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Show ALLY NEXT WE SPONSOR TO Fine Program Being r Determined to do .their part to back the boys at the front, the Nephi Kiwanis club will stake a huge bond rally at the Juab high school auditorium Wednesday at 8 P. M., according to L. J. Wade of the Business Standards committee which is sponsoring group. an-- f Tentative arrangements the speakers from nouncd by Mr. Wade include one Salt Lake City or another Utah point, who knows just why and what bonds are going for; seceral acutal battle pictures to show the need for greater bond purchases on the part of the Americans, and a group of top. notch entertainers with musical and skill numbers. Unless there are other arrangements made prior to Nephis bid, one of the soldiers who made the Death March of Bataan will be in the group coming from Salt Lake for the event. If one of these men who took the punishment from the hands of e the Japs on Bataan and the Islands, and who was liberated when American troops invaded the islands of the Phillipines recently, the people of East Juab county will be able to get first hand information on the punishment administered by the half- crazy Jasp. It is anticipated that a handbill giving the complete program when it is definitely outlined will be crculated by the club. Watch for and above this announcement all, buy bonds now and hasten the top-not- Volume 36 Geo. Bean J day. Wanted . . A Bond Queen Nephi is still without an enin the Salt Lake Tribune's Bond Queen contest, according to word received from Tom Evans of the Tribune, the reporter who is handling the majority of the work on the contest. Any girl 18 to 28 years of age is eligible to enter the contest, although she must have the backing of $5000.00 of War Bond purchases to be trant definitely a candidate. The entry date for the listed as un until Monthat day, but Mr. Evans stated if a girl is gaining in votes is and at the time of closing, being backed by an organization such as Junior Cham-Jj-Kiwanis Club, or a group h as the school teachers of a district, a group in one office building such as the county court house, or by a ward or stake, or community, she will be entered in the competion. It has been suggested that East Juab County concentrate on one candidate, and West Juab County on one candidate, and to develop a rivalry which will boost Juab county's bond sales to a quota high. toLet's get some action day, and let's make our bond sales count for a Bond Queen. The County winner has the privilege of going to the state finals and the state winner Is to go to Hollywood as the guest of the Motion Picture theatres of Utah, Joint sponsors. In Hollywood the wincon-te- st r, n ning girl of Utah will be giv-ea screen test, and among ether things, will have an evening with the Hollywood star of her choice-Let'- s and let's Buy Bonds name our Bond Queen. We've gotta hurry o i lets get golngl . ...... Friday at 12:15 P. M. Memorial services will be held in each ward of the entire church Sunday May 20. In the wards of Juab Stake these services will begin at 2 City to the life of our revered Sunday school and priesthood meetings will be held at the regular time. Stake conference of Juab Stake, which was scheduled to be held Saturday and Sunday Irel Chase was Installed as president of the Nephi Junior Chamber of Commerce at a canyon party at the CC camp Wednesday evening. Judge Marriner VV. Morrison of the First District Court and State vice president of J. C. C. was the Installing officer andan speaker of impressive the evening. lie gave talk to the Jaycees, and outlined some of the national aims of the organization. Other officers installed include Theron Snyder vice president; L. Clyde Christensen, secretary and treasurer, and the following as directors: Clair Acord, Bud Milton Harmon, and Miles ft i k Hay-mon- d, Anderson. if ,and i r ; THE STAKE PRESIDENCY AND WARD BISHOPRICS J - Service Men's Poppy Day News Column (Scheduled 1 "0 ! Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lunt recently received word that their son, Capt. Poppies in tribute to America's of Mona . killed Newton Homer K. Lunt, has been promot- battle dead of two wars will be metal box Wayne and, standing on a ed to the rank of Major in the Ar- worn in Nephi on Saturday, May which was directlv grounded, eotlln action in Pacific theatre 26, Coquella McPherson, president ahold of the hot wire, Instead of my. MONA Sergeant Wayne E. the dead one. Mr. Powell stated Newton Major Lunt was one of the of- of the Nephi unit of the American killed in an aircraft was toficers of Battery E., 145th F. A. Legion Auxiliary announced that he noticed George reach at in Italy April 28, according day. when was the the very second the contact was crash unit mustered Nephi to word received by his parents, into the regular army more than made, but called too late. