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Show THE Alien's Special Until Dec. I 8 x IO Portrait 98c PINK SALMON rll IOC i Steer or Daby Lleef I'ound I'mIucc O I'ound 25c CHAPMAN STUDIO 54c bi( ssorted CHOCOLATES i Jhredded COCO AN UT 25c I'ounJ Mr and Mrs. L. J, Wade and family were In Suit Lake Monday. Mr. Wade transacted business while In the city. , SHORTENING 51c t pound parkaje Mrs. E. R. Shaw motored to Salt Lake City Monday morning. Milton Shaw returned to Salt Lake City with his mot tier and resumed his work at the University of Utah. CRANBERRIES 19c pound Powdered SUGAR 1 pounds . . 25c .. WEHAVEL PEEL CITRON THI BEST BUT IN 29c Oiced. pound , 2 19c pounds CAUTORNlAWlNi 1 MINCE MEAT Thanksgiving Food t. Local and Social The Nephi Ward Primary conference will be held next Sunday evening, at 7.30 p. m. In connection with the regular sacrament n:eeting. The ward primary officers invite all parents of the ward to be in attendance. this Is the great Mormon started when the nearest was Omaha. Nebraska, the roust eowpirl tluk south Is trie Mantl temhave ever had. And ya will nut refrei lh Uim spent ia all Its grandeur, farther ting your food at our sUwe. aro-inthe circle la the great fctid jUe a Pfcir of div- ..iu.ij Blaine Norton, who is employed Uir'.i Uti 11 fcUil (HJC Urg on 6t, Wayne Wonderland, as yet hardly Burley, Idaho, visited Sunday Omitc fcs cti.ter ut s tircie and known but one of the grandest at Wc'Jt ir.s'ie fieLts of natural beauty to at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mlevin U in s it. n A4 fitl-ilK HI IHE OI hOMK tit MVr la Willis Stanley. of the most be seen. id uice in it hiOCK I.AiiS H)H t'KIU.W, UAIUIIAV, not far away, the Bryce the known all ae in i..n.a:tbie V Mr. SUA I'M HfchlMY AM Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. Steele and Canyon national park; the) Cedar Ji J were in Salt Lake City Ire re u plat e In all the Breaks national monument, the family Tuesday of this week. won- - Powell national forest and the m-ioPUMPKIN the of RAISINS ahre many fjd u i. i A hs rtfi lodires; Navajo lake and Its l'UH Vllry I'.lue ItibUon rdrj ft 'r.d ai are included In this roagtej famous fishing, and the far reaches 25c i Urge mi t 15 ut t of Uie f beautiful Zion national park. re thirty-tw- o iiuje Old ir i Brian iu. thills to be seen Ijoking down from ill LARD SALAD DRESSING suiun Uas noted sres Head, one of the highest peaks j:.x!.r!, hiitef Irtt iMi fccaftiii !rom itie sjjthwt there above the timber line In all south-e- m 15c 1 6 Ctah, from where one can WANTED Undergraduate or caps:U ue ttAir4 liie Quart ZjC I 'b rarliiia able practical nurse for general Arizona, New ti jld-- r Dam, the greatest enuj-trtu.- g look Into Nevada, Mt. ever a.'tomiiliahed bT Mexico and Into Western Colorado. duty Mt. Pleasant Hospital, CUM DROPS CORN of Oils Swing down towards the south-ea- it Pleasant, Utah. Tt harnesamg nn Niblrt tVdjr dam Drops and see the great painted iri!i'h! riser has been a soured fjm u 2 25c ! pound ktf can Wheat land near the remarkable colors of FOR RENT and wonder to sli whj jf th Book cliff rang and the upper Mills Owner here Nov1. Loan hae fcjokrd mta the majestic gorge! Colorado river, and the approach. can be arranged Inquire at The of the Colorado a U raced Its. JELLO RAISINS to the Grand Canyon bridge Times News office. untram-rriele- d e heretofore mJ-'ioer hut Una Kaikiu fine fur the historical Lees Ferry Rrfuto Jrllo -- Any by anything hami)ering its near Fruit Cake, Five Yearling Suffolk t.l'h had been used as a cross FOR SALE TtuKe turgid turbuUriti 5c flavor, Pkf per pfjgreis. 15c l.-- lt os bag. ui by the red man since long be- Bucks. See F. M. Beck. and on been hav lollirg satrfi on to the tea, defying piir man to! fore, the entry of the white man, Raw-lelTOMATOES rr with mad, dashing. the wondrous Navajo country, the MEN WANTED for nearby COCOA 800 families. Write routes of the t desert, forests painted frh Sn ((Jf. petrified j 'earing ri mard Denllrnbey's Cocoa md another fine Mormon temple Rawlelghs. Dept UTK-61-STomatoes, per lb JOC 1 lb can In the it Mesa, Arizona. .. .'