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Show Buy Locally Buy Locally The Times. Volume 27, No. 44 Polling Places Selected for Juab County Two Sett of Judges of Election Are Appointed To Act In Most Precincts of County; Polling Places Are Given. Nephi, Mutual Creamery Checks Are Stolen Juab County, Utah Thursday, Octol.cr 2V, l'XVj The News, Volume Crops Under AAA Will Be Inspected Pre Hallow'een Activities Eighteen blank checks were recently stolen from the Mutual Cream station at My ton, Utah. Seven of these were forged and cashed with Nephi merchants. The Mutual Creamery reports that the other eleven were passed at almost the same time at other points In the state. Rumors of stolen checks from other creameries operating In Idaho Indicate that this particular check artist has gone up there. Sheriffs have been notified and it Is expected that he will be caught soon. The only moral that can be drawn is the necessity for the merchants to Identify everybody presenting hcecks, regardless of the soundness of the company on which the check is written. farmers All r ST TO cooperating in tin Conservation program under AAA must have their soil conservation crops planted by November 1. according to a statement recently made by A. E. Smith, Juab County Agricultural agent. An inspector will visit Juab County in the near futifc-to check on compliance with the contracts as signed several weeks ago. County A,gent Smith lias Issued a letter to all those who have signed contracts, and Included a qi:estionair on whether the planting of clover or alfalfa, or other crops, has been done. The farmers must have their share ot the contract plalnting done by November 1. Sunday, In order that they may receive cash payments for methods. Soli 17, No. 44 Bettei Mail Service Will Start Nov. 2 First Class Mail Will Now Leave Nephi Each Afternoon At 4 P. M.; Will Give Much Improved Service for City. Orders have been received by Gerald Cazler. post master, calling for better service on mail for Nephi. Beginning on Nov WEU.VJHAT IffTOUrPOORS ember 2.the Union Pacific bus. POSH which Is scheduled to leave Nephi LA0GWN6 shortly after 4 P. M. dally with the AT. I exception of Sunday, will carry first class mail to Salt Lake City and from there it will be distributed to other points. This service will give Nephi a direct connection to Salt Lake City, which heretofore we have not had In for sometime past. The mall will arrive in Salt Lake City at 6:40 p. m. and will be distributed early During the week of November 2 Will L. Hoyt was the speaker at the following morning. By this to 7 members of the extension the regular monthly luncheon cf means it will be possible to get staff of the Utah State Agricuthe Nephi Junior Chamber of Com replys on a faster basis from Salt ltural College and representatives of merce held Wednesday evening in Lake City. the Extension Service at WashingThis service was promised the the Forrest Hotel The meeting ton, D. C. will conduct, a survey of vm in cnarge or Ray Phillips, a members of the Kiwanis Club at a unmarried rural young people 16 recent meeting which was attended director of the local group. i.eorge A. Allen. to 25 years of age Inclusive In Levan X M. Bosh residence; Re- Utah, Wasatch Mr. Hoyt discussed the need for by Union Pacific and postal deand Juab counties. heads, and climaxes efceiving Judges, A. W. Tundbridge, The purpose of this survey Is to community leadership of the type partment some W. W. Beard, Marlon Christensen; secure fort for time past by the be could furnished that the on by first hand information Junior Chamber of Commerce or local club and other interested citicounting. Arvll Wankier, Owen the social and economic problems, NeTaylor, C. H. Mortensen, constable, Interests and situations of these ganization. ana told many ways zens for better mail service to Seymour Rosequlst. phi. of could that this type leadership people. Mills School House, Judges Dean young The incoming mail will arrive as be of untold value to this commun This survey provides an opporHoward. Clara McPherson, Frank to other communities In usual at 7.30 A. M. and mill be ity, and to for the young people tunity ueiston. which the Junior group is funct completely distributed to the boxes express what their problems at the post office by 8.30. Mail from Mona, polling place, Isaac Kay freely ioning. are and what they thing could be residence, Receiving Judges, Lynn be done to help solve them. The work of the Junior Cham and to Sanpete county points will Kay, Ada N. Kay, WUlard Ellert- ber of Commerce organization thru be dispatched as has been done This work is to be conducted thru More than 80 graduates ana son; counting Judges. Eueene New. the out the state in their "Get out the heretofore. extension offices. A. E. students of the Juab stake semcounty ton, Maurel Carter, Earl Green; Smith, vote" campaign was cited as an A county agricutural agent, inary participated today (ThursConjoint meeting of the M. I. consiame, wuiiam Newell. will direct the survey in this county, A. will be held in the stake taber- example of what the groups can tour of Salt eucation an In day) in cooperation with Eugene Mer-rit- t, Lake nacle Sunday at 7:30 P. M., th accomplish. City an Provo, visiting