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Show Thursday, Dec f1 TTTTT"" SI i PIII)ICTI 1 5-7- The 1947 4, I 1 A C I ill IH I 111 '&FmTGX& & i T Social News utah's Md& 1 1T I C A ? ,sr- Mrs. Harry Beagley, Mrs. Ray Kelson and Mrs. J. C. Kelson were in Salt Lake City last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nyman and family were in Logan visiting - HI the kind of Daiamas that say Merry Cnnst- mas for you all year round. They're Sanforizedt. They're Towncraft. They're Percales in the kind of bright clear stripes you've been waiting years for. Notched collars. Slipover and Coat styles. A.B.CD COATS 15.00 to 20.10 20.00 ONLY BOYS' SUITS CLEAR REDUCED TO SIZES TO 5.00 and 10.00 16 Gift for the "Boss A Jacquard Robes Watch him beam when be sees this rich rayon weavo. Catch his smile as he ease himself into this comfortable robe. Here's luxury bell ap preciate every day of the year. Maroon, nary. L. wffl aotsnsed RecCS.Pat.OiL IS: I Jr53"l rZflXZ:lt' 11 Vill 1 Local NeWS Mrs. Leonard Pay returned to rnirnt 1v after spending a few days in Salt Lake City visiting with her son Don, prior to his leaving for the mission field. Km. hi Shoes cost much more now. shoes can be reToday old new by your shoe paired like Yes. in dollar for repairer. dollar value, shoe repair's the Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. King of Long Beach, California were recent house guests of Mr and Mrs. John E. Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B:nnn;l of American Fork spent Thanksgiving rvening with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson. best "buy" you can make. Me ua. CHRISTENSEN SHOE SHOP " jp IT at du'; -- "ST" biggest mattress bargain! relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Park and family spent Thanksgiving day at Manti with Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Anderson. i rv Vi n c Wn of Pnnnip Pnrlr fending school at Manti spent the her! Thanksgiving holidays with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace' MUTUAL LUMP Ton or Truck Load Park. Prompt Delivery SPARKS - SPERRY . WILLIAMS PHONE 35 or PHONE 171J MODEL 64X2 9 -' ' o Ha built-i- n handl for toty tarrying. bands. Maximum Poworful antenna. selectivity. "Magic loop" electro dynamic speaker. c Beautiful cos. Standard and shorl-wa- v Improvements, discovered ony sounder woy of Bobocly' it In a bank botdlng on o money thon to put oocownl regularly, same as I've always doner OH fH NEW-FANGLE- D e e harp had Why don't you tarl your? Cnrattona after generation mceounU hr. with rite flnUh . lightly lowor eotf. 44.95 LEAVITT'S PHONE 363 .AWTNellXI IA VltOI MAJJJ-L- I N J I individually-pockete- d, Commercial! Basilc of Rephi fc tat4 a night I rrtl0oroBf, owtyresl costs yow hnsviose Thafs ot Ic mlgUI KxJoyl pfck ovt revr "knxry cositort" lowtyr your cheese Srosil pmnmrn revkav y Hrry.M boa sprtavloe. Vat, we bows teoarrr M ft r0 yom BtH mar (Son dair mghl. ttxM a night I 8 side ventilators to help keep interior flurry-fres- h Sag-proborder for all-ov- of tnid-mattre- ss 0 54.50 f Why it's wiser to buy a Beautyrest: 10 year guarantee! Cosh little mor lfofi independent coil springs! ivory-plaitl- Walnul-plaiti- c VENT COIL SPRINGS I 837 WWi f INVEPEN- - See this wonderful Beoutyrest ot our bedd'mg department today! It's the mattress you've waiting fori been wanting It has not 100 or 200 but 837 inaWuaffy-pockete- d springs! That's why it cushions every port of your body so gentry, to firmly, so buoyonty. AXXW rca Victor 837 4 i ,. 'Mm -- IT'S AN WITH THE I , t'- - MIX f f j '- '4 COMFORT" BEAUTYREST Mrs. Garry Tate and family of Park City spent Thanksgiving day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beaglpy. The Third Ward M Men and Gleaners held a social Inst week at the Third Ward Relief Society' hall Games were played and rc-- 1 frt shments served. Everyone had an enjoyable time. f x1 Jhard Exclusive Ladies' Shop " -- fff I Oil Treated SHOES ARE HIGH. S HEUE" America's 7.90 tSbrinkig December BALANCE OF OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF announcement today by Cleo son, secretary. COATS, SUITS AND MILLINERY The Third and 4th Ward Relief Societies will hold their Bazaar in the Third ward hall on Saturday, December 6th at 2 P. M, Sale of articles will include house aprons, doilies, children's drosses, dish covers, towels, clothes basket POTENTIAL V EVERYBODY IN KANA6, 6ARF1E10 COUNTY. IS A Refreshments )l quilts, rugs, etc. COMPANIES COME of all types will also be sold. "If I :j MOVIE ACTOR. WHEN FILM (T 51 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bnggs en TO USE THE SCENIC GRA.NOEUR OF THE ALL STOCK INCLUDED NOTHING RESERVED tertained at a turkey dinner on SOUTHERN UTAH COUNTY FOR LOCATION OF MOVIE WESTERNS, EVEN BUSINESSMEN Thanksgiving day for the follow ALL SKIRTS WITH EXEPTION OF ? CLOSE UP SHOP TO ACT AS EXTRAS. ing: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Step1 Mrs. and Ruth Jackman NEW BALLERINOS henson, mmnmr - sons -- rr Bud, Paul and Richard, Mrs. Annie Farnsworth and daughter Arlene, Cecil Briggs, and B. Glen Smith of St. George. