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Show PAGE SIX THE Charming Patterns For Cotton Materials "SJO. 1747: For precious nug, wide sleeves, basque bodice, high at the neck, and a very wide skirt in the swirling skating sil- houette. Included are tailored shorts, with a fitted yoke that fits slimly. A perfect thing for outdoor sports and summer daytimes. Make it of calico, gingham or percale, and trim it with rows of ric-ra- c. Thursday, May 25, 1939 kEDfiesocaai) THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE El with frock, NEPHL UTAH S. 3 BE A junior sizes. play TIMES-NEW- Songs, Poems Wanted Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young ini Bl inn BIG TOP No. 1527: An ideal design for a woman's street cotton. The plain tailored skirt is topped by a narrow sash belt, tied at the side. "Silk" Fowlerthe ringmaster, By ED WHEELAN demands that Alta, the elephant, be killed. S LISTEN, ITEFr: I MAy HAVE BEEN A BIT HC5THEACEO WHEN THREATENED To SPILL THE BEANS ABOUT VCAJR JLATE. B.RCJTHER SliAS.ANO 1 APOLOGIZE. , BUT THIS BUSINESS CP ALTA HAS S5T, I IW GOAT. AND NWE'VE GOT TO COME lb SOME SORT OF UNDERSTANDING ABOUT THAT BULL. II MOV r Sonra, Bone Poems, bought, composed, published. Metro Melody Muslo Publishers, bit Geary St., San Francisco, Calif. I I X . . "M VDU'PE ALTA HAS m( f&i ATTACK, rc AJOVU v IxViB ONLV L fesa &U1 I .... - tMPAKIHIJ tiVr,,-nKA&- s A io TRIED . urRUI'? .T- MEAHWHILB MVPA WA6 SURPRISED TO FIND' FLIP" BOTCH OUTblDE HfcF DRESSING TEN I fflAHD STI'vHl MOT MENACE lO rtKrUKWCKO''' i TQ. TV! iwilc,niiriL- - - M ffii&Wa T..r. X UFfP EFEN I "StLK'.MyRA TEFF'S TENT MTVOk I I5g?sa GOING .TO WASH Up v rtr--3UL- KPEPIM' TAE ON HE'S CNEK IN KIcrH i nun K. .V i: V. X HOUSEHOLD QUESTIONS Heat Brown Sugar. If dark or light brown sugar is too hard to measure, heat it in the oven, then measure it quickly while it is soft. Store it in the refrigerator or bread box, where it will remain soft. Prevent Soiled Curtains. Paint patent clothes pins the color of your decorations in different rooms and use a pair to pin back curtains at night or during showers. This keeps the curtains from being soiled by the screens. LALA PALOOZA Asleep on the Job BABETTE IT LOOKS IF VOU LIKE THE JIO IS UP- ONLY LALA'S SET ON MARRVInVT HAD THAT TRASH BASKET, SOMETHING GONZALES j --s DEFINITE By RUBE GOLDBERG I'VE GOT AN IDEA, SIR- -) i ilvN SENOR GONZALES IS ffi HAVING TEA WITH MADAM NOW - LET'S ( GOOD! M LOOK IN HIS S . OIQAl J LOOK! IT WAS 1 BUOOT, BLOOT- - I A HE USED TO MADE BY HORACE BLOOT, J WASH DISHES --i DETROIT i--c WITH-- ME IN THE -- .. WAR I'LL SEND SNAP OUT OP IT, VINCEN- TYOU'VE GOT TO SENO THAT tgC MISTER V TELEGRAM! 3rx r W' J (VrJ V - ysS. I The blouse is cut on basic shirtwaist lines, with a plain front panel, side fullness, round collar. Gay little frills give it a feminine, summery touch. For this, choose linen, gingham, dotted Swiss or flat 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19. quires 4V4 yards of rial for the ensemble; Size 13 re- 35-in- ch 10 ric-ra- c. Sharp Kitchen Tools. One of the most effective aids to speeding up cooking preparations, is to see that paring knives for fruits and vegetables, and knives for trimming up meats and fowl, are kept sharp. Dull knives not only waste an unbelievable amount of time, but they are