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Show The Page Four Local - Social News Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haynes of Angeles are guests at the home of their aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. M. M. O'Gara. d Mr. and Mrs. E. Tanner of spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Mary Ann Tanner. They also visited with Mrs. Susie Golds- brough and Mrs. Vilnah Knight. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gowers and family were guests on Moth er's Day at the home of Mrs. Gowers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Clyde of American Fork. Junior Bodeil returned to the Branch Agriculural College in Cedar City, Sunday afternoon, with after spending the week-en- d his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ora H. Lunt. Mr. and Mrs. Brigham Garrett had as their guests on Mother's and daughter Day, their Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dolhan of Provo, Mrs. Geneva Molyneux and children of Mona, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Garrett and family. Mr. Garrett, who is employed in Nevada, spent Sunday with his family in Nephi. Mil-for- . No. 42 . No. 61 QUART No. 60 Straight Bourbon Whlik.y. 90 Proof. THIS WHISKEY IS 4 YEARS OLD. Sch.nl.v Dlillll.r. Corp., N. Y. C. son-in-la- w SNAPSHOT GUILD SPRINGTIME PICTURES Nephi, Utah s, Nephi Social News Items Los H PT. MNf . Times-New- Thursday, May 15, ,1941 Classified Ads NOTICE OF Tax Sale No. 290. Mineral Supply Co Sec. 19 T 15 S R 1 E. S V4 of NEVi of SWH of NW54; 4 of SEVi of SWVi of NWVi 10 ac. FOR SALE Remington Portable TYPERWRITER, Practically new. Tax Sale No. 321. W. J. Sherwood Mr. and Mrs. Loye Rice and fam- $30.00 The Commercial Bank of Sec. 34 14 S 1 W. Beg at NE cor. ily spent Sunday in Price. Nephi. of SEVi of sec th. W 80 rd S 40 rd E 80 rd N 40 rd to beg. 20 Mrs. Annie E. Garrett is visiting WHEREAS, Juab County has ac. Sec. 34, Twp. 14 S., R. 1 W. with relatives in Bountiful, Utah,. FOR SALE Seed Potatoes and received tax deeds for the real esField Corn. Phone 369R2, or tate Tax Sale No. 352. Henry Nolan Mrs. S. G. Ord was a Salt Lake Seed hereinafter described, which see Merl McPherson. SV& said real estate has been hereto- care of Security Title Co. City visitor last week-enfore sold to said County for delin- of SEVi of S. E. Vi of Sec. 13, T Miss Beth Davis of Salt Lake FOR RENT 5 room modern quent taxes for the year 1936, 15 S., R 2 W. 20 ac. City visited Sunday with her par- apartment (heat and hot water) and the time provided by Law for Tax Sale No. 353. R J. ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Davis. Newly decorated. Mrs. Lee Bailey. redeeming said real estate from Sec. 15 T 15 S. R. 2 W. Bryant. Int. tax such sales has expired; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lunt and SWVi of SW14 40 ac. children, Milton, Oneita, and Far-rNOW THEREFORE, notice is FOR SALE Kitchen Cabinet and Tax Sale 354. J Bryant D. were in Salt Lake City over Taylor-To- t Push Cart. Mrs. Leo hereby given that on Saturday, the Sec. 21 T 15No.S., R 2R,W." Vi int. the week end. 31st day of May, 1941, at ten o'clock Ingram. A. M. at the front door of the NEVi of NE1 40 ac. Miss Minnie Howard of Delta, County Courthouse in Nephi, Juab Tax Sale No. 357. R J. Bryant with her parspent the week-en- d WANTED De- County, Utah, I will