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Show arty at 0 fjU Sets t osen Will For Field's Soldiers 600 e, j& Gins nnjoy t . mudc, and gala galore P04 of he 311th sent t Squadron Sed variety shows were ii ten and it intermissions atfield radio With the h Sgt. Dan Bailey, as mas-- ( of ceremonies, the programs ;mi both civilian and who danced,, sang, entertained the crowd .with half-ho- ur y. mili-nrform- - ers skks. orchestra ie "Keep 'em Flying I by Staff Sgt. Ed Stoker, was jKjJT. - of the evening. jtve invitations were issued to Hl i' officers and their escorts of ; ; Ulth Depot Repair Squadron: Peterson, Lieuten-Irjo- e Lieutenant James ;ht, Lieutenant Victor Foster, tenant Harry Smith, Lieuten- James Steele, Lieutenant Wil-- i Clearwater, and Lieutenant Chester Hahn, " Michael, were In following non-coof the party: Krist ikken, First Sgt. Wilburn Ryan, George Smith, MSgt. Be--o Ben Boggess, Carlos, MSgt !t TSgt. "it Peter Smosna, SSgt. Corp. Murray L r: Field plotted Forty Precedes ,raea . Arrival railroad hiu Field coaches recently for use in trans it; passengers from 6 to the western the clock warehouse an interesting historv ' have MttM. toutructed ' .. in 1903 and 1904, they nrei used on New York City's railwav.l. Ten ter thtnr worp irhauled rviif ATI HI la Missouri lufn Anarof inn railroad. ji wooden construction, each car paciiy or approximately 100 seats are Aged alone the aMa tha- ran . lOIlZ .Denr-- run.. fhf.ni.rrl. tiA VUC lrM&VW0U oiraw-cusnion- ed -- -, 1 h Mutant General i the main entrance roadway. It will be triangular in shape and will follow the curving contour of the road at that point, it along was announced by Lieut. Col. JX P. Thomas, utilities chief. ' First in the series nt umoiriv quiz shows at the Little theatre in the barracks area was presented last week, when Sgt Dan Bailey u jric. uoug uordon, quiz mas ters, led an hour of mental gym nasties for the EM nresent. Prizes were awarded to those Captain Boyd who answered correctly the questions based on such subjects as Captain William G. Boyd relife, slant ported for duty with OASC Aug. military science. All contestants were given 24, and since then has been asan Army song book. signed as commanding officer of Among the prizes given were Headquarters and Headquarters checkers, chess, dominoes, backSquadron, OASC, as well as to ad- gammon, poker and playing card ditional duties in OASC mainten- sets, Doxes ot candy, and GI sew ance division. ins: kits. Captain Boyd's last assignment The next auiz show is scheduled was base operations officer, for September 15 when, according Field, Canal Zone, where to bgt. tfaueyL it is planned to there is perhaps more air traffic match an air denot- ernun team than at any other field in Latin with a team from the WAC Post America, Headquarters company. He came to Albrook Field di"This," says the sergeant, "should rectly from advanced flying school, settle tne question of which Maxwell Field, Ala, where he was is the most intelligent se." graduated and commissioned a The program is presented under second lieutenant in March, 1941. the supervision of the Special Four days before the outbreak of Service section, and all military World War H he was relieved personnel on the field are invited from duty with the 32nd Fighter to attend. Group and assigned to base Al-bro- ok - . f' kS duties bL at OASC. G Ingram, for-- r and legal officer, defiKnated acting for the Ogden Air Loans Made to 33 Service Men, Says Major Barton 1 Wn ' J 1 hUntf WmK" bm in. fHr ALICE MOXSON , . . Leaves the field after enlisting in the U. S. Marine Corps, Women Reserve. Miss Alice who has Monson, been employed in the Military Personnel section since last April, has joined the U. S. Marine Corps Women's Reserve, and expects to be called to active duty soon. Miss Monson returned this week to her home in Roslyn, S. D., for a brief visit before she is called to New River, N. C, for her basic training. - Two Hill Fielders Are Wed in Ogden Miss WACs Are Dinner Guests One Week, Soldiers the Next - io, t relief-in-kin- Marjorie Cary of 'Ware- house 43 became the bride of Richard Abbott of Equipment Repair, Thursday, August 26, at St Joseph's Catholic church in Ogden. Father Joseph Abbott, brother of the bridegroom, performed the ceremony. Present for the wedding were Mrs. C. F. Cary of Duluth, Minn., mother of the bride, and Mrs. Mary Abbott of Denver, mother of the groom. The bride wore a lovely gown of chiffon and lace, with a veil of fingertip length net and a Juliet cap of seed pearls. Her bouquet was of red and white roses. Attendants were two intimate friends of the bride, Miss Leota Swift of Warehouse 53 and Miss Dorothy Valla of Electrical Repair. Miss Swift wore pink br&caded organdy, while Miss Valla was gowned in blue silk. Both young women carried pink roses and sweet peas. was attended by Mr. Abbott Philip Slattery and Leaver Briggs, both of whom are employed in the Propellor Shop. The bride was given in marriage by Ross Maughn of M.M.