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Show THE Thursday, May 1, 1941 Drunk Asks Bootlegger's Why Salt Makes Tlirist excess of salt makes a person thirsty because once the natural proportion of salt in the body is exceeded, it is necessary to drink water to restore the correct percentage. Nature calls this to the body's attention by creating thrist. An Page Seven TTPS , Police, receiving an urgent summons for help in Ableville, S. C, rushed to the spot mentioned by the telephone caller. Thera a slightly tipsy fellow demanded the arrest of a bootlegger for charging too much for his wares. -- ' r Ben Ames WitUAMS CHAPTER XV Continued 16 Speak English Tongue George caught her to him, held her Liberians, inhabitants of Liberia, close, the thin muscles in his arms over of a with Africa, population tightening in nervous spasms. 1,000,000, speak the English tongue. Then George freed himself and stood erect again and turned to New Insulating Plaster S. S. America Largest Ship Richard, while he still held Mary's arm like an owner in possession. He There is now available an Insulat- spoke haltingly. The largest ship ever built in an "I'm sorry, Cap'n Corr," he said. American shipyard entered the Gold' ing plaster developed to meet the was wrong." He coughed twice. "I en Gate just before sunrise on Feb demands of modern construction for must lie down," she said. "You an efficient and inexpensive mate- "I'll tuck ruary 14, completing her maiden you in. You're cold and cold New rial insulation for between heat, against voyage sick and tired." York and San Francisco. She is the and sound. It is used in place of "Come." He tugged at her. "I'm majestic S. S. America, flagship of regular plaster on walls and ceiling not tired. I'm strong now, Mary." the United States Lines. Eight hun and costs only a little more. It The cabin was small, with high dred passengers were aboard. The bonds securely to any plaster base bunk against the ship's side, a lockfast at one end, drawers beneath ship is 723 feet long, has a gross ton' and may be applied over old or finnage of 26,454 tons and cost $17,' ished surfaces. When applied to the the bunk, a seat and a drop-des- k where his Bible and his two or three 500,000. She is equipped with every proper thickness, this material prosafety device known to modern sci- hibits the passage of unwanted other books lay. George shut the door and turned to her and caught even the lifeboats are noises through walls and ceilings. ence her hands and whispered hoarsely: equipped with short wave radio sets "You do love me, Mary?" Dusk Is Danger Period and her appointments are the last word in luxury. She said mechanically: "Of course At dusk, when objects are hard I do." to distinguish and lights don't help, He threw up bis head, half laugh President Almost Impeached President Andrew Johnson came is one of the most dangerous times ing. "There's no 'of course' about it!" he cried. "I know you do, now; within one vote of being impeached. on the highway. but I never knew what it meant before, Mary. I love you too, today. Monoxide Fume Protection Water Precious as Gold Almost as precious as gold is wa- I always have, without knowing it. I love you, Mary." Car windows should be open at ter at Luberitzbucht in southwestern "I know you do. George dearl I secof the driest world's one Africa, least .an inch or two, even in the know you do!" water tions. For bathing purposes, Carbon monox coldest weather. Then George began to cough ide sometimes collects in closed is rented, not sold, at 25 cents a and had to release her; and cars and menaces the driver. Car gallon. And after it's been used in again, she stood, watching him as remotebon monoxide can make you drowsy a bath, it's then sprinkled on the ly as she watched herself, thinking and fatigued and in extreme cases few plants that can be grown in that how little he was, and thin, and climate. cause death. Don't give it a chance. blistering weak, and frail. Fresh air will protect you. He coughed and coughed, An exhaustive study as to when on the bunk, clinging to the men the world's have outstanding on MayBower Flag edge of It behind him with both been shows mental at their peak .The flag flown by the Mayflower trying to stand, till he bewriters of the best short