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Show THE TIMES NEWS, NEPHI, UTAH Page Four FINANCIAL STATEMENT NephI City Corporation DECEMBER 31, 1946 t RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS Treasurer's Cash in Bank Jan. 1, 1946 $ 9,301.40 $ 211.29 128.15 35.00 19,757.73 518.00 . 447.50 1.50 2,775.07 244.50 45,965.00 949.24 5,050.00 10,996.32 1,047.46 10,080.32 3,214.87 5,463.80 117.18 794.24 RECEIPTS: Paving Assessments Redemption of Real Estate Utility Service Deposits (Net) General Property Taxes . Dog Taxes Cemetery permits, etc Estray Pound fees Business Licenses Fines Electric Rates . Other Elec. Dept. receipts Advances on Construction Planning Water Rates ; Other Water Dept. Receipts Proceeds from sale of Bonds Street Dept. Receipts - Sundry Airport receipts .. Interest on Paving Assessments Miscellaneous Receipts Patia : : ... . Total Cash and Receipts Administrative Administrative Salaries Department Department Expense Fire Department Salaries Fire Department Expenses Police Department Salaries Police Department Expenses Airport Maintenance and expense Parks and Cemeteries Department Salaries Parks and Cemeteries Department Expenses neaiin department Salaries Health Department Expenses ... Insurance and Surety Bond Premiums Assessing and Collecting Taxes ...r. TO COME IN WE INVITE YOU AND SEE OUR MERCHANDISE WHICH WAS PERSONALLY Auditing City Hall and .Equipment Bidg7"!"!"""!""""!!!!!l!!!""""l" Electric Department Salaries and Wages Electric Department --A. Materials and Expenses Power Purchased SELECTED WITH Waterworks Department Salaries and Wages Waterworks Department Material and Expense Streets Department Salaries and Wages Streets Department Material and Expenses Salaries Library Department Library Department Expenses Total Disbursements Receipts Less Disbursements THE PERSONAL ASSISTANCE OF LOS ANGELES' LARGEST WESTERN BUYER! The Styles are the Very Latest and are Received by us as soon as they are cut by the Cash on hand Treasurer's Cash in Bank Less Warrants Outstanding Cash on hand manufacturer. RESOURCES $106,235.51 $117,098.57 $106,235.51 ....$ 10,863.06 $ 11,351.95 488.89 ....$ 10,863.06 AND LIABILITIES Cash - Treasurer's cash and funds Utility accounts receivable Assessments receivable Miscellaneous Real Estate Waterworks System Electric Plants and System City Parks Street Equipment Police Dept. Equipment $ 11, 526.95 8, 969.69 914.69 517.67 75 ,400.00 100 ,000.00 800.00 13 .066.42 800.00 1 ,800.00 1 571 86 16 124.34 7 ,063.00 375.00 339 86 15 ,700.00 17 ,035.58 Fire Department Equipment Tooib Eruption the Eruption of teeth through the in by part caused is gums thyroid growth hormone and thefound. hormone, scientists huve Warm Workers Latest figures show that ll.486.00r persons were working on farms ii the United States in 1946. Polish Shoes Regularly Polish and dean shoes regularly; polishing keeps the leather soft and makes the shoes more resistant to water, dirt and wear. Washing Woodwork To prevent streaking when washing woodwork, be sure to change the uds and rinse water often. Vitamin Stockpile Vitamin A for winter health is in large quantities supplied "trough eating fall greens Soviets Study V. S. Books Soviet Russia purchased during 1946 over $125,000 worth of American techni.'jl books of all BATH Order Trackless Trolleys Swimming Pool and Tennis Courts Orders for new trackless trolley Airport - Improvement and Real Estate City Equipment Building coaches placed during the past 12 Stocks Owned j months total more than the entire Receivable production of the industry for 12 Notes U. S. Gov't. Bonds Owned years before the war. City Hall Building Storing Butter Total Resources $272,005.06 The best place to store butter Is in refrigerator where the temper LIABILITIES: 488.89 Warrants Payable ature is always below lu degrees or, $ 1,022.50 better still, below zero Utility Service Deposits Advances on Construction Planning 5,050.00 Total Current Liabilities $ 6,561.39 Fur Kalsing State Wisconsin leads the