offer for sale Local man. 22, T. 15 S., R. 2 W. Vi Int. Mr. Mrs. ents, and George E. How- pendable with car who can get at public auction and sell to the Sec. N Vi of NWVi. 80 ac ard. by on $30.00 to start with. Write highest bidder for cash pursuant to Tax Sale No. 358. W. E. Snader. Mrs. Forrest S. Glazier of San 2293 South 7th East, Salt Lake City the provisions of section Revised Statutes of Utah, 1933, as Sec. 25 T 15 S. R. 2 W. Com at a Francisco .visited for three days amended, the following described pt which is S 18 deg 01 min W this week at the home of Mr. and WANTED TO BUY CHOICE real estate situate in said county 80 ft fr a ref. Stake at SEVi of Mrss. C. W. Glazier. VEAL. Call 310. and now held by it under prelimin- Kaeppler's Lot in Mills sd ref. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burton of ary tax sale. No bid for less than stake being 1778 ft. E. & 630 ft. Idaho Falls, Idaho, were guests FOR SALE Coal Range. Used the total amount of taxes, interest, N. of WVi cor. Sec. 25 th N. 71 deg Sunday at the home of his mother, 4 Months. Harlow Pexton, Phone penalty and costs which are a 59 min W. 772 ft. to a lane th Mrs. T. H. Burt6n. 119 For information and price. charge upon such real estate, will: S 19 deg. 22 min. W 365 ft to cor. be accepted. Co. rd. S. 71 deg. 59 min. E 780.6 Mrs. Unity Cappell returned to 7. Louise C. Vick- - ' ft to a pt of intersection with W'ly No. Sale Tax her home Saturday after visiting FOR RENT 3 room furnished ers. Co. Rd. N. 18 deg, 4 min E. Pt. of lot 3 blk. 13 Plat A side with relatives ni Las Vegas, Nev- apartment. Rodger Lunt . Beg. at S E cor of Lot 3 W 365 ft. to beg. 6.45 ac. ada. 4 ft N 17 rd. 20 lk. E 4 ft. Tax Sale No. 359. Preston Nib-leMr. and Mrs. Clyde Christensen FOR SALE Good irrigated S. 17 rd. 20 lk to beg. Nephi. Sec 25 T 15 S R. 2 W. Beg. 8. Tax Sale No. Anna L. Ingram N. 71 and daughter, Jaculine, visited farm. Good water right. Good locadeg. 59 min W 600 ft. fr. 1 Sunday with her parents, Mr. and tion. All in crops. Leland Bellis-to- Sowby. Lot1. Block 16 Plat A. Kaeppler cor. sd Kaeppler cor. beW of Lot Mrs. Parley Bailey of Moroni. Nephi 1957 ft S & 1748 ft.E. of NW Tax Sale No. 43. Bernard I Bale. ing cor Sec. 25 th N. 18 deg. 01 min. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horrocks and 2 Lot 5 B. of Block 19, Plat E 472.3 ft E 631.2 ft S. 18 deg. NOTICE family of Salem, spent Mother's Nephi. 01 min. W 469.4 ft. N. 71 deg. 59 45. Day at the home of Mrs. Hor- Sale No. Tax Robert S 18 deg 01 min. min. W 154 All water users who want to rock's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. All 2 21 Lot of Block Plat W 50 ft N 71ftdeg 59 min W 66 ft j change their water to other ditches Christiansen. B. Nephi. N 18 deg. 01 min W 170 ft M. or L must do no now. See Water Mas58 Tax Sale No. Evan Harris. to th N 71 deg. 59 min. W. 380 Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Davis had as ter immediately. Lots 2 and 3, Blk. 45, Plat C. ft. road M. or L. to beg. 6.73 ac. their week-en- d guest, Mrs. Davis' Nephi. nephew, Joe Olson of Glendale, Tax Sale No. 70. Victor J. StepTax Sale No. 360. Preston Nib-leCalifornia. He is attending the B. 100 AIRCRAFT MEN henson. Lot 2 Block 24, Plat A. Sec. 25 T 15 S R 2 W. Beg. Y. U. at Provo. Levan. S 71 deg. 59 min. E 80 ft from Pay all tuition after employment. Tax Sale No. 76. Cecil J. Kaeppler