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Show EXTENSION D1V. B. Y. V It Pays Tc It Pays To Shop in Nephi Shop in Nephi Nephi, Juab County, Utah, Thursday, 'olum e 32 Will Address Graduates Seminary Graduation on Sunday Night Certificates J. Ralph Wilkins, principal of the Juab Stake Seminary, announc-39 es that graduation exercises for students of the local institution will be held Sunday evening, May 11 at 8 P. M. in the Stake Tabernacle. Prrftonr William H. Bovle of the Brigham Young Universityanais to deliver the principal address, students who. because of their high scolarships during three years of have won speaKing seminary work honors are Nelda Ann Salisbury of of Mona. Nephi and Calvin NeilsencommenceThe program for the ment fnllnwsr The Processional; Invocation, by Donna Roundy; selections, a '"Tis TTuoninff'e Hnlv Hour" and b "The West Wind, Juab high school chor- -iie Frank Wanlass director and ac- companed by Mary Marcia Sells and Lee Christison; address of welcome, Calvin Nielsen; vocal solo, Rayola Cooper; Valedictory address Nelda Ann Salisbury; piano solo, Olive Fowkes; address to the Graduates "We Reap What We Sow" Professor William H. Boyle; vocal trio, "To A Wild Rose" Mildred Cazier, Irene Malmgren and Barbara Winter; presntation of candidates for graduation, J. Ralph Wilkins; presentation of certificates, President Will L. Hoyt; vocal solo. Dona Carter; reading "White Lilacs, Marjorle Peterson; Presentation of Tributes to the Mothers of Seminary Graduates; graduation song, graduating class; benediction, Kent Linton. The following is the list of prospective graduates from the Juab Stake Seminary: y Beth Bean, Duane Belliston, ku-bBoswell, Elizabeth Beagley, Al-t- a Bird, Dona Carter, Rayola Co- -j oper, Mildred Cazier, Virginia jox, Olive Fowkes, Maureen Francom, lVTairln Hohle. Iois Halverson. Ruth Howell, Florence Jackson, Merci Jenkins, Irene Malmgren, Eliza-- ! Kent Linton, beth MacFarlane, Paul Newton. Steeling . Newton, Calvin Nielsen, Arlene Olpin, Lois Pierce Marjorie Peterson, Elaine Petty, Marie Russell, Nelda Ann Genevieve Shepherd, Salisbury, LaDean Sherwood, Zelma Sherwood, Melvina Stanley, Thays Stanley, Vaughn Summers, LaVe Warren, Darwin Williams, Barbara Winter, Lily Worwood and Donna Roundy. Boy Scouts Advance Boy Scouts from four troops presented applications for advancement in Scouting at Court of Rev7. Neldon Stan- ley of Tooop 137, Mona, applied for the Star award, and merit badges in Firemanship and Handicraft. El win Kelsey, also of Troop 137, applied for reading merit badge. From Troop 132, Max Latimer in Safety, aplied for merit badges Beef Production and- - Wood-worRamon Mangelson applied for a Life Rank and merit badges in First Aid, Public Health and Physical Development. From Troop 2131 of Explorers, Clark Memmott applied for the Silver Palm award. This is an in outstanding accomplishment of Scouting. It represents a total 36 merit badges above the ' First Class Rank. From Troop 131 James Carl War-enscame up for music, & Claude Paxman the award of Star, or Star k. kl Rank. The annual camp will be held on May 26, under the direction of Camping Chairman T. D. All Scouts are urged to Davis. attend in patrols. Various activities are being planned and each patrol is to have a part in the camp fire program. over-nig- JUAB STAKE CONFERENCE THIS Nephi Man Died At American Fork Last Friday Thirty Nine Students To Receive iew held on May Services Held For Elam Mecham ht NEPHI PEOPLE ATTEND FUNERAL AT WALES Several Nephi people attended the funeral services at Wales last Sunday for John Davis, 78, of Wales, and father of T. D. Davis of Nephi. Mr. Davis was prominent In Sanpete County for many years, In He church and civic affairs. served as bishop of the Ephraim South ward and has Tilled missions in England and in California. Recently he had been a worker In the Manti Temple. Survivors, in addition to Mr. DavMrs. is of Nephi, Is a daughter, Mary Ann Lamb of Ephraim. Maynard Bailey, son of Mr. and Mr. Gilbert Bailey of this city, and Price Allred, son of Mrs. Geneva Tolley, former resident of Nephi, are playing fine tennis this spring at Snow college, at Ephraim. The boys each won their matches at Carbon Inst week, and recently teamed at the Y Invltntipnal meet to form a formidable doubles team. May WEEK-EN- D Juab Stake conference will be held at Nephi on