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Show Thursday, May 10. 1956 THE THE COUNTY AGENT'S CORNER ;. By G. RAY BURTENSHAW : - ' :' Juab County Agricultural Agent Sit Lists Helps For Improvement of White Top Should Be Sprayer Now 4-- H White top is among the most costly weeds which vost farmers of Utah several thousands of dollars annually. White top is a perennial noxious weed. It reproduces from seeds and extensive, coarse, underground rhizomes or rootstocks. As the name implies, it has white flowers and a patch in bloom gives a snowy-whi- te This appearance. weed reddish - brown produces seeds which resemble radish seeds and are about the same size as alfalfa seeds, making it difficult to clen from alfalfa or clover. It makes its growth early in the and flowers in th latter spring part of April or early May, depending upon the season and altitude. White top was introduced into the United States about 50 years ago and is now extremely widespread. It is a problem in every county in Utah and is considered a serious problem in 24 counties, and is the most serious weed pres ent in many o fthe counties. It occurs in cultivated fields and in waste places, particularly thriving on somewhat saline soils. White top has been and can be controlled by clean cultivation. To be successful, this must be done thoroughly every two to three weeks during the growing season and it will take two to three years. A more practical method consists of a combination of cropping and of flowers, etc. Division 5 Planting perennials:' A, plant and care for 25 perennial plants, 10 of which are shrubs or trees. On, Page Three WWII te (An Aminotriazole Weedkiller) Her' the great new herbicide discovery you've 4-- Home, Surroundings For Best Results Here are several projects that can be used as projects and at the same time beautify youi home. You can choose any of the following five projects. Along with this is the Junior Flower Garden club sponsored by the local and state garden clubs in cooperation witn one of the leading seed stores which are furnishing packets of flower seeds. Ava Christensen and Jack Howard are leading all those interested in such projects. Choose any one of the following five divisions to beautify your home and surroundings: 1 Growing flowers. A, grow at least five kind of annual flowers from seed; B, grow one of the following: 1, 25 bulks of annuals; 2, three house plants; 3. specially flower garden; 4, three different kinds of perennial flowers.. C. Learn to identify 12 different flowers and collect leaf specims or eacn. Division 2 Cleaning home grounds: A, remove all trash, etc., including leaves; B, arrange a place for all garden tools; C, Care for a lawn, paint the fences, plant three varieties of flowers, etc. 3 Planning the Home grounds Draw a plan of home grounds improvements, including the fogl lowing: 1, Service area, 2, public-area- , 3 private living area. Division 4 Lawn care (should be undertaken after planning the home grounds). A: Do either one of the following: Plant a new lamn or renovate an old lawn. B Do any of the following: Cleanup the yard plant threa varieties Section chemicals. For example, white top on crop land has been effectively controlled by the followinz pro cedure: Plow the land early in the spring and prepare a good seedbed. This sets the weed back. Apply about 40 pounds available nitrogen per acre and seed immediately to grain. The fertilizl er will help the grain grnw rapidly and provide competition to the weed. Spray with m lbs of 2, tx acre when grain is between the stool ing and boot After is croo the har stage. ing vested, j. low and cultivate or as fall growth spray w;h 2. This progrm should be appears. followed as long as it is necess ary, prooamy tnree or ton.-- years ior complete control. White top can be controlled "n ditch banks, fence linos, rights or way, etc. by sprayuij twic yearly w':h 2 4D. This shuuld be done in le spring then in the fall if iEgrowth appear. Small patches in waste places or even on crop lnd can probably be best controlled by use of a soil sterilant such as atlacide or a chlorate. Six to eight poundi per square rod mixed with water and sprayed on or broadcast dry is the recommendation. This kills all vegetation and nothinj will grow for a few years. 4-- D KB ,A NEPHI. UTAH TIMES-NE- been reading about in the leading farm magazines. KILLS CANADA THISTLE, WHITE TOP, QUACK GRASS at Non-selecti- Does ve not sterilize the soil There's nothing else like It. rsnaai Kill your really tough problem weeds. IK YOUR DEALER TODAY. ii&A FREE BULLETIN ON REQUEST. UTAH POULTRY & FARMERS COOPERATIVE Remember good farming methods are the best tools in effective weed control, and that now Is First West at First Ncrth Phone 104 the best time to spray whitetop. Manv reouests are received for recommendations on spraying dandelions in lawns and this is the time of the year to do that job.. However, many unfortunate situations arise from use of sprays where drift occurs onto other plants, or where the mixture is made too strong and the lawn is killed. This can be avoided by using the powder form of 24D which is mixed with fertilizer. It can be obtained from local dealers and by using it home owners can kill their weeds, fertilize their lawns, and a small hand sprayer is not needed. Try the powder form of . "t-.-- 1 V1( ySk Powder Form of 2,4D Best for Dandelion Control, Agent Says WOW WOULD VVf 11 11 lllmA ABOUT ALL TUP Neu TUiMie . . . a . I A a . ViAKc LIFE BETTER irmi - ii wtKENT r- A FOR s WHITE TOP Drawto tad part of ducrlpttoa fkmm fasa AariculMral fUperiiatat Burt.. Circular US k D. You will be pleased with the results and the beautiful thick lawn resulting from its use. You don't need to worrk about killing other plants when using it. BEDDING PLAINTS ARE NOW READY Excellent supply everything transplanted into foil containers Petunias, Asters, Snaps, Salvia, Glad Bulbs, peppers, tomatoes and many others Nephl Floral, 213 East Fifth No. Part of Standard's earnings came from our work in supplying oil for other free nations g I delight fpP LACE TABLE CLOTHS Size 54 x 54 and 54 x 72 Famous Quaker Lace Dress Up Your Home Priced NOW at " - 6.90 PRINTED COTTON TABLE CLOTHS - Printed Designs in several colors and size QQ0 to 2.49 BED SPREADS - Famous Minuet T nnmc "A Heriracrp from rhf of America" - 25.00 CHENILLE SPREADS - from'4 to W CO Brighten up Your bedroom --Many Colors - anrl BABS HOSIERY -- Full Length and Knee Hi Stretch Prettiest qft$ per pair Hose made! Smooth fit! No Wrinkles V f. iviauc uy LUGGAGE t T j--ute; -- piece set Train case, Overnight, Pullman cases I Covered in rich grey plastic Easily Cleaned water-proo-f, Mfflwi1- ! I STANDARD AND ITS EASTERN ii production and exploration Hi r.fln.ry marketing ar.a - -- PM7 N. ..r 17.90 'WIS AjX refineries, supplied petroleum products to 67 countries outside the Iron Curtain. The result was a big boost for industry of Free World nations, conservation of UJ3. oil reserves, and a higher standard of living for the peoples of many lands. J PIus tax PURSES - Just Arrived! Many styles and Colors -- Sure to please to 2.90 tax IM PARIS TAXIS, African river boats and Australian airliners run on gasoline produced by Standard's affiliates. Last year in addition to our Western operations, we produced oil in 5 Eastern Hemisphere countries, processed it at 15 overseas - Tough, Dainty EMBROIDERED Many to choose from - HANKIES J9C - 90 OTHER SUGGESTIONS: Dresses - Jackets - House Shoes - Scarfs Blouses - COME IN AND SHOP 49 Mothers Day Cards BEST VALUES 15c and 25c ALWAYS... If you wish a copy of our Annual Report for 196S, writ to Standard Oil Company of California, Rm. 2163, 225 Bush St., San Fraadaeo 20, California STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA put pmlrolmum progrmf to work for you DEPARTMENT STORE? |