cor sd Kaeppler cor. beMrs. Ed. Anderson of Vale, WE PLACE YOU OR YOU PAY Schow. Lot 2 Block 2 Plat B. ing 1748 ft E and 1957 ft S-- of Oregon, spent Mother's Day at the NOTHING. WESTERN AIRCRAFT Levan. N. W. cor. Sec 25 th N. 18 deg. home of her and daugh- ENGINEERS, Inc. We take all Tax Sale No. 103. Starr Land & 1 sec E 694.8 ft E 394.31 ft S. ter, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Bean the risk. No red tape. No Dev. Co. 3 int. in S. W. of 18 deg. 1 sec. W 817.4 ft. N. 71 Jr. If you qualify you can start S. W. Vi of Sec. 28, T 10 S R. 1 deg. 59 min. W. 375 ft to beg. Mr.- and Mrs. Leland Belliston now. Small charge fop tools. 40 6.51 ac. , and family were visitors in Santa-qul- n American Citizens, 18 to 45. Write E. Tax ac Sale No. 104. Starr Land & on Mother's Day at the home Western Aircraft Engineers. Inc, Dev. Co. 3 Tax Sale No. 397. Horace MonInt. in S of S. E. of Mrs. Belliston's parents, Mr. and 807 South Flower Street, Los An Sec. 11 T 16 S. R 2 W NE 1. E. roe. Sec. R. 10 S. of T. 29, Mrs. Albert Greenhalgh. , geles. of NEVi ' 120 of NEVi ; W Tax Sale No 105, Starr Land & Dev. Co. The East of the SEU ac. and all of the West half of Sec. Tax Sale No. 400. F. M. Fisher. 3 int. 32, aflso an undivided S of NEVi in the N of the NE of said Sec. 2 of17 S. 2 W. NWVi of SESE NWVi; Sec. 32, Twp. 10 S. R. 1. E. of SWVi 200 ac. Sec 2 Tax Sale No. 106. Starr Land TVi;17NEVi S. R 2 W. and Dev. Co. NW of NWVI, Sec. 33, T. 10 S. R. 1. E. 40 ac. Victor J. Sale No. 414. Tax Tax Sale No. 119. Ernest Kay. SWVi; Sec 12, T 15 S. SWVi of of NWVi of Sec 15, T. 11 Stephensen. R. 3 W. NVi NWVi; NWVi of S. R. 1. E. 40 ac. SWVi of NWVi. Sec. 13 T. Tax Sale No. 121. Ernest Kay. SWVi; 15 S. R. 3 W. NEV4 of NEV4 of Sec. 16, T. 11 S. R. 1 E. 40 ac. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have Tax Sale No. 138. Ernest Kay. hereunto set my hand and official Sec. 21. T. 11 S. R. 1. E. NEVi seal this 28th day of April, 1940. 160 ac Priscilla Wilson (Seal) Tax 'Sale No. 149. Lona L. County Auditor, Sec. 30 11 S. 1 E. S Juab County, Utah. of beg. 25 rd. 2 lk (412.5) ft. N. Dates of Publication: May 1, 8, 15 & N 78 deg. W 1017.1 ft. fr. SE. and 22, 1941, in The Times-New- s, cor. NEV4 sec. th N 78 deg. W 797.1 Nephi, Utah. ft. N 5 deg 07 min. E 173.5 ft S. 78 deg. E. 801.9 ft. S. 6 deg. 43 NOTICE TO WATER USERS min W 172.9 ft. to beg. 3.166 ac Sec' 30 T. 11 S. R. 1 E. Warrillow Brough, Nephi, Utah, Tax Sale No. 153. William Leon filed Application No. 14201 to Vest. Sec. 34 T 11 S., R. 1 E., EV& has 0.008 sec. ft of water appropriate of SWV4 80 ac. from an unnamed (3.6 m.) g. p. Tax Sale No! 166. Evan Harris. spring located in Juab County at Sec. 29 T 12 S R 1 E. Beg. 56 a N. 34 deg. 10 min. E rds 13 lk W of NE cor. NE1 sec. 2063point ft. from the SW cor. Sec 32 th S 20 rds 17 Iks W 13 rds T. 13 S., R 2 W., SLB&M. The 12 ft. N about 1 deg. W 40 rds 29, will be diverted during the water A y n ; 5 17 Iks E 14 rds 7 ft S 20 rds to entire at the point of issuance year 0 ac. beg. 3 of the spring and conveyed by pipe Tax Sale No. 170. E. L. Sper-r- 30 ft. to troughs Sec. 31, 12 S 1 E. Com. 24 rd and there used to water 200 . "4 head 9 lk S fr NE cor of SEVi of Sec. of cattle. S.' 31 24 40 10 th rd lk Protests resisting the granting of rd W nlfiiil" Mtm&J&Z, N 40 rd E 23 rd 21 lk to beg. 6 said Application, with reasons il white-taac. 12 