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Show THE PAGE SIX H- Cinnamon toast may be made without sugar by blending Vk tablespoons of honey with Keep butter covered in the refrigerator lest it pick up flavors from other foods. Also keep butter in the coldest part of the refrigerator. Eggs should be stored in the refrigerator but they do not need the coldest spot. level teaspoon of baking powder is added to every four eggs used in making a souffle, it will not fall after it has been removed from the oven. one-ha- lf NWRA - MVRA- - 1 JUST OoT A CALL FROM A N DALLAS , TEXAS - HAL. IS HOSPITAL HE WAS SAVEO FROM DEATH STiLL ALWE PV SOME TRE:VlDLy INDIANS - THE DocTOR. SAD THAT HE. WTFD? CAI I IMA- TTlR nfDOOH ."THANH. jJThe VOICE ON the OTHER TNC OF THE WIPE. TOLD MPS. THOMPSON THAT HER SON WAS ALNE BUT VERy EAt?lV INJURED HE'S STILL 'OH.VES. DCtlRlOUS AHt? KEEPS CALLINGCON STAMTI-FOR I - - 1 bout 1,500,000 more men than women in the United States. First Wallpaper The first wallpaper sent to America was wrapped in t;nfoil tubes to protect it from moisture. i ' New Testament Lacks Music The Old Testament is full of mu-ei- c, but the New Testament mentions it only once. I'LL 1ELLI nyRv do VOL) KNOMJ ANyoNE ey TT4AT JDST THEN V'RED" ANE A!H1SKERS " CAME RUWNIMCS- ii rr--i Li 7 i 1i ONE 1 .r- -. t- .fa TO HIM AT HER! - UP - W OVi"ttXt'ttt" HAL'S BEEN FOUMD AHtI'M so VX I'M GOlH5r TO TOV TD WN T&NKShT OH. 'v hnniti T rrJj firr - - AWhat Comfort! What Convenience! a What a Location! 1 hEV. LEOO.MVPA, REAL. YEU- - AJAMEy -- visit Silt Laks City! RR1S(VN PABETTE, I BROUGHT MY-MGOWNS A.NO I DON'T KNOW VMHICH IS Y- -r, CORRECT TO WEAR ON TUUIUS TIRO hJsim INVENTED A SYSTEM OF SHORTHAND USED IN THE ROMAN SENATE AND CREATED A I I. BETTER WAY OF RECORDING SPEECH. - AFARtA J 7 i.i ... ... 7 Canter ahopa. thtatraa, baaineaa rooms talcphonea. radioa garfaaua . . . Car at your agar . . . New Coffaa Ska . . . Law Ratea. By RUBE GOLDBERG NEITHER DO I, MADAM. BUT I'LL ASK 7oh, AMANDA, 1 RUFUSS ry ' XSfa? (2 Fashion Show a . time you 1ufJ.Ti "MM LALA PALOOZA MARCUS I More Men Than Women Statistics disclose that there are By ED WHEELAN BIG TOP 4 ,ltt 63 B.C. IGI Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young Individual service table mat3 save lots of laundering. Use them in place of luncheon or tablecloths. For outdoor or porch serving try the prettily decorated oilcloth mats; they only need a daily wiping with a dampened cloth. IN ...lEl A imi ds tablespoon butter. Increase amounts as desired. If nni BE i THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE inrss two-thir- Thursday, May 21, 1942 NEPHL UTAH S, JUI OUSEHGLD m TIMES-NEW- I T FER ME T'SW-BO- T AIN'T NEMER HEARD O' NOBODYjflA; . DRESS1N' UP FER P16S AIH 'TAINT MADAM WANTS MX) TO ADVISE HER WHAT TO ) Frozen Foods n not thaw out frozen foods until they are to be used. Onco Do WEAR(' thawed, the food should all be used. Dizzy Duck A pet duck owned by Sidney Jenkins of Sardis, Ga., swims in circles because it has no web on its left foot. Carrie Chapman Catt Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt became famous through her organizing the Iowa Woman Suffrage in 1890. THE BETTER WAY TO TREAT CONSTIPATION DUE TO LACK OF PROPER'BULK IN THE DIET IS TO CORRECT THE CAUSE OF THE TROUBLE WITH A DELICIOUS CEREAL, kELLOGO'S EAT IT EVERY DAY AND DRINK PLENTY OF WATER.. ANYTHING DOIM' 101 loo or the enemy SHOT in DOWM ANT 4 yeast-raise- d By GENE BYRNES X'LL. SAX THfcV VVAS. I DROVE OFR 1M THI5 SECTOR., S ENTRY f Do You Bake at Home? If you do, send for a grand cook book crammed with recipes for all kinds of breads and cakes. It's absolutely free. Just drop a postcard with your name and address to Standard Brands Inc., 691 Washington St., New York City. Pit head's Special Talent REG'LAR FELLERS 500 SUNK J AEtiOPUANES Ttf !srfift aS ( COSUBM-RIM- Y ) 5ENTtY ARE OVER. Ti,SIi 5 -- BJsX3$k "jCeti V )' srf , iA ET -f- -f WOOLDN- -f BE Pl vl I I AM' 11 IMAGINATION iSPRIZET? L ) f? Jg&j, ft Efi NEW AND USED deska and chaira. file, type writers, adding- mch'a. aafca, S. L. DESK EX, 1$ W. Broadway. 