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Show THE act; six Oil. IKir IU BAKUtY1 1 UK TiitSb.':.! ,', LEC. Local and Socio NEW NAVAL AIDE I il35 5, 11ns mi a. hub i.t 8 o'clock, we lcft lav bakt-ryi. !.. ul lo vi;-Wlienj w.i uiu.tj ihiy i:.iu 1UH pounds cl I.uilr iinM'd into (lou:;ii lo bt'i Th.lust thing lanun lu'.o LiH:J. lliiy aid 111 making liiu loaves was to put the ctuuyU uu Uiii table then they weighed lucti pure ot Uoubii to git the nyht weight in each lout. Next put it in a machine that tut it into liu: iuaves. It was rolled in lung loaves and put in pans and m a &Uam tup- Hull set to Ixiiad. it ui let rai-i- one hour. 'Jl.eu it v. as put in a large oven The and Laked tinny minutes. r, bivud was iiuuiv ol Hour, ball, ! Friday and Saturday Bargains : DATES 1 They used u j.aik.le o put tne bread in the ovm una t.ir.i' tiie hot p.uus out. Alter the biead was made Uiey made cake and cookie and buns, 'i'lie buns were made of different ihiUi,. bume With raisins Willi Jain Last Ol and ;,Une Willi leein. ail the;- iiiado iiuit bars wUh fruit and )iIoia.,.es. We watched them mix liiese and bake them. Aiter they were cool we each had one to eat. We had a line time. Sowby'a third grade. By Mi-s- s Mixed Vegetable Salad, large can 7. 8 Capt. H. Clyde Hartm-l- , Marine corps ollieer anil a favorite with Washington's ofllclaldora, who ha been appointed nuviil nhle to t tie White House. The post Is one of the most desirable on the service OATS roster. POT ROASTS : . THE FAMILY POP CORN Murk lieauty 21c AV Cider Per quart .. Solid Pack Large Can farmers 9c 3 No. 2 28c 2 'r - ' - t II ft I I- - - V. 10c Phone , 2 GAMES; Ricks Richfield vs JHS p. m. Gym. 25c 7. FOR SALE ton truck. 8 1928 Chevrolet 14 $40.00 See Ed. Bailey 2 '. $3-9- BASKETBALL GAMES; Ricks vs Nephi Cafe; Richfield vs JHS Tonight, 7, 8 p. m. Gym. 25c REWARD for arrest and conviction of person who burgular-Ize- d Arch Lambson ranch at Phone 196. $25.00 Nor-tonvil- BASKETBALL GAMES; .Ricks Richfield vs JHS Tonight, 7, 8 p. m. Gym. 25c 2 vs Nephi Cafe; Children's dance and carnival given by the Service Star Legion, Friday Dec. 20, Armory Adm. 5c. M YOUR 59c and up window- - THEY ARE IDEAL GIFTS 2 cell compelte .... 3 cell complete . Table Model, complete ..... $1.95 $2.45 $2.50 ROLLER SKATES 98c $1.19 $1.79 $1.98 $209 EXCELSIOR BICYCLES First Quality Girls Bicycle First QuaJity Boys Bicycle .. $33.75 $32.50 Easy Payments USE THE TRAIN Union In a roomy, smooth-ridin- g Pacific car youTI be as comfortable and safe as you are at home. That's the way to travel. And the cost is low. J7W Coach passengers on Union Pacific through trains enjoy Low Cost Meal-sFree Pillows and Drinking Cups Porter Service Comfort, All kinds of oven ware at allprices; Clocks, watches, Lamps, Pens, Pencils, Guns, Antimony ware; Vases; Trays, Cooking Ware THOUSANDS OF OTHER USEFUL GIFTS AND STORE FULL OF TOYS CALL AND SEE OUR GIFT DEPARTMENT A BAILEY-McCUN- E MM regardless of the weather. MW FOR OUR MACHINE for only $4.00 Erma's Beauty Shop Phone 59 Ft. Green News have you met "City day" whicii was held on December 6 to celebrate the completion of the city's new water system, was a big success. An unusually large number was present at the excellent program which was given at the ward chapel, with Mayor C. S. Augason conduting. The Wool city band, under the direction of Niels C. Nielosn furnished very tine music, prior to the program and during the meeting. C. O. Pickle of Salt Lake City and Clyde Whit-loc- k of Manti were the special guests. Dancing for children and adults as well as other entertainment was enjoyed. Sunday school conference was held at the ward chapel last Sunsuperinendenet John H. day with Snow ' conducting. A special program was arranged and Stake officers from Moroni were in THE WIMPUS FAMILY? The hilarious yet delightfully human adventures of an American family. Never a Dull Moment in the Lives of These Real Kids Make the acquaintance of Pop Wimpus and his but lovhard-to-hand- le able sons in this comic strip which appears regularly in this newspaper. A large number of people were in attendance at the testimony held in honor of the retiring bishopric and given by by the newly named group. The local M. I. A. are preparing a special program to be given on December 17 at the Theatre buildember 19 in the Theatre building. ing instead of the regular Tuesday The folcast of the evening meeting. Everyone arp in lows: Ruth Allred,presentation Jean Oldroyd;, vited Elvln Holman, Kenna Aagard, Gayle The Fountain Green public school! Rasmussen, Verno Guymon, Frank These nnde rthe direction of Veronn Green and Louise Draper. will present the operetta children are all from the 5th and "When Christmas Comes" on Dec- - 6th' grades. S'Matter Pop i en j Wm&m& l Mrs. Harry Irons entertained on Friday at a dinner party in honor of Mrs. Geo. Golden of Los Angeles She was assisted by California. her daughter, Miss Eunice Irons. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stanley, Mrs. Joel Taylor, Mrs. S. G. Ord, Mrs. Amos G. Irons and the guest of honor, Mrs. Golden. Mrs. Ruby M. Bigler of Eureka and William Butron of Nephi, jury commissioners for this county, met at the court house on Friday, December 6th and selected from the tax rolls the names of those who will serve as jurymen during the year of 1936. Don Lee, the seven year old son of Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Steele, had the misfortune on Sunday, DecHe ember 1, to break his arm. was taken to Salt Lake City by his mohter and Dr. Warenski where