nation in th Surplus Accounts: Current Surplus $126,800.55 production of fur. The $133,643.12 Capital Surplus state has a climatic factor for the production of thick and valuable fur. Total Liabilities and Surplus ... $272,005 06 Cotton I'se STATE UTAH OF Of the total U. S. fiber consumption of 5,923,900,000 pounds in 1945 COUNTY OF JUAB 4,508,200.000 pounds or 76.1 per cent I, John L. Kendall, duly elected City Recorder in and for Nephi were cotton. City, State of Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Small Eggs is a true and correct report of the Financial Statement of Nephi When pullet or small eggs are City Corportation for the year 1946. available they usually provide more Dated this 29th day of April, 1947 food value per unit of cost than do JOHN L. KENDALL (SEAL) the larger sizes. City Recorder . j pen-reare- d IN KEEPING WITH THE NATIONAL TREND TO ROOM FIXTURES TTT3 aa-S-- w SUNBEAM AND TT! IT TV T STOKERS FURNACES v KITCHEN CABINETS .. ! OIL VATER HEATERS STEEL 303.67 771.68 99.96 91.07 5. 705.50 1, 466.06 1, 371.68 4 ,516.55 ,722.86 686.60 8.75 1, ,063.28 237.34 150.00 1, ,985.41 11, 072.93 4, ,848.73 2, 770.57 3, 940.90 36, 118.70 5, 593.03 11, 493.44 841.80 375.00 RESOURCES: SEE OUR LOVELY BLOUSES ESPECIALLY CREATED BY JULIAN FOR MOTHER'S DAY I I We are offering to our customer LJ3DOWN! Furnitue at a REDUCED PRICE SOME ITEMS REDUCED AS AOA 10 MUCH AS Call Us For Your Plumbing and Heating Service - Phone 374J TAYLOR PLUMBING AND HEATING 5U WE ARE NOT OVERSTOCKED! BUT, DO BELIEVE THAT PRICES DO NEED TO COME DOWN AND WE'RE DOING OUR PART. REDUCED PRICES EFFECTIVE MONDAY, MAY 5th FOR ONE WEEK! - Nephi Furniture Co. First South and Main Social News Gowers. Mrs Olive Anderson of Moroni is .i visitor at the home of her Mrs. Allan Tolley gave a birth- son law and daughter, Mr. and 27 for . inBernell day party Sunday, April Gowers. her daughter, Wilma Mary Tolley, on her 8th anniversary. LunMr. and Mrs. J. V. Cooper and cheon was served to 20 friends. daughter Edith and Gale White Games were played both indoors sprnt Sunday in Garland with Mr. and outside. and Mrs. Rendell Draper. Mrs. Elliott Cameron of Provo Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Runnels visited with her mother Mrs T tv.t and Jerry Cooper of Salt Lake last week. Petty City were Sunday guests of Mr. Week end euests nf Mr snH and Mrs. Louis V. Cooper. Mrs. Ora Lunt were Mr anrt M Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Blackham Jos Bodell Jr. of Logan. and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jacob- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur a otior son Jr. of Provo were in Nephi announce the birth of a daughter Wednesday to attend the funeral Mrs. P. B. Cowan. ai me fayson hospital. of Mrs. siyiu Glen Worthintrtnn and snn Mr. and Mrs. ArthurH. Ostler of Jackie of NoDiii and Mr. and M Logan are visiting with rv,. Taylor of Levan are the grand- - ner moiner, Mrs. T. H. Burton. Strengthen Pockets T.Irs. Ruth Armetivf, rl ht. Strengthen pockets at the corners ana Mrs. Lawrence Durdige of with a few stitches to kep from T r.Un . r ... Salt -uiw nj, sptrni aunaay-wittearing. PHONE 224 Mr. er.d Mrs. Bernell -- M:-s- THE $117,098.57 DISBURSEMENTS: Thursday, May 1st, TELEPHONE STRIKE 1947 Monarch coal FOR SALE range, round dining table. Fred Wilkey, phone 402R 125 ft. fri0;ac-in- e FOR SALE mg north by 2UU rt. west, complete witn iwo modern See homes, and all outbuildings. Wm. Stowell. Five room mod- FOR SALE cm home, full basement, stoker, furnace, oil water heater, water softener and Bendix washer. See Alma Tranter. 