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Show Universal Microfilming Corp. Fierpont Avenue 1ZJ- - Salt Lake cityy Utah Single Copy 10c Nephi, Juab County, Utah, Thursday, : -- A highlight of the big week- end Holiday Preview will be a free matinee for the children of this area, acording to R. V. Leg-e- r, Chairman of the Retail Trdaes Committee of the Nepuhi Chamber of Commerce, sponsors of the event. Through the cooperation of Bob Anderson, manager of the Venice, kids are invited to the "KIDS KARTOON KARNIVAL" starting afternoon. at 2:30 p. m. Let's take a look at the adver- In addition toSaturday the free- - matinee, tisements and see what you can the Chamber of Commerce will find give to each child atteding, a free On page two, we find Paxman's 'bag of popcorn. kids, little cartoon advertisement that anThis is an exciting event, for your tells you where to buy TV re- - entertainment. program Won't you please pars; the benefits of eating cheese come. and a list of mighty good used cars from the Nephi Motor Co. values!! Fares to go and sale On the other colurns of page return are in the Greyhound ad, two, Bud Haymond tells us of also on that page. the advantages of a low calory On page nine a budget oil sweetening, and Tug Fowkes giv- buying deal is announced by the es a pitch on the new 1956 Buick, Utah Oil, and the power of the which last week came to town. new Chrysler is told by Painter oMtor Co. A special Trade in Now let's look on page three on the old watch is outlined Pratt Merc's hottest item, it ap- event Shaw of the Nephi Jewby Beyrl pears, would be those safety toe elry, and next door the Hoffman shoes that are cut in half (the TV "brings new magic to teleprice, that is) Maurice Chapman viewing." gives you "the facts" on the Spark Pen-neNow to the back page Oil heater, and Bud Haymond looks have a doll that lists a lot of nice gift suggest- like a honey, and John Parkin ions, such as cameras pens. etc. you exactly how much you LaMar Paxman says to make it tells save on a used car at his a "Record Christmas ' and puts can used car lot. Christensen's are forth some attractive offers to as- helping your caue, by offering sist you. That "B' in George needed' items at prices, should be an "R", also on page and last but not reduced the merits James E. Reid of the of the 56 Ford least, three. are outlined by Time Box has us going the wrong Parkin motor. benefit but way, by turning youll All in all, there's hundreds of the page. there's many opportun Now to pae four Prices on values to sav now on your Christmas the '56 Ford are listed by Ford, ities Remember, Shop and and Ralph's Market has an at buying. Save parking worries and tractive price on slab bacon. Ray lots oftime, mileage, by shopping In at Aliens urges you to order your Nephi, the heart of Central Utah. ys 25-in- wri.wi?3mil "lit 11 - turkey today for the big dinner coming up on the 24th. Yes, and there's a Zenith Hearing adi vertisement to tell you of the benefits of the newest aids. Over to five Chapman Furniture tells us of a special deal on Tri State Lane cedar chests. is urging you to do something aibout checking your home before the snow storm, and for your entertainment, the Venice Isits the FOR MISTLETOE TIME Just the thing to wear under the mistletoe is this black velvet dress. It's embroidered with bright green holly leaves and red berries. Part of a select wintertime collection, it was first shown in New York City. Hf- r v.-- V if 1 f i t. CLARENCE PHILLIPSEN received by Mrs. Deon Phillipsen that her son Private Clarence Phillipsen, left recently for Germany where he will serve with the U. S. army. Clarence enlisted in the Army in April and has been stationed at Fort Ord, California and at Fort Riley, Kansas since that time Word has been coming shows. The big M (Mercury to you) is also fetured in another of their clever advertisements. On page six, The Toggery Is seriously talking to Mrs. Santa Claus concerning men's gifts, with just below, the Plymouth "going places with the young in heart". Countless hours of entetrainment can be yours with