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Show The Page Four Times-New- Nephi, Utah s, 5 Maybe our service was a luxury to be counted among those things that made life finer and more genteel. But no'j: . . you should recognize our quality 'drycleaning as a necessity . . .As as warden guarding and prolonging the life of your clothes. i Beth Bean i ? 1 7 Melba Jackman Max Hermansen Emma Jarrett h Carter Cleaners Glen Belliston Cleo Bendixen Jimmie Belliston - ("n a ' ' f - 1 -- Joyce Chappell Newell Bracken " Ta - f I Local and Social News 1 The Fine Arts club met at the hone of Mrs. Gerald Cazier on I - V- - r fr-V i-A -- r- - r - ,. r , a: LaVar Mortensen Elaine Ostler Paul Newton I.. vhm.- Rayola Cooper Robert Bryan Virginia Cox - .3; i s ' si. I i t Fountain Green News 1 : Mignon Pyper Calvin Neilsen Donna Roundy , .;J1 . ..c.a AM .lWR..il bHHteMM'HMIMMAJI ' - Clark Burton Irene Foote Kirk Christensen 4u ' Alan Ostler Grace Seamons Hum- ? til 1 in . . - V . ,,J WITH ,. I L i miir f - J ., j, Jrrtt ' M .Tin, -i- Dora A. Hansen, Grace Sorenson, Alice Johnson, Gayle C. Rasmuss-- 1 en, Lois N. Collard, Ruth Allred, Emerson Cook, LaJune Hansen, Kenna Aagard Rasmussen and .Elaine Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin P. Oldrovd and daughter Mary Ellen spent Sunday in Provo visitine their Dar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Old royd. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Allen of and Farrell Holman of Salt Lake City spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Mary E. Holman. nrIA fnll.rlnr kn..A J M ployment at the Parachute plant in Manu: Ida Oldroyd, Velda Jacko son, Roene Story, Macel Anderson, Alice Christiansen, Arvilla Jacob- sen, Ingerborg Jenson, Ruth Green, I Dora Hansen, Geniel Nielson, Gladys Sorenson and Olean Allred. TM- - STATE LUMBER COMPANY i MJ,-ni 4 Jackie Foote Wesley Christnsen Melba Foote Elaine Sells Marvin Park Jean Tidwell y.i "- r1 ' ' m.- I? (rt $Mim- - , . r.,'.j , is liitniitiiii WimLi t. Lee Christison T Olive Fowkes Wallace Conelly Bessie Fowkes Merl Greenhalgh San-taqu- in Hanna Ivory of Provo visited during the week with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Ivory. Mr. and Mrs. H R Anderson and son Morris of Wales spent Sunday In Fountain Green. Miss Jean Nielson of Provo visited Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nielson. Mrs. Elna Nielson and daughter Lois spent Sunday at Mount Please ant visiting relatives. Perry Allred has returned to Las Vegas, Nevada having spent several days at his horns with his Miss Thclma Golden Wells Ellertson Maida Goble Taryl Greenhalgh Louise Hall Kenneth I; ' 4 ' r Thays Stanley Blanch Wankier ': l i - '"1 I ' ... .f f Lily Worwood - I DeVon Winn Helen Winter . U . To Sail the Seas Yon use a boat. To see sales You use our ads. i. - jL.jj- - r.J Fred-rickso- Other members or class whose picture do not nppenr are: Alan Swa-fKeith Wankier and Mildred Scott. y, ,,,rf... .n.;lt to mmmwrn - a YOU can'go F V I E OLD TTTTTT i Fret i V fTf frv ttVbA ? P I Celebrate with Rltr A i 19J Kentucky Straight Bourbon "CUEJEMtFUL, AS ITS NAM- E- W- - f II straight whlskcy- - f " F M, X SjK Vil tojr 1 5! - Utah's fastest selling j m a hd nTT JLf "T"fc Y ii n n ra ) VM Njpyj It Pays To Shop in Nephi UNION PACIFIC STAGES Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lund, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Lund, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Smith and daughter of Salt Lake City spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. May Dale Worwood Barbara Winter r 1 Norris Anderson of Antonlto, Colorado spent