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Show Betrothal Is Announced Trailer Homes Opened 200 More "- -i To Workers Here Hill Field, Designed for family . occupation, two hundred new modern trailer homes located gate-- at just outside the south avail-ablHill Field, are now September I, 1943 Wednesday, EDITORIAL SUPERVISION' ... - For PabHe Relation Lieutenant Cliartes F. Mallory Captain A. B. Wanamaker Special Information Officer ' ' "' EDITOR Staff Sergeant Ryiand M. :. Thomason "' Associates Corporal ClaadeMeOraw , -- ,.''" . Corparal Sylvester Adetia Louis Locher, Jr. " Art and Photography Bass Photographic Section and Kinney The Hillfielder is published weetny in tne Interest! of the military and civilian, personnel of the Air Bate, Ogden Air Depot and Ogden Air Service Command, Hill Field, Ogden, Utah, and li distributed free each Wednesday, r.it Is printed with the facilities Opinions expressed and through the cooperation of The Ogden Standard-ExamineIn this paper are those of the individual writers and members, of the staff, and do not necessarily reflect the attitude of the army or of the commanding officer. It or published Is requested that articles appearing In Its columns be not without the express consent of the Public Relations Office at Hill Field. The Hill-- , War Department, fielder receives material supplied by Camp Newspaper Service, 205 East 42nd Street. N. V. C. Credited material may not be republished without permission from Camp Newspaper Service. Again Blame Carelessness Carelessness that enemy of efficiency struck a :, warning blow here last week. It appeared in the form j tar mops on the roof of of some harmless-appearin- g the new, partially complete operations repair hangar. Aided and abetted by its old ally spontaneous the a blaze was soon lighting combustion sky and vitally needed hangar space was again delayed. Only the alertness of a patrolman and the prompt action of the fire department saved a costly fire. True, the hangar has not yet been accepted by the government and the private contractor will bear the loss. This does not help us, however. Only a glance at the on the anchorage, awaiting overhaul, is line of necessary to convince anyone of the immediate need for hangar space. We were more fortunate than the Army Service Forces Depot in Ogden when a fire of "undetermined origin" last week destroyed thousands of dollars worth of sorely needed material, much of it costly and irreplaceable. Let their loss make us the more determined that it shall not happen here. In a short time there will again be with us the annual "Fire Prevention Week." Though this "week" is an excellent educational device for school children, for adult workers on vital assembly lines, or elsewhere, fire prevention is an necessity. No one can afford to relax vigilance for even one second. Along this same line of thought we might show a little more respect for some of the seemingly unimpormade necessary in most cases tant safety regulations because some few people don't know what is best for them. Ignorance of the rule forbidding other than the operator to ride one of the many "fork lifts" employed on the docks resulted in a 'teen age girl being run over a ride. when she fell in its path after "hitch-hiking- " such can obvious see of the danger Anyone, seemingly, a practice anyone excepting the young lady who suffered painful injury. On another occasion use, of "grounding" devices to disperse static electricity was ignored by a worker draining gasoline from a vehicle being loaded in a boxcar for shipment. Ignited by the invisible agent, painful bums and a costly blaze were only avoided through extinguisher. prompt use of a handy carbon-dioxid- e These accidents, with their attendant loss of sum up to one total carelessness. Let us respect the simple rules formulated for our protection and "Keep 'Em Flying." r B-2- of only will be charged, which will include lights and water,. The rent Is payable on the first and fifteenth of each month. There will be a security fee of $10 rquired of all trailer tenants. This is returnable if the trailer is left in good condition at the time it is X Sergeant George ' ; A low rental fee $26.00 per month Far "portal Frojeeta Captain Ben I. Butler ' ; Staff Sergeant Wllbert B. Harvey Ford Thomas noae 4's around-the-cloc- 365-day-ye- k, ar man-hour- s, - Halo Call I II : ; vacated, one of these W 1 ICiS "'iin rent modern trail- ers should make their application at the Housing Unit in the Employe Relations of-- f i c e, Civilian Personnel Building at once. I WILL DO MY PART Kene West In Memphis AAF Depot DeNews Starting right now I will live my life to save a man. All my working hours I will work for the safety of this man. I need not say .to anyone who the man is. It may be a friend or father, hus band, brother or son. All that matters is, I shall see him before me as I work. I shall, put forth all my. efforts as If tne life of this man depended on me alone. And if I alone made the ships, euns. tames ana airplanes ne needs.. Before I sleep at night. I will look deep into my own conscience to see if any greedy or selfish act of mine has hampered nun. This man who may be fiKhtine In i drowning in icy seas. jungles or This man who Is giving his time, his neaiTn, nis very me ror me This man is counting on me alone. To this end will I work. I shall not let him down. : By Mona BY GOD! LET'S FIGHT! give you blood, and sweat, and tears": Thus spoke a great man from across the sea, with all Its blighting fears When war r nis lana or brave and free. Hwepi Now, we are fighting for our lands. And blood and sweat and tears, our lot; Ana we wno worn with brain and hands Must give our sweat, and fall must not If fate decrees our blood we may not shed, men aouDie portion or our sweat, let's eive, That those whose blood dyes oceans red stay ngnt tne stronger, and America live. And as for tears brave men don't weep wnen mere is Diooa to shed for Right; from out our peaceful aleen! atokb! By God! Let's fight! and fight! and MISS GRACE DEARDEN . . . Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. I Deardeij of 2081 Jefferson in Ogden, is to be married September J to S.K. Sc Leland J. Cowles in the Salt Lake City L. D. S. temple, Miss Dearden has been employed in Injuries Department, Civilian Personnel The couple will reside at Couer d'Alene, Idaho, after tbeii marriage, M4U.w,iiw.j.'iy.'' 'I rwuii E. o. Dossey LATRINE RUMORS United Press is pretty good. And AP's all right too, I find no fault with INS; All bring the news to you. The GI's have a system, though. That's simple and serene; No wires, no telephones need they, Por rumors of latrine. Now, rumors emanate from there As fast and thick as flies; They tell you when you'll move and where, And prove that facts are lies. The rumor's hot; here' comes a flash; we re going overseas!" Another flash: "Our outfit is To all become MP's." "Our captain will be tried in court, And furloughs all will get: First sergeant will be transferred soon To Burma or Tibet." This system that the dogface baa Tells ev'rythlng that's new; It's It very good, except the gives art never true! " facta" JOHN Cpl. LOVE By Albert Jr. Mechanic, V-m- hmhiwiiwwiiiiihi ail August 8, 1943 overlooking the city. Swell mess tents, orderly tent and pyramidals to Sleep in. Under the conditions we are doing very well. in iiii ' "A are hard to get, unless you. plies use a moonlight requisition. Wt thought we were bringing plenty but found out we stood plenty short There were limitations weight and no inspections for unauthorized equipment or clothinf like we were told there would bt - things are running mow as time goes by. We have one of the swelled messes in this area, day roos But smoothly equipment, radio and phonograph and moving pictures. The nations drink over here is "Vino" (wine)' and there is some natixeJsS? We get our rations once a week, seven packages of cigarets, candy, gum. Soap is hard to get and worth its weight in gold. It's a good thing most of us were stocked up and toilet articles and necessities, I visited Tunis recently. It's I fair city hut there's nothing much going on. The Red Cross can teem here are pretty nice. I've seen I lot of interesting things which are too numerous to mention it on Operations and administration over here is fairly easy. But sup this time. : Calif, . K the Pirates S ' Hello "Monday;" I am just looking through the Hillfielder that we received here So and noticed your column. thought I would drop you a line. Well, I guess you know that we are in North Africa. The boat ride was swell and I didn't get sea sick. You're probably wondering: if we like it here. Well, if you like mosquitoes, flies, dust storms and the blistering sun, you will like North Africa. Hill Field was never like this! We have a swell camp set up in an open wheat field Trailer Auto Repair Love is the beginning of life And follows to the end. It is a blessing when we are sick, And can make us well. To what heights it lifts us hone can tell, To the heights of Heaven Or the depths of Hell. It lifts our very soul. To attain our mightiest goal. It can rend and tear To the lowest depths of despair. Life without It Is useless and. bare. So Infinitely tender and sweet The Joy of Joys when we meet. An Indefinable hurt when leaving. But something that carries us thru. Love is all even to me and you. Without It what would we do. It's our Joy and sorrow, Our today and tomorrow. Our hopes and dreams, Till nothing else matters It seems. Something on which we place all Whether we win or fall. Love, how bitter or sweet thy call. V 't Editor's Note: The following letter was received this week by SSgt. Silvio Monday of 482nd from Sgt. F. E. Miller, 31st Depot Supply - Squadron, APO, 528 (North Africa.) READEY Camp stoneman, by Milton Caniff, creator of Terry and I mw Is1?' v.' Employes who wish to ferns?. ld mswSLA s - e, Hints on Polio Precautions With cases of infantile paralysis reported at prf portions in certain sections of the country, and with several new cases in Utah, the civilian medical dispensary has issued the following hiss on precautions: ! Keep out of congested stress and crowds as much as postia This applies especially to children, and is the reason for the doss; of swimming pools in this area, It is not known that water itself hw anything to do with conveyance of the dread disease. 2. Get as much fresh air and sunlight as possible. 8. Kill flies and mosquitoes. It is suspected that these insects maf be carriers of the disease. and mosquito control means swsttn Fly fly paper, fumigation, use of screens and household cleanliness. Wan must be carefully disposed of, particularly in areas which have organised means of disposal, such as trailer and tent camps. 4. First symptoms of the disease are sometimes remarkably W head colds, with a continuous and growing headache. In from M 72 hours more serious symptoms will appear, if It Is polio. Other tin the early symptoms resemble If caught this early stage, much can be done to prevent upsets. the ravages of B 6. Polio, or Infantile paralysis, is largely a child's disease, but not rare for adults to come down with it SVMBaiBBMiVMa CSJz near-epidem- gastro-intestln- ic al Slicjht Sitaf In Cupid's Path USmSTM.T v |