a Viewmaster, advertised by Bud Haymond's Nephi drug on page six. A Wife-save- r, an electrical gift. Is urged by the Utah Power and Light Co., who urges you to buy from your local dealer. A message from Rio Grande also appears on page six. Ned Johnson Now to seven has some free comic books, and a lot of hot prices in his advertise ment. Mr. Garbett is featuring some knit suits, and Nebo Chev rolet outlines the hottest features of the '56 models. On page eight, Nebo Chevrol et has a list of hot used cars, and Paxman again is thinking of the lady of the house with some nice appliances. Ord & Mangelson has some hot, usually needed buys on toiletries, and Forseys Variety plans a stampede with their toy 1955 Volume 46, Number 45 Bring Notice, BANQUET SATURDAY EYENING IN WARD HALL Merchants of Nephi are truly going "all out" this week to bring to the residents of Central and South Central Utah, one of the ibiggest shopping events of recent the Holiday Preview. years We are pleased to bring you a paper filled with bargains everything from children's tops to new automobiles from bacon to used cars and all the way in between. . 10, THIRD WARD FOLKS TO HOLD WELFARE Holiday Preview Is Big Event; Free Matinee for Kids Saturday BELLE OF THE BRAWL It Isn't Kathy Wilson, Stockton College, Calif., cheerleader, for whom this bell tolls. Cast in England in 1858, its sonorous clangor peals out a requiem for the loser and joy for Stockton every time her football team makes a touchdown. November All members of the Nephi Third Ward are encouraged by their Bishopric, to be in attendance at the Third Ward Welfare banquet which will be held on Saturday evening, at 7:00 p. m. at the Third Ward Recreation Hall. Bishop Olsen stated Wednesto the day that in addiitionoutstanddelicous banquet, an ing program will be presented by a group from the Brigham Tax Payers well-prepar- ed ! City Limits Are "Off Booster Shots Limits" or Pheasant Hunters; Officer Advises Await Pre i.i School Children Brough - Pre-scho- ol ive, will be held on November 17 stated, that in ad at the County Courthouse, from dition Brough to the hunting restricions of this m. 11 Children a. 9 to will here be a continual posed, booster receive age group are to of the city limits. patrol is made shots. A nominal charge to pay for vaccine, according to The Nephi office of the GemSupt. DeVon Anderson. Bank of Utah will be mercial Supt Anderson further stated: closed Friday for the legal hoi "We wish to acknowledge the in- iday, Veterans Day, formerly ob valuable services of the health served as Armistice Day. council officers, Maxine AnderPaul E. Booth, manager, stated and Nedra that son, Emma Wilson the bank will be for Starr. Especially do we appreciate regular business until open noon on the free services of Dr. J. G. Saturday. Steele". Supt. Anderson appeals to the P. T. A. of the surrounding communities of the district to make Achievement Day childcertain that their Exercises Are Held ren have the benefits of this Mr. - pre-scho- ol For 4-- H Members The annual H achievement exercises were held this week for 280 members and 64 leaders of Juab County. The certificates and pins were presented by Kenneth Nyman, key banker, In behalf of the Utah Bankers association, sponsors of the awards, according to Mrs. Velyn Stevens home de monstration agent, and Ray Bur tenshaw, county agricultural agent of Juab County. Leaders receiving five-yepins were Dixie Howard of Nephi and LaRue Fox of Eureka. Miss How ard is now a junir at the Utah State Agricultural college, attend ing following the awarding of a scholarship by the Union Pacific club railroad for outstandin 4-work. The following leaders with their club members were honored for 100 per cent completion of their club plus A ratings on their ar ticles and books exhibited at the 4-- ar H county fair: D. C. BOSWELL ... i. BESS E. COOMBS City Chief of. Police Jack today reminded pheasant hunters that there will be no hunting permitted within the City during the pheasant hunt, Health Clinic for all Limits in of property and children one to four years, inclus- life.the