stories hands, gan to bow forward; and she realwa3 the Union Jack or King's Colors whacked them out between the ages ized that he was slipping down, lowadopted by the British government 34. er and lower. Then suddenly he was in 1606. This flag bears the red of 30 and a sprawled heap, all legs and thin cross of Sant George, superimposed arms in a coat too big for him on Weight Rhythm Ancross of white Saint the upon the floor at her feet Johns Hopkins university sciendrews, the whole on a dark blue She was strong enough to lift him, tists find that about 50 per cent of field. all women gain two pounds during with what help he could give, into the bunk; and to wipe his stained one week in each month. This temIlluminated House Numbers is related to lips gently, and to loose his garincrease weight porary Illuminated house numbers are ments and take off his shoes and hormone activity. being used to solve the problem of cover him. She brought blankets a for porch light burning leaving from her own bed to warm him; be can installed guests. They easily, but when she felt his body under the are inexpensive and can be left blankets he was cold, cold, cold. LISTEN TO . . . on most of the time at small cost, as Sometime, minutes later or hours they use very little electricity. later, Peter came down to speak to BAUKHAGE her. He stood in the doorway, asked Recapped Tires The Natl Farm & Home Hour warily: "What happened?" The surface of a recapped tire is "George is sick." 10:30 each morning, "What happened to him?" smoothed by buffing and new rubber Monday through Friday is applied. The retreaded tire has "Nothing. I think he caught cold. He started coughing." the tread and rubber removed alLake Salt KUTA, "Anything upset him?" most down to the fabric which is " at 570 KC "No, no. He's just sick, Peter." then Duilt up with new rubber and KIDO, Boise Peter said, watching her narrowvulcanized. at 1380 KC ly: "Dick's gone crazy I" She looked and up at him in quick concern. "Crazy Game First(Intercollegiate other NBC Blue Network Stations as a coot," he said, in a fretful The first intercollegiate football anger. "He came on deck and piled in 1858 was between game played every stitch on her. He just said Princeton and Rutgers. he was in a hurry to get home." Lacrosse Oldest Game Richard did not come below for The oldest game played on the Diamonds Mined Some few diamonds have been North American continent is la- dinner or for supper. mined in the United States. These crosse. CHAPTER XVI mines were in Arkansas. to Allegiance Flag Mary stayed beside George's bunk The American pledge of allegiCharacters in Chinese night She thought the moThere are approximately 50,000 ance to the Flag was written by all that tion of the ship had eased. There characters in the Chinese language. Francis Bellamy. was no longer much roll. Once next day Mary went up the companion-way- . She saw, standing somewhat sheltered by the companion, that the great seas astern were forever about to overtake them. Solid water piled up behind them higher and higher, seemed to hang above them for a while, moving nearer and nearSALT LAKE HOTELS n er, till its crest broke into foam, and the mass subsided. HOTEL BEN LOMOND Nlca quiet rooms at fl.s Well Famished, ctoae to Terythinr. Coffee 8hop. Garage. There were two men at the wheel, NEW GRAND HOTEL. 4th Sooth and Main. Peter came to fighting it hard. OGDEN, UTAH Richard's side and shouted someHOTELS thing; but Richard, staring stonily ahead, did not even nod. Peter When In RENO. NEVADA atop at the Rene's largest ana HOTEL GOLDEN turned to the companion, and Mary moat popular heteL backed down into the cabin with him following. GLASSES REPAIRED He said, hoarse with panic: "He's Glassee eost about half aa much when yon crazy, I tell you." bur direct from OPTICAL LABORATORIES She saw that he was shaking with S52 South Main. Salt Lake simple fear; but she was not afraid. No emotion could touch her now. TRUSSES FITTED She went in to George, to sit beBelta, Elastic Stockings, Cru tehee and Brum. side him, holding his hand. He would Extension Shoe. Arch Supports, etc. be better when the sun shone again Artificial Limb Co.. 135 W. 8rd So., Salt Lake and they - were all warm. She thought she had been cold for weeks, BUS TO LOS ANGELES could not remember when she had IS Rooms IS Baths . It. to $4.