outDicussion was made of the plans extension economist, and Barn- institufollowing program having been ar for the charter state and church night program which nard Joy, associate agriculturist, standing for Prin-cin- al ranged presentation: of direction will take place on November 7. at! extension studies and . teaching, tions under 'the Prelude Viola music, Ockey; LeRov Whitehead. national Washington, D. C call played on the trumpet, which, time. Glen E. Howe,uuce The trip, the first of its Kina irom &aic vity, Every unmarried man and woman ever LaVar for scong. Liddiard; Waiting ' will present the chamber's national " " " ucia "J U to eoonerat. unrt exnress Bee-Hithe Reapers, chorus; charter. Its the acquaimfor had will purpose a be also The party their views on these problems, list of nominations invocation, Ray la Cooper; talk. Let farewell important toThe official for Alma Burton, party The informaftion secured through ing of students with shrines on voted the at Virtue be Garnish general ana Thy Thoughts, by who leaves soon after for a mission, buildings and this survey and surveys In other church state build- - election next Tuesday is found on Sylvia Peters; talk, How I Hope and an installation party for a new sfotpe will hp ukpH In hnllriin? also visits to Important four issue of this 34. To fill five and cell Lenora Jones, pages president, to take the place of Mr. a program which will be helpful mg-tSeven distinct violin solo, Virginia Forrest; Talk, Burton. of The Times-New- s. this 5:45 at left stuents all rural youne people In the' The ballot our this on the of BeeHive Alfred M. Madsen, 64, died at a Purpose program, i Miss district school ticketsandappear Bigler sang a vocai morning In the two on Agricultural districts. six constitutional amendPearl Nielsen;, butlers purpose, Alta solo at Roene Lake City hospital Tuesday, Salt year, the ai meeting. arriving busses, and planned ments are listed to be voted "Yes" Bird; BeeHive Promise and SalThe Public Affairs Committee of following an Illness of several office building at 8:30. or "No" church the voters. BeeHive weeks. ute, all of the Funeral services will be by the the Kiwanis Club was instructed girls; What Pictures were taken of the group held in the Juab Stake tabernacle Sample ballots have been printed the Spirit of the Hive means to Monday to investigate the possibon the steps of the Church office Demome, Thelma Linton; Guariians Resby both the Republican and Sunday at 3 p. m., and interment ility of establishing a winter CCC bulling after which they were snown cratic county parties, and may be olve, Florence Jackson; songs, Bee will be in the Vine Bluff cemetery. camp behind Mt. Nebo, after word t.hroucrh the buildings having point BeeHive Cheer Song obtained by calling at the head- Hive Chorus Mr. Madsen was born at Davenhad been received here that there ed out to them the offices of either party. The Re- Whn Twilight Shadows Fall and was the possibility port, Iowa, May 30, 1872, a son of for such a authorities of the church. quarters of have general established their Good Night. Prayer, Helen EwelL John and Anna Madsen. He came camp. At 9:15 thev were shown through publicans to Utah in his youth, and has been The boys now behind Mt. Nebo one of the headquarters in the Venice Theatre state by the capital a resident of Nephi for the majorIn the room Just north of were supposed to make winter camp attendance and tnere en- - building, in euldes the main entrance. The Democratic at Moon Lake, but after Captain ity of his life. He never married. on things the many dseeing joye No immediate relatives survive has opened R. W. Horn had investigated the have neen coiieciea precinct committee that exhibit Mr. Madsen. in the Central Motor headquarters layout there he refused it as a state. the throughout the $ feasible place for such a camp. Copany building, formerly At 11 a. m they enjoyed the Arlington Theatre. Since that time the camp has been Prominent Salt Lake Speakers regular tourist trio through the The Times-New- s suggests that assigned to the Deseret Branch, Peter Spraynozzle Is Speaker Juab District Teachers Have Will Be Here Friday Temple grounds visiting the many the voters study the constitutional near Mllford, but it has been felt Arranged for Extension Course nis amendments before going to the At Well Attended Rally places and objects of cnurcn end Evening that the group could be kept here and block on torv found that v'ste order in if the proper steps were taken to that you may Wednesday Evening the noon organ recital polls, The teachers of Nephi are plando so. intelligently for or against them. Grover A. Giles, deputy state Ing up with Tabernacle.. at the ning an extension course with the It has been pointed out that sev- attorney general, and a former At 12:30 they were shown through Snow college will EPHRAIM eral thousand dollars would have resident of Fillmore, will be the Peter Spraynozzle, who for some Brigham Young university for the celebrate its 48th founders day on time winter. One of the followto be spent at the Mt. Nebo sec- principal speaker at the Democratic the plant of the Deseret News nec past has conducted a radio coming saw processes the 6, where November when students