interest Club News . The Ladies iLterary Club held their regular meeting on November 7, with Mrs. Ralph Belliston as hostess. Mrs Marvin Ander son, club preident, was in charge of the meeting. Litany wa read by Mrs. James H. Eagar. The theme of the program, "Unity in the Community", American Outlines and Political organizations in the U. S. A was treated by Mrs. A. G. Irons. Twenty questions and answers were led by Mrs. James R. Stan ley and each member participated in the answers and discussions. Present were Mrs. J. L. Bellis ton, Mrs. John Cotton, Mrs. James H. Eagar Mrs. Harry Foote, Mrs A. L. Garbett, Mrs. Frank Mrs. John Hershey, Mrs. A. G. Irons, Mrs. J. G. Irons, Mrs. James R. Stanley, Mrs. Marvin Anderson, Mrs. Jack W. Berwick, Treasurer Asks Young University. The banquet preparation committee is head-b- y Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bowles, so you can be assured of all you can eat of delicious, foods. Cost of the banquet is $2.50 per plate, with all the funds to go towards the Welfare obligations of the ward. All other members of the stake are cordially Invited, Bishop Olsen stated. Nephi Lady to Be Honored at Testimonial A farewell testimnial will be held in the Nephi Fourth Ward Sunday evening, November 13, to honor Miss Bess E. Coombs, who has accepted a call to serve in the North Central States mission, Miss Coomibs is a daughter of Wilford H. and the late Ellen E. Coomibs of Fountain Green. She is a graduate of the Moroni high school and Moroni Stake seminary. Since graduation she has lived in Nephi, and for the past three years has been employed at Ralph's market. She will enter the mission home on November 16. In addition to the remarks by the missionary, talks at the farewell will be given by Ralph Chase and by Bishop Donald L. Bailey. All members of the ward are encouraged to be in attendance. Taxes in Juab County will be come delinquent on November 30. According to Mabel D. Christison, County Treasurer, payments for current taxes are being made about as usual. Juab County taxes are higher this year than in 1954, which is mostly attributable to the State school levy of 4.60 mills. No levy was made by the State tor this purpose last year. The Juab School district levy was raised 3.06 mills this year. Tintic school district lowered 50 mills, and Nephi City raised .75 mills. The total levy for County purposes this year is 11.1 mills, in comparison with 11.2 mills in 1954, or a decrease of .1 mills. Tax payers are reminded to bring their notices when making payment of taxes. Mrs. Chistison states that total taxes to be paid by property owners outside incorporated cities and towns will be as follows: Juab School district, 42.49 mills in comin 1954; with , 34.93 mills OZ parison . 11rr no l ji i a oo.ou mms I in Lie sunooi district, in 1955 and 34.80 mills in 1954. Totals of all levies applicable to property within Nephi City is 63.74 mills this year compared with 55.43 mills in 1954; Eureka. City, 63.80 mills in 1955 and 59.80 mills in 1954; Levan town, 61.49 nl Mona 1955 and 53.93 in 1954; Town 57.49 in 1955 and 49.93 mills in 1954. ... 1- i ; Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wilkey announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter Susanna, to Daryl L. Leavitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil H. Leavitt of Idaho Falls, Announcement is being made of '- uiii Hi - 'JmSk KENNETH NYMAN Nyman Elected Clubs led by Grace Sparks and the engagement and .forthcoming Stella Garrett; Jessie Sudweeks marriage of Miss Beverly Bonsteel and Clara .Wheelwright; Mildred Earl Ballard Hoyt The couple Advertising Man Is Pearl Wilson, Jennie will exchange vows Garrett; in the Manti Burtenshaw. and Jessie Hintze on December 16. LDS Temple Heads Boswell 100 clubs Other Speaker; completing per The future bride is a daughter of cent were led by Margaret Fenn- - Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bonsteel Kiwanis Club for '56 Ann ell and Jean Giles; Patricia of Dryden, Michigan. Mrs. Eva C Unofficial returns of the Rep Lucas and Anna Marie