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boswell of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Cazier of Logan spent Thanksgiving with Mr and Mrs. Cleon Memmott Lake City spent Thanksgiv- - their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Verno were 'in Salt Lake City Novemb-ISa- lt er 24 to attend the wedding or ing day with her parents, Mr. and Boswell and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Belliston. Miss Patricia Paxman at the Lion Mrs. Claude M. Tolley. NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES ON THIS Misses Mildred and Barbara Patricia is the daughter Mrs. Laura Price and son Jim-mi- e house. who are attending school Jones, of Mr and Mrs. S. G. Paxman. ALL SALES FINAL MERCHANDISE were guests at the U S A C have been home of Brigham City MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW WHILE Mr. and Mrs. Ear.1 Shaw were in- of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J as. for the holiday. on Thanksgiving Pavsnn aay1 H vis- Vickers for ThanKsgivmg. Dinner guests Thanksgiving day J WE HAVE A GOOD RANGE OF SIZES f x W. iting at the home or rar. anu ivim. of Pro at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Mrs. W. Christensen Mrs. J. and Mr. were Afton Haskell. Belliston H. vo spent a rew nours oaiuruay .Tns W. Jensen and family and uiuu-f--- ua. IliULUCX, Hal Memmott, a student at the Willi Pexton of Salt Lake City. Mrs. Ernest TTniversitv of Utah enjoyed the lev and her sister, is a nephew of Mr. Pexton Richard of home at the Brough. Thanksgiving day Belliston. Mrs. and ana ueon Mrs. his parents, Mr. Miss Dorothy Belliston of Salt Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Douglas L. Memmott. were in .Payson for the holiday, Lake City has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Mrs. Eva P. Jones of Murray, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Earl her parents, Rolliotnn fnr the nast week. Itvartii-lo-yVe- ar of tfualUy . and her son. Maior Eugene Jones Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stephenson J and his three children, Paddy, Prices of Mrs. Crane Mr. James and Sidwell Vopular Dean Mrs. and Mr. and Mirkpv and Ronnie snent WedneS' spent the holiday with and son Charles were in -.w w wm - Ephraim her with in visiting Nephi day . their parents in Nephi. tiful on November 2S to attena father, James D. Pexton and her Moreno and Sune Mrs. Alvin Rr,wlAS firnt tho sisters. Major Jones has recently f Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Cox Scout exercises. sait tj.ta --- : mo . L"' returned from Germany. and baby have returned to their Robins, sons of Mr. and Mrs f Mr. and Thanksgiving hoYday and wee home in Logan after a visit with end with her daughters in Provo. Mrs. James Vickers. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Garrett had Mr. and Mrs. Ed. P. Cox. Thankson dinner as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wilson and giving day Mr. and Mrs. Brigham and Mrs. Forrest son Bruce were in Salt Lake City Mr. Garrett, Neof Grace Mrs. Malloy Neilson, last Friday. Moly-nnmi- v phi, Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Mr. adn Mrs. Ronald Drury and of Mona. Mr. and Mrs. Stanlev Pitt of Bountiful, Mr. and baby of Salt Lake City, Mrs. Mrs Victor Dahlen of Provo, Mr. W. K. Barton and daughter Helen and of Preston, Idaho were Thanksanri Mrs. Marcus Garrett giving day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Verl Garrett of Logan. Irel Chase. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wilson and their children were, in Provo for Thanksgiving day, as guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Cazier of Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hartvigsen of Santaquin j were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milo Cazier. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Bailey of Salt Lake City were in Nephi SLACK ROYAL during the deer hunt visiting with uct 7 4 on Wednesday, WE ARE CUTTING PRICES NOW when the merchandise is most needed Local and Social News SIZES & STYLES GOOD ASORTMENT OF YOU DO NOT HAVE TO WAIT FOR AFTER CHRISTMAS SALES - WOMEN'S COATS AND SUITS REDUCED TO CLEAR SUITS 4 at 7:30 p. m., according to an Kel- 10 X COATS, SUITS, MILLINERY & SKIRTS Happenings Grace iFf-f flVJ 17 IN - relatives for the Thanksgiving hol- idays. Milton R. Hunter and Jteno ts. Casto were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nyman. Miss Venna Rasmussen of Salt Lake City and Herbert Rasmussen of Logan were guests of their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Rasmussen for the Thanksgiving holiday. The Salt Creek Camp of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers will hold its meeting and Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Lottie 9 SSP Page Rve Nephi, Utah Times-New- s, comfort! er needs turning only 4 or Superior const ruction 5 fme a yarl Lasts 3 timet longer than ony other inner-tpr'- g maltress proved in scientific durability tfttt SIMMONS by Beautyrest comfortable mattress world's The k most |