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Show QQjCTOB Septet 20, This WeeJfs 42284th QM Trucking Company But Unit, Guard Section .Service Command Unit 1935 After being activated for tnree Lt. and Mr. Lewis F. Whetstone uniforms O. D. As of last weeks the 2284th QM Truckingare the proud parents of a" fine were made Friday, optional for off-duCompany started its training probaby boy. Congratulations are in hours and one too soon either order. Thank for the cigars. from the crestfallen appearance of gram whicn wiu sevfor five weaaing pus t are breaking up the thermometer for the pastNorth last This put i that . old Guard eral days. Who invited Ol' weeks. wav Wind down this anyhow? end to of an abrupt shout ,dqutdron 'A Why didn't some hero Chemi-ca- I f fours. the furloughs l Congratula "GAS!" during the recent mm I which have been Warfare field exercises? Every tions to: 1st. Sgt. . . Edward Leman- body's face was playing !skl, who was red. and not from going off and on married while the of effects for some time. the home on furlJ After completion m Tear gas eimw. month. last ough 'a Tha viriIl!Pl al- of the first pnase Elbert SSgt. who a of the training SO included also Rude, the furloughs demonstration of was married last will be month, and to bombs, and the Neece Luis Garza, who comeffect 4500 deCpl. Oliver Franklin, tne was recently married. Who said a pany's number one showman, reon has grees brides? June is the month for appreciaheavy steel plate ceived a lovely letter of just returned Hard of F. Mrs. Ruth Sgt John McGill from tion not definitely from attending school and a 20 day General Hospital Bushnell to lor be the Cook used route. He enjoyed his delay enhome Recreation Department for a great allows. marshm roasting is but much, at very there some stay What .dark-haire- d Corporal is show he sponsored received still complaining because the fish- now "The show fitrn on the unofficial headquar comment from the ing was very y poor. favorable more ters because he blacklist appropri Is now ated a fued The that has apcertain T5's girl for the men than anything over. Pfc. Max Colker has depart- evening? stated for months,' here of should sort This peared thing arFranklin ed for "destination unknown." Buddy letter. the come soon. to an end Maybe we can enjoy peace and G. I. Joe is going to be taken ranged the show during his own quiet in Barracks of properly when he is mus- spare time and wiU carry it back 21st. First Sgt. Edward Lemanski has care out. Lieut Roller made this to Bushnell comes September tered now taken over the duties of 1st clear in Mother Nature will soon lift this terms no uncertain during sergeant. He relieves Cpl. David our first Orientation discussion last warm blanket from Utah and transferred. week cover her with a cold one which Taylor, who has beeninclination Subject: "The G. I. Billcon-of will to of footChivalry is a man's bring back memories Friday's discussion, the With many defend a woman against every man Rights." gone by. ball days ducted by Tech. Sgt Stephanson in the trucking combut himself. gridsters centered McCook and Lieut Pfc. Fred J. Neece, around conversion and reconver panies wanting football, some good Reporter. sion in the army in its ever-prsteams should be produced. Sgt. Johnson, Moner, ent effort to keep ahead of the Wallace, andCpl. Davis should be able Carter betnew and enemy by producing 4135th Base Notes do something about that Worry ter weapons, methods of supply to deBennett has suddenly them a little, GIs. TSgt ad and succeeded combat has It Cpl. Charles Dodd, veloped a great interest in air-a mirably if the current trend ef the that Reporter. planes. It is commendable should war fronts is criterion. any member of the Air Corps What Question of the week: wish to know about planes. Can treasure is it that Sgt and Mrs. 2nd Depot Unit Army Paul (N. L.) one plane ride should it be thatsuch Social scoops: CpL are guarding so zealousinitiative? Perhaps Wolsteln lime engender Roth, Jr., is the man in theare from intruders? all It might more ly this should apply to people. all The week. this boys light in rid to be order that possibly The Night Shift boys at .the themselves of this curse his latest know about to curious a sudden case hanging He's only hangar developed .not acquisition. Ask him. about long ago. over their heads it will necessitate too of sleeplessness to her. tell you eager Could it be "Old Man Insomnia" stocking up on ration points again. Aaaaah haaaa, San Antones We the on the hope sincerely picture night floating around This column is never complete breezes, which blow across the reached its destination safely. It unless we make some comment on the wouldn't do it to have fall into ramps? it's his Sgt Jack Powers. This time Wisler