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Show THE Thursday, May 7, 1942 NEPHL UTAH TIMES-NEW- PAGE THREE Down to the Sea in a U. S. Submarine Six Flower Holders, Easy, Quick to Make holders for plants are these which you may make yourself. Use jig or coping saw to cut the various parts of the designs from plywood or other suitable wood, then assemble and paint, and use as a decorative asset to kitchen, dining or living room. ATTRACTIVE STAGESCRE mm seem to be the proper uays lO siuuy me uaam iwuiiub- tions of winning competition. You in the New York can get one a:.-Yankees' dressing room frdrri such fellows as Bill Dickey, Joe Gordon, Red Ruffing, Spud- - Chandler, Joe DiMaggio, Charlie Keller and several others. Opening their 1942 home campaign, the Yankees are facing the prospect of winning their sixth pennant in seven starts.' It might not happen that way. But that is how It looks. The Yankees have the bulge in hitting, pitching and fielding. That's a fair start- - But they have something more. Something just as important. In addition to their physical margin, which can't be overlooked, McCarthy's hired men are a team together. They spend 100 per cent of their time fighting the enemy not fighting each other. Or fighting umpires. You'll find no individual jealousy, no bickering, no squabbles, no high hats, no stars. I've picked up the true lesson of team play from the Yankee dressing room for seven years. Joe McCarthy stands for no bad actor no individual who stands for himself above the good of the .team. McCarthy simply passes this type on to some other unhappy manager, while he goes for team spirit. By VIRGINIA VALE TpHESF,, er - --- I .f E (Released by Western Newspaper Union. -- . J KM 't , sw-v- THAT Victory Caravan ir'-'- ''Jfi sSTH? appears anywhere in your vicinity you'll certainly want to see it. Players enlisted by t mr . w,Av r , 1 aAA.,.,,,,, l(rfr,,.a the Hollywood Victory com mittee to tour for Army and Navy relief are Charles Boy- er, Eleanor Powell, Merle Oberon, Rise Stevens, Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy, Bert Lahr, Frank McHugh, Ray Desi Arnaz, Cary Grant, James Cagney, Joan Bennett and Olivia de Havilland. MacDonald, It wasn't hard for Paramount to line up a cast for "Wake Island" Brian Donlevy, Robert Preston, Macdonald Carey, Albert Dekker and Barbara Pritton lead it. But stunt pilots were a necessity and -only four could be found! Fifteen Jgi3. tfTi niiir vi rtmi ,"7" mmfhi'""Tirr,iiT""' w, .... years ago there were at least 100 of U. S. life submarine. If you were standing who vied for jobs in such pictures These aboard a photos may give you an idea on the conning tower of a sub this is how your craft would look, forward (picture at left). And this (npper as "Wings" and "Hell's Angels"; spot of the torpedo room. All those wheels, dials and gauges are as plain as now they're in the army, navy, maright) is the gadget-studde- d capital letters a foot high to the boys that know how. Lower right: Submarine deck as a gun crew takes bat- rine corps and Royal Canadian Air tle stations at the deck gun. forie. When Betty Jane Rhodes was a child actress, appearing in "Forgotten Faces," Herbert Marshall used to buy her miniature airplanes as gifts. Reginald Denny gave her two Filipinos Train to Recover Lost Homeland AUNT Box IB6-- desired. daily, since you do notston it. Oranges also have vita- XS mins A, Bi and G; calcium, and other minerals. Buy Sunkist Oranges in g quantity for juice and sweets. Tbey ketp. sugar-savin- MARTHA Kansas City, Mo. cents for each pattern Pattern Mo SmSfeQ Name Address..... Using Time t - c '12 model planes with tiny gas engines. She's a welder in an aircraft plant in the new musical. "Priorities of 1942," completely surrounded by enough to planes, and is be perfectly happy. -- iS52- r.A-v- - - , . ' I Richard Lyons, - seven-year-o- ld CopyrlKbt, If time be of all things most precious, wasting time must be the greatest prodigality, since lost time is never found again; and what we call time enough always proves little enough. Let us then be up and doing, and doing to a purpose; so by diligence shall we do more with less perplexity. Franklin. BETTY JANE RHODES 'Happy Birthday' to Der Fuehrer Gets Japs, Medal Vi- t?ZmjUL t lr-.