1 T. R S.. E. Sec. 31, The famed squirrel, to be found in America only is made in affidavit form, therfore, L. 180. No. Sale Tax E Sper-rthe Kaibab National Forest on the north rim of Grand Canyon must be filed with T. H. Humph-ery- s. 32 12 S 1 E. Com 26 National Park in the southern Utah-ArizoState Engineer, 403 State park area, is the shiest rd. 14Sec. S. cor of NW lk of SWVi of animals. But a piece of cheese was of more interest to this one Salt Lake City, Utah, with sec. S 40 rd. E 14 rd 4 lk N 40 rd Capitol, one extra copy and $1.00 filing fee than the cameraman, but not until after many successive days of W 14 rd 18 lk to beg. ac on or before June 28, 1941. sampling the delicacy placed invitingly for him at the same spot Sec. 32, Twp. 12 S. R. 1 E. T. H. HUMPHERYS, where the sunshine lighted a silven glade each afternoon- Tax Sale No. 181. Evan Harris. State Engineer Uaioa Pacific RailroW Poet. Sec. 33 T 12 S R. 1 E. SWVi of Dates of publication; May 1, 8, NEVi of sec. 40 ac. 15, 22 and 29, 1941. Tax Sale No. 195. Louise C. Vickers. Sec. 7, 13 S. 1 E. Beg. B4 rd 10 lk W & 11V4 rd. N. of PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP SE. cor. of NWVi th. W 8 rd N. NOTICES. Consult County Clerk 23 rd E 8 rd S 23 rd to beg or Respective Signers for AdditSAME POPULAR FOR 1 ac. ional Information. Sec. 7 Twp. 13 S. R. 1 E. NEWER, FINER ACCOMMODATIONS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tax Sale No. 222. Robert W. Estate of Ann M. Booth, also Chase. Sec 14 11 S 1 W. E V4 of SE'i E V4 of NEVi 160 ac. Sec. known as Ann Maria Mosley Booth, deceased. Creditors will present 14 T. 11 S. R. 1 W. Tax Sale No. 230. Roy B. Sper- - claims with vouchers to the underry. Sec. 35, 12 S. R. 1 W. Beg. signed at the office of Jensen and LAKE at 20 rd. N. of SE cor. of SEVi Jensen, lawyers at Nephi, Utah, of sec. th N. 20 rd. W 160 rd S. on or before the 25th day of June, 20 rd E 160 rd to beg. 20 ac. Sec. A. D. 1941. JOHN A. BOOTH, Administrator 35, T. 12 S. R. 1 W. A 200'000 modernization U of Estate of Ann M. Booth, also Lo-mH No. 237. Tax Sale Robert a H ZJZZrSisS. program otturet you of the Sec 6, 13 S. 1 W. Lots 5 known as Ann Maria Moslpy Booth, K-tSEV of SWVi. 135.14 ac. Sec. deceased. b,rt w,,t ' spc!ou s Dates of publication: April 24, May 6, T. 13 S. R. 1 W. room J1 ',or, ' Sa'' 1, 8 and 15, 1941. JSV1 Tax Sale No. 238. Robert lokt Cfs ntertoinment Sec. 7, T 13 S., R 1. W. ond buiineu ditricl. Four Lot 1 25.69 ac. I , Collect 10,000 Canrs Tax Sale No. 273. George Vick-erTen thousand canes were recentSec. 30, T. 14 S R. 1. E. ful food. - A for H.odquort.r. I in f JajH- ' Beg 31 rd N. & 45 rds E. of ly collected by boys of London as loun ond nghf$;ng tripi SW cor. of SVV'i th N. 32 rds gifts for the blind. Jjajj j' E 6 rds. 13 ft. S. 32 rds. W 6 0 rds 13 '4 ft to beg. 1 ac. Cock Flghtlnf Tax Sale No. 280. Delbert Bosh Cock fighting was introduced into rYi care 31 of Sec. Prter Wankifr. the Rnpani, OUTSIDE ROOMS EACH 1 11 14 S. 1 E. Beg 72 rd N fr. SW. England by cor of NWVi th N 6V4 rd E 6 W,TH TUB OR SHOWER ird S 64 rd W 6 rd to bfg. 39 sq. M. Sec. 31, T 14 S R 1 E. Tax Sale No. 285. Catherine M. Morlenspn. Sec 32 14 S. 1 E. Reg. 990 ft. S. of N E. cor of NE", of NEVi th. S. 810 ft. W. 140 ft. S. 140 f.. W 85 ft N bearing E 34 ft 573 ft. N. bearing W 34 ft. Published Every Thursday at N. 377 ft. E. 225 ft to beg. 4 22.5-16- 0 phi, Juab County, Utah. ac. Sec. 32, T. 14 S. R 1 E. Tax Sale No. 286. Catherine M. Entered at the post office at Nephi, Sec 32 T 14 S R 1 E. Utah, as second class mall matter NE'i of SEVi 40 nr. Tax Sale No. 287. Catherine M. under the act of Congress of March Mortensen. Sec. 33 T 14 S. R 1 E. NWV: N H of SWV4; Ex- A. B. GIBSON Editor, Man ager NW cor the cept following; Mil I K WATUJ... .PRESIDENT of Sec. 33 th E 14 rdBog. 