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Show Pilots of Flight Operations Set Outstanding Safety Record Air Medals for Two Heroes Huge Quantities ' Set . High Safety Record Freight Carried In 360 Missions By Ivan M. Draper Pilots of flight operations branch at OATSC who fly the three freight runs out of Hill Field daily have set an outstanding safety record during the slightly more than five months since this service was started, depart ment records showed recent this time 360 Of two air medals to two mothers of AAF ly. During PRESENTATION heroes was made here last Wednesday by Col. Paul W. Wolf, comcargo missions were flown Technical Service Command. Above, manding officer, Ogden Airbrother-in-laMr. and Mrs. L. L. Petercarrying 1,368,106 poundsjof left to right, Henry Johns, : : ( ' S ... w; sen, Garland, Utah, receive the award for their son, 2nd Lt. Howard R. Petersen, now a prisoner of war in Germany, and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Larsen, Salt Lake City, are presented with the air medal for their son's combat services with the AAF. Lt. Niel R. Larsen was killed in action in the European theater. freight without a single major or minor accident. OPERATIONS . . . Who have helned tn In July, 1944, flight operations PILOTS OF FLIGHT on the three daily freight runs. Standi record safety outstanding being haul freight, with two had seven 'aircraft with which to Lloy C. Willis, chief of flight operations; Lt. Marvin M. Grieve & and Lt. S 1 added to these in August. At that Lt. E. F. Peterson. Kneeling are Lt. Daniel L. Cramer lUIUIUWUi time only regular freight run was being operated,' servicing installations at Wendover, Pbcatello, Mountain Home and Boise. September and Novemberto saw o Presentation of two air medals-fera- l operational missions over ene two this added additional continental Europe." achievement in myAt occupied for meritorious same time Mrs. Laura section, as well as two additional the conbattle was made at Hill field Wed- L. Petersen, Garland, Utah, re regular freight runs. These pernesday by Col. Pau W. Wolf, ceived the air medal and one oak sisted of daily runs, weather at Casper, OATSC commanding officer, dur- leaf cluster for her son, Second mitting, to installations Rapid City, South Dakota, army air Wyo.; ing special retreat ceremonies. One Lt. Howard R. Petersen, Nebr., and to Coloand Alliance, war of a of the awards was conferred post- forces, currently prisoner and La JunPueblo rado Springs, "for in Germany, exceptionally ta in Colorado. humously. The impressive event was held meritorious achievement, while number of pilots assigned north of the personnel and base participating in ten separate bomb to The this work has varied from eight over misions er field Hill with occupied enemy services building to sixteen officers during the time continental Europemilitary units in attendance. since these operations were start Mrs. Ar Lt. The of wife Larsen, Posthumous presentation of the ed. Altogether tney nave iiown in Fort I. resides Larsen, air medal was made to Mrs. R. C. lene over 500.000 air miles. An office Larsen, 442 Emerson Ave., Salt Worth, Texas. staff consisting of four enlisted Capt. Richard E. Pickens, OATSC personnel and two civilians record Lake City, for her son, Second Lt. Niel R. Larsen, army air forces, special services officer, was in the flying time, maintain necessary "for meritorious achievement in- charge of arrangements for the files and do other work essential to these operations. accomplishing with distinction, sev- event. From July 1. 1944, to December 9, 1944, many aircraft have arrived and departed at this field, including a number of hospital ships. The control tower, dispatch and Is loaded with freight for one il A C 47 ARMY CARGO PLANE the weather section have cooper Field daily, weather pern of out Hill runs made ated in doing yeoman service in the three freight the essential work necessary to ting. The planes carry freight to and from a number of AAF install this heavy traffic with the tions in this command area. manufacture and handle The' secrets of construction and ficationsof for the utmost safety mainte Darts in the all reoair 15 of air types design for over Training nance division are classified and destined for them and load planes, the maps that reveal speci- - filed in the blueprint section. Flight operation's very high freight on the plane they are This small group of 16 women safety record has been set as a re' freight hold the key to the workmanship, suit of strong emphasis being sending to Hill Field. This is du- A planning and plicated at the other stops on the skil, cunning of design and in- placed on Hill field has purchased a W map ' and radio schedule and the plane returns to ventiveness of thousands of army of S45.000 in bonds in the air force draftsmen who have cre- data, supplied by the map section, maintenaM with ated the intricate mechanisms Four officers and sixteen enlisted this field with a load of materiel war loan drive .. , 1J jiuivu-i- ns which operate the armada of the men in the weather forecasting to be repaired. division leading tne iieia, bout in $24,000 of a section have contributed a large total skies. The above is only a minute part These casnpmi From ATSC headquarters come share in setting this record by of the represented precautions taken and the chases figures with the goal for total puw blueprints of every change in spe- showing an unusual degree of ac cifications and from the drafting curacy in their predictions, despite planning done to assure the safety chases set at $600,000. department also come the draw- the unusual weather of this area of the plane during its entire jour"OATSC Is on the Air" Thi Hill field welfare couM ings pertaining to local changes caused by the mountainous ter ney. However, the high safety 0 . . . all to be trimmed and filed in rain. anH h fitv nf Ofrien Will SPOMK Saturday, January 27 With no mishap during 4.000 record of flight operations attests a president's birthday baU M p. Mti KUTA "Musical Varieties." a tiny room now containing 0 of flying time, flight opera- to the fact that this work is done hours Saturday. January 27, wnne viy blueprints. night at tne Hill fielders wj p. m., KDYL "Purple Heart". Some day these files will be tions, with the cooperation of the with a high degree of efficiency day room in Ogden. 5 Wednesday, January 31, on presented and replaced pilots assigned here, is constantly and care. completely destroyed free admitted be p. m., Intermountain network with reels of microfilm upon which conducting classes in instrument of pass and badge. Ten Officer Pilots "Badge of Honor" KLO, Ogden; the blueprints will be photo flying, radio and flying safety. . . in une of these daily flights made There are ten pilots in flight op KEUB, Price; KVNU, Logan; graphed. From the film they can special services section KVRS, Rock Springs, Wyo.; KIO, be projected and studied upon a by flight operations illustrates the erations who are in charge of these uaziius recreation uwj"j WJJ Idaho Falls, Idaho. screen. (a soringata the important work being done in three daily freight 'milk-runs- " base girls of the blueDrints making speedy delivery of sud- - term first used in Italy to describe which parts Although will open tomorrow firstaJ Five radio stations in Utah, Wy- at OATSC are now on microfilm plies to nearby fields, as well as a short, regular and comparatively to be the noon. Believed on Interthe oming and Idaho not yet come when the Dringing faulty equipment to Hill safe mission). Capt. Lloy C. Willis its the has day in kind army camp histor? mountain network of the Mutual mes wilt be completely revised. Field 'from these installations for of Hickory, N. C, is in charge of n plenty o contains . display W. broadcasting system carried Each day people come from all repair. D. assisted this group, Capt. by n curvaceu stars as well as Workers on the field load the Hamilton of Louisville, Ky. "Badge of Honor", new program over the maintenance division to 'and ou. bv ties Varga drawn of the Ogden Air Technical Servthe prints filed there. planes during the night so that Other key members are Capt. N. ' ice Command, last night from 8:30 J Foreman of the section is rH. they are all ready to go in the P. Cavett of Denison, Iowa; Lt. contemporary artists. to 8:45 p. m. The show, which headed Elly Simonson. OASf done is of lhis J. Ft. with who has Worth, morning, care, Thompson Harry ifn,ri'o Herman. featured a discharged service man been employed at Hill Field since as poor workmanshiD in this re. Texas; Lt. Eugene F. Peterson of now working at Hill Field, origi- December, 1941. Her home is In spect is even more general, isfea2 in commanding L. Iowa: Cra Lt. Daniel Spencer. additional nated from station KLO. an airplane than it is dangerous in a ship on mer of St. Joseph, Mo.; Lt. Her for several hundred in view oi Colonel Paul W. Wolf inaugur- ugaen. me ocean. Jargo that is not prop man Li. Garrigus. Jr.. of Chatta ployes at Hill field ated the series with an explanation air of me TernaL. eny secured in openJJ rising tempo plane may nooga, Tenn.; Lt. Surran of the purpose of the show . . . PaciWJ start shifting when rough weather mian of Brooklyn,. N. Y.; Lt. Jesse Europe and the which is to show the adjustment is ' encountered and cause major L. Yardley Lt. of and Boise, Idaho, of service men to civilian life. He