- - PTln Generals Talk Bomber Production d all kinds of breads and cakes. It's absolutely free. Just drop a postcard with your name and address to Standard Brands Inc., 691 Washington St., New York City. Adv. The Main Contest mm youngsters seven, and Sean, five, visited their father on location at the Alhambra airport for "He's My Old Man," and persuaded the technical advisor to take them on a flight The "flight" consisted of taxiing from one end of the field to the other. mr her to stick to it and some day she'd win the Academy Award. She visited him on the set of "Atlantic the other day. "I Just came Convoy" Navy pilot Edward O'Hare. 28. to tell you that you told me so!" who pitched Into ft formation of nine she said. heavy Jap bombers and shot down five before they reached hlsf airPat Friday, another young singer craft carrier. O'Hare received promotion to lieutenant commander recently heard with Bergen, told he played Cupid for and the Congressional Medal of Hon- Ray Noble that her and her aviator-husbanThey or at the White House. were listening to his orchestra, at a Los Angeles hotel, and to its music her husband told her that she was the most beautiful girl in the world. She thinks the music had lot to do with it "But it was so beautifully done that I just had to iissisis luacanmir marry him!" i 'S 7 Jean Tennyson, star of "Great Moments in Music," has inaugurated a "Share Your Birthday With Men in the Service" campaign she took her 45 pound birthday cake to the Stage Door Canteen in New York and divided it among men of the armed forces. ODDS' Ay D lyn Key nirt rxnttc perfume to pity Glenn ' her in t'nrti, plarinK oppotite My Old .Wan." a he allerau. la vrrlumtt... Soiimlt like m record of tome kind in hit firtl five picture! Hitr Clark kitted Mnrlene Dietrich, Harbor Stanuyck, I up relet, liulh rnrd and t.tlecn O'llearn . . . Rnbcrt Hyan hat reported lo HKO Kadio fur onm of the choicest rnlet ever handed a tcteen newcomer, that of the lead in ",Vam, An and (Occupation" . . . "I'arachula hurte" brought Marguerite Chapman and William Wright their firtt tc.reen kit and vhen he gratped her the firtl lime the flipped and turned her ankle! ESDS-Eve- tt i '', - pennants or championships. It concerns a form of inner rivalry as to which sport will contribute most in the matter of winning the war. Will needed war funds get greater help from boxing, baseball, golf, tennis, racing, football or what? Joe Ccn. Sir Thomas Blarney, of Aus Louis and Mike Jacobs sent boxing Brig. Gen. Kenneth B. V.'olf and Lieut. Grn. William S. Knudscn who has been named by Gen, tralia, In well ahead their Andres with of AviaNorth talk American army (rlRht) spinning prAduction Longstrect and navy relief show and )hcy are tion's tubing department, in Inglcwood, Calif. Andrea Is working on tub-I- n Douglas MacArthur as commandet 7 for North Amrriran Aviation's 5 Milrhrll bomber, which Is similar of the Allied land forces In tht only warming up. lo tlis t. that carried out a recent raid on the Japs In the Philippines. Southwest rarific area. '- America's favorite ready-to-ea- t cereal! Get several packages today and enjoy THE SELF-START- A big bowlful of ER Ke Hogg's Com The last picture John Beal did In Hollywood before he went to New York to appear In a stage play was "The Man Who Found Himself," in which Joan Fontaine was getting her start. He gave ber a pep talk, told 1a yeast-raise- smut, asp sssra son Lynn Martin appeared several weeks ago in a singing commercial on the air's Radio Theater, and received so much praise that when a night club sequence appeared in a later script she was promptly signed for it Also, she was engaged to sing with Ray Noble's band on the Edgar Bergen show. y I'rult Grow Pat O'Brien's i I don't believe quiet, easy-goin- g Dickey knows how much true color he has. But Bill knows the main details of color, especially when he is talking about the Yankees. "Who has had the most color in American sport?" he asked me. "I'll tell you Babe Ruth, Jack Dempsey, Joe Louis, Bobby Jones, Ty Cobb, Walter Haben and BiU Tilden. But did you ever stop to think each one of these was a star -- A-. A4A L M performer one who had greater t1ST A . i ink llA t skill than the other fellows had? l.. V & J "You can't have color true color The people of New York celebrated Adolf's birthday in Duffy's Square without exceptional skill. I still by hanging an effigy of the leader of the Reich. The purpose of the rally with are the Yankees say packed was to urge the purchase of war savings bonds and stamps. Der Fuehrer color on account of the different was hung and burned and his bier