and Sgt Stein fi- wrong hands. The other SSgt educational background. of long 5T Bruce A. Cook. nally settled a dispute of midst the in Jack stopped day Reporter. writing a letter and just sat tnere standing last week. Each claimed his head had more hair, so they nibbling on his nails and about to went to town and while getting a 1st Depot Unit, Army burst into tears. We thought he haircut inveigled the barbers to Now let's see what'a been haD- - had struck upon something senticount them. Happily it ended in pening Sgt Francis White snowed mental but to our dismay we disa draw. under by the flood of paper work covered that he was stuck because new been added. has Something the orderly room has tossed me he couldn't spell the word "and". face of Sgt Bandy in The shining Our much belated congratulathe column. It will only be as good was seen at inspection Saturday. as you make it,- - so if anything in- tions to Sgt Bill Lackey, who is Where was teresting happens, tell me and I'll the proud papa of a baby boy. flight? Notice to SSgt. Don Bell. The make sure everyone knows about Thanks for the ceegars, too. trie. Martin Lane is a true ex Squadron is willing to furnish a Pfc. John Testa of the fashion. ample of how the American solcommittee of Judges. Perhaps they can seize upon the most unwill be able to judge which photo able West New York Testas, can dier situation and develop it eventful seen be to xne the mess ball Desx. trotting is such a degree that it will serve The "Tech. Sgt Club" of which each night with his little canteen to his every purpose. We once knew Horning and cup for a snack. John has more a fellow TSgts. Lawrence, back home who broke his room in that canteen cup than a are president England secretary leg and it took him six months to and treasurer.- - respectively, inti GX has in his barracks bag. Hav- get back into shape. Pfc Lane's mate they are soon to have an- ing cornered the donut and torfinger has been sprained for eight other meetinc Thev all enloved pedo sandwich market John is months still is in pretty bad their last one except the meeting looking for a good second hand conditionand (so he claims). It seems cnora a wee on late. wheelbarrow. How that boy can the finger starts botherin him At last there is definite news eat bless bis little stomach. afternoon around 4 o'clock the squadron party. It A Rodney Rucks, Pfc esq. is each concerning out JLane insists that it i nniv is to be held Saturday, October rapidly becoming known as "Honey coincidence that physical training 14, at "Riverside Gardens" on the His preparations for an eve10 oe ai o ciocK also. norxneast eoge ox ogden, lust be Boy." uauui entertainment include the Oh brother! fore enterina Ocden Canyon. OT ning's liberal use of "Mum," "Aqua BUlie Pfc. Perry helped us out transportation will be available for "Lifebouy soap," and a dash on the current Question nf hi Dom we uis and also their friends. of Sen Sen. He takes no chances, brother "Joe". au indications point to a gala oc- for he knows his best friends won't says that the Perry casion. . More news will be forth- tell him. only way we could tell them apart Incidentally coming soon.- ta the scion to the"Honey Boy" would be by his ears. Cpl. Curtis (L D. R.) Sax ton is Pfc IX. E. Pilcher. Broom and Mop Co., of Hermitage looked upon as an instigator. Nashville, being Reporter. Tenn. He can be found three mornmcitin 'lot upon ings a week in our latrine demon- & i5JmI?fdi' At the S ' ' ' tStth Aviation Squadron his flawless technique in strating Pfc. Pat Luppens this request column "The stork visited Cpl. Clarence the use of his father's for mispelling his name apologizes product iimTK last week and dumped ,theme song for this week is a nt"1? 0rreCt sPellln Is bundle of joy welshing seven lbs. "Louisiana Hayride," to be sung Lines". four Also at contraltos four oz. Congratulations. the and by one husky CorooraL request of we will not print TSet give you one guess what it was bass. Turkey .stop hlttln' me in the Daggett ril--hint we Eddie Cantor has five of hed. y wanna make me dopey? originally intended to. I KK Well now take a few minutes that straightens things out for mem. Bob! If anyone wants to know the from that perennial pitch game to .When ? 