several days of last While week In Fountain Green. here he was the guest of Miss lona Hansen. Vaughn Summers - . r" v . family. Mr. and Mrs. William Crowther of Manassa, Colorado visited during the week with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hansen. Pextori-Juyc- Tew ! John Richarsn, Mgr Phone 11 , f further-spreadin- g g, school Kenneth Park PREPARED PAINTS FULLER The envy of the neighborhood! Your home can be if given good paint in the right colors. just that Undesirable "gingerbread" features can be made less conspicuous. Its best features can be accentuated. Phone or visit our office today. Find out how little it costs to make your home sparkle with gaiety and charm with Fuller's longer-lastinpaints. We'll show you how to make your neighbors say, "What a beautiful home!" The following were among the graduates at the Mnrnnl hiuh graduation exercises Friday evening at Moroni: Jean Oldroyd, X HOME TO LOOK ITS BEST, ; of Salt Lake City was a business visitor in Fountain Green Friday. Mrs. John Lowe of Bear River City visited during the week with relatives nere. Mrs. H. V. Yorgason and Mrs. Lynn Rasmussen spent the week ena m Salt Lake City. cA YOUR RESTYLE Mrs. Velma Christensen i J? In The Envy of Your Neighborhood Tuesday evening, May 5th. Mrs. Lila Richardson was in charge of the meeting. Club Litany was read by Mrs. Thomas Bailey. Roll call was answered by quotations from A very interesting Shakespeare. paper on 'Educating Our Youth" was given by Mrs. Thomas Bailey. Refreshments were served to the Lila Mrs. following members: Richardson, Mrs. V. A. Beck, Mrs. Gilbert Bailey, Mrs. R E Winn, Mrs Lloyd Hobbs, Mrs. Thomas Bailey, Mrs Ed. P. Cox, Mrs. Brent D. Hall, Mrs. V M Foote, Mrs. Earl Steele, Mrs J. W. Ellison, Mrs. Russell Hawkins, Mrs Wilbur S. Long and the hostess, Mrs. Gerald Cazier. " it i if": Farrell Bosch 1 ' In- v--- -. Darlene Lunt Gail Kay Ethel McPherson They dry with us. i Alta Bird Leo Bendixen Norma Cazier , Dyers side-lin- vs ' & PHONE 280 Send us your Curtins and Drapes, Blankets and Quilts clean beautifully. Remember, dry cleaning is not a e Maurice Jarrett Marie Kendall Elwood Jenkins ". NOTICE order to serve you longer with call and delivery service won't you cooperate by giving us your orders earlier In the day. Please don't ask for rush delivery unless necessary. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated. In fcdr 1942 Appoint us WARDEN of Your Wardrobe Janet Bailey Henry Balow ' 14, 2C Graduating Class of the Juab High School 7 May Thursday, PLACES 1 :mww mmm uvhwmv n. Mrs. Clifford Crowther entertained at a birthday dinner for relatives and friends Monday evening at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Elden Hansen and son Keith and Mrs. Mary A. Hanson of Mldvale visited during the week with Mrs. Caroline M. Hansen. Miss Irene Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rasmussen, Camllle and Mrs. John E. Karl Rasmussen, Aagard, and Mrs. Victor Rasmussen attended the Snow College graduation exercises Friday at Ephraim.' Victor Rasmussen was the graduate from Fountain Green at Snow college. He was also editor of the College year book. Miis Jean Oldroyd has left for Portland, Oreeon where she will have employment. To better serve you and conserve vital materials, tool Keeping pace with today's needs. Union Pacific Stages trnsportation offers new wartime bus schedules... geared to today's travel requirements, with arrival nd departure timet better spaced for your convenience... helping you aave your car ad vital materials. SEE YOGI LOCH BOS AGERT M sDVlRCE FOR KE W LUVIRQ TIMES cO R R ES T 1tt North Main HOTEL Phone 22 |