8. L. C. ll BEAUTY SCHOOL V Adv. CALLOUSES OV4' To relieve painful callouses, burning or tenderness on bottom of feet and remova callousea (at than thin, too thing, cushioning pad. i. i i jtjni Br S. L. Happy Birthday HUNTLEY 4 VUH AdOINJ TU Beoc-- i ? r VUM n-- ie SCHOOL of BEAUTY CULTURE Largeat in the Went. 18 yeara auc. operation. Modern, thorough, practical. Enroll anytime. Write for catalogue. 138 South Mam Salt Lake City. Utah Quick eeanful VEAH THIS sues It. X BiRTTMDW WIT'S MULEV BftTES SOT P6 OL' LftDV . ME AST TO TAKE. HIT OVtW AKJ' 5MEAK MIT v a. PERSONALS rOCT a DR. LEVI DELK, foot specialist, BA.CX WW, corns, ingrown club nailfl. bunions, flat feet, weak arches corrected. Comnlete treatment, 04 Felt Bldg.. Salt Lake both feet. $1.50 1LM )1 SL1 (IK TRAILERS USED CARS USED CARS TRAILER COACHES Liberal Credit Terma JESSE M. CHASE Sell Trade Buy Street Salt Lake City til So. Main alfto locations in BOISE. POCATELLO. BLACKFOOT Acid Indigestion What do for many Doctor Doesn't Smoke Queen Elizabeth of England does not smoke. OFFICE EQUIPMENT r MESCAL IKE Billionths of Ounce Less than 40 billionths of an ounce of bismuth can be measured in biological material with the aid of a new chemical process. U Whan ntmm atomscb add noM M, soar ttotiuu doctor prwrnb tlie fuwt- - rtirif known for ymtonwtfe relief mrfbcttwa Uk tho la bell-an- a Tablets. No laJtad. If rour eery ftrat trhU dowm't provs Bt)-an- a better, return bonis to oa aod vet deubie oar waamf book, a&o. r heartburn, USED TIRES VMdiHtMM tn ffCatwrrlrtt. POP 1 WANT AN i ENGLISH OM&! I L Kc 4r Pat V. OIBrat By J. MILLAR WATT I NATURALIZE: . THIS SWISS, Particular About His Buns don't ROLL. want a I .SWISS . U HontlTr. Trad Mark have ft limited nurnber of ffood used tires 17" to 23 for om on farm wagons Build s waRon from rotir old car. LYMAN MOTOR COMPANY $87 South Main St., Salt Lmk City Utah W ' WANTED - AUTO MECHANICS Good Jobs la Salt Laks City now open to lubrication experienced auto mechanics, special tats and patnt ft body men. Good weekly guarantee, ideal working conditions. Write rtving deneription and qualifications. GRANT E. H AYES CO., 8tudebker distributors. 464 So. Main St., Salt laake City. FEEDS AND SEEDS All kinda of field and garden aeeda. Poultry supplies. Baby Chicks, Hardware. Fencing. Motor Oil. Binding twine. Roofing. White Faun Flour. All kinds of case groceries. Honey, enolaasea, syrup, salt and many ther items Always saving buy early and avoid disappointment. Don't worry about delivery Our trucks will be by your door. Write as for any Information on feeding, seeds, etc Maileld Feed, CoaL Seed Floar Ca. Whan. A main office. rd So a lat West Salt Lake City. Utah tituj U. S. SAVINGS BONDS HOTEL BEN CLEAN CAR LOMOND BABY CHICKS TODAY TURKEY OQOEN, UTAH w woi srft twr , or euvwifM, car.whct r4 SKXr M0CMIH6 rSHM craf"J ntcr W A SJlAifi CUM &, 1RVlrl4 fi A10H4 CAR POULTS TO ORDER COMPLETK LINK OF POULTRY EQUIPMENT Write for free literatara RAMS H A W'S UTAH PIONEER HATCHERY rT OtR4 i (WD ilJu1' jf. BrfW 1At f IWfS K tSArt)r, t TR stiM BV ur a WtAViK6 iitti m1 Rtif toivt OME SiPt ,Ltl--i- II Rm Baths II M to M M 14. H ftmUy bam far 4 Mr w Air CmM Leange end Dtaing bM Cetea Shea Tap Roe Riat ef Klwank Fvecsrlvee ffetsry WTH OfinrTT UTAH Baaert K. Vl.itk. Mgr. 1Mr fff OrT GLUYAS " t. UPHIlWtRV CAR.-&- UP WLL DiKB! Ktcua MATS Wi Ufa .ftrtlV T6R SO PH. -- ST. SALT LAKE CITY MAIN UTAH 0l MURRAY 474 HEARING AID r I C Im RESTED: go through the oa- - certainty of owningfaila bearing atd thst may Oanoq to si to. better hrrinff. I nms ia us fit J lt 0rCU6 It rent! I'se it si a nnminal lINrina lL -- 1 to the purrs arrii.ilstbold deeHs pnr. to own yrn it. Corns in or call. WILLIAMS Cbaaiber a Caaiaiarra and A4 CI a Hotel Ben Lomond KTFP CUAHfO "W It&lDc Of . "l-le- ciSR , IB II Eirhsage Oatieist wife TPMtic lT "That's the trouble with a cheap ball ya gotta use so much body English!" Otarion of Salt Lake WW Hip AMp 5fWftt fSMI TRWrt CPU RLWJ. HBttAU Vr! HfVMa AWT KOiTH CAM CliAH Donald G. Lyman Uka JIJJItyTaB WJf.O. Week New 422 SALT City LAI |