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Newton. four Bean was knocked loose from ago. IJe was located years The poppies this year will honor Newton was born March first at San Luis Obispo, later be- the men the wire, to which his left hand 16,Sgt. who have given their 1921 at Mona, a son of Eugene was held by the current by te and Ella Newton. He ing assigned to San Francisco lives in the present conflict as well the where he Telluride employee, known as Kel- Mona school and theattended since been has located. as those who fell Juab high Mrs. Lunt, the former Marie pies of France andamong the popAs the contact was broken, school at ly. 25 Belgium Nephi, and also the West Cowan and and Bean's also their clothing Kelly grabed daughter years ago, she said. The money school at Salt Lake City in reside San Francisco. with the aid of the metal boxes high contributed for the flowers will be where he took a mechanical course. over which he had fallen, preventused for the welfare of victims of TZ He entered the service T C" ed him from falling to the ground. 5 ,1942 and received his August basic fNIax ? Hawkinsso.nis both wars and their families. Mr. Powell immediately climbed and M. tEa,rl at Kansas City, Missouri a s.nor1t. lea.vre- visiting to the platform, and with the aid training from National where he ms w'th of a rope, lowered the burned man School of graduated Parents hf wife and son. is The Nephi Unit of the auxiliary Aeronautics, Engine making extensive preparations to the ground, where he (Mr. Overhauling mechanics division. .ax has ls00lne f"Lst le.a,ve Pis. months After his leave for the observance of Poppy day PoweDl applied artificial respira He left for overseas duty from tion. Bean was breathing siignt-i- Westoverfield, Mass in January of he Twl11 report back to his ship here, under the leadership of Mrs. Beach and leave for the Roy McPherson .The little red by the time Mr. Powell got 1944 and was stationed with the m flowers of remembrance will be Pacific area again. The tanker available down from the ladder, but re- 15th Air Force in Italy. to everyone in the city, gained consciousness completely in Survivors include his widow, Mrs. 5hw" ln S'2?W The FlShtlnS offered by volunteer workers from a few seconds after artificial respir- Audrey Greene Newton Salt Lake Lady was the ship to which Max the Auxiliary who will be on the This is the City; three brothers in the service: IS attached. ation was applied. streets throughout the day. second case in recent years when To Ervin Newton, Saipan, PFC Lt. and Mrs. EdWatd D. COX, en' irliil'cial resiration has been used PlmiHo Kftiutnn Prnnpfk nnH have' ewton s?(n Diego, &so .a brother route from Cherry jm int., N. C. to on persons-whMr, Powell made of erepe pareceived- - severe shock;,. Hue monai Lynn Newton ;nd a sis- - San DieS are enjoying this week per in replica of the wild Flanders Mr. at his of tne from Mr. home was death en saved by nopy, have been ordered from hos- jrs jern ujmer, Salt Lake and Mrs. id. P. Co::. parents. Powell at the time the ..iitie disabled veterans man City. four some Mrs. in was installed Keith Barnes, ufactured them under the directiEnsign and Nephi on 15 Mea leave from or five years ago. on of the Welfare department of day Mr. and Mrs. George Ostler lbourne, Florida are visiting at the the Mr. Bean was taken immediately Poppy making- has to- - the Payson hospital, where it have received word from their son, home of their parents. Mr. and kept Auxiliary. the hands of hundreds of tat Mrs. Leland he Russell and Stuart and Mr. was reported Thursday night had been Ostler, that these unfortunate men usefully he was resting favorably and that wounded in the chest and arm Mrs. Ralph Barnes.. Ensign Barnes employed during the winter and on in Paciwere in while from will combat the South receive his assignment his most serious burns them to spring, the pass helping and He did area. not hand fic state how San Diego, California. the fingers of the left long hospital hours and aiding in wounds and Mr. the on his toes. Dr. F. II. Beckstead, seriously and Mrs. Gilbert Bailey were, or how their rehabilitation. Mrs. Lynn Jackson were in Salt who was called immediately is he had received them. serHow case. Mce Americans than ever be Lake City Sunday for Mothers day. in charge of the Gordon Jensen, S 1C, on leave They were guests of Mr. and Mrs. fore are expected to wear poppies ious the burns are can not be this enroute Rhode from and Island to Los Norman Jorgenson and Mr. for a few days. year as a personal tribute to Mont was at fhose who have been killed, and Angeles spent the past week with Mrs. Mont Bailey. his grandmother, Mrs. Orson Caz-- 1 Fort Douglas prior to further to aid the disabled, their families and the families of the dead. and other relatives. Isignment, j hoen "km - v i T Ther-flo-wer- s, -- Gol-i- n Garn Tunbrldge . . Levan soldier reported dead on Luzon LEVAN Garn W. Tunbridge, 19, son of Mrs. Delia J. Tunbridge 18 of wounds received died April while in action on Luzon, accorword received by his