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Show four LitkmiUters in 'Hullabaloo9 17 More en Wednesday June 23, 1943 Approved By ASTP Board 'Red Carnations9 Enliven Gay Nineties College Training Program Hits Fast Stride Here fl i 111 JH M VrN Ci ...lastGraced the USO Camp Show, "Hullabaloo," Friday evening. The "Four Little Sisters" LOVELIES appearance here Scoring bulls-ey- on e last week's-fambu- calendar was the d- - m.ibiVa1 revue "Hullabaloo." mjjr hich is currently touring tne nan Wi camps under the sponsor-W- Wrtainment Camp Shows. i. r of USO rComing j: lO ..Mi nuiumil a leiuj uireut muTTif- -i lone run on Broadway, the cal was featured by fast paied acroDacic latter and comeay, dancing teams, popular songs, ad a bevy of streamlined chorus eta, eauties. show was Al Headlining the tone, famous Broadway master 1 ceremonies, wno Kept tne revue tiling at a merry pace. He was Ided by the other half of the s the country. Stone and Lee comedy throughout Two weeks ago the first group team, , Lee Stone, his wife. of five men was sent to the UniTaking the vocal spotlight were versity of Utah. Those men who fail to pass the the Four Little Sisters, who joined of tests given at the unibattery the show after a successful apare returned to their proper versity pearance at the Hotel Commodone organizations. in New York. . The ASTP program is - Versatile Danny Beck, who was to give specialized trainingdesigned in the seen in "Birth of the Blues," fields of engineering, last languages, with Bing Crosby, provided lots medicine or psychology.of .laughs and gave out with some Names of the seventeen men fine, tap dancing ; and drumming who passed the .board here last in the. bargain. week, together with their first Other performers who were seen choices of fields; follow: in the cast included the Pvt. George W. Brown, 99th Depot Repair Squadron, engineering; Pvt. Fred C. Juggling Jester, wizard, of bal- Stewart, Depot Repair Squadron, enance, and the acrobatic team of gineering; 99th Pvt. Joseph V. Piepoli, 99 th, Kalbach and Bane. Pfe. Irvin L. Class, 99th, engineering; - all-st- ar engineering; Pvt. Richard E. Lord, 482nd Air Base Squadron, engineering; Pvt. Sumter Bowen, 482nd, psychology; Pvt. William J. Griffith, 482nd, engineering; Pvt. Stephen M. Wichar, 311th Depot Repair t, Squadron, engineering. Pfc. Carl W. 99th Depot Repair Squadron, engineering; Pvt. Anton R. Bohaty, 99th, engineering. Also, the following men, all from the Detachment 1st Airways Communications Squadron: Pfc. Harold Fox, engineering; Pfc. Michael Shubick, engineering; Pfc. Jack Visler, engineering; Pfc. Benedict I. Alper, psychology; Pfc. Marvin S. Flisser, psychology; Pfc. Frank Lotufo, engineering; and Pfc. Sidney Miller, engineering. Hill Field Civilian Recreation Calendar ...... Wednesday, June 23, 1943 USO center, 57 S. p.m. "Hill Jills" supper meeting State Street, Salt Lake City. 6:30 p.m. Ogden Girl's Softball league Lester park, Ogden. 7:30 p.m. "Meet the Gang" show East Wing Recreation hall, Dormitory Area. 6:30 8:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 pjn. 1:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 noon 6:30 7:15 p.m. p.m. 7:30 p.m. 9:00 1:00 p.m. 1:30 a.m. am. 8:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 1:00 a.m. i.30a,m. ed hall-Dor- "heil and farewell" as Division, Supply. Inspection Unit, bade Godspeed Friday night at . the Pine View lodge to six" of its mem bers who leave soon to join the Army. . Lynn Robbins, Sr. Inspector; Kenneth Widner, Jr.. Inspector; Gene' Borgono, Jr. Inspector; Wil liam A. Froeber, Assistant Inspec' tor; Arnold E. Graham, Jr. In spec tor; and Thomas F. Stephenson,. Jr. Inspector, are the lsds who have signed up with Uncle Sam. - It was mitory . Friday, June 25, 1943 Swing shift girl's Softball practice Lester park, Ogden. Swing Swimboree Free swimming for men and women Weber gym pool, Ogden. Girl's softball practice Lester park, Ogden. Softball Ogden Industrial league, Hill Field Civilians vs. S. P. Shops. Fact and Fiction program Northwest Recreation hall Dormitory Area. Hill Field Welfare dances White City, Ogden. Swing shift show Orpheum theatre technicolor "Presenting Lily Mars," starring Judy Garland. Swing shift show Egyptian theatre technicolor "Coney Island," starring Betty Grable. Saturday, June 26, 1943 Dancing East Wing Recreation hall Dormitory Pinochle Northwest Recreation hall Dormitory "Five Swing shift show Orpheum theatre Graves to Cairo." Swing shift show Egyptian theatre technicolor -"-Crash Dive," starring Tyrone Power. . Scare Wolves Away 0Dmtlr?et.USO en a. HiU shift luncheon W & BUU Street, Jills-U-SO Salt Lake City. - v , - ct rs Dan Bailey, of Hill Field, and Mrs. Fitzgerald. " : College Classes Open to Workers Courses in Summer School Open for Few More Days Yet Story and Cartoon Contest Is Staged Members of Armed Forces Asked To Submit Entries Registration for summer school All men and women, officers ana at Weber college in Ogden will conmen of the armed forces Hill so enlisted tinue for several days that to submit entries in the are urged furin interested Field employes short story and cartoon contest ther training may enroll. The vocational department of- sponsored by the Armed Forces fers, in addition to the mechanic Service league of Philadelphia, Pa. learner program, welding,' painting The contest will close on Septem both wood and metal surfaces, ber 1. The winning short stories and machine shop, aircraft engines, sheet metal and blueprint reading. cartoons will be published in the Prize Story Book, and the profits These classes are free. from its sale will be used to esmeEngineering math, surveying, tablish scholarship funds for men courses chanical drawing, and radio are given in the engineering de- in the services who joined before completing college and to establish partment. Fees for instruction in typing, an employment bureau for those shorthand, office machines, and physically handicapped by the war and for the authors and artists military filing are low. Among the general courses open who may come back jobless. to Hill Fielders is one called War Bonds as Prizes "Psychology of Leadership," a pracAuthors and artists of the wintical, streamlined help for those ning stories and cartoons will be directing groups of men. Fitting awarded $100 war bonds each and the man to the job, teaching the their work will be published in a employe, and handling grievances volume by the J. B. Lippincott Co., are among the problems met in to be sold for the benefit of the this class. relief activities of the Armed Forces Service league. Stories must be from three to ten thousand words in length, on any subject, but must contain no military or naval information. The' manuscript need not be typewritbe legible. The carSergeant Bill Cloninger and Bet- ten, done toons be in pen and ink may ty walked down the aisle last week. . . . Pfc. Richard Boyd has a lot or in pencil. Each entry must have the home bosses since he beof came Squadron courier. He gets address and the serial identificaaround now. . . . Pfc. Will Glasgow tion number as well as the signawants to be L. S. so he can have ture of the author. All entries will Armed Forces another furlough. When's the next be mailed to the Service league, 2030 " Texas Furlough Week," Bill? Trust building, 123 South Pvt. Herbert O. Kellogg and his Broad street,' brand-nePhiladelphia, Pa. wife are honeymooning No entries will be returned, and in California. . . . Pfc. Freddie Lachman wants a transfer to the authors relinquish world book Q. M. Depot, to protect his "inter- rights. ests" over there. . . . The squadron mascot chased away some 482nd Return to Field boys last week when they tried to enter our supply room. She was After Trip rewarded with a snappy harness Lieut. John F. Walsh and Mrs. set presented by Bruno Falato. . . For a classy photo, we suggest you Walsh returned to Hill Field Sunsee S. Sgt. Joe LaBarbera, although day after a visit in the east. Lieut. in Ayer, he may be hesitant about showing Walsh visited his mother Mass.. and did some it fishing at his home in Millinocket, Maine, on his furlough. - June Brides for 880th Squadron new-fou- . nd ia . Red Cross Regional TWAS A BIO NIGHT . . . Last Saturday night was a big night for Mildred and Crystal. They at the mw their first fight bouts In Ogden Army-Nav- y stadium. Then they went home , . . alone! In order to scare the wolves away they went through the Ogden cemetery in a shorter cut back to town. Here the photographer snapped them