5 room Modern FOR SALE home. Air conditioned furnace See Reese Excellent Location Painter. Heat Harms Leather Heat harms leather, especiallj when it's wet. So don't dry shoei near a hot stove or radiator. Soap Lasts Longer To make your soap last longt take the wrapper off cake soap ar let it dry and harden before using SITUATION TODAY You as a telephone user have an important stake in the issues involved in the telephone strike. We would like to give you straight answers to some questions that you may be asking. ' WHY IS THERE A STRIKE? In recognizing its responsibility to the public, to the workers and to the owners, the management could not in good conscience accede to the Union's excessive demands. The Union refused the offer to continue the present liberal contracts, and has refused the Company's offer to submit wage issues to arbitration. , in the buisness, WHAT WERE THE DEMANDS? There were over one hundred items and the pay roll cost would amount to over $27,000,000 a year. That is about five times the Company's net earnings last year. If added to present pay roll it amounts to more than all the revenue collected last year by the Company. WHY DOESN'T THE COMPANY GRANT AN INCREASE? The Company's earnings in relation to its investment are at the lowest point in its history of operations. It is in the process of seeking increases in its charges for service based on 1946 costs, the largest element of which was wages. A further increase in wages wm maKe n necessary to seek additional telephone rate increases I s.1 mhxi omerwise wouia De in areas where rates have not yet been increased. The Company feels, therefore, that it and just, it should not increase them and thus increase the cost and eventually charges for the services-MountaiStates telephone wages have increased 72 per cent over 1939. A. a. ill. n ARE PRESENT TELEPHONE WAGES GOOD? The Company thinks so. Here are some typical wage rates in Nephi. A girl starting as a student operator in Nephi begins at a minimum of $26.00 for a five-da- y weekRegular increases bring this basic rate to a top of $33.00. This does not include overtime and premium payments for evening and night work. The basic top rates for telephone craftsmen for a five-da- y work week range from $61.00 to $63.00 per week. In addition there are overtime and premium payments for evening and work There are other advantages for working for thenight Telephone Company, including eight holidays a year with pay; vacations with pay, of one, two or three weeks depending on length of service liberal sickness and death benefits, and pensions, with full cost and telephone work is STEADY WORK. paid by the Company The Company thinks its wages are good but the Union does not agree. The Company suggests that a board composed of impartial citizens of this area who are not associated with either the Telephone Company or any Union, and who are mutually agreeable to the Union and the Company, should decide the question. - ARBITRATION - - WHAT IS IT? Arbitration is simply a means of letting an impartial person or group of persons settle a dispute after reviewing the facts and giving full consideration to both sides. The arbitrator acts as a judge or umpire. We think this method of having an unbiased party decide the wage question would be fair to employees and the Company It would certainly be in the public interest. It hardly seems logical that the Union should oppose arbitration, especially when the Company is not proposing a reduction in wages if the board should find that telephone wages are above community levels of pay for work requiring similar skill and training SHOULD INCREASES GRANTED N SOME INDUSTRIES IN OTHER AREAS SET A PATTERN FOR TELEPHONE WAGES HERE? The Company doe. not think so. It will be noted that some of these other industries whose business is of a character competitive have stated that it will not be necessary for them to increase prices. An impartial board of arbitration would, of decide among other things the extent to which recent wagecourse, settlements in other industries have a bearing, if any, on telephon wages in the Rockv Mountain area. We regret the continuation of this unhappy situation. We are doing everything we can to bring about a restoration of normal service. In the meantime we sincerely appreciate the friendly understanding and cooperation of the public THE MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY o |