&R. Following the ceremony, a wedding breakfast was served to 25 guests in the English room of the Hotel Ben Lomond. In the evening the newlyweds were honored at a dance given in the canteen at the Arsenal dormitory village, where the Bombardiers provided music for dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Abbott win make their home at the Arsenal dorms until their home in Clearfield is prepared for occupancy. persons have brought Many potted bushes while others have contributed 50 cents or more for the purchase of bushes from nur series. Nye pointed out that this I not the best time of the year to remove the plants from the ground and that some fanciers have not contributed, waiting for a more seasonable time. Each bush contributed will b4 planted with the donor's name at tached. Persons wishing to donate either bushes or fcnoney may call Nye at 517. have contributed W the past week include Allred, C. J. Burning J. Burningham, Jane Howard, G. C Thompson, Mrs. H. June Thompson, Mary K. Harder, Ellis Henry, Albert H. Byose. . Those who the garden in W. Muller, A. ham, Mrs. C. Repair Has Como Outing Re of Non-Met- al the Employes pair and Manufacture branch were guests at a picnic at Como Springs Sunday, August 22. The day was devoted to base ball, dancing, swimming, bowling, roller skating and other sports. Milton V. Gattis and Laurie Bendio were in charge of arrangements; for the day of fun. Non-Met- al Miss Riverdale ' o 4 Vs. I 1, ? ? iv: I & fJ. , ' 1 - a''- - '' Bernice Bingham . . . Honored at Hooper fair and rodeo on Lv bor day. Miss Bernice Bingham of payroll branch was selected Mis River dale of 1943, and served as an attendant to Miss Weber County when the queen was enthroned on Labor day at the annual Hooper fair and rodeo. Miss Bingham was selected as one of eight candidates from various communities in Weber coun ty to compete for the throne at cer who will pass on its merits. the fair. Miss Lola Hodgson of lunch Syracuse was crowned queen of the Length of the period was discussed and it was affair. The enthroning of the celebraagreed among the representatives that a majority or civilian em tion queen was a feature ox a day ployes preferred the present policy. long program which included It was pointed out that lengthen showing; of outstanding; t cricul- throw tural and arts exhibits and enter ing of the period would much of the traffic Into surround' tainment for all. Included among the entertaining communities when the vehlc ular travel was heaviest. ers who gave spceial shows durThe group of key and elected ing the rodeo was Indian Joe civilians' representatives meet with Davis, roper and trick rider, who the commanding officer the .first also is a Hill Field employe. Tuesday of each month to discuss Indian Joe is employed In euppljr current problems. division. i Trains to Be Bought or Built rri i ww As Aid in bowing i ranspuriuuuii Dwtfim the com wivnhnnt iv.,..... - lonhant and Col. Morris Berman, manding officer, wniie enaor...,, the mmand vice Captain the program, suggested that until bond campaign be delayed has been present delivery of bonds estiOfficials to date. brought up afar . has Just returned mated delivery will be made current within 30 days. instruo- u2aY couw Action taken to penalise persons er" Mr oervice maiui u . who failed to check in or out in the past has been wiped off the officer instead nt a n C records and in the future persons out propfailing to check in and acting and have an notified be will erly case Co'- - Arthur nePfaSn. crease opportunity to appeal their offi '. to for campaign discussed directly to the commanding weeks A n was was acting assistant war bond deductions flt or single and twin engine pilot. He Under the supervision of its new expects his wife to arrive from her home at Quitman, Ga., in the near head, Major R. C. Barton, the Ogden Section of Army Emergency future. Relief, Hill Field Army Air Base, had its biggest month during the 31 day period of August when it loaned a total amount of $1650.00, through the medium of 33 individual