Saturday and Sundav. May 10 and 11, according to an announcement by the Juabj stake presidency this week. All sessions will be held at the Nephi ward chapel, which has this month been given a vigorous spring house of the cleaning under the direction of volbishopric and a small army unteer workers. A meeting for all the Priesthood of the stake will be held at 8 P. M. on Saturday evening. This meeting will divide into section meetings for the Melchizedek and Aaronic priesthood quorums, and newly developed plans for quorum activities will be discussed in these sections. A Church Welfare meeting will be held Sunday morning at 8:30, at which all Welfare leaders are exconpected to be present. General ference sessions will convene at Funeral services were conducted Tuesday afternoon in the North ward chapel for Elam Mecham, b9, who died in American Fork at the home of a son, Joseph Mecham, The services were last Friday. directed by Bishop A. E. Smith, and interment was in the City cemetery. Speakers at the services were R. P. Garrett,, Kenneth Webb, Frank Knowles and Bishop Smith. Prayers were given by A. J. Gow-eand N. A. Nielson, with the Wm. H. Boyle of B. Y. U. who will dedication of the grave by A. E. Sells. address Seminary Graduates. Musical selections included a trio with Ralph Barnes, Elgin Garrett and Eugene Beck participating, a vocal duet, L. P. Anderson and 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. on Sunday. Music for the general sessions Mabel Anderson; piano solo, Rita Sperry; and a double duet, Emma will be furnished by the South Cannon, Florence Wilson, Marjor- Ward Choir under the leadership ie Boswell and Alice Sudweeks, and of Mrs. E. G. Pyper. The Sunday a quartet selection. evening session will be devoted to Mr. Mecham was born in Ne- the graduation exercises of the directphi January 11, 1872, a son of Elun Stake Seminary under the and Clarissa Skinner Meoham. He ion of Principal Ralph Wilkins and Funeral services were conducted resided in Nephi the majority of Raymond T. Bailey. last Monday in the South ward his life. Mr. Mecham had married three chapel for Lizzie Painter Park, 71, widow of William Park, who died times. His first wife was Elizamorn at her home here Saturday beth Woodbury of St. George. ing following a lingering illness. After her death he married Ruby of The services were in charge Allen who died many years ago. Bishop P. B. Cowan, and speakers Later he married Josephine Cros were Mrs. Lloyd Hobbs of the by of Nephi, who died in 1926. South ward Relief Society, Isaac H. Mr. Mecham had been engaged Grace, and Joseph H. Greenhalgh, in mining and farming, and from with closing remarks given by Bis- 1920 to 1938 he served as custodian hop Cowan. The musical numbers of the Juab county court house. The Juab School District has arwere a duet, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. He was a member of the Church ranged preschool health conferenBarnes, a vocal solo, Mrs. Louise and was active in the elders quor- ces for the children in this district. Pyper, and a vocal duet, Mrs. W. um. It is to be hoped that all mothers W. Stephenson and Mrs. Rue GolHe is survived by four sons, Jos- with children who are to enter the den. American Fork; first grade this fall for the first eph E. Mecham of The opening prayer was offered W. A. Mecham and David Mecham time will visit the conference by Leonard Linton, and the closing of Watts, California, and Jack Mec- and have their child examined by prayer by Wilford Belliston. The ham of Los 'Angeles; two daugh- the attending physican. grave in the Vine Bluff cemetery ters, Jessie Mecham of Nephi and The school board is anxious that was dedicated by Clarence Paxman. Clarissa Mecham of Tuscin, Ariz- all new first graders for the com' Mrs. Park was born in Coventry ona, and six grandchildren. ing year have a health examinEngland, May 4, 1860, and came to ation before entering Ichool, - so Utah. while a young woman. that the parents will have an op- Survivors include the following: to have remidical defects punity sons and daughters: Theodore and Deiore scnooi starts in correctea Wallace Park of Nephi, Mrs. Ruby The school board has fall. the Williams of Kaysville, Mrs. Etta for ; the conferences to arranged CalifCowan of North Hollywood, care for this examination and hope ornia and Mrs. Evelyn Fullmer of that all parents