.'ue it itm quiescent ver Colorao. Stipaid d brBd pa!Lie of Mead Lake. Detour a little backwards and aee CHOCOLATES a hwh pleasure boats are rs- - the grandeur of the south rim of FOR RENT Two apartments at CHOCOLATES ing Unit in free and unhampered the greatest gash In all the face the Forrest Hotel Annex. ju uuiuia u Auori- - m rd Cherry Chocolate as pleiiure aerkers ikira' if rature that cuts a Bo ( bwotitc mounmighty ZjC 1 lb bos 25c l of WHITE o.tr (he nii-- wuters In quest tain in twain, the rim of which KEPT FOR SERVICE thrills Tie mad. turgid wa!-t- ri i twelve hundred feet lower than CHESTER HOG Bernell Cooper. BARS of the mighty rtver are now the north rim at the Grand CanDATES Mrl)aiuld Candy don into a calm, unruf- yon ludtfe. Bright Angel point Take Persons who furnished foodstuffs In 1 Pound Cellophane for fled. wve'.rts inland ea of from a trip across that swinging IOC bridge at the Old Folks dinner are asked Bags, each ; hurled feet deep to s merej "id get a real Intoxication looking to call at Heber Jenkins residence jI'jI'.ow rr.er bottom to the eait;, down Into that roaring, turgid for their dishes. FRUIT LUNCH ut from half s mile tO( flood and really t BUTTER appreciate your ui:!.s, and st the outlets, :ze -FOR CHOPPING HAY, Grain or very small pigmy In Fresh Sto k Jervy Va'e. waters fur- -, j the 1 i.ere tumbling alfalfa meal, see Jos. Nelson, or puund Pk7 12c i uh millwns of horsepower fur the; Go back to the rim of your dr-"- le call M. M. O'Gara Phone 211R2. "kg 20c (Price Subject To Change) creatures :e of the fiuny snt-liand continue on and look at some of the most rich of an cop-l- -i STEADY WORK GOOD PAY. ho tamed the savage river. eom-i PINEAPPLE CITRUS PEELS mines of the world In Arizona, Reliable man wanted to call on n'i'irj the leg of your n ih n'irthwit a little and; and realize Just how much the farmers. No experience, capital needLemon, Orange or Citron er lii' vme of the greatest wcrid has depended on these great ed. Write today. McNESS Co., Dept I ei, irrsn atoca pal mm . Candled Pineapple ... 15c world. Many worts for Its war and cMc materinmn tf the weit-rM. Free port, Hi. in rrl'ophane bag, lb jQ fVlure f the furmer hivM of lndatry of al. a pair of ladies black, pig" he rnimnf days of yore are now Continue your arc and the head LOST CASHEWS PECANS r.'v phwt towns that bespeak a of this mighty piece of pie will skin glovtes near Carter cafe. Call Mitl'td CiLihrmi NuU Shelled Pecan NuU hbtory of tru?q!e with resisting ii.clude from the copper mines Just 98J 25c 5 oi rtke .. jC 5 ox package nnture where mar.r millions of mln-p'- mentioned some of the richest minRanier and Johna. wealth have been taken from eral wealth as yet unexplotted; FOR SALE Call and see what the bowels of the earth to fin the one of the richest feasts that one than apples. ALMONDS BRAZILS vaults of the money powers of can Imagine, the small end of the we have for 50c bu. Mrs Jos. ShflM Aimd Null Shelled Brazil NuU If you look Into some piece of pie reaching to St George other dav 5 oi fttim 25c 5 oi Package of theie abandoned business housl which Includes as well as mineral es you will find the shelves as the! wealth, vast underground riches of Anyont wishing to attend hte CHERRIES merchants Wt them, the barber oil as yet untouched by the hands National Farm Bureau convention CHERRIES t ib bollle Liberty h'irt with the rotting clothes of ths of the drillers. Roads are rapidly to be held In Pasadena on DecemCandied Cherries Marchi-ntrade still hanging over the chairs being constructed Into the "strip-th-at ber 9, 10 and 11, are asked to 35c Chrrrirt 15c Package you may drive your car as get In touch with James H. Ellison, tf the trmsnrlal srtbrts of other the mirrors on the walls and! far and as fast as you like over a president of the Juab county Farm days: MINCE MEAT the rich ornamentation falling Into! virgin country that belles descrlpt Bureau, so arrangements can be BARS ion ior lis vast grazing and timber made for a delegation representing Mild and Mellow Bars rapid decay. ( 25C Mince Mfjl, Ib rarton IOC Swing a pain to the north and. wealth, both for fuel and lumber this county. 