aamage to the ship, if not com' Marvin M. Grieve of New York North Dakota is now a PHj : pointed out also that the program wreck it. the pieteiy Ogden Air Service City. emphasizes the close cooperation Latest Weather Data Five of these men. Captains no the result of an AAt between civilians and soldiers in the war effort. Five per cent of the men In the Pilots, before going to their Willis, Hamilton and Cavett, and received this week, in Peterson and Grieve, now covers the staiej. Steve Johansen, of aircraft . re- army plan to operate a farm after planes, get the latest report on the Lieutenants ' seen have overseas service. Cap- Dakota, Wyoming, DaK pair, was the guest for the open- me war, according to a survey con weamer on and ,near the route tain Willis was stationed at Puerto Utah, and parts of South ing broadcast. His exciting escape ducted by the information and edu they expect to fly. Also they are Rico at the start of Nevada the war on Montana, Idaho, from Java was dramatized, and he cation division, a plan. This is a Army Service given was interviewed on the adjustCaptain Nebraska. J measure is which of orces. Another seven safety patrol. great cent ' per Hamilton flew a 4 in the Kiska ments necessary in the transition plan to Mr? in . importance, . the ., especially cloudy some a ..x...o v type of busi- weather. For instance, clouds and Attu campaigns, and was re ir to civilian life. His sister, June ness of operateown. TV"i ftnnrri muiui may turned home their so farJot when he was shot Richards, an employe in the sup-pl- y drive $ of be at forecast Dimes on certain levels the 12 Of this 111(1. id per cent, 42 per cent course and wounded over Kiska. division, property acountine. the Question is whether down contr In Alaska. previously been independent to fly and Cavett served Captain appeared on the program to de- had over under or them end w a 7 in scribe the necessary adjustment operators, while 45 per cent have through them.them, the carrier the flying troop hefore innn a After decision is command. within the family to the returned been employed in the line of busi made and entered on the Lieutenant Peterson t ness they intend to enter. Most of veteran. also flew a 7 for the troop car month. must it be to adhered plan, tnese veterans hope to have small Steve Johansen served with the .ndlB-- Jf command, serving in New Let us the plan calls for fly. rier Guinea. Lieutenant Grieve saw . Edgar Kennedy Army Air Forces for 59 months, businesses, investing $4,000 or less. ing over say clouds. the ni. When the until his discharge September 12. Only 13 per cent of this group lot attempts to do this he finds service in North Africa, Sardinia Ames, Houywoou to am in week next be ana aiciiy, iiying a 6 bomber. here, aoD vaugnan, post schools, had had no previous experience that the clouds go higher than an announced the show. in the occupation they intend to moting tne iounu So to is he forced flv ticipated. Several war heroes Saturday continues to be the iouow. through the clouds by instrument Air Evacuation From Paris e hand, as well as Dig radio day for Hill Field . . on a radio beam. But as long as Evacuation Of WnunHoH Amorl Flying" orchestra ""ct0ker. with a program of music "Musi to he continues fly bv the can soldiers direct from France to rection of TSgt. cai Varieties from 4:30 to 5:00 Ideas Save 11 Million plan, he is quite certain of the United States is now being over kuta, and a story of a sol"IdeaS for Victory." the armv flight not colliding with another plane carried out. In the firct naht dier wounded in action and now service forces program, has brought in me past J Bible Distribution because no other 4 was to used recuperating at Bushnell General aDout me adoption or 13,000 econ plane is clouds on allowed same the level 10 carry Hospital on "None But the Purple omy suggestions resulting in an es in that vicinity. patients, a crew of six, a months have dWribuW,? flight nurse and a medical techni- books of Holy Scriptures van jn.ui.Li irnm nuu in timated savines of Sll.oon.nno sinr Workers at fields stons where cian direct from Paris to New serviceservice forces p. m. ii was started in June, 1943. are scheduled quickly unload the York City, in the United States. - C-4- 7s Army Awards Presented at HF to Mothers of 2 Fliers , C-4- 7s -- -- - Blueprint Unit Keeps Files On Many Types of Airplanes ... -- : Pre-Flig- ht . New Program 'Aired Over pre-flig- ht Hill Field Year Ago - ... 1 f- - Intermountain 4:30-5:0- , 00 6:00-6:3- -- 8:30-8:5- CTV i re-re- ad -- Five Per Cent of GIs Want Farms . ""t -wj - - pre-flig- ht anti-submari- ne B-2- ""rrmust . C-4- pre-fligh- 1 1 ",V-.- L.J C-4- r B-2- wgp four-engin- r:. it uu ed C-5- 1 |