(1 t7.S with Free Meala not been stiff with cold. Time Family Rooms for 4 peraenaa f 4. By way of Ely. Las Venae Air Cooled Lranse and Lobby passed. At intervals, Peter or Mat Pany Eiprcsa Btatea. 4 E. ind Ha., Rah Lake Grill Reoia Coffee Shop Tap Room Forbes came below for a brief moHorn of ment of rest in their cabin across OFFICE EQUIPMENT Kiwanhv Eieentlvea Rotary from George's. The lamps were Eirhanee Optimists NEW AND USKD aeaes and ens Irs. plea Chamber e' Cammerre and Ad Club lighted day and night swinging and typewriters, addinc men's, safee, EX- flaring crazily; but night ran into li W. Broadway. Bait Hotel Ben Lomond day without division. OGDEN. UTAH She thought of Richard, never WHEN IN SALT LAKE Came aa yoa are . the deck, his face set like leaving T. B. fltsirereld. Mir. The beat food In Salt Lake Is aarved by staring ahead yet seeing granite, The CAFB. nothing, forcing the ship along this at 1M South Main POPULAR PRICED Luncheons. Dinners and Sandwtchee road that might have death at the Week Nex. 411 WNU SALT LAKE end like a man fleeing blindly from something dreadful. She knew what It was from which be fled. Her thoughts kept him company, hovered over him, wished she might In Truck Loads or Carloads comfort him, while the tortured Venturer drove on and on. Disaster struck them in that hour between midnight and dawn when Writ or Wir men are at low ebb. COLORADO ANIMAL COMPANY For it was then a sea overtook the 46J SOUTH 3RD WHST Venturer, solid water like a wall, so SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH nigh that it becalmed the fore or their nearttt branch looted ft course; and before the topsails could OGDfN SPANISH FORK HESEft CITY LOGAN 1 lift her it came aboard over the 7l Also buyers of Hides, Pelts, Furs and Wool stern The mats of It boiled through to1 Vhe after HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID ALWAYS house; the stern wa pressed down by the weight and the ship's way checked. . Then, as the turn rote the water twirled Budget budget is a plan by which you worry about expenditures before you make them, rather than afterwards. half-sittin- g wind-drive- : I If ll "i-J- R DRY BONES HIGHEST PRICES PAID - NEPHI. UTAH Aned A WANTED TIMES-NEW- - - " 1 1 and eddied about the decks like a school of fish meshed in a net trying this way and that to be free. It tore out bulwarks here and there. It ripped one of the boats from the gripes and left it hanging stern down against the ship's side, battering to splinters there. When that sea caught them. Mat Forbes and Gibbons were at the wheel together, but Gibbons was torn away by the solid water and flung forward head overheels. One of his booted feet smashed through a pane in the skylight; and his foot in the hole it had made and held his Mat body hanging head down. Forbes held to the wheel. Richard and Peter were saved by the lifelines to which they clung; and the watch on deck forward had warning enough to give them time to grab at band-hold- s. j.TU either." He peered off across the water through narrowed eyes. George, looking at the green slopes rising from the water, the brown-flanke- d mountains to the east said: "It's aU forest isn't it?" Isaiah shook his head. "That's tussock grass you're looking at It feet tall, and from grows here it looks like trees for a fact but it ain't There ain't no trees to mention. Just vines and bushes. ' Corkran stopped for a moment and spoke to George. "Reverence, you'll be needing sun on you, and warm days again to set you right." "I'll be fine, yes," George assented. "Caught a little cold, that's all; started me coughing again." Mary, watching Corkran, saw the solicitude in his eyes. Then he turned to her, cheerful, smiling boldly. "Himself here, you and the sun are the medicine he needs," he said. "He has you, anyway." She felt as she often did with Corkran something unspoken pass between him and her; the thought incredulously that somehow he had guessed her secret and Richard's which George must never know. "He'll always have me," she said simply. "AU of me. All my life." Her eyes met Corkran' fairly. "Aye," he said. "You're fine." Mat Forbes summoned him. George looked after the sailor as he moved away. "You know, Mary, Corkran