9 ft S 20 rds a A HOIMAM 7 ft W 14 rds 9 ft N 20 rds 7 ft Subscription W. tOSS SUTTON, to beg. 238 sc. 12.00 per y,ar, In N-V- FINAL TAX SALE d. el 8, y. XTOW is tho time to get out your camera and picture the coming of spring one of the year's best snapshot seasons. The other seasons are fine too but springtime has a special flavor of its own . . . one that is easy to capture with your camera. New spring clothes these are material for excellent snapshots, indoors or out. Cheerful spring days, more sunshine these invite walks and hikes and drives, all of which preduce good pictures. Even the sudden showers produce opporshots tunities for human-interes- t folks scurrying for cover, the wet streets as the sun breaks out again, reflections in the bright clear puddles on sidewalks and at the curb, children making mud pits after a brisk rain, or damming up the gutter for a pond to float small boats. Indeed, picture material is everywhere. It's a grand season to be alive and outdoors, with a camera to record the things you see, and to bring them home "for keeps." In your springtime shooting, you mustn't overlook the first flowers These can be and blossoms. snapped even with inexpensive cameras. To get effective close-ups- , you simply slip a portrait attachment oa the camera lens or, for or a "plus-two'extreme close-ups- , "plus-three- " attachment lens. When lenses, you measusing these slip-oure the distance from camera to subject very carefully, to get it Just right. But the exposure 13 exactly the same as for any other shot. Reserve a section of your album for springtime snapshots and see how well you can fill it. New dress, new foliage on the trees, early gardening activities, "tidying up" outside the house and on the lawn, pointing, beating carpets, putting up the screens these are all pic- 1 n. Lo-ma- x. I y. I c son-in-la- w 2-- - 2-- XJ - to yr 1 I. n IT REMEMBER You'll have more dollars for fun . . when you travel by Santa Fe Bus ! You'll have more time for fun . . when you travel by by Santa Fe Bus! You really relax in an Santa Fe Bus! ' ,4 Travel Tips New clothe and shoes as well as the first flowers, the first trees to bloom, and general home clean-uare material for your springtime picture story. It's a chapter worth p telling In pictures. tures for the collection. Make a real picture-historof springtime as it affects your family and you'll have a group of snapshots that Is well worth while. John van Guilder See your Santa Fe Bus Agent for travel information to any point UNION BUS DEPO f Forrest Hotel, Phone 22 TRA1LWAYS BUS DEPOT Carter's Cafe, Phone 264 y PAYS TO TRADE IN NEPHI Famed White Tail Squirre 2-- 80-16- y. stock-wateri- T.--- IT SHAN'T HAPPEN HERE! y. PRICES "XSALT 24-1- CITY I ""' UTjONS 1 (Jill irHf'JyXOPlrAlO Ty&rK X ) ax 4-- lyi'&rf&fr 5"'r fitSrHrO tttl P lull 1 llfl I y. i fS jJJJi Lo-mn- x. il af?bf 40 0 56-16- J THE TIMES - NEWS Mm-tenw- WATtM,CO-MANAG- I ' 1 rtpayabl. adv.c. |