will cooperate with nine McMinnville, Oregon; grand us and bring their children to the and broth the children, following conference, or have their children ers and sisters: Mrs. Samuel P. examined by their own family and Painter John Nielsen, Henry D. Pexton, life long res- physican at their own convenience. James Mrs. Etta Painter, Nephi; Phillips J. Earl Reid, President on and James Painter, Salt Lake, and ident of Nephi will be honoredwith Board of Education 84th his anniversary, birthday or Dixon Provo. May open house on Saturday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. T. H. Burton. Friends are invited to call All first grade children who are between 3 and 6 P. M. Saturday. starting to school for the first time Mr. Pexton, born at Nephi May this fall are eligible for a health 9, 1857, was the son of James and examination at) the conferences Hannah Parrott Pexton, Utah Pio- sponsored by the school board and neers of 1853. He spent his early the State Board of Health. Appoint freighting from York, then the ments will be sent to parents for Misses Grace Powell, Erda Gob' life end of the railroad, to points in examinations. le and Betty Cowan were visitors Cniifhorn TTtnh onH In NAvndn. In All preschool children between in Goshen last Thursday. addition to freighing, Mr. Pexton the ages of six months and six years are eligible for small pox Mrs. Verda Cloward of Oakland, followed railroading as an a, number of years, and vaccination and diphtheria immunis visiting this week with ! w&s a blacksmith in Nephi for some ization through the courtesy of the Mrs Ruth Gowers time. He also followed farming Juab school district and the State Tom Hall, a student at the Utah and stockralsing. Board of Health. State Agricultural college, visited He married Mary Ellen Grow in Mona will be given an opportunat the home of his parents, Mr. the Old Endowment house July 18, ity later for this same service. and Mrs. John C. Hall. 1876, and during the summer of Conference schedule: 1876, he worked as a stone cutter, Levan, Wednesday, May 14, RelMrs. Bernell Lunt spent Saturcutting the massive stones used in ief Society hall. day in Salt Lake City where she the construction of the Salt Lake Nephi, Thursday, May 15, Monvisited with her sister, Mrs. Mary Henry day May 19, and Tuesday May 20 at Temple. His father-in-laShaver. Grow, designed the roof of the Salt the Central school. Levan Mrs. Roy Naef and two sons of Lake Tabernacle. Wednesday May 28. Eureka visited at the home of Mr. Mr. Pexton served for 13 years and Mrs. Henry Painter over the in the bishopric of the Nephi North week end. ward, being counselor to T. H. G. TESTS TO BE GIVEN a high Mrs. Loye Rice had as her visit- Parkes. in He wasandordained has taken an HERE NEXT WEEK FOR 1891, ors last Thursday, Mrs. C. R. An- priest active part in church work since derson and two children, and Mrs. his early youth. He served as a AIRCRAFT WORKERS Lis Hackley. ward teacher in Nephi ward for W. 1 Mildenall, manager of Warren O'Gara, a student of the many years, and acted as advisor to Utah State Agricultural college, to the lesser priesthood members of the Provo office of the UtahinState Newas a week end visitor at the home the Nephi ward in sacramental ser- Employment office, will be phi Monday, May 12, to conduct of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. vice. M. O'Gara. Mrs. Pexton died In 1937. His tests for aircraft trainees for one larger aircraft manufacturfamily Includes four daughters: of the Glenn Pratt of the B. Y.U. and Mrs. In California. concerns ing BurMrs. Kate Burton. May Howard Pratt of the University of Men for testing must acceptable of Mrs. ton, Nephi. Lilly Wright Utah spent last week end at the and Mrs. Eva 14 have had at least two years of high of Jones, Murray; home of their parents, Mr and school education and be within the grandchildren and 12 great grand- age Mrs. Wilford Pratt range of 18 to 40 years. They children. must be able to go to California Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Bracken and and be in a position to maintain daughters DonNell and Alice of themselves for a period of three Man Mr. Gets and Mrs. Miller Logan, Angus Nephi Young weeks training and two weeks of Eureka, Mrs. Alice Miller and after employment before their first Mrs. Susanna Goldsbrough were Honor University "We figure that