motding to her on Monday evening. Garn was born in Levan January 7, 1926, a son of Augustus W. and Delia Jacobson Tunbridge. Prior to his induction in the army August 7, 1944, Garn was engaged in farming and chicken raising. Private Tunbridge received his basic training at Camp Hood, Tex as and from there he was transferred to Fort Ord, California. He went over seas January 25, 1945. He was a Para-glidat the time of his death.. Surviving are his mother and five sisters: Mrs. Pearl Jenkins and Mrs. Jessie Davis, Salt Lake City; Ruby Christensen. Fern Aagard and Chloe Anderson of Levan; and one brother, Elmo Tunbridge of Mrs. Tis grandmother, Levan. Mirgaset-- Jacobsen of Salt Lake also survives. er Notice To Men Nephi The Nephi -- ! detr-mine- d t , as-i- er Graduation Exercises Planned . . If r, v. ' - nine Mrs. iated!!! y.s-- Eldon Bowles, F F A youth with hit Reserve Champion Hereford Steer. This was one of seven entered by Bowles. Boy graduates of the Juab high school were guests of the Kiwanis club of Nephi at the City Hall James H. Wednesday evening. Orkev, Kiwanian and member of the Juab Stake presidency was the spanker for the evnins;. Mr. Ockpy urged the boys to he dependable, honest, and Ihrifty, to live according to their own convictions, and to avoid hypocrary. Committee reports given during the meeting included a report of the flight course by S. E. Forrest. Forrest reported that and 1 V- 11 Entertained Mr. is, and the officers and men now Gilbert Howard in the organization, need and dehave received word from their son serve the support of the majority Jack Ihflt hp is Ktatinnorl in Car- - of these listed below; Kenneth S, Harold J. Warner, nanv and has revived the Pnm- Sudweeks, bat Infantrvman hadyp. nnri nlsn ' Wricht, Raymond Bellispromotion to rank of Private first rock, Allen Tolley. Allen Lorin J. Christensen Theodore class. 'ton, Le- I Howard, L. Clyde Christensen and Greehhalgh, Roy W. Lrreen-halgRoseoe J. Memmott, Elmont Carter, G. Alma Haycock, Elmo Wilson, Fred Morgan, Ned Barnes, i at Wliiltington Kay Lunt. Ray I ay, Eugene Pay, Oris Sudweeks, Farrell Carter, Maurice Howard, Miles Anderson, George Mayer, Chase, George W. Johnson, Irel L. Dicker-son, Earl Warner, Wesley R. I GarH Winn, Joseph Jay Claude rett, Lester H. Belliston, Wilkev Fred Wilkey, Earl Shaw, VV. Lee Bailey. Fabin Garrett, Ned T. Ostler, Joseph H. Lyman, Merl Jarrett, Merl McPherson, II. VV. MeCune, Milton L. Harmon, PhilSpencer L. Bowles, James A.Carlos lips, D. Eugene Ostler,W. Worth-inglo- n, t ay, David Austin, Ray Paul Broadhend, Guarnet Ronald Waldon Reed, I Kendall, ' lowers, Jack Brough, Arnold H. Worwood. Lynn Parkin, Merl Wil- key. Glade Sanders, Reed Greenonucy. halgh anrt Jesse a. will be apprecYour cooperation Mr. ! attend. See STOCK 8H0W -- .f-..- "- Page 8 t f., ' Robert Ingram displays one of his Angus steers which was entered at the Spanish Fork livestock show held last week at Sp. Fork. r Han-Jden- toast-estln- by the War final ta ?r1e of property heretofore deeded to the County will be mad on Siturriay according to Priseilia VV. Nielson,will Juab beThe sale County Clerk. gin at 10 A. M. and will continue until the properly Is sold. Th list of property being offered for sale app;irfd In The Times-New- s for four editions prior to this T'-.- and Is lamb, which won top Alma Is one honors at the show. of the consistent winners In the Suffolk competition. Milk wanted be approximately SI 20.00 per ton and an average yield for Juab County Is 3.85 tons per acre. Picking labor will be more plrntiful than any of the past three years. California Packing Corporation will accept growers contracts for this crop in all districts. Wilford Bailey. Chairman Juab County AAA A "." Alms Winn food is hi v. . State Ask Increase in Bean Acreage War r 4 K Utah Blue Iake Food Admini'.t ration. i is badly needed to acrea'-tfill the quota asked of thse county by the War Food Administration.. Growers prices for Blue Lake beans have been increased 24 per rent over 1!M. Averaee price will 1 t- - Officers and Enlisted Men of Company Guard . V.., Ne- phi men were taking the course daily and that so for the course James The Busines and Profeslonal wo- was progressing favorably; men's club met Wednesday noon, M. Anderson reported on the SpanCounty Court ish Fork Junior Livestock showMay 9th. at the house where a delicious uncheon and the results obtained by the 1pbovs: Hill Stowell reported ti: n a mrvpH hv Mrs. A. V. Gadd. phi Mrs. Ernestine Vest and Miss Vir- - that the C C C building in the to the following canyon hart been repaired on uie glnia Hansen, rohm had Pearl Nlelson, Naomi roof, and that the members: Bailey, Eudene Warner, Ilannahbeen enlarged for accomodation Cooper, Mabel Chrlstlson, Bertha of more people. conducted the Ruth Max Thomas McPherson, Malda Foote, Nedra Hall and Joyce Chap- - iness portion of the progarm andA officers were gave a welcome to the boys. t, pell. The following 1945-46: Pres- - response was