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Show July HILL TOP TIMES Page 4 Buddies" rM ''9 ) Airmen Swimming '':"' i Party To Be 'I ' K-l- i Held on July 30th Final plans for a swimming party for airmen and hostesses to oe held at the Navy Supply Depot are being completed, according to Mrs. Ruth T. Ashcraft, service club director. The swimming party will take place on Sunday, July 30th. As the pool will hold only a limited number airmen who wish to go swimming must register with Mrs. Ashcraft. First to sign up for the party will be the ones to go. she said. An equal number of hostesses from Ogden will) be invited to go as guests of the airmen, she said. There will be no charge for the swimming; but participants must Canteen bring their own suits. facilities at the Navy Depot will The party will be be available. from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. with the bus leaving Hill AFB at 2:30 p.m. Those who want to be included in the swimming party should contact Mrs. Ashcraft, building - E-3- 3. Lt. Calabro Is Transferred 1st Lt. Consalate J. Calabro, ad 1906th Airways and Air Communications Service (AACS) Squadron at Hill Air Force Base, was recently transferred to the 1850th AACS Mobile at Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. , Starting his military career in 1941 as a clerk at Lowry Air Force Base, Denver, Colorado, Lt. Calabro was commissioned in 1944 after officers' completing a training course at Miami Beach, jutant of the , Standing side by side with her "buddies," Cpls. Jack B. Connors and Raymond L. Crane, "Percy" is a picture of pride. Both airmen are Ground Controlled Approach (GCA) mechanics with the 1906th AACS Squadron. Pretty "Dog-gonne- Smart d" - -- six-mon- Pup Recognizes AACS Men . Having a dog as a pet is no news to us humans but did you ever hear of a dog adopting someone for her very own? ' Well, it may be a wee-b- it unusual but members of the 1906th Airways and Air Communications Service (AACS) Squadron at Hill Air Force Base will stake their honor on its authenticity. and "Percy", a female, is the pride and joy of the AACS-me- n well she should be, for during the past 20 months she's devoted a great deal of her time to enter. . taining the communicators maintenance ready room for the naturally, it isn't the ritziest type Ground Controlled Approach (GCA) of diversion but it's a good laugh-makthe makes it a trailer, mongrel in any man's league. to be there. One of the point Animal instinct is a wonderful mechanics was heard to remark, thing and "Percy" has the un- "She hardly ever misses a trip." all sense of recognizing canny "A remarkable gal who never AACS-mewhether in uniform or and always civvies. She's been part of the out- argues towith her friends them" tries that's please and fit ever since her puppy days looks upon herself as a protector "Percy", oneof lady who disregards the policies the nagging wife. of her pals. From all appearances, "Percy" is a rare specimen of the canine breed . . . insofar as her actions are concerned. She's a mother now but her offsprings fail to disturb her daily routines as the AACS 1 er n, th Florida. As a drill instructor in 1942, he was stationed at Kearns, Utah, and as an officer returned to that station in 1944, remaining for two years. Other bases where Lt. Calabro served include Jefferson Barracks, Missouri; Hamilton Air Force Base, California; and Adak, Alaska; the latter prior to his arrival here. In 1948 he attended the communications officers' courses at When the ' truck ELECTRIC & leaves Hiway 91 CLEARFIED ELECTRIC CO. Ogden Canyon DANCING NIGHTLY Delicious Chicken, Steak Trout and Shrimp DINNERS For Reservations Ph. 'We Cater to Parties" Depot Wing SIZZLING STEAKS FRIED CHICKEN FRIED SHRIMPS Oriental and American FOOD! Ogden, Utafi' 225 - 25th Street PARAMOUNT BOVL W 1 Mile Wishes You North of LAYTON FELLER'S Meat and Delicatessen 1 CLUD Welcomes 25th Air PHONE 6331 GLIDE ADMIRAL PINE VIEW Parlor FINE MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT EDDIE and DUANE'S FOUR FAMOUS BRANDS of TV. S79-R-- Star Noodle TELEVISION Sales and Service Phone m DANCING APPLIANCES Clearfield - pre-Pea- GAS YVESTINGHOUSE " BEER the HOFFMAN - R. C. A. By Sergeant O, Keith Adams From the 25th Communications Squadrbn comes word of the lowing promotions to corporal, Pfc. George R. Cataldo, Pfc. Glem Green, Pfc. Urban M. Kinnunen, Pfc. Robert R. Ostman, Pfc p, T. McCain. Pvt. Marion P. Watkins has been promoted to PFC. 3 rrom ine zoui ummunicauous squaurun cumes news tnat M Tyler T. Culvyhouse and TSgt. John R. Kerfoot have been transfw to Scott AFB, Illinois to attend a Radio Mechanic's Course, g! iuck ienas. Corporal Vincent J. Mintus of the 25th Installations Squadron recently awarded "Airman of the Week" of that squadron at cJ monies held following the weekly inspection. They say he was pretty sharp cookie. Hq. & Hq. Squadron of the 25th Air Depot Wing was mighty haf Mitcnen came an tne way to last weeK wnen sergeant JJaie AFB from Mount Perry, Ohio just to get back into a good outfit J a lot of swell buddies. Glad to have you back Dale. Here's another little item from Hq. Squadron of the Wine. seems that the aforesaid squadron has decided' it's about time i spent a little of that money they've been saving in the Squadron Fj so they're going to throw a shindig at Lagoon on the 29th under supervision of the planning committee: MSgt. Harold L. Carter, Tl Morck O. Hancock and Sergeant Darrell D. Johnson. It looks likj pretty good time from here. A former prisoner of war, SSgt. Raymond R. Smith, with over years military service recently "signed up" fcr an indefinite peril it was revealed by Lt. Milton Stein, squadron adjutant, 25th W munications Squadron at Hill. j ' Sgt. Smith first entered the service in 1934 and after some a in the USA he was sent to the Philippine Islands in 1940 and was of' the defenders of the Island of Corregidor before he was captii by the Japanese on September 5, 1942. He was kept a prisoner released by the Russians when they took over a prison camp Mukden, Manchuria on August 18, 1945. Scott Air Force Base, Illinois. A native of Carbondale, Pennsylvania, and a hunting enthusiast, Lt. Calabro has been awarded the rl Harbor Medal, American Defense Medal, World War II Victory Medal, and Good Conduct Medal. ENJOY mascot. 21, i ALWAYS the Right PRICE On Quality Merchandise! SEE US For Custom Curing and Smoking The Heartiest Welcome For the 50-5- 1 Season ; OGDEN, UTAH Thanks Folks! Your Old Friend OTTO Is Always Glad to See You! THE NEWEST MOST UP-TO-DA- MARKET IN ROY, UTAH 19th and Washington TE We Appreciate Your Patronage |