remuneration. dinner guests on Sunday of last This "$75.00 will be required to paper is in receipt of report about week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. that Eks Ayn Anderson, senior cover all expenses until the first George Duckworth. law student at the University of pay day, as they must have $10 Miss Ruby Painter, former res- Utah, has been elected to the Phi for tools, fare to California, and ident of Nephi, is a member of the Kappa Phi. The notice embodying living expenses during their trainShamrock - Footprinters Bowling the information of of his election ing period of three weeks, and then team which will appear in the is as follows: "In recognition of an additional two weeks before the Women's International Bowling your distinguished scholasitle rec first pay day. beBoard and room are about $8.00 per reported to Congress at Los Angeles May, 15 ord at the University of Utah, you week in that vicinity," Mr. Mllden-ha- ll to June 15. Miss Painter's picture have been elected to membership appeared In a Salt Lake newspaper in Phi Kappa Phi, national hon- this said, in a recent letter to newspaper. society." recently with the other four mem- orary scholastic Applicants must pass physical Eks Ayn Is the son of Attorney bers of the team. and Mrs. P. N. Anderson of this examinations before leaving and The Book Lore Club met April 26 city, and will be graduated from have a birth certificate to show at the home of Mrs. Irma Peterson. the University of Utah Law school at the plant. Mrs. Ora Morgan gave a paper on this spring. He has had an enviable "Brazil". Refreshments were ser- record wihle at the school. ved to Nellie Ockey, Ethylene Former Nephite Dies The Clever Stitchers club met at Braithwalte, Lucy Boswell; Thelma Christ ensen; Marjorie Boswell, Lu- the home of Miss Myrtle Bailey on Edward J. Wright, a former resicy Sanders, Lucille Gadd, Felma Thursday evening. Refreshments dent of Nephi, dfod Tuesday in Louise were Chase, Marjorie Morgan, served to the following girls: Rharlo, Montana. His wife Is Alice Helen Warner Wright, and both will be Ora Fern Downs, Nelda Ord, Leavitt, Donna Christison, Morgan and the hostess, Irma Warren, Mae Daniels, Donna Chap- remembered by many Nephi man and the hostess, Myrtle Bailey. rs Services Held For Mrs. Lizzie Painter Park Pre School Children To Be Examined . J. D. Pexton To Be Honored On Birthdate Local and Social News occupa-Californ- "n At ia 8, 1941 Number Call For Mass Meeting To Consider Proposal For Anniversary Celebration 19 Veterans of Foreign Wars Sponsor Play Local Cast To Give Three Act Play Thursday, Friday WHEREAS, the year 1941 will mark the ninetieth anniversary of the first settlement of Nephi, and WHEREAS only one of the original company of settlers and but few of those who thereafter settled at Nephi prior to the coming of the railroad now remain with us; and WHEREAS it seems fitting that consideration should be given to the holding of an appropriate celebration in honor of the sturdy pioneers who founded this pleasant city of Nephi in which we now reside, NOW THEREFORE a mass meeting of the citizens of Nephi is hereby called to be held at the Nephi City Hall on Tuesday evening, May 13, 1941 at 8 P. M. to consider and vote upon the following propositions : 1. Shall we have a Nephi Homecoming celebration this year to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the settlement of Nephi and pay tribute to its early pioneers ? 2. Shall such celebration be held in connection with the Ute Stampede, or the Juab County Fair or at some other time ? 3. Shall we choose a General Arrangements Committee with power to act and to make necessary "Bubbling Over" a hilarious college comedy sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars is to be presented at the South ward Amusement Hall on Thursday and Friday nights, May 15 and 16. "We Apologize Mr. Allen.