disconcerting to thoughtful planning. e For Glue Stains. White vinegar will remove glue stains. e A Good Sink Brush. A worn whiskbroom makes a fine sink brush if you cut off the worn bristles clear up to the stiff part. Always rinse clean after using. crepe. The Patterns. No. 1747 is designed for sizes For Shiny Linoleum. Dissolve a lump of sugar in the water when washing linoleum or oilcloth and a brilliant polish will result. S'MATTER POP mateyards of You Have to Know How to Equalize ByC. M. PAYNE An Appetizer. Celery stuffed with crabmeat salad can be used for variety on an appetizer tray. No. 1527 is designed for sizes 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 and 42. Size 34 requires 5 yards of material; Grease on Carpet. Grease can often be removed from the carpet by rubbing with bicarbonate of soda applied with a piece of flannel. Rub well into pile with fingertips and then sweep vigorously with a small hand brush. yourself attractive, practical and becoming clothes, selecting designs from the Barbara Bell patterns. Send your order to The Sewing Circle Pattern Dept., 149 New Montgomery Ave., San Francisco, Calif. Patterns 15 cents (in coins) each. AT LAST! 35-in- ch yards of pleating or ruffling. Spring and Summer Pattern Book. Send 15 cents for the Barbara Bell Spring and Summer Pattern Book, which is now ready. Make 2Vi THE TRUTH ABOUT well-planne- d, easy-to-ma- Parental Should Dear Fruit LOSING FAT MESCAL IKE b, s. U That's HUNTLEY A-Bo- Enough of That ot A school-teache- r, after examination of the pupils in her class by the school nurse, wrote the following note to the parents of a certain little boy: "Your boy Charles shows signs of astigmatism. Will you please investigate and take steps to cor- rect it?" The next morning she received a laboriously written reply from the boy's father, which read as follows : "I don't exactly understand what Charlie has done, but I have walloped him tonight and you can wallop him tomorrow. That ought to help." The Children's Party Is Next Door PEP? Relief By TROUBLE TO AMNOUMCC MS 1 I CAM DO IT MVS&LP ! (3. LOST YOUR for Her la Anuxtng Candltiona Dua to Sluggish Bowala . If you think all (natives yt f ! wY7 nnIT:lf Reward ICopjriisM. by a, L. Buattey.l POP 1 CC- J. MILLAR WATT - AW. CEt - AW. EES - AW III with onDrtluetloTi. Smirk-?!- ? tmm thin the to us. we wui tt . A!YS CARRY . QUICK RELIEF . mr or.in It? Bell UrndlrsMWNU Salt Lake's NEWEST HOTEL NCI -- 1 . fs- - 'f Ys Without Feeling Willie My history teacher Is the meanest man I know. Father How is that? Willie He borrows my to sharpen his pencil to give me By GLUYAS WILLIAMS HIGH FLY Oppeslia Mmm Tsaiple HJGBLT RECOMMENDED Kite $150 to $3.00 It's mirk of dittinctioa to (top It this besuriful hoittlr KHNK8T C ROS.SITtR, MsT. 2139 Narrow View He who never leaves his is full of prejudices. Goldoni. Modern life with Its harry and worry. habits, improp-- r eating ar.d and Infee-tio- oj drinkmjr its risk of exposure throws heavy strain on the work of the kidneys. Ttvey are apt to become ovMaKd end fad to flltpr eirves srld and ether ImpuhUee from the brood. Yea msy enrTer nagging berkarhe, headarho, disainetM, getting up nifhta, fe4 constantly leg potna, ewHhng tired, nrvoas, sll worn out. Other signs of kidney or bladder disorder may be or toofrequent urination. burning, scanty ' PiUa. Doom' Use hHp the htdneye to get Hd of eaeeos fotsonotis the body waste. They are entiexptie to wrinary tract and tend to relieve Irrtia-ti- oe and the pata It causae. Many frsio. fol people reeonifftnd Domm't. They hove bed more thaa forty yeare of pubht approval. Aim yew mmifhbml frrwfftfler 4 men fry n Hrf,sneuf$, riof iti" orimfs ard rpl amd cows r- - nns himsof wo?f he Yhimks rr oomt bad marks. Too Friendly "Bvery time I want you. you're engaged on the phone. Miss Blank I" They were business calls, sir. "Wefl, don't address my clients as darling in the future." W nsus, May Warn of Disordered Kidney Action pen-knif- e TEMPLE SQUARE un4 ma Tor thirty ysmra eoostipstirm BttdsehM psins u lb back. Awful fas bio. On, srovd.d my hurt. Adlsrika bslpsd lif hi awr. Now I a.t bsn.n.i, pla, nrthln, I want ud aorot loll bour.''-Mis. Mabol Schott. Two thins bap pea whoa yon sn oonatipatod. FIHtiTt Aooumulated wasVo wU ap bowels and press od nerras in tha dMPWtlT iraot. BECtlNUi Partly disnt-- d food starts to deeajr forming O AS, Drinfins;, on sour stomaob, indirastioa. and heartburn,' bloat 04 roa a, until yon sometimes sup for breath. Adlenka (Wes double relief with DOUBLM ACTION. Adierika relieres STOMACH OAS almoas al onoe. It often eleers bowels in lees than two hours. No grip-in- s:, no after erTeeei, just quick results. by maajr doctors tof 36 years. SoU at all dnaj store. WNU "I trust we shall be able to make you feel quite at borne," laid the hotel manager to the visitor. "Don't trouble yourself." he re"I don't want to fel at plied. home. That'g why I came here!" Rest He Could Do Plain Woman (wishing to have her portrait painted) to artist Do you guarantee satisfaction? "No, madam," was the reply, "I only paint likenesses." Stray Stories. Hotel torvtte. HAD OTHER MOTIVES Fly Swatting Time ivV rrf merit itself. La Rochefoucauld. ul Bo mild. ttooroiislLre-trvl- i. IepenUat)le rrllM from sick hnerfarhne, bilious apells, tired feouuc when WithOllt Risk Mks If not d'ltjuxl. rvtura lb. bos reruna trie purcna. prlreNR TTablets Get The world more often rewards the appearance of merit than CONSTIPATED! Gas Crowds Heart. ititiKuTftUWIr. eworlaeea NEW YORK, N. Y. In test by a prominent N. Y. physician and nationally known newspaper woman 25 women lost a total of 286 lbs. in 40 days. YOU, too, can follow this SAME, SENSIBLE plan right at home and here it is: First of all go light on fatty meats and sweets. Eat plentifully of lean meats, fish, fowl, fresh fruits and vegetables. And for functioning by removal of Irroper wastes take a half teaspoon ful of Kruschcn m hot water every morning. Kruschen DON'T MISS A MORNING. is made right here in U. 5. A. from famous English formula. And this fa Important! Krnschen is NOT harmful. It is not Just one salt as some people Ignorantly believe. Rather it's a blend of 6 active minerals, which when dissolved In water make a healthful mineral drink similar to highly effective 6pa waters where wealthy women have gone fvr years. A Jar of Krnschen oats only a few cents and lasts 6 weeks. So, fat ladies get some gumption ! MAKE UP YOUR MIND YOU'LL STICK to the above Plan for 28 days and just see if yon don't lose fat and feel healthier and younger. You can get Kruschen at druggists everywhere. WOS if amp HtHMHiMlMfO avail OX DIB rf vtt fin rufunin PtMt ft poww |