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Show November Thursday. yiWW 1948 25, THE '"''l'Wl'W''.i!WWWiJ .l i SPOTLIGHTING UTAH... The Smithsonian Institute has realesed a report on the so- called "Drum Mountains Meteor- ite found in Utah in 1944, and their report is attracting con- siderable national attention. The meteorite was discovered by chance in 1344 by two Japan- -from the Topaz relocation censet up near Delta for enemy The nationals during the war. meteorite is the eighth largest yet found in the United States. It weighs 1164 pounds. When found it was protruding about two feet above the ground and the strik- ting appearance attracted the at- A tention of the disfover-jrsDiece of the meterorits was chipped off and sent to Smithsonian. The entire object has now been re- - w .MSB? . and neither do our Diamond prices! to Washington where ques-move- it is undergoing a complete study by Today and every day our Diamonds the staff of the Institution. are Our policy that The rerjort states that iron met- Highest Quality is the Soundest eorites frequently shrw broad, Economy it your assurance of the shallow depressions on their sur Best, regardless of the price you pay. faces which are popularity known This iron as "thumb marks". meteorite has deeper depressions, thumb unrelated to the marks. The meteorite was found resting almost entirely ok the surface end yet it is estimated that must have had at least '. C, J.l ,C00 it 'struck of force the e. rth. There was no evidenc? of a crater in the formation in whicn the iron was discovered. A p ,,sibie explanation is that it fell some distance from the point Trout Fishing; Arizona's Monuments where it was found and that it Best bait for trout, when the waArizona has within its boundar- e'tner bounced or roVed to the ter is cold, high or muddy, and ies mora national monuments than where it finally came to rest. they won't take flies, are worms any state in the Union. These Na- piace alshould be and minnows. Worms monuments are: tional Pipe Beet Checks Again lowed to drift naturally with the Springs, Navajo, Grand Canyon, One of our Utah beet refining current, alo.ug the botCanyon de CheUy, Wupatki, Sun- companies has announced that they tom and tumbling into the spots set Crater, Tuzigoot Ruins, Wal- mailed recently to their growers in where such food settles naturally. nut Canyon, Petrified Forest, Mon- Utah, Idaho, and Oregon checks toMinnows either may be drifted tezuma Castle, Tonto Cliff Dwelltaling 8,173,000 as the first pay with the current or pulled against ings, Casa Grande Ruins, Organ ment on the 19 48 sugar beet It. They should be fished deep. Big Pipe Cactus, Tumacacori Mission, crop. The payment is based on trout have a weakness for them. Saguaro Cactus and Chiricahua, 961,000 tons of beets at a price of the Wonderland of Rocks. Salomon Andree $8.50 per ton. U. S. benefit payAs early as 1897, Salomon AndOwls in the V. S. ments are $2.50 per ton which will All told, about 200 varieties of ree, a Swedish engineer, took off bring the first payment total to owls inhabit the earth; some 18 $11.00 per ton. If the present with two comrades from Danes ispri land in the desolate group east of different kinds live in the United ces of sugar prevail, t'i final paynorthern Greenland in an attempt States. Owls in this country include ment shuuld bring tks amount to to cross the polar region by air. His tverything from the great gray and around Jii.SC per ton. balloon voyage was but horned owls of northern forests to the tiny Whitney's elf owl which, Utah Folder Popular with it presaged today's continuing inwhen puffed up with rage, is only Travel Clubs ternational interest in Spitsbergen r as large as a good sized fist. as a aerial depot. A folder assembling under one . tale-price- d. NEPHI JEWELRY APPLIANCE g wn-a- - CHRISTMAS fu A out om Tits coh,'- Y?. ...,TT .v'v' J,MT & N Isle of Man The Isle of Man stretches north and south for 30 miles. Its 221 square miles are a museum of surprises. The ancient tongue, Manx, is still spoken by a few of the 51,000 inhabitants. Crosses believed to date from the fifth century hvf been found on the island I'M TAKING DOLL'S PRESCR.IPTIOW -- TO NEPHI DRUG rvlV SAfS Kilkenny Cats In olden times, Scotch folk tried to drive out the evil spirits of cats by roasting them alive on spits. Not to be outdone, the Irish tied the tails of two cats together and threw them over a clothesline to claw each other until only the tails were left. From this pastime came the legend of the Kilkenny eats. Painting Baseboards When painting baseboards, hold cardboard close against the wall above the baseboard. This will prevent the possibility of getting paint on the wall or wallpaper above. Such cardboards are also very useful when washing baseboards, since they prevent the water from marking the wallpaper. True of All Snakes Snakes cannot blink their eyes. They have no eyelids. Their eyes can absorb bright sunlight but arc blinded by twilight. MOTHER THAT'S THE. R.IC3HT PLACE. I SLIPS BED JACKETS ETC. Any one of these items will make a most acceptable gift SELECT NOW - Make a deposit and we will reserve your selection until needed (Eawbett9s Exclusive Ladies9 tleady-to-Ve- Shop of Quality ar at Popular Prices stroke. SE i mXfe . ROBES a picture or lamp across the room. If there's rose color in the draperies, make sure that the urns shade is repeated in a pillow or ottoman. If the rug features green, that green should be used again in a chair or vase or some other stroke. Thick timber, however, is different. There a person may get under a 4xee in comparative safety, because it is no more conspicuous than its fellows, and hence not likely to be singled out for a trans-pola- r a tin v I GOWNS Color in the Home Color should go around the room, up from the floor and out from the walL That means, If you have a blue davenport, pick up the blue In Against Lightning who takes protection under a lone tree during a thunderstorm invites death by lightning NOV We are sowing a beautiful line of relatives. person GIFTS ARE AVAILABLE children left last Friday for Phoe nix, Arizona where they will spend Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Christian Thompson and family. Mrs. Leah Bosh who has been m Salt Lake City for some time is visiting in Levan this week. Mr. and Mrs. Delwin Shepherd and children left Tuesday for Los Angeles where they will visit with d, X 3 BEST SELECTIONS IN Mrs. Mary Z. Hatfield of Spring- ville is visiting here at the home of her son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Mangelson. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Peterson and baby art spending the week in Las Vegas, Nevada. Mrs. Lela Christensen Childs of Salt Lake City spent the week end here with her mother, who cele brated her 80th birthday anniversary on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Poulson, Lorenzo Mangelson, and Mr. and Mrs. LeGrand Mangelson and two Precaution A j? LEVAN NEWS cover oil of the pertinent facts and many of the scenic pictures of Utah has been prepared by the Department of Publicity and dustrial Development and sent to all travel agencies throughout the The folder con-noUnited States. tains "Important Facts about Utah", a tourist map, a highway map, the publication, "Wealth and Resources of Utah" and two scen-es- e ic booklets, '"Utah, Land of End-te- r less Scenic Discovery" and "Utah Land of Color". The reception the folder has received can best be shown by excerpts from some of the acknowledgement letters: "It is a very complete and comprehen-- j sive folder and we are happy to hav- - it for our fererence file on "in receiving the your state . folder, we find it very complete and know that it will be of great assistance to us in answering d tions about your state". "We are pleased to receive this folder for " enaDies us to give our members who are contemplating vacation trips to your area, a complete de scription of your state." In-ju- st I vii'T-pin- Page Five i Utah Meterorite Receiving National Attention 0 NEPHI, UTAH TIMES-NEW- BapU Increase in Airports When Lindbergh hopped the Atlantic in 1927 the country's airfields numbered only 1,000. Spurred by the federal aid of the national airport program, approved in May, 1946, airports increased more than 1,000 in 1J47 alone. Texas and California, with more than 400 airfields each, lead the states, followed by Florida and New York. Where "Biucher" Gets Name A biucher is any shoe with a tongue that is cut in one piece with the forepart, the quarters lapping over the vamp. Biucher takes its name from Gen. Gebhard von Biucher, one of the commanders who did Napolean in at the battle of Waterloo. He designed the model as standard equipment for his soldiers. Australian Stamp Issues Australia will have three special stamp issues in 1948. They will honor Baron Van Mueller, botanist and explorer; William James Farrar, breeder of wheat: and Henry Law-sopreeminent writer of Australian verse. All three men played a leading part in Australia's development and cultural history. n, Ecuador's Blue Gum Visitors to Quito in Ecuador's unforested Sierra, or central mountainous region, are impressed with the prominence of a single tree species the Tasmanian blue eucalyptus or blue gum. Introduced in 1865 from Tasmania, Australia, this tree has become thoroughly adapted in plantations on the densely populated Andean highlands or plateaus, where the native vegetation, lncludi:: the original forests, wat removed long ago. Origin of Father's' Day It was a mother who started "Father's day.'" She is Mrs. John Bruce Dodd, of Spokane, Wash., a writer of Indian stories. Struck with the need for a day to honor father, and inspired by the lov ao4 sacrifices of her own dad, Wil-tlaSmart, a Civil war veteran, who raided his motherless family of six, Mrs. Dodd proposed the idea 38 ago, in 1910. m New 3c Stamp Sometime this year the XJ. S. post office will issue a three-cestamp commemorating "100 years of progress by women in America." nt r 20 oz packags of AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE MIX BUCKWHEAT MIX TTUCE Crisp, Solid lb QC 1 - quart J TOMATO JUICE Del Monte - 46 oz can 25 BISQUICK Large pkg 45 c - 1QC viill N. BACON SQUARES by piece or sliced lb 49 C BABY BEEF ROASTS lb53C - K I :I I ' LIVLil' X VCL Or TT Reg. pkg 29 C x 7- -t Giant VEL LOIN STEAKS BABY BEEF SWIFTS PICNICS tfC GIANT DREFT sss i Ij Ws tit II II V7 If n I 1 Kellogg's Rice Krispies Bosco Milk Amplifier - 23c Royal Pudding or Gelatin Many Flavors - pkgs 21 G lb carton JQC MILK all brands 4 cans 57e NUCOA 1 lb 41C 2 lb 81C Best Foods Mayonnaise pt 45 Swift's Brokfield American Processed Cheese 2 lb pkg 7QC Speedway Liquid Starch TOMTOES 17 18c 14c - lblbjqc 47c Let 1 1 KfZI VSHvzi A v 7 f " -bm t. - DAT yw mM im. 2VcX tow T Im er blow . . . The one thing that won't help you through the winter is a lot of talk. So we'll make it brief: Conoco N' Change now to winter-gradMotor Oil for faster start, peak winter proengine performance and the tection of y e full-tim- e Vaster starts: N' i specially refined to lubricate your engine even when TT7 JOHNSON'S W inter-grad- e the temperature plunges. It's SUPER MARKET & LOCKER PLANT 56 East Center Ceprrffbt CoauMftttl Oil toaapaof ! e ..OIL-PLATE- S ... Oil Plate and go -- Phocra 57R The Store That Brought LOW prices to Ncphi free-flowin- Peak u inter performance: When you drain out that thick, dirty .summer oil, you say goodbye to halkv engine response. Winter-grad- e N puts June under the hood full-timprteition: A special added ingredient fastens an extra protective film of lubricant to nusal surfaces. every working part , , . cuts down "dry" friction starts and general engine wear. Let winter blow ! |