- We beg your pardon, Major Bowes" and so we do because Nephi is presenting their own amateur nights. Amateur nights have proA recent ven most sensational. radio poll shows that the most popular programs on the air are Amateur nights. Thus the Veterans of Foreign Wars decided to offer their own amateur nights with their own talent. "Bubbling Over" is truly an amateur night, for in addition to a gay three act college comedy there are choruses in costume, singing, dancing, and specialty numbers. The main parts are portrayed as follows: y Bob Preston, a college boy is played by George Beckstead. Carol Doran, a college girl who plans to marry Bob if she can keep him out of trouble long enough to graduate, is played Beverly Booth. Bruce Brandon, by arrangements ? Bob's best friend and co plotter is Kenneth Pexton. Judy Tilden, the All civic and church organizations are asked to peppiest girl on the campus Is playhave representatives present at this meeting, and all Cowan. Elmer ed by Marjorie Potts, a shy gawky freshman, Ducitizens are urged to attend and give voice to their ane Belliston. Priscilla Taylor, anviews on these propositions. other student and what a student Joyce Tew. Professor WashDated this 7th day of May, 1941. ington Wellington Watts, the eccentric Dresident of the college, Dr. P. h. Jones, Grant Sperry; Miss Lively, his Mayor sweetheart of 25 years ago, Mrs. Grant Sperry; Mrs. Maxwell, the Irish housekeeper, Mrs. Jtxma I, Miss Doolittle, a domineer SERVICES Starts FUNERAL Campaign Group ing old maid school teacner, wvon Harris. HELD SUNDAY FOR Aq ainst Use Of In addition to the clever lines, the Tobacco by Minors hilarious situations and the enterWALTER K. SMITH taining plot, there are - musical Juab Stake'vis this week launch- ' 'Services for Walter" K.' Smith nurmWs, tuneful tunes and chorusshow. ing a drive against the purchase were conducted in the North ward es galore throughout the and use of cigarettes by minors. chapel last Sunday, with Bishop A. It's great fun and it's two hours committee E. Smith in charge. Speakers were of the grandest entertainment you The of the stake and wards will unite wnh H. Greenhaleh. R. P. Gar have ever seen. in a publicity campaign calling at- rett, A. J. Gowers and P. N. Ander- Veterans of Foreign Wars tention to the Utah statutes which ann. Musical selections consisicu Publicity Committee. prohibit under severe penalties the rtt a fanner. Double Mixed quartet; dusale of cigarettes or tobacco to vocal solo, Roene Eigler; vocal persons under 21 years of age. The et, L. P. Anderson and Mabel An- Ward Chapel Gets following placard is being printed derson. The invocation was given for use in this campaign: by A. E. Sells, and the benediction Thorough Cleaning "IT IS UNLAWFUL TO SELL by Henry Garrett, with the dedica Members of the Nephi ward who CIGARETTES OR TOBACCO TO tion of the grave Dy rraiuum r. attended church services in the MINORS! Greenhalgh. ward chapel Sunday were surprised "The laws of Utah prohibit the to see that the historic old edifice tobor of or sale giving cigarettes g had been given a vigorous acco to persons under 21 years of was resplendent with and cigareuse to ol age, and prohibit the new ivory tinted vaisomme in piac tte-vending machines accessible of the deep gray which has long to minors. It is also unlawful to made the inside of the chapel look a to a minor frequent place permit like a Pittsburg sunset in winter of business while using tobacco. of a London blackout in wartime. or MagFrank Mrs. Heminway "Violation of the law is punishhome Alma C. Tranter made a the at here Bishop is na visiting or able by fine or imprisonment of her brother in law and sister, call for help from ward members padlocking. to renovate the chapel, known for Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mangelson. "We believe in upholding the Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Wankier years as the Juab Stake Tabera consider law. spent Thursday of last week In nacle, and in response able company of men, women ana "Persons under 21 are requested Provo. with armed themselves not to ask for cigarettes or tobacco Mrs. Inez Sorbe, Alvln and Jay boys and are asked to refrain from Stephensen and Mrs. Eva Gusin of brooms, brushes, and scruDDing smoking in this place of business." Nephi visited in Provo last Thurs- scouring, soaping and solvent tosoluao All merchants selling tobacco day with their sister, Myrtle Step- tions and marched rortn battle with the winter's accumulawill be asked to display a copy of hensen. Mrs. Grant England of Tooele tion of smoke and grime. this placard in their places of buspowered with masculiness. It is believed that they was a visitor last week here at This army, and feminine finess, and muscle ine Mr. camof her home parents, this the will welcome publicity soon uncovered pleasing