Montoya Hoyt of Nephi is mother of the resentative District election, for a Kenneth Pace, former resident of Eureka; Betty Ellertson, of bridegroom-elec- t. Mrs. A. V. Gadd, Mrs. T. W. All- - of Nephi, and currently operator Mona; and Bessie Mangelson The bride-to-b-e has attended position on the Board of EducaVona Poulsen and Brigham Young University and is tion of Juab School District, as red, Miss Mabel Sperry, and the of the Pace Advertising Agency in Ruth Beard; hostess Mrs. Ralph Belliston. Norma and a graduate of the Henry Ford erleased by the County Clerk's Provo, spoke to the Nephi Kiwan- Janice Crosland; is Club at their regular meeting eBtty Anderson of Levan; Max Hospital school of nursing at De- office Wednesday, showed that efine Anderson's Stitchettes; Renae troit, Michigan. this week. Mr. Pace told of Mr. Hoyt is a Kenneth Nyman, assistant managPercentages in the wards of Jewel graduate of the Brigham Westring, Dixie Howard, advertising methods. Young er of The Commercial Bank's Juab Stake for the FasfDay ser- fective New president of the Kiwanis Mayer, Connie Boswell and Koye University with a degree In bus- Nephi office won by a large mavices of last Sunday were as folClub is D. C Boswel, local dis- Sorenson. all of Nephi. iness administration. He was af- jority. lows: Mr. Nyman will take his place tributor for Standard Oil Co. of Folley equipment awards were filiated with Alpha' Kappa Psi, 30 Nephi Third ward as a member of the board at the He will follow Mar- 'presented to Trudy Boswell and commerce fraternity. California. .30 Nephi Fourth Ward first meeting in January. vin M. Witt, whose term will end Ellen Kae tsurtensnaw. ine dooks 2& Nephi Second Ward Unofficial tally in the First vot"I Dare You" were presented to with the close of this year. 25 Nephi First Ward The Nephi Garden club will ing district showed Kenneth NyAlton S. Gadd is the new vice Judd Morgan and Carol Nyman. Mona Ward 24 Other special awards were as sponsor a fall plant sale at their man 97; J. A. Phillips 47. In the president, and directors are R. Levan Ward 23 Jolene regular meeting for November. Second voting district, the voting Achievement, G. Richardson, Jack Ludlow, Roy follows: Mr. Nyman Bowles, V. A. Beck, Lloyd Goble, Anderson, Barbara Garrett, Bet- African violets will be especially was heavier, with featured. Then would make an polling; 185 to 76 for his oppoAlbert C Starr and Maurice B. ty Anderson, Glenna Greenhalgh; Boys agriculture: Roger Earl Jar-re- tt excellent Christmas gift. Garden nent Chapman. and Robert Powell; Canning, club officers said. They bloom In the City balloting, there was Shanna Ryan, profusely almost all year. The no write-i- n of any consequence, Lillian Wankier, November meeting will be held the incumbent E. Rulon Brough Waterfowl Hunters Asked Carolee Bigler, Patricia Orme, Clothing Betty Beckstead, Col- next Wednesday at the Central and Eugene Lunt; and a new leen Westring, Charlene Bird and school auditorium. A program is councilman, C. W. Glazier, being To Give Data on Michael planned and a film will be shown. elected. arol Nyman; Dairy Don Fowkes, Ronald Garrett, Efforts, Success Sperry, Michael Paxman; Dairy Glenna demonstration foods - Waterfowl hunters are again Greenhalgh,. Marilyn Greenhalgh Style being asked to assist in deter and Kathleen Anderson. mining future regulations inai are Dress Revue Charlene Bird, ColU. Fish S. leen Westring, Carolyn Warner, set each year by the and Wildlife Service and each of eBtty Beckstead, Jolene Anderthe 48 states. son, Colleen oFx, Nancy Bird, Jo Uvonne Maxfield, The service this year has Issued Rae Fennell, isions of wards, and changes in one in Barbara Garrett and Carol Ny- To the Membership of "hunter" cards with about Juab Stake: . duck ward boundaries and other ris- stamps man. ten of the federal The Stake Historical record, torical data of value to the stake. Food preparation: Betty Andersold from more than 700 post ofWe are searching all stake and son, Kaye Wilkey, Joan Roundy, from June 1938 to June 1953 has fices throughout the nation. Please furnish