loans, it was made known today. The local office also submitted x MnarA Rnsp. caretaker. Tdfra a check for $5550.32 to the Air three Service Command division of AER, depot supply, entertains nun week.r the sum ixrArC! ol- dmIon Hinnpp . representing the full profand three soldiers on alternate its realized from the recent baseball games held in Salt Lake and Sundays. Last week was WAC week. Ogden .headlining Sgt. Joe xt a ro Armntmiiir f!ook and Wind and sponsored by the Hill ham were the lucky girls who ate Field, Ogden Section of AER. chicken with the Roses. Sunday, A total of $1834.56 was expended, c sinur Onl. James Cox the office u! having made one cash and Pvt Bart Kinch were enter- grant of $50.00 and issuing d tained. bills are paid (applicant's Mr. Rose Is employed at anothby Army Emergency Reer installation in .this area, A directly lief) of $134.56. Other aid was Leslie brother of Mrs. Rose, Cpl. rendered in the forms of advice on Peterson of Will Rogers field, family problems and the securing Okla, is the inspiration of the of back pay for soldiers. dinners. 'We fell down in only one thing Mrs. Rose feels that other Hill the collections on loan repayin Fielders might be interested for stated Major Barton. "Solments," dinners following suit with Base $365.00 during August diers repaid special which is WACs and soldiers. not enough when definitely services helps Mrs. Rose invite considers the high figure of one tne extend would her guests, and money we loaned. Letters on desame service to others. linquent loan cases are being sent commanding officers of individuals Col. and we feel this will improve the for next month." collections to Barton emphasized that Major COL Morris Berman, oa&u comdoes not act as a loan comAER mander; Col. John S. McTaggart, pany. However, in order to conLOST OASC chief of personnel and train- tinue making loans to the great LADY'S WRISTWATCH Elvcra Carlock, Plan Equipment, lot Carter, F. Leonard Col. must it expect L. it does, ing: a Kclton wrlstwatch on the field about and extent that all cases where chief of Civilian Personnel silver cue weeks ago. It hat it is two repayment in of chief O. and a yellow gold band. Mill Carlock Stafford, AER status of actual The Capt. Robert possible. would anyone having knowledge the Appointment section, last week monies should be that of a re- of the appreciate wrlstwatch to call her at the civilian barracks, extension 630. made an official trip to Denver, volving circle. Colo. . ,U,,iam climbers. More than 200 choice bushes have already been contributed, it was announced by Fred N. Nye, origin-atof the plan, who is in charge of rose bush collection committee. Nye revealed that Ellis Henry, em ployed in post operations, has con tributed his entire garden of more than 50 bushes located in Farm-ingto- n. Marriage Ceremony Witnessed By Many Friends Here August Biggest Month for AER Berman and Party Pay Visit Denver , Blueprints for the garden wero prepared by R. Clay Allred, base landscape architect, and provide for a lawn center with arbored walks around the plot covered with Against Soldiers ' The captain looks back on the Alter. early days of the war as a nightmare when most everyone pulled shifts from 16 to 18 hours a day. "If it were not for competent enlisted assistants, I don't know what I would have done," he said. The captain holds ratings as a Covering Years Work will start Immediately on Brain-Tease- rs Harry Service our '' Are Donated Here Hill Field's new rose garden which will be located east of the post schools, opposite the clockheuse, WACs to Test Out ' Coaches t Joins Marines Show Series Set Sept. 15 pond soaring to new n when they held a party at last night. A iflll in Ogden BMwWiers and Hill Field dtnced to the music of two istrar wd flve and variety was id to buffet style pop sandcakes, bora al, cookies, i I bucks transported the squad-in-- 'j to the Old Mill, and the. girls traveled by bus which t the civilian dormitories Washington and 23rd in Over 200 Choice Rose Bushes Wednesday, September 8, 1943 Heads OASC Sq. Next in Quiz Fete 55th Repair Rose Garden M . Hill Field, Ogden, Utah a. ' .B MAttf o procurement . .. u -nature- or our- irains inrougu AM. was decided yesterday - ---Mjrinj the commanding an conference with em- lected group of key civl.ian PlSn"' vehicle is being built on to oe the field and is expected it was few a days, completed within revealed. If it passe transporta will be tion tests additional trains transportation built U meet rigid . --- C'T . . . |