rested In view of thousands who saw things they can do as hitters, fieldfresh nail driven Into his coffin for each bond or stamp purchased. ers and pitchers. I believe the true baseball fan appreciates this. He likes to aee a job well done game after game, belter than anyone else can do it." I'll string with Dickey in this 71 respect. A big part of color must be based upon performance under fire. I've never seen a colorful punk in any game. There are no colorful dufTers in golf, no colorful dubs in tennis, no colorful third-rater- s in boxing. It may be we have stressed color, that was not directly hooked up with outstanding ability, too much. 194a, California Do You Bake at Home? If you do, send for a grand cook book crammed with recipes for of Bebe Daniels and Ben Lyons, is Under command of Lieut. Col. R. H. Offley, an American officer of the regular army, the First Fillpim carrying on with his screen career infantry battalion at Camp San Luis Obispo, Calif., is now undergoing rigid training. The battalion will give while his parents star on the radio Filipinos a chance to fight for the restoration of their homeland. At left First Sergt. R. Simmons, rear, in in England instead of on the Amerstructs two Filipinos in machine-gu- n operation. Right: Pvt.' Gregorio Mante is shown here practicing throw ican screen. He has an important . . ing a band grenade. role in "Atlantic Convoy"; is playing an English refugee, which comes close to his own life. Dickey on Color There is now one highly interesting sporting scramble under way that has nothing to do with titles, you need an abundance The hen and rooster pair, duck, cow, and the sunbonnet girl and overaU boy with their wheelbarrow all come on one pattern Z9267, IS cents. Complete directions for making this sextet of clever flower holders, general cutout instructions and painting suggestions accompany the pattern. Send your order to: Enclose The Yankees have been charged with being colorless just a group of young business men handling a job. They keep in condition. They start no rows. They are all friends in a bunch. They are just out to win, And to be ready to win. They are a quiet lot. They are a team of stars who refuse to be accepted as stars. Just -- ball players. Their business has been playing baseball, and they play it better than any other team. You'd get a better understanding of this if you could mix a while with such fellows as Dickey, Cor don, Keller, DiMaggio, Chandler, Ruffing, Priddy, Levy, Hassett, Hen- rich, Gomez, Rizzuto, and the rest I asked Bill Dickey about the Yankees' lack of color. The tall catcher from Ar kansas, who has been around ay slight matter of IT seasons', herf'and there, mostly with the Yankees, was mildly indignant. The Arkansas quail shooter gets only mildly indignant. "Color?" he said. What is color? Is it getting drunk and Bill Dickey getting in fights? I don't think so. "Color to me is standing back of the plate and watching that Joe Gordon make plays that I know can't be made. I've seen him kill off more sure base hits than anyone I ever saw. On one play you'll find him back of second base handling a hot grounder. On the next you'll see him somewhere in short right field killing another hit. "If they want color why don't they watch Joe DiMaggio play center field and make hard plays look easy? Or watch DiMaggio and Keller at bat when the chips are down?" cooperating growers. And oranges are the best way to be surt of vitamin C Few foods supply much. It's easily lost in cooking. Yet navy-approv- More About the Yankees ... Oranges for vitamins Sunkist' for quality Oranges jumped "Sunkist" are the finest from 14,300 BREAKFAST Rakes with some fruit and lots of milk. VITAMINS. PROTEINS. MINERALS! FOOD ENERGY! It has long been our policy at the Newhouse of the outstanding hotels one maintain to in the West and a moderate rate schedule. This is done so that our fine people of the Intermountain country will be able to enjoy, in Salt Lake. Hotel life comparable to the finest in the country at a rate they could afford. This master policy has guided us in all our decisions. Sometimes this has been difficult because to provide the finest practically always costs more. But as long as we have the support of our fine friends of the Intermountain country and as long as we continue to enjoy their splendid patronage, you may be assured that at the New-houHotel you can get the finest at moderate prices. se GUM |