01 th boys start wlt- - :r about Mmk nomenclature of the 16 ounce box- observe the peculiar behavior of is naturally direcled .t Pfc ing glove, inquiries should be made our star cutlery agent Sgt. Wayne dinand to Pfc. William Ellington and Pvt. (call me Tarawa Tim) Klase. He Chapa. Ferdinand has acHarold Banks. Putting on an ex- can hardly straighten his back, quired a pair of the most dazzllna hibition fight in Ogden, but mostly after bending over do-a- ll saws! toapeze trunks that youhave ev When me count ox ien was Heard grinders and wire buffing wheels! ask how he likes his but not by them, They were busy Did my ears deceive me? I was taking a ten minute break with sure I heard a quartet of first three Jjrt says: "Boy it sure is'rough' 111 dear sweet slumber- graders, up to and including Sft John Macukas, Due to a long illness, the free Schmltz, singing "Oh How ITSgt Hate to Get worm iceis cooa in the Reporter. Up Morning." doesn't Eye-Open- 1944 er 135th Jl ty :g r f 3V w 4-- M incendiary mm Colker-Clewle- E-25- 7. MM - 0 e- . " that cross-count- ry Vel-Vf- ." f m . . . This Is Pat Starling, comely United ArUsaM she isn't coming here fat a picture that we katw4 it looks as if one strap ap and one strap down will win, kae( in Florida this whiter. TJMMMMM throb. No, Vehicle Operators' School Coun k Opens With Six-Wee- 1 Approximately 200 drivers- AU' personnel attendii: hounsv and mechanics from four sep- school x?ad eightand fuist: under instruction arate Quartermaster Truck all matters pertaininf a organizations have started on proper care and handlinf of all dc ernment vehicles, a course in first The schools repiv and second echelon' main- contains all elementsechekBi first and second tenance and driver training nance in a regular fin, covers complete i here at OASC, it was an- course forms and recorc hide nounced Saturday by Captain proper using of hand toe of such things u aU pw Lloyd C. Shanlme of the theory and fuel systems, civil both wj road and rules, military training operaa full study a tary, and"must tions section. J know. tion is a Known as the "Motor Vehicle FoUowing this r Operators' School", it is under the lng, all students go threap eoat capable instruction, administration ditional three-weeand guidance of Captain John IL will center the training ai' Scott who, for the past several During this additional tatf months, has been conducting oper- riod they will do actuals ators and mechanics training in voy work as well as cam Hawaii. His primary duties there difficult terrain, strews consisted of the training of casual school is divided k' personnel for assignment all over ea the Pacific war front Capt Scott's groups of 100 men assistants are Lt James M. Paris ministration and control MCh STOUP and Lt Cecil Gillett durtalW Initiated under a plan set forth Identical training wew by General Adler, the school was all period of nine originally intended to be of sufficient size and quality to accommodate the teaching of ISO driv-t-n Defeate at ? Jime- With an enrollment here of 200, the school is well under way. six-wee- ks six-wee- ks six-wed- sj ks "e Rrar again, soma nick it, names hand-- d .tLOWJrtJiMhMM Earl h9mn Snyder, has acquired a new chapeau, Lily Dacha was last seen turning a bright green. Jealous no doubt. For character of the week, g hands down, is Cnl Jam nik, more popularly known as Smiling Jack. Ha was Laat mm airing his foot locker at 0290. Fine time for such goings-oWhat say, Smiley? All right give mo a statement of charges, see if I care. For the second unit the next ex- down to me for some of the of il Clarence Clark, Pvt. John (Spotlight) Brown; CpL Quentln (Strap-p- y) Hindrew, Laverne Prt Walter Nun1. (Water) Boyce, Pvt. Walter (Exit) Logan; Cpl. Lawrence (Ace) Shipp and Pvt William (Tedle) Gordon. CpL Quentln Hindrew, Reporter. INSPECTOR A. C GRAHAM . . . ercise Will be the "Air Conn Hon " And Emily Rose, supervisor of re- Well, that's all for now. I'll V search, are on detached service to Juietly. I know, I know, but I just Dayton, Ohio, to attend school on straight jackets. classification of army air forces sgt. Milton J. Schwartz, property. Reporter. 9lK' Post Movies WEDNESDAY September U "Gypsy Wildcat" Maria Montez Jon Hall Leo Carrillo ittal Tlgt THURSDAY-FRIDA- Y September Zl-t-Z "Greenwich Village Don Ameche William Bendix Carmen Miranda VSOs in Ogden To Sponsor str. Variety Show . win-nln- - n. " Ian personnel) this aila. who are interested call the VSO. Pbeae Otdti. reamer Bennett i.' tSM shew. fr:"1 reeling 4135th - J'WPon. pair Here are ; SATVBDAY September 'Pvenly ZS Days" 1st Depot Unit, 9 to 3 ofj Taking advantage and I Lehniter's wildness AAJ' the pinches, 4135thFirst K. Unit defeated the " Ushig the big mMfJ E. Brasel as a Urget, pitched a Albright game:Mfterevised 418Sth supported hima .tag, the w lips camped under Sgfts.Kosof.Wsn Sxt smith made surt SUNDAY-MONDA- Y September Z4-- X "Since You Went Away Qaudette Colbert Jennifer Jones Joseph Cotton Shirley Temple Y September Sweet and Lowdown' Linda Darnell Jack Oakie Benny Goodman and TUESDAY-WEDNESDA- 2-- Orchestra t7 Anderson, Smia IL lead rooting KraU? "Bennett Uonaghan teamed vfcg. sjABJv leakproof Infield to win his own starred at .bat brwwgg, and a triple in threap' With the up. 4139th if future winnings P'KFv , |