us who receive such cards Trudy Boswell; oFrestry, Melvin never bene filed in the office of ward records. with your historical data, to asFrozen foods Betty the Church hstorian. in Utah are urged by the de- Wilkey; Your Stake presidency has plac- sist in completing this task. Garpartment of fish and game to Anderson and Kaye Wilkey. Barned their Furnish us all you can, but record of upon us, the responsibility of den: accurate an Lynn Sparks, DeRay keep tha thees missing records please let it all be in writing, and hunting days, bag, and other in es, Richard Jensen, Brent Peter- seeing son. Girls record: Barbara Gar- are properly gathered and filed properly signed by you. formation reuested. We will not use verbal material Those who return the survey rett; Home improvxement. Mar-g- o in the Church archives. If we are properly and truth- but will fully consider all writcards will receive a questionaire at Kay, Carolyn Anderson, Iris the end of the shooting season In Phillips, DeAnn Wright. Leader- fully to complete this task, we ten historical material! you can which they will be asked to re- ship, Fred Gowers, Jolene Ander- must have your full cooperation supply us with. n and your This should all be for the person. Meat animals: Jay support. port their season's success. We desire to obtain the names iod of time set forth above. and Richard aPrk. From such information, the of all persons, not initials Please This is your record. Those participating on the proService can better determine the Mildred Garrett, living or dead, who have served read the first part of Sec. 128 of numbers of ducks and geese bag- gram were singing, in Stake and Ward offices, in- the Doctrine and Covenants, becommunity ged by hunters accross the en- chairman; tire country. It will enable the led by Betty and Norma Ander- cluding the auxiliary organiza fore you send in your material. management agencies to view the son; Pledge, American flag, Rob- tions, with ordates of appointments The living of today are the dead of tomorrow, and out of the books releases. pledge, Ronald and dates hunting regulations from the ert Powell; Also, names of all misionarles. are the dead to be judged. Time standpoint of actual shooting Knerrv: Musical. Clara WheelJ, with nrpssuri' on the birds and aid In wright's group; talk, Vaughn - and datesof leaving for missions Is of value to us and to you also. date Respectfully, returning. gearing future regulations to best Paxman; awards, Kenneth NyWe want all other valuable his song, iwrs Joseph IL Greenhalgh represent the long term interests man and veiyn atvens;Melvin torical Maida Foote to data stake and pertaining of both the shooters and the Othel Pay prayer, Fit to wear, that's tha news in noasehold rlorr. Bome maker Sadie IL Greenhalgh and ward organlztions the div key. has chosen tnla aif. after tiling on several shws. Green-halg- Member of School Board h, Colorful Household Gloves Are Styled to Fit BY EDNA MILES that most THE grudgehave against household gloves is that they don't fit. They grant that they're necessary, that gloves protect the hands and keep them from roughening, but, they say, they're clumsy to wear and it's difficult to handle tilings with them on. Actually, they should fit. So news of household gloves that are streamlined for fit (and pretty, too) is welcome. You try on these gloves Just as you do your dress gloves. They're made of neoprene, are completely washable and resistant to oils, acids, caustics and greases. Styling has been added to fit There's glove in ebony black, there's a fabric-line- d glove in delicate pastels and there's a glove in celestial blue. You should make a habit of wearing your household gloves whenever you do dishes, whenever you do any housework hard on your hands. In addition, keep your favorite hand cream or lotion handy on a shelf In the kitchen for a good creaming several times a day. No manJure can pretty up hands roughened by heavy housework and lack of care. Committee Asks Aid In Making Record of Stake of Several years Wat-erfowle- rs Worth-ingto- . I ' '2v V 4-- H Wll-bird- |