they Friday, tion to build a new barricfc an rally which will be held In the Ven was the ing subjects will be selected for over KSL, station, program moda of the in a will and townspeople publication Join in day Problems, weather strip the other buildings ice threatre, Friday evening, at 7.30 essary at the Republican rally study. Current European Statistical of festivities. ern newspaper. Members of the speaker for the comfort of tho hnva held in the Venice theatre Wednes- Organic Evolution, or prompt. Mr. Giles is well known at 1:15, Lake Salt left City that there will still be plenty or in Nephi, and during the past four They for Provo where they were Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Christen- State Board of Education will be day evening, which was attended by Measurements. sen are in Salt Lake City where honored guests. Alumni members a large and enthusiastic crowd of Any citizen who Is Interested and miic w ao uus lr consent Is given. years has been very closely assoc- bound the State Mental would like to take the course conj.ne committee will report next iated with the present state adm shown throughSupeirntendent Gar- their young son James, was operat- from beevery graduating class wfll Nephi voters. also in attendance. by fer with the members of commited on for a foot disorder. ivLunuay me results of their in inistration, and will be able to give hospital speaker gave his views on tee on H. Pace, who explained the The first event of the Founder's theThestate arrangements for particulvestlgation. the voters of eastern Juab County land and national to them campaigns, out buildings and pointed Born to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Day Program wilj be the formation and in his Intimate manner related ars. George A. Sperry and Elme The Kiwanis meeting was turneo some of causes Insanity. the various over to B deer telling session with committee. Worwood, a son October 15. Mrs. of a parade at 9.30 in which all during the past four Hanson, The Columbia Steel plant was Worwood was formerly Marvel schools, clubs and business insti happening Max Thomas winning as seen had especthe special Other speakers from Salt Lake visited he a them, careful years and M. 4. P. at tutions of the city will participate. prize for the best story. Possibly City who will be in Nephi for the Taylor of Mt. Pleasant. ially during the time he has been was make of the makComing back to the college audit- a the most humorous nart. nt , rally include John D. Rice, deputy explanation Iron Marriage of Nephi Youth U to the was representative to the state given Mrs. Leland Desplain returned orium at 10:00 they will attend a contest was Gil Bailey's report of attorney general and C. J. String- - ing of pig Announced by Parents L. D. S. hospital picgram on which Dr. John E, from me lower jaw of his ham, two well known leaders In group. become a home is now the Pehrson, candidate for Sidney will yc.sjii probably This will Carver of trip be home at the the and duck and Dr. Ogden prin state senator from this district also visiting PL. Jones colns the state. Both men are well in Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bowles an with the seminary. cf Mr. and Mrs. Golden Oldroyd cipal speaker.- The theme of the spoke at the rally. Mr. Pehrson Is nounce along and giving the deer a new formed on both state and national yearly affair 4 the marriage of their son will be activities "Character set of teeth and repairing the In- issues. day's at Nephi. a is and of resident Tooele, Utah, Miss Roxie Craig, Building" which will be carried out a candidate from the senatorial Spencer to jury while the deer went on its The Democratic county and 'pre- Local Chevrolet Dealer daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Miss Winifred Nielsen of Salt In the theme of the "Four S" school district way rejoicing. invitatan committees of cinct extend counties the Craig of Santaquin. The marriage - LeRoy Whitehead was Lake City spent the first part of the Attends Car sociability, sanity, spirituality Jrab andcomprising in charge ion to all voters of this district to Tooele. He Is asking the took place October 15 in Provo. Mr. and and with week her parents. "a Luc meeting. strength. to also attend the rally and enjoy support of the voters of this dist They will make their future home Mrs. N. A. Nielson. Immediately following the pro- rict in the election next Tuesday. Kiwanis Publicity Com the free picture show which, will In Nephi. to will a be & served Broadbent gram banquet of Broadbent Wm. be given in connection. R. E. Winn, county chairman, wmmiss officials all and board visitors. of The county dealers, Chevrolet honorary local was in charge of the meeting, and Snyder, giiininimmniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiinniiiimiiniiiiiiininiiraiiiiiiiiis iimnrniniinnnnrnTiiiumnmnmiiiirainnrfni was In Salt Lake City last week ioners of Juab County will be in This will be followed by a football invited the large crowd present to Funeral Services Are Held session on Thursday, November 5 game at 2.00 between Snow Col- attend the final to attend the dealers of the present rally in the regular monthly meeting. lege and Tintic high school on the campaign which