3 for take a look at the famous Lehman Industries. Continue the perlphry of the FOR SALE OR TRADE Light rubcart In Nevada, a place thst Is CHICKENS ber tired wagon Leland Belliston SUET almost unknown to the casual trar. wheel and you come to a land of Large Roaxiing a land of uneler. and only s few of those In tne unread mystery; Ground Kidney Suet IOC Chii kriu, Ib 17!ic near vicinity know only half of known Inhabitants who have long FOR SALE 1 Racine Deluxe 600 Per pound the wonders of the magical place since passed out of the ken of man, ir Heaw Dutv tire, also a Goodyear and none of Its history. Of late hidden dead cities of other ages heavy duty airwheel tube. Both for ROASTS POT TURKEYS venrs there has been Installed si long since past and gone. Well $10.00 See Alvln J. Ingram 96 w No 1; No. 2 Turkeys At The Choice Grain Fed bef of electric lights, hut the defined canals where those ancient 2nd South, City. series 15c Per pound Market's Lowest Prices depth and the distance stm to be peoples eked a llvilhood from the explored underground man knows soil which at one time teemed with It? outstanding glory like an etherThe picture is nothing st all. There Is not only life and activities of an age long eal white cloud. NEW NAVAL ORANGES, CRANIW'.RRIW YAMS, SWEET one but mnny of these caves that since forgotten, and only dim re- enhanced many times when at POTATOES. CELERY, MIXED NITS AND SALTED PEAthe tourist knows nothing about mains tell us what a wonderful night It Is lighted by a number of NUTS AT PRICES LESS THAN YOU WOULD EXPECT TO civilization must have been here Tnlk about the caves of old PAY. powerful floodlights that shine all they melt Into Insignificance by a: an age long since passed away. through the night to call forth In this land only a surefooted comparison. praises from the beholder from eiMake another arc of the mighty antelope may have galloped over the ther side of the vaney. It is unique circle and you Include the south- hot sandy wastes, or it may have in many phases that are too numern end of the most marvelous been a hive of wealth and rich erous to mention here. This makes Inbody of water In the known world farming lands producing crops that four actice Mormon temples the Great Salt Lake. The waters wo have no record of to tell us cluded In our short tour in a radof this grnnd old lake are so saline whither they came of what countmild circle. ius of a three-hundr"A Surety of Purity" that It Is Impossible for one to ries, nor yet whither their exodus Can you equal it in all the The Dead led them. !nk Into Its depths. earth? 23 Sea of Palestine Is age old, and And now that you have seen all while It Is 1J293 feet below sea this, or a mere atom of It, just The Jaclta! and tha Hyena level, the 8alt Lake Is over four turn your footsteps back to the Mrs. Melvln Stanley and daughter A jackal la a wild dog of southNo place of the hub center of this fine Mr. and Mrs. Bryan J. Petty and thousand above sea level. Provo In Melvina, spent Tutsday and ask yourself the ern Europe, southern Asia, and family of Cedar City returned horn? living thing can exist in Its briny southwest visiting with friends. In all the civilized world northern Africa. It is smaller, more qustion Wednesday afternon after visiting depths, yet It furnishes more reccan it be equalled? to the summer tourist than The Zion yellowish, and much more cowardly WANTED A second hand bicycle at the home ot Mrs. James Garrett reation Jr, mother of Mrs, Petty. any equal body of water In all the canyon with its magnlflcant tun than a wolf, and hunts in packs at in good condition. Call nel tell another story of man's world. night, feeding on carrion and small Swing a little farther and your achievement and gives but a faint animals. sweatA hyena is a large and LOST-Boy- 