Surface 9x12 Voolshire RUG $24.95 Duy NOW! FAIRWAY' t 27L24th St SHOP Ubcrcl Terms WISE WAY Always MARKET Arrcncpd AT SOUTH GATE SAHARA VILLAGE Flctfcrm ROCKCaS As Low As STORE $29.50 5'.. Come In And See Our Outfit 3-Ro- $269.00 Homo of Nctionclly Advertised linss Quality Merchandise at a Savings Dry Goods - 83 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvU Ready-to-We- ar Men's Furnishings Odea Phose Phose ''f- em COMPANY ACROSS FROM POST OFFICE CLEARFIELD - Shoes ind Clothing ' CLEARFIELD, UTAH KayPhoaeSlO-J-- l , Hd |