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Show Vf1 LT? CI -i --- II 1 -. - rrr y- l -. I , THE SEASON'S QREET1NQS 44 19 r There will he a halo over th homes of America this Christ mas radiating from the new hope for the world. 6: That your Christmas season may be hoth joyous and happy is the sincere mtiAi of Robert P.Garrett Glade Sanders CONOCO II " , T CHRt Christmas trees are i;:4aiii .;ieainiii:4 in Hie windows! Just about time for us to be ihinl.ing of how much we are indebted to you. And just about time for us to c:V. unoii two little words more cheer and good t'.;.t the hijj words that , .'. ' cv.t been coined g:.ywi4He4i"or spirit tad An the seCwCn is expre33cJ in Vt't'.z of happy anu nue, hearcy LI 7i L ti La..Mkbratebyi-mnMi4- iiV&V'f f DISTRIBUTORS L'Von Ellertson njsai'Ai'jaf SANTA CJ.AUS !S COMING TO TOWN! FORREST HOTEL S. E. Forrest, Mgr. X L Bakery AND Confectionery W. Duckworth 51 Geo. i o.l are-s-.- -s - (ut or Iiisuk- Cifs "rest" W:u-:- . BROUGH FARM MACHINERY North Main HEADQUARTERS SiI " l'::!:stitut;,:ii Fnbrio tr.;.t b.ive l;lt,e siioirn ..ri::.n il dn.lt of the iucoi-..be hp so Ihey United Slates Const ilutioi. then ;is (lis- - cannot jn I; sir,--- . 'dtii-f.in hem by the not twisted or played at its ? s. rclo- - 6hrinkse hant- .nrii'lit '' l""m,''! ,,v vri.-..le-d. titve the n e'h r.vrooio and brali.ni in I t l.uii !pli.., u a.!7. it Prot 'ss ' strctel.ms s v. i:' drop o.it .itl ( i. M.red if !). s.ui'? .r.n.:;- WIh-.- JOHN M. Barber Shop - the - I I I iie'. 'J' Ant'uup llunu-r.Siim,::;o 0id j,.on hii antniue nlne one shoiftd always beai in mind that the nji Chine made j.oinir When v:ave lor s i ventd in 1111: M Merry Christmas Wev got it on good authority that this town is among the first along Santa Claus route, and that he's scheduled to malc6 a long stop herel We hope m.cv "Zz'ia Cb-- s will be good to you," and that this holiday time will be one of exceptional joy and happiness to you a"d your family. Ord & Mangelson Druggists i!C the bustle and indecision holidays is now ovr. The liit gift has finally been cebcied, the last package wrapped, tagged a id duly be do wii lo C ribboned. Now let's ol Christmas. real enjoyment TIE confusion, the se-ill- o UWru ry (Sln-is- i and en earth pace, good mil towards men. We want you to get just what you wrnl and to be ju i as happy as you' can be. We went you :o be happier thb Chi:.: '.. of 1944 than you have ever be :n ' ; A.s for us, wo ere mcrj grilofnl to yc: this Christmas ihan cvar be!:. :, for marks a peal: in our pleasanl lelclioiu. We could not allow tlas impoilmit oziz sion to slip by without wishing you all i :' Msg And to each of you who read this message that enraptured happiness which comes only at MM, CHRISTMASTIME JUAB COUNTY Nephi Motor Co. WHITTINGTON BROS. JOHN DEERE FARM MACHINRY W. C. ANDREWS EARL F. DUNN CARL GALLOWAY M C2 neeat us in 1944 and here's wishing for you the very best! youl FfSr V and what it means. Let's cele brate by never doubting; thai eventually Good shall triumph. Let's celebrate by making; chil dren happy and by opening:-"- ! our Hearts to those in That's the way to have the Merry Christmas we wish for von. Y You've been the best of friends to Merry Christmas to -- A every day what Christmas CHRISTMAS. ever so fervent I- 'CI . It's Christmas! So Let's Celebrate! old ALL the good Heartv and cneGry Mlfli A I |