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Show THE Thursday, May 23, 1944 mpsmgnm usAry r-- 7 NEl'III. UTAH TIMES-NEW- PAGE THREE Chinese and Jap Forces Fight for Pass sMx JL r ,7Z i f r y mi W ii x V mm CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT mmnmrntn j HOUSES FOR SALE sin. iSTAGESCREEN' Mdiov By VIRGINIA VALE Released by Western Newspaper Union. Radio Pictures a new daily radio show on May 29, "Hollywood Star Time," featuring their film favorites of the year; it will originate In the studio dining room. Going out over 177 stations of the RKO coast-to-coa- st -- y-ii h4i 7F ARF: now mnvinc into a strange field, the fourth dimen sion. For us it is the sixth dimenIt is Mr. Einstein's field of "relativity," as applied to sport. It isn'1. complex at all. It is 1 ijunc auntie AV Otiu- p ply means that all things are relative. for the time being, Meaning son. is, Conn, Gans, Leonard, Nelson, Greb, etc., this last winter and spring. yet Mike had hls Grantland Rice j Ptuima n BSMgH Jane Withers, .young Republic star, had two birthday cakes on her 16th birthday, one with a party of soldiers near her own age, the second with an elephant SEDITION TRIAL belonging to Ringling Brothers-Bar-nuand Bailey circus. Both solMONKEYSHINES diers and elephant let Jane blow The most patient man in the work out her own candles and make a Is presiding over the "mass sedi wish. The elephant also gulped the tion" trial in the Federal Distric cake and then devoured Jane's court here. He is painstaking g birthday orchids. Chief Justice Ed ward C. Eicher, who is recognizee Producer C. P. MacGregor, of the by the legal profession as absolutely Hollywood Radio Theater, is directly fair and who has been leaning ove: for the successful backward to give the 30 indictee responsible careers of many leading movie defendants their full day in court. actors and actresses. When talking However, the defendants are de pictures came in, parts were manding more than that. So brazei awarded on the strength of voice are some of them in their tactics t transcriptions made by him! delay the trial, that they boastfully refer to themselves as "monke: Frank Sinatra won about 1,500 wrenches from heaven," because tew friends at a luncheon given in they say, there is always one amonj New York for the American News- them capable of "pulling some paper Publishers association; he thing" to cause another delay. Here is an example of what thi sang a parody on "Sunday, Monday and Always," the refrain being that patient Justice Eicher has had ti people are telling him to look out put up with. Whenever a defpnsi for Dick Haymes, Dick Todd and motion has been denied, Charles B Perry Como are crowding him too Hudson of Omaha, Neb., publishe: news letter comfortably for his own good. He of a wound up by gallantly concluding "America in Danger," has turnei "Thert's just one Crosby." and chanted to reporters: Railroad! Railroad! Toot-too- t A ew puppy belonging to Ronnie, toot!" son sf George Burns and Grade Al Eicher has overlooked much ter, chewed a hole in an expensive y of this in order to extvz at the Burns' home. Gracie was pedite the trial. However, he has rpset, but Ronnie saved the day, almost worn out his gavel try"Maybe if I train him," said be, "1 ing to keep Mrs. Lois de Lafaytan get him so he'll lie over the ette Washburn the hole most of the time." Fascist-salutin- g Chicagoan who boasts descendency from Around CBS a pleasant glow is the Revolutionary hero and till noticeable, due to the fact that some of her more demonstrasix of their network and regional tive cronies in line. At one point, programs were cited as winners in Mrs. Washburn leaped up and the 1943 George Foster Peabody screamed: "Lafayette, we are in CBS honors top Awards, gaining here to defend ourselves!" five of the seven classifications. Ellis O. Jones, tall, lanky defend ant from Los Angeles, also had t Bettejane Greer (Mrs. Rudy Val be down when he com gavelled lee) whose first national prominence came when she was chosen two plained about the food in the dis trict JaiL "I've already lost ter years ago as official model for the "If thi first WAC uniform, will be groomed pounds," protested Jones. to get me at for top starring roles by RKO. For keeps up, you'll have the past year she's been under con undertaker." NOTE Eicher finally decided tract to Howard Hughes, doing in that these antics had continued tensive work with