's gTey carnal-ha- ir circle will include 8alt Lake City, Inkling of what may yet be done er, pinch-bac- k strong, but cowardly carnivore constyle At the H. S. Indian Id Colorado Look when Into the the contains. all it and present and progplans Aduitortum Thsrsday evening. Restituting a separate family related The only band of Indians remainmajestic Mormon tabernacle where rams are carried to completion. ward. Return to Mrs. E. H. Steele. to the dog family. Like the jackal, And remarkable most all after housed the Southern the pipe the last but is Colorado not lo ire ing It is nocturnal and largely carlon-eatinconsidered Is the the least In the used world, Temoldest southwest In the who organ life LOST North of Nephl, box con- Dtea, but Inhabits almost all of It on time of the In from St. the that ple earth, standpoint George taining quits, and personal Items. corner of the itate. Africa and southern Asia, and difIt was started In 1863, and dedicwas built. s Please return to The ated In 1877, built of the hardest fers In appearance. The hyena has in order that it make be sent to kind of black volcanic rock In its a long, thick neck, large head, powowner. lower parts and then red sandstone erful jaws, rough coat, and four-toe- d for all the rest of Its massive walls feet The hindquarters are LADIES APPAREL GOLD ENS The tourist, on entering this maglower and weaker than the ic valley, Is struck in amazement I have a most lovely assortment of styles, colors, and sizes in the at the beautiful white picture of popular Cat's Pajamas and Robes. See the Kitten Pajamas for the little girls. Near MUummi a nuy temple fcrtU &jt.Uet, intludirig S railroad .rt of Uuh, uus ioutlj&ijUrrn part farther 'A Nevada, li nortiirrn part of ple In By teil our kUxr lot uar 1 has Wrfc uije to 4 li AVKstdVISO MJOIjs. H ! kUile uii tuuf fiutttm lic : cou-piet- e r25c CLASSIFIED T--r- i, world-famoji- i O IZ-o- f Mr. and Mrs. WUford Uauey and family attended the U. 8. A. C. and the Colorado University football Kf me held Friday, November 13, at Uigrut. 89c i pound box Southern Utah Points Are Included In Mammoth Scenic Circle us 13c iUCAK Thursday, November 19, 1936 o Four Poses To Choose from RAISINS t NF.MII, L'T.MI , mm STORE CASH TIMES-NEWS- DU-t- .. IC itr ii.'-r!- gh B, m-- v riOc T.-te- lf.n J" oom-parusl- -- ap, al Large ONIONS 15c 10 pounds S & W 1 25C pound Pounds 1 ijZ COFFEE t popnds . 49c 97c . .... .- .- 1 We buv Veal Pork. Lamb and Less Beef We will call for and pay in cash as high as $5.00 Per Head for DEAD ORu USELESS COWS AND HORSES We also buy dead sheep and hogs. mediately for prompt service. Phone us im- HIDE S TALLOW CO. UTAH QJRSKAGGS ed It 206-R- 3. Phones 1 Enterprise Spanish Fork 88 Mile West of Sugar Factory Highest prices paid for hides, sheep pelts, GEO. PRICE, raw furs. 30 wool and Manager Times-New- n Winterizing Your Car ROMA WINE AT THE FIRST COST Fast BUT IN THE LONG RUN THE EXPENSE IS AN ITEM OF LITTLE CONSIDERATION. Prevent frozen radiators with Eveready Prestone. Insure Thru MAY SEEM EXPENSIVE easy starting- with a good U S L battery, good ignition parts properly adjusted and spark plugs clean and adjusted. Your car can be put in condition to run and operate in winter just as good as in summer if these small attentions are given it DRIVE IX TODAY FOR A COMPLETE CHECKUP OS YOUR CAR BEFORE WINTER SETS IN Service SERVICE Everywhere BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO DAVENPORT DES MOINES OMAHA KANSAS CITY DENVER CASPER BILLINGS SALT LAKE CITY LOS ANGELES ihortest Routes Fast rmi and Rovftd Tile Fam CoMMtloat with Bvws Evwywixro Om-tra- y CONVENIENT COMFQtTMlI ""If" JEPENBABLC v. jtjgj EAST and WEST Low SIHLVER MAPLE ?0pi AS Save after Seven and all day Sunday Ptioaa 74 THE BURLINGTON RAIIKOA0 I Also Brandy and Champagne 4 telephone long Distance rates are reduced after 7 every night and all hours Sunday ICONOWeU. lofomotloi Tldrftl J. f. DOUGLAS V.nlct Calt 74 So. Mala SI. "V moyatelephonevUh members or jriends your in other towns. o gfi |