Is to be held by Wednesday for Former of the new 1937 Chevrolet. states that the All claims against the county should college campus. the Republican Party next Monday Resident of This City Mr. Broadbent The day's activities will be connew car Is the greatest Chevrolet be filed by November 1, to be heard evening in the Venice Theatre. cluded annual to the with this Founder's at the extends meeting. and ever Three well - arranged numbers Funeral services for Mrs. Leah peoplepresented, Day ball which will be held in the were of Nephi and surrounding given by the Nephi City Male Kendall Kellerstrass were held last communities Dinner guests at the home of evening at Dreamland Hall. invitation to visit an Chorus. Wednesday in the Sugar House the local showrooms for an Inspect- Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Broadhead on ward in Salt Lake City ion of the new car as soon as they Sunday included Mr. and Mrs. The services were In charge o. arrive. The offical date for show- Daken K. Broadhead and son Jon Deeds To Udall Property Counselor Nelson. Speakers were: For Commissioner For Commissioner ing the new Chevrolet has been of Oakland, California and Misses To Be Delivered Friday H. C. CRANE J W. Paxman, Monro Paxman, set Broadhead and Fern Blanche, Faye as November 7th. JUNE KENDALL HarProfessor and Provo. Smith, of Evans and Jennings Ralph Nephi Nephi old Clark of B. Y. U., a member Miss Zella Francom, who has been Deeds to the Udall property were Provo. The Fire Last Saturday At of sixth ward of the was Clerk Vickers H. J. iti Los Angeles, California for some made out and signed by the officials County For Commissioner For Comirjssioner music was furnished by the sixth and Trout Creek on Sat time has returned to LeVan for a of the Nephi ward to the State FRANK TOWNLEY Home of E. B. Sperry in Callno L. W. LARSON was Kellerstrass where Mrs. ward and lln of last week, visit at the home of her parents, Armory board for the building of Sunday urday Eureka Mammoth church worker for g prominent a new building on the grounds. The Ing up Judges of election and ar- Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Francom,. many years. The burial was In the fcr polling places at the Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Shepherd property is located across the street ranging For County Attorney Wasatch lawn cemetery. Fire last Saturday destroyed a two voting precincts. of Idaho Falls spent a few days from the central school and has For County Attorney L. K. WEBB Surviving are her husband and portion of the roof of the E. B. C. N. LEATHERBURY with relatives here. Mrs. Louise been approved by the board for the one east sons Also on four and child. first and Law and Motion Day for Juab Shepherd, mother of Mr. Shepherd, building. Nephi Eureka grand Sperry home nine brothers and sisters, Joseph, sixth north streets. Cause of the County will be held in the Court returned with them to Idaho Falls The site was purchased by Nephi Harry, Elmer Kendall and Mrs. R. fire was not stated by Mr. Sperry. room Friday, according to the court for an indefinite visit. City from the Nephi ward officials For Representative For Representative M. Harris of Salt Lake City, Fred Mr. and Mrs. John Ord and Mrs. and the deeds will be presented by Quick action on the part of Mr, calendar at the county clerk's of C. E. RIFE VICTOR G. PETT Mrs. held Thomas hose a H. John Cox fice. will with be Paul, A. Kendall, to at of the Peterson visited Maria C. LeRoy Judge garden Sperry Starr, Sandy Recorder, City Eureka Eureka Wilkey, and Mrs. Milow Bracken of the damage to a small portion of In Nephi to hear law and motion the home of Mr. and Mrs. William the armory board Friday, In order ?imnnraiiHr4i:iiiiii!iiiiiiiii'iiii!iii!iuiniraraiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiniii!i!ii cases. to expedite the construction. the roof. Nephi. Shepherd on Monday. Judges of election and polling places for the general election to be held next Tuesday, November 3rd. has been announced by County Cleik J. H. Vickers as follows: Nephi District Number 1 Polling e. South Ward Relief Hall; Judges -- of election, receiving, Gertrude Foote, Walter J. Olpln. Elizabeth Black; counting,. Louise Vlckers, Maber O. Golden, Ralph Bellls-to- n. Constable. J. H. Latimer. Nephi Precinct No. 2 County Court House; receiving judges. Perry O. Hall, Glen Bchofield, Leah Evans; counting. Florence Winn, Grace H. Judd. Lucille G. Brough; constable, P. P. ChrisUsm. Nephi Precinct No 3 North Ward Relief hall: Recelvlne ludzes " Alton Gadd, Host. Bowles. rv!l Steele: counting. N. A. Nielsen, a H. Grace, LaFon Painter, constable SM0CK5 TUcEE n pl-c- out-goi- soil-savi- Will Conduct Survey Speaker Stresses the Need for Leadership Before Junior C. ofC of Unmarried Young People Rural Area Seminary Students Enjoy M.I.A. Conjoint Visit to Historical Points Meeting Next Sunday, 7.30 Official List of Nominations Being Printed Kiwanis Club Working To Keep Camp Wo-man- ho an ' iii-o- ve Funeral Next Sunday for A. M. Madsen Democratic Rally Friday At Venice Snow College Founder's Day Program Made Republican Rally Mon. At Ven ice Local and Socio Pre-Showi- Republican County ng Democratic County Nominees Nominees Levan News |