given by Bob elected to aerve for sen, president of the senior class,e Virginia Hansen, vice presll Wilford Bailey acted as dent, Nedra Hall, Secretary, Ern- Vest, treasurer. Naomi Bal master during the entertainment portion of the prcgram. ley and Reporter, Pearl Nlelson. Mem-ueish- ip h, The Nephi Junior high school will he held graduation exercises1915 at 8 P. M. Thursday, May 24, in the Juab high school auditorium. With "It's Great to Be An American" as the theme, the exercises will be as follows: March of the graduates; opening song America I Love You", graduating class; invocation; address, of welcome by class president NorJoyce man Shaw; piano solo, Downs; talk, Helen Lunt; violin selection, Marilyn Thomas; Yvonna Walker; vocal trio, Beagley, Corrine Paxman, Joan Colleen McPherson; talk Our Heritage, Cheryl Eelliston; trumpet solo, L. Dee Mangelson; talk, A Challenge to Youth" Keneth Kay; of certificates and presentation class song, benediction. awards; The general public is Invited to Private James L. Macfarlane, men are left Nephi May 3rd and on May invited iollowing to be at the Armory buildis 5th joined the Marines. He now next Monday evening at 8 P. M. stationed at San Diego. He and ing patriotic part in backone other were the only two of to do their Utah the State Guard. ing 8CK) to he inducted Into the in the Utah State Guard is, at present, on a voluntary bas- bus-Ha- ll a iitaff Sergeant Carl Vai Anderson, who since November 1943 has oren in a German prison camp, is back in the States and is expected nome within a few duys, according to his parents, Mr. and Mrs.'P. N. Anderson. Vai called from New Jersey on Tuesday night and stated that he was feeling fine, terribly happy to be back in the states and would be home as quickly as possible. Vai was located in Italy at the time of his last flight over enemy He was a gunner on territory. a Flying Fortress and on a raid over Austria was shot down. He was reported missing soon after that time, and early in 1944 was reported as a prisoner of the German government. This fact was later verified when word was received directly from him by his parents, and by his wL'e, Mrs. Stella Elizabeth Bennett Anderson, who is at present at Nampa, Idaho Vai has one glorious homecoming committee awaiting him his tiny son who was born after he left the states David Vai. The thrill of this will probably be one ot the highlights of his coming, if such thrill can be greater than that of seeing his wife, his parents and his sister here. One brother, Orland, is with the Army, and another broker, Eks Ayn is with the Treasury Department In Texas. The people of Nephi join with Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, and with Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson and her young son in welcoming back to Nephi one of the many boys who have offered their all in the defense of their country. We hope that Vai's homecoming is the most wonderful of his life's experiences thus far, and we join the people of Nephi in saying Welcome Home, Vai, we're '.hankful to God that you're safe. sub-stati- piano-logu- Clubs Name New Officers Enroute Home beloved leader, but to have our faith and devotion strength-e- d by recalling the incidents of his illustrious career and his unceasing, tireless, fearless devotion to the advancement of righteousness in the earth. P. M. ........ uv.u.. ascended to the platform holding transformers just below where the y Number 20 - v- Carl Si:t VaiXdiderson will Saints, passed from this life on Monday, May 14, 1945. Funeral services will be held in the Tabernacle at Salt Lake ut U....uv.U.. A be cancelled, pursuant to direction of the Council of The Twelve. No conference will be held until the date set for the next quarterly conference. We invite all the people to attend memorial services in their respective wards on Sunday, not alone to pay tribute President Heber J. Grant, leader of the Church Christ of Latter-da- beloved of Jesus George Bean, who for several years past has been employed in the Nephi City Electric department, suffered severe burns and shock Wednesday about 6 P. M. when he came in contact with a high tension wire while working in the vicinity of the Plaster mill. Mr. Bean, in company with Ray Powell, Nephi City Electrician, E. R. Anderson and another employee of Telluride Power company were installing a recording meter on the line which goes from the City's main lines down the canyon, to the Plaster mine on the hill northeast of Nephi. The recording meter would not function properly, and it was decided at a late hour Wednesday to replace the cut-owhich had been removed for in- , Thursday, May 17, 1945 ANNOUNCEMENT Seriously Burned ch Phil-lipin- V-- Juab County, Utah, Nephi, ';, ymm m mm V Arranged r.r ., k prize-winnin- g fed Maurice Memmott snd his Poland China, a winner of Reserve Champion rating in ths show. 1 Reed Nlelson of Mona, 4H Boy with his Champion pig. Reed's animal was tops In the show. week. |