likes ten-twel- As the stern lifted, Richard leaped through water that was still knee deep to help Mat with his one good arm. The Venturer had begun to broach to, but the foretopmast staysail helped pay her oft; and they held her. The splitting crack when the foretopmast broke a foot above the cap warned Richard what was happening forward. The stick, as it fell caught Eddie Few a sidewise crack that stunned him or killed him outright. He slid overboard as the great sea, sullenly relinquishing the attack, drew off from the decks of the Venturer. Gibbons freed himself from the skylight and, heedless of his lacerated leg, returned to duty at the me." wheel. Richard kept the wheel with "I know." him, and since Peter was useless he "I think he's the first man who ever liked me." Her hand lay in his arm. "I value his liking me; and yet by all the tests I know, he's a graceless, sinful man." He smiled at himself, at his own inconsistency. At dinner next day Richard said they would be ready to depart by evening if the wind served. "We might have to wait" he admitted. "It'll need to come some easterly to help us out of the Bay." He was sending both the remaining boats ashore to fill the casks from a pond the men had found not far from the beach; and he and Peter would take one of the guns from the cabin to try for geese as an addition to their stores. When a little later the boats were gone, the Venturer was almost deserted. Mary became conscious as the afternoon drew on of a change in the wind, and looked out through the small square window above the bunk and saw that the ship had swung so that the southern shores of the bay instead of the northern were now on that starboard side. Richard had said an easterly wind would favor their departure from "Mary Richard's dead, Hoakes Bay, and she thought with sent Mat Forbes to clear the wreck- a lift of spirits that they would deage forward. Holding a precarious part tonight as soon as the boats footing against the pressure of the returned. When after a while she screaming wind. Mat cut away the heard the first boat bump the ship's topgallantmast and let it go over- side, something in her quickened. side; and under his driving, men She would be glad to be away, glad secured the fragment of the topmast to come north out of this rotting cold to stop its banging, and caught the and be warm again. tangled web of rigging and conShe heard feet on deck, and listrolled it with many lashings. The tened for Richard's voice. She reefed foresail began to draw again, heard Peter giving orders; then the they got other useful rags of canvas creak of the windlass as the first on her; and an hour after that great cask of water was swung aboard. sea, Richard went below to reassure Someone came down the compan Mary, he had the Venturer in hand. ion into the after cabin, and she In that hour the gale, having done thought it was Richard, and won its worst for their destruction, had dered whether be would come to the somewhat relented. The pressure door here to speak to them. of the wind began to ease, and beRichard was comuig into the main fore daylight though the seas still cabin passing the head of the were mountainous, the immediate table. now, She heard his steps, and danger was over. the door and saw not Later that day they dropped an- looked through but Peter. Peter went into chor in a large bay which Peter Richard which he and Mat Forbes Identified as Hoakes Bay. Here Rich- the cabinand after a minute 'or two shared; ard planned to repair the Venturer. he came out with his arms full of Next morning after breakfast was his belongings and carried them served, Richard was asleep, and Pethrough the door into the common ter did not wake him. "We're bet- room aft Into Richard's cabin! ter off if he stays asleep," he said She stared after him and her heart harshly. "He'll wreck us before he's through. He's crazy I" Weariness began to pound. She rose, and was on them all, crushing them; and George waked and asked quickly "What is it Mary? Don't leave after they had eaten, and after Mary had warmed George's bed with hot me." water in the jugs again, they all She nodded in submission, yet she slept It was midafternoon before stood In the door, waiting for Peter Richard roused, and waked others, to appear again. Why