dramatic coaches long enough. Since he cited two As soon as her release from that defense lawyers for contempt, contract was negotiated she signed others are beginning to realize with RKO. that Hitlrrian horseplay of the type used by the Brown Shirts Yakima Canutt, seven times world when they were tried after champion cowboy and famous movie Hitler's unsuccessful Munich stunt man, now directs scenes for putxrh will tint get by forever In Republic pictures demanding hairan American court. On the other raising stunts. His latest thriller if hand, many of the defense atchase the finale of a lightning-liktorneys, of excellent standing at in Allan Lane's "Marshal of Monte the bar, are doing their best to rey." preserve court decorum. UUUS a;U DUX liememoer Wet-CAPITAL CHAFF boy Knr? An BKO ley Barry, n.M''"nt when he entitled, he'i in the 4 Friends have started a quiex front linen with m photographic unit in boomlct for OPA Administrate the llurma campaign. , , . I'hil linker Choster Bowleg for I the day of ordering a meal in a lal rettaurant are gone nowaday it't an begnn by pushing him for the Govh entreaty. . . . A new roe, retembling ernorship of Connecticut, which an American Beauty, hat been named declined. Bowles, incidentally, hai for Dinah Shore, , , . Hecogniting the made one of the most unpopulai the OHA advantage of a closer link between the Jobs In WfirMfx-trn- , church and radio, the National Broad- - reasonably popular. and the tatting company Congregation C Mexican .i;Kcrs have now al l hntlian thurchet mil auntd fit earned $12,000.0(10 in the UnitPt f iltm thi p each year to miniuem in States under the emerg'-ncgov the acuta pastorale, at one of MIL. which broiiph ert."",it tuminer intitutet. ,t them to V. S. farms and railroads square-shootin- ISLANDS s. Mass Baptism on Beachhead Anzio-Nettuni- o Mountain jrrown and acclimated ror neai in ana production. V.a. approved, 1). 8. Pullorum tested slock. Heavies, leghorns, .all popular breeds. tWod or straight run. capacity over 76,wu weekly. best season. Last fall, football had lost many of its leading stars to army and navy, yet had one of its big years, college and pro. It was a relative matter of "what was left against what was left." The same thing will happen to baseball and racing this spring and summer. Suppose baseball has lost DiMag-gio- , Feller, Dickey, Cochrane, Gordon, Keller, Ted Williams, Mize, etc. etc.? The game is still left and the game Is greater than any star. I remember the time they used to ask me what' was going to happen to baseball when Wagner, Mathew-soLajoie, Cy Young and Rube Waddell were through. What was going to happen when Ty Cobb and Babe Ruth and Tris Speaker turned in their uniforms? Who would take their places? There is always someone ready to step into the vacant spot. It may be a relative spot, but sport works in the same way the universe works, where all things are relative. Savage fighting between Chinese and Jap forces in Honan, west of the strategic rail point of Cbengcbow, now centers on Oulao Pass, which the enemy is reported as rapidly fortifying, following its capture, to preArrows in the map indicate centers of fighting outside Mihsien, where the Chinese have vent counter-attackcircled the enemy, and Yingshang where the Japs have been more successful. Diagonal lines in map at right indicate the general zone of action in relation to China. Caff Pv4 f-TM- ' ' ? i44i 11 Uf i - BHHI h 0 ft kf, M m m 1 -- A GRAHAM ? u : s mass Squatting on the sand, this choir of American doughboys (left) supplied hymnal music during hantismal ceremonv held at the beachhead, in Italy. More than a score of TJ. S. soldiers were baptized by Div. Chaplain Leroy W. Raley of Cameron, Texas. Picture at right shows some of the soldiers standing In the surf, awaiting their turn to be baptized. Anzio-Nettun- io Young Hero His Honor, the Mayor, Samples Some Bacon "iiCT,? & PULLET Hayward, Calif. HATCHERY FARM Trailers Used Cars YAi4 rused Sf3FyiTA.0tZt VlZt'tJr.ff'imrjfM The Main Point The main point is that all games worth while are far greater than any individual star. For example, baseball, as a game, is far greater than Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb, Tris Speaker, Joe Jackson, Christy Mathewson, Joe DiMaggio, Bill Dickey, Hans Wagner, Frank Frisch, Bob Feller or anyone else you can name. Football would have been a great game minus Jim Thorpe, BronkoNagurski, Sammy