as they were taking off. Their last names. For Mildred (left) it's Sorensen,. for Crystal (right), it's Raamussen. ' ... Hill-field- DANCE Lay ton Ward Amusement Hall TOMORROW NIGHT t . meeting-H- ill " "- top-not- : "-S- wlng ' East . Industrial league Bank Smokery i ' , - . . Stark melodrama, straight from MELODRAMA, AND HOW! "The Gay Nineties" appeared on the Ogden USO stage last Friday evening when "Red Carnations," a one-aplay, was presented by Hill Field soldier-actoand USO hostess, Mrs. Betty Fitzgerald of Ogden. Left to right, Private First Class Doug Gordon and Sergeant . Ogden. Field Civilians. '- w Monday, June 28, 1943 30p.m. Softball Acea workout Monroe park, Ogden. Tuesday, June 20, 1943 6:;S"n-j?w- jng hft Softball girls Lester park, Ogden. Chapter of "Hill Jills" Twenty-fourt- h 4Pm.Softball-Ogd- J Fidelity-Philadelph- .... . ill L but-mu- a.m. Area. . Mar-quar- Inspection Unit Gives Farewell square dance East wing recreation hall Dormitory Area. Thursday, June 24, 1943 Book Lover's Club Northeast Recreation Area. 4 Community Sing Northwest Recreation hall Dormitory Area. Folk Dancing Class East Wing Recreation hall Dormitory Area. Baseball Hill Field Civilians vs. ASF Army-J- ohn Affleck park, Ogden. Swimboree Free swimming for men and women Weber gym pool, Ogden. Sunday, June 27, 1943 Catholic mass Northwest Recreation hall .... Dormitory Area. wp.m. Protestant Bible study Northwest Recreation hall Dormitory Area, 'wp-m- . Baseball Hill Field Army vs. ASF Army John Affleck Ogden. j.iy. wpm. Protestantpark, church service Northwest Recreation ball Dormitory Area. wp.m. Ping pong tournament East Wing Recreation ball Dormitory Area. .. op.m. Baseball Hill Field Civilians vs. ASF Depot Civilian Affleck park, Ogden. John ou Community hymn sing Northwest Recreation hall Area. g.fli wPn. First aid class (tentative) Northwest Recreation ball Area. wp.m. YoungDormitory People's Vesper service East Wing hall Dormitory Area. wp.m.-W- hist jeatlon Dormitory Northeast Recreation hall 10:30 Seventeen Hill Field enlisted men were given preliminary , for the Army Specialized approval Training Program (ASTP) when they successfully passed the ASTP board last Saturday morning. The candidates for advanced training in fields of their own choosing will soon be sent to the University of Utah on detached service, where they will be given a series of tests to determine suitability for specific courses and curricula at colleges and universities Thursday, , June 24th . Popular Prices Proceeds to Layton Recreation Department Director in Visit Robert L. Wilson, field supervisor for the Pacific Area of the Red Cross, was on Hill Field Monday for a routine monthly inspection visit with Edward B. Eisen and Richard & Hill, field directors for the Hill Field area. Mr. Wilson is a former regional director for NYA, and has had a great deal of experience in social service work. His duty is to act as a hason for all Red Cross units in the Ninth Service Com mand and the Ogden Air Service Command areas. More Reunion Anna Marshall, singer, composer and pianist who pleased radio listeners with her song, "If You Believe in Me," when the Hill Field Gang broadcast from KLO two weeks ago, is taking a two weeks' furlough. She will visit her husband, who is radio technician employed in Chicago. Anna is Hostess in tne dormitory recreation 'hflls. ch 14-d- ay Special Swing Shift Shows at Downtown Ogden Theatres EGYPTIAN THEATRE Wedneiday, June 23, 12 noon 'Crash Dive" In technicolor with Tyrone Power. Thursday, June 25, wing shift midnight show, feature a.m. "Coney Island" In technicolor with Betty arable. 26, 12 midnight, Saturday, June y feature at a. m. "Crash Dive" with Tyrone Power. Wednesday, June' 30 special show for swing shift, 12 midnight fea. ture at 1 a.m. Major Bowes, stage show. ORPHEUM THEATRE Friday, June 25, 1 p.m.. "Presenting Lily Mars" with Judy land. . Saturday, June 26, 11 a.m. for wing shift, "(Jen tie Gangster," and ."Presenting Lily Mars." Saturday. June 26, midnight show, with feature at 1 a.m. "Five Graves to Cairo," story of General 's retreat, with Eric Von Htro-helPranchot Tone and Anne Baxter. Wednesday, June 30. 1 p.m. and "The Hit Parade of 1943." one-thir- ty one-thirt- . , Rom-mell- "Cor-regldo- r" ' |