was he in and the work of repairing damage Richard's cabin? She could hear the sounds of his movement there. began. They lay three days in Hoakes She began to tremble, not now with Bay; and most of the time the wind cold. She wished to call to Peter, held steady and boisterously strong, and her lips were dry and her throat and the cold ate into them deaden ached. Then he appeared. ingly. But on the second day the He did not speak. She forced sun shone fitfully between spats of herself to do so. She asked: rain; and when George saw the sun ; "Peter where' Richard?" in his cabin window, he wished to not in negation. He shook his go on deck. Mary and Tommy but in a tort of head, He said submission. him up the companionway; helped dead." Richard's "Mary and on her arm he moved out of the Mary for a moment could not shade of the after bouse forward Into whispering the open waist of the ship. Mary saw move. She heard herself one of the ship's boats on Its way to monotonously: "No. No. No." She the shore; and when Isaiah joined knew she was shaking her head in of denial, a refusal to be them, Mary asked where the men a gesture lieve. Richard could not be tftead. were going. "Mate's gone to get some fresh He had been so alive. So much in had spoken deeply and clearly meat" he said, "and to look for a him chance to fill our water casks. Is- to so much In her, even when no land's full of wild hogs, thin as a words patted between them, nor She braced her deer, not a mite of fat on 'em any- even any glances. where. You'd think you was eating hands against the tidet of the door, looking at Peter. She stood there, veal. Real sweet meat" shaking her head like one whote "You've been here before?" His Adam's apple pumped violent- mind is adrift whispering, mutter"Well, you might say! I've ing: "No, Peter. No, he isn't He ly. heard my pa tell about It too. It can't be." But Peter told her soberly: "He used to be there was a lot of thipt come here for seals, skins and blub- is. Mary" ber and the like. They don't come Mary insisted, stupidly reiterant: so much now. Not teals enough to "Peter, he's alive." (TO BE CONTINUED) pay you for the trouble, nor whales 1 jardeners A BULB SUBSTITUTES WITH the Bupply of many tnlh KrrincT-flrwerin- By VIRGINIA VALE (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) rn cr oft because of the war in Europe, gardeners are seeking certain sub HAYWORTH, whose stitutes. to movie heights The color and form of many an makes one of Hollywood's nual flowers makes them excellent most spectacular success choices for replacing the bulb favorites. As in the case of bulbs, stories, has drawn the the seed of these annuals may be role opposite Fred planted in the early fall, for blos Astalre in Columbia's "He's My soming early the following sumUncle" because sh mer. really deserves it The fresh yellow color of Daf This is a really im- fodils, for instance, may be capportant picture; the tured nearly as well in the petals songs are by Cola of Sunshine Calendula, or in the Porter, the dance se- rich hues of California Poppy (Exquences will be di- tra Golden). The shape of the rected by Robert Al California Poppy and the Shirley ton, who did the Poppy closely approaches the typ dance routines for ical Tulip shape. three of Broadway's The soft colors associated with most popular cur- the Tulip may be replaced best by rent musicals. Rita's Larkspur, with its tints of white, Rita Hayworth a member of the in blue, pink, rose, lilac, and carmine. ternationally known The newer, Super Cansino family; has danced all her Majestic Larkspurs are most delife. sirable. d The spikes ot Did you happen to listen to Bing Snapdragons are likened by many Crosby's radio program the night J, to the Hyacinth. It is best to grow Carrol Naish appeared on it? It the dwarf strains of you did, you'll remember that Naish Snapdragon, with attractive varisang an Irish ballad. Until then eties such as Compact Bedding nobody in Hollywood knew that he Bronze, and Salmon Pink adapthad a good baritone voice, and had able also because of their suitabilWilliam C. ity for massed bedding, as Tulips sung on the stage. Thomas of the are so often used. organi- RITA 2k. tall-growi- blossom-crowde- rust-resista- nt Pine-Thom- as zation, producing aviation pictures