Baugh, Sid Luckman, Pudge Heftelfinger, the Chicago Bears, Notre Dame, and all the high spots you can remember. No Cobbs or Ruths made baseball. No Notre Dames nor Chicago Bears made football. No Bobby Jones or Walter Hagen or Harry Vardon made golf. I happen to be a great believer in the game above any individual. When any individual is more important than the game, then it isn't the v right game. r Writm WHITE LEGHORN SPECIALIST Over 30 yean production of superior chicks. A 100 pure, top ranking, mssiey snaking Leghorn strain. Straight run, $14.00, or pullet chicks, $28.00 per hundred or cockerel chicks, $5.00 per hundred. Volume discount. Oder now. Write tor factual folder. n, ballbearings.. Fitzgerald, share honors In this and anybody sweet, huma i story who can share acting honors with Fitzgerald has to be good. This is one of the pictures that people will remember. CHICKS FOR SALE compari-- ; For example, Mike Jacobs had no Lou- - "M-G-- officials recently have unearthed information indicating that the Nazis deliberately planned, well before the war, to use Sweden as their source for ballbearings. A conversation reported to have taken place with Air Minister Goering has recently come to light, in which Goering explained that he was not anxious to build up the German ballbearing industry too much, since it might be advantageous to have the industry in a neutral country where it could not be bombed. WE BUT AND HELL Office Furniture, Flies. Typewriters, Adt Ing M.ichines. Safes. Cash Hecisteri. SALT LAKE DKSK EXCHANGE SS W.at Broadwmy, Ball Lak. City. Utah. 1 world-famou- S. OFFICE EQUIPMENT sion. super-patienc- VS. Se t II at Washington, D. C. GETTING TOUGH WITH SWEDE? After too many months of AUie the Swedes are i: for a tough crackdown. At long las1 the State department, the Foreig: Economic administration and, pei haps more important, the British have determined to pull together ii telling the Swedes they will have t Blue network, it will be broadcast fish or cut bait in sending vital wa daily from Monday through Friday, materials to Germany especiall; at 12:15 to 12:30 Pacific Coast time, ballbearings. n hour later in each successive The question of ballbearings in time rone. And s SKF ball volves the equally radio - minded, bearing company in Sweden, whic) on launches Screen Tests" a subsidiary company i: June 12, over the full basic Mutual operates The president of th. Philadelphia. Network, five days a week at 9:15 American company, William Batt, 1 Eastern war time; it will consist of of the War Produo actual screen tests, the aspiring tion board. actor being required to play oppoNot many people realize it, bu site a Metro star. despite the loss of 600 U. S. aviator in bombing the Nazi ballbearirii In "Going My Way" Blng Crosby at Schweinfurt last fall, to sa; to sing; plant proves that he doesn't have nothing of the loss of countless othe In fact, he sings comparatively little lives, the Swedes have been nullify In the picture, yet has probably the ing these American sacrifices b; best role of his screen career. He shipping great quantities of ball and that very talented actor, Barry bearings to Germany. Hitherto secret, has been the fac that the Swedes have supplied Ger many with 70 per cent of certaii vital airplane ballbearings. Am when you consider that one bombe alone requires up to 3,000 ballbear ings, you realize that this is thi most important single commodit; Germany is now getting from thi outside world. In fact, ballbearing are so essential that, without them the Nazi airplane industry ould b paralyzed almost overnight. N. plane can be constructed withou several hundred to several thousant BING CROSBY CAN BI'II.D YOl'lt OWN HOME without experience or your own capital, if l3 to 'i. Write today! Be necessary. re; dy Information free. No obligation. Address: U II. MAM II. JACKSON, A. B., ni'd liuward Street. Port Huron, Michigan. YOIT CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC REALLY HELP YOU GET WELL? r--CAN Action, Thrills Still Left again, is where relativity comes in. In other words, class it only relative with class. There can still be action, entertainment and a leal contest where top class is miss- i R esults in Chironractic are based on two things : (I) is your condition recoverable, and (2) posi tive accuracy in securing the correct adjustment. By the new, scientitic use of Neurocalometerandot her scientific procedure. Precision -- ChiroDrac tor determines if he can really help you. And then by this same scientific method.accuratety adjusts misplaced vertebrae, deiinitely removing the nerve pressure, t he primary cause of your sickness thus restoring normal function and health. This applies not only to stomach and heart trouble, neurittsandlumbago, but to most all ailments. reveal the cause of your trouble. Let y See and judge for yourself. Only chronic or rtroblem cases invited. Lr. Roderick E. Ross, Exclusively Precision Chironractic Health Service, 235 South Main St., Salt Lake City. rnooe liy appointment only ... BEAUTY SCHOOL Investigate tha OJutcU BEAUTY OW3 SCHOOL OF CULTURE It Pays to Learn th Quish Way Siut for Frte THE QUISH SCHOOL mm. ssa Catalog OF BEAUTY CULTURE aula at. - iM Lfc ctty, tum This, Seven States Can Be Seen From Rock in Tennessee ing. e- -. ..;v,- - hl fKr ilf?tr by-pla- g, " l: . I agree with my old friend, now dead, one of the greatest competiand one of the greatest sportsh tors men I have ever known. The narai g is Devereaux Milburn, the star. "It is the contest and the hard, close competition that makes every came worthwhile," Dev said. "I get more of a thrill In being beaten In a tough, hard, close scrap than I ever get in winning a walkover or a runaway. To me It Is the game, the contest, that counts and not so much the final score. I know this sounds like hokum. I like the , i sort of scrap where you have U give everything you have In ordei to win. I still say It Is more fun ti lose in that type of contest than it I 1 yjX opposito win against tion." Milburn was exactly 100 per cent Robert Dicey, five years old, right, as he usually was. Winning, by Troop shows how he carried his some of brother, Kenneth, downstairs of course, is an important factor. But it isn't everything in sport. site was and to safety, as flames raced We have planted too much impor and also through their borne at East Ded-haMass. tanre on Individual stars, too muct importance on winning, over the greater values that come directly from the game Itself. Who, after all, could ever compare Louis and Dempsey, Corbett and Tunney, Grange and Thorpe, Rutfc and Cobb, Vardon and Jones? It can't be done. For there is a.rela tive angle that most people overlook. Time, equipment, training and many other details. Decades and conditions are aU relative. Baseball, minus its many stars, can still have a more Inter esting reason than it has known foi a lung time ' i Mayor Florello La Guardla Is a guest of the campflre set up 617 of the Boy Scouts of America, In New York. He samples the bacon cooked by the Scouts, and finds It good. The camp set up by way of celebrating National Boy and Girl week, National Children's week, held simultaneously. e polo-playin- rHJuJ- KILLS - Many Insects Vegetablet rVoweri A Shrubt m, 'K' Ration Feast Seaman From USS Lansdale Rescued a: "t r The claim is made that from a huge rock in "Rock City Garden," Chattanooga, Tenn., seven states can be seen Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Kentucky and Virginia. The flat boulder has been called lovers' leap." A vast terrain lies in a wide arc beneath. HEARTBURN 1 wsosy fcsch KsTiwsJ hi 5 wiwstsi sc i ff Wbn rvffwt trUmisvto aHd tmrmmm painful, uflormt-touna) hrtlumLtfrtof' owuai'? tfw. mar vtomarh known for th fUMt-tvttrspTrswnh iivilnnmlik tmln eUt-mnymptoroaHcrehrf romfortin Ti.Mt. NMitJr. Koll-w- bmck brlmrn mm Mtam el boUi Jiffy orUrniVmjM roar mrmrf . dram-wiat ail to a. WNU W Those Scn cll Hoys one-tim- e t. tii -- V a 1 One of the many rescued by coastguardsmen or two destroyer escorts during the German bombing attack that sank the I'SS Lansdale In the Mediterranean, this navy seaman relaxes as coastguardsmen Virgil Malhis. St. Augustine, Fla., and Mrlvin Howard of Pittsburgh, Pa. (left thick coat of oil from his body. to right) scrape ! Marshallese boy perches comcoconut d fortably on 'a tree and prepares to open a box of The native found marine U. 8. rations a welcome change. A wind-twiste- Thosa Scwell boys from Alabama have done all right, one way and another. First there was Josept Wheeler Sewell and his kid brothel Luke Scwell, from Titus, Ala. Thet there was Rip Sewell from Decatur Ala. Joe Sewell stepped from a few months in the minors to help Cleveland win a world series and then g along to set a new record fnr con secutive games played, up to the Lot Gehrig era. Get Into Action For Full Victory! 2144 |