colors and Hyrum Winter. paign and that they will be willing Mrs. n Mr. and Mrs. Preston Christen-se- tints which the younger members to cooperate by advertising the motored to Fayette last Fri- of the ward scarcely realized were not sell will fact that they cigar in their meeting house. to tobacco minors. or e.ttes day. They visited with Mr. and to be found Seats, benches pillars, windows and Mrs. Antone Christensen Mr. and Mrs. Alma Winter and doors were treated to such a soapnot Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pay spent ing and scouring as they hadTired years. known for many in Salt Lake City. Daughtes of Pioneers To last Saturday Mr. ana Mrs. Reed Poulson and workers who straggled home near Meet at Richardson home family of Salt Lake City viisted on midnight Saturday felt well repaid and Sunday with relatives the following morning upon hearSaturday Daughters of the Utah Pioneers, here. ing the surprised comment of ward Salt Creek camp, will meet on Mon. Dan Mortensen members who had not taken part Mrs. Mr. and May 12 at the home of Captain were guests over the week end In the Saturday labors. Lila Richardson. "Some May Call It with Mr. and Mux. H, C Morten-soFolk Lore" the lesson, will be discussed by Edyth Beckstead. The Mr. and Mrs. Oral Bosh announce Team Downs biography of her grandparents, and the arrival of a baby girl on Sun- Nephi of her father, Isaac Gadd, will be day. May 4th. Payson Wednesday discussed by Mabel Gadd Kirk of Mr. and Mrs. Clem Wankier anProvo. Election will be held and nounce the birth of their first The Nephi Wasps took a step refreshments served. All members child, a daughter, on May 2. nearer the region three baseball in of the camp are requested to be Mrs. Myrtle Williams left Tues- title here Wednesday by adminis12-- 8 attendance. beating to Payson. day nleht for San Diego, where tering a runs she will visit with her husband, The winners scored all their in the first five innings, and were who Is very 111. Dies In Oasis Arlin Stepensen was taken to the behind only In the first two. most Glen Belliston, who handled Utah Valley hospital where he has Andrew Skeem, 79. undergone an operation for appen- of the pitching for Nephi, tossed a OASIS died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. dicitis. fine game, striking out eight and Peter Skeem at Oasis Monday. Lewis Anderson of Manti spent issuing no walks. Glen also hit two He was born in Denmark, and a few days of last week here with for four. came to Utah with Ms parents in his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Ken Sperry led the Wasps at the He married Martlne Jen Anderson. 1880. plate with two doubles In three sen January 2, 1894 at Nephi. The Mr. and Mrs. Vem Mangelson of trips. Maynard Wankier sparkled couole had two sons, Niels Skeem and Mrs. Lorenzo Stevens of at first base for Nephi and also Powell and Lant of who was killed In the World WariH0Men appnt Monday and Tues hit twlew. and Vern Skeem of San Francisco. day In Salt Lake City with Mr. and Pavson each connected for three hits. Mrs. Marion Brown. Mrs. James Christensen and son Gordon Wood, formerly of Nephi Homer spent Monday in Provo. Attending Convention Mrs. Is a member of the Ken Garff Joseph Wankier and son. WanStudebaker dealer bowling team of R. Elgin Gardner, recently ap- Louise Shepherd and LaMont of Salt Lake City which Is this week Foot pointed Juab County Clerk, and kier, and Mrs. Ernest participating In fne bowling tourSheriff Hebcr Mellor of Eureka are Nophl spent Monday In Provo. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Morten- - nament being held at St. Paul, in leaving Salt Lake City Friday in According to an article was company with other county offic- sen of Salt Lake City spent the Minn. newspaper. "Dode" ers of Utah for a good will trip week end at the homes of Bishop a Salt Lake man of the three Salt to Louisville, Ky. The entire group and Mrs. E. P. Peterson ana Mr. high point Lske Teams, with a 547 series In will attend the national association and Mrs. O. S. AagardM rwn R iiti. i th nlav Tuesday. t rM...,. of County officials convention in Gordon is a son of Mrs. Dennis the Kentucky city. They expect to day with her sister, Mrs. J. L. ' Wood of this city. here. and Francom two in weeks. return family happy-go-luck- cou-wlnkl- e; Levan Local- News Items nouse-cleanin- n. n. |