for Paramount listened, and learned. Naish was already booked for a role in "Forced Landing" now he's scheduled to sing a song as well as act Ella Neal established something of a record recently when she ap- peared to three pictures In three days. On Wednesday she was Jon Hall's handmaiden In "Aloma of the Sooth Seas"; Thursday morning, for Buy Me That Town," she was a mother at her baby's christening; Friday, she played a Mexican bride In "Hold Back the Dawn" for that one she had to say something In Spanish, which she doesn't understand; she's still wondering what It CTZSIBIVS, GttZK PHV5ICIAK, 10 meant PETERMINPP If you enjoyed "The Cat and the Canary," made two years ago, you'll look forward with TO UFT WATeTfc. HE INVENTED THE POMP good reason to "Nothing Truth," But the in which the stars Bob Goddard-appear.- WW JTT THE same Hope and Paulette TO TREAT coHsrumon we tq lack, op PROPER 'BULK" IN THE WET IS TO CORfiECf THE CAUSE OF THE TROUBLE WITH APELICIOUS It's in the hands of the same director, Elli- IS Nfi- ott Nugent It's the hilarious story of a stock broker Who bets $10,000 that he won't tell a lie for 24 Bob Hope hours, and the cast Includes such capable actors as Ed' ward Arnold, Grant Mitchell, Rose Hobart, Helen Vinson, Leon Belasco and Leif Erikson. j KEU066 CEREAL, it fcVtKy mn awp I J iw PLEMiy fsp UJATF2. Cling to Certainty He is no wise man that will quit a certainty for an uncertainty. as if Gloria Swanson Samuel Johnson. would really return to the screen in "Father Takes a Wife" with Adolphe Your Stomach Can't Talk Menjou, Desl Arnaz and John How. ard. Mr. Menjou, famous for his but it complains when abused I Parties wardrobe, and Miss Swanson, equal late with eating and drinking can uply famous for hers, have been hav set the strongest stomach. Try ADLA ing wardrobe tests at RKO; she has acid a reputation in New York for being Tablets for quick relief from able to wear just anything at all and stomach and heartburn. Get ADLA Tablets from your druggist. look smart in it It looks Joan Crawford's New York fans, who troop around at her heels when ever she's In town, recently presented her with a rather staggering birthday gift birthday card more than two feet square, which they'd had autographed by dozens of fa mous theatrical people, Love Apart From Fear No man loves the man whom he fears. Aristotle. Salt Lake's NEWEST HOTEL The public apparently spends a lot of time and thought on trying to beat the quiz shows; the newest wrinkle bobbed up recently in connection with Ben Bernie's program. For two weeks he was besieged with requests tor tickets to the repeat show. Here's the reason: The final contestants vying for the prize of $100 are selected by their ability to guess from a recording how many shots are fired out of machine gun in so many seconds. One night on the first show, the number of shots fired was 52. On the repeat show, all the contestants promptly guessed 49, 50 and 51 But they were fooled Bernie had 93 shots Bred the second time, by let ting the record run longer. II In.. .is ; , !t ,. ' f S I , . "... i' ; " i i t A t? V ' , '' '"J,"'""tt- - Hotel TEMPLE SQUARE Because a singer on the "Uncle Ezra program got a chance to make a movie with Shirley Temple, the announcer on the same program gets a chance to be a network sing er. The first singer is Bob Nolan, the announcer Is Cy Harrice. Oppaall Harmon Tempi HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Rates $1.50 to $3.00 Jt'l a mark of distinction to stop f this beautiful hostelry ERNEST C BOSSITKK, Mar. - ODDS AND ENDS-Cl- ark Cable' next for Metro. "Honky Tonk," in which Lena Turner will appear oppo-tilhim, turn him into a confidence man and twindler who becomes a power in a town in the Yukon . , . RKO will introduce a new romantic team in "Lady Scarface" they're France Neal and Urnnit U Keefe. and the ttm-fcomedy with a gangland background . . . Wendy Dame end Oeorge ttanden Will be teamed in I be Gay ralrnn. mrilrrt picture to be made by RKO Michaet Arlen (remember "The Green llat'f) it the author . . . George litem and Basil Rathbone hare the Uadl in Vertu Scotland Yard e t 'G-M- ' r 1 that will save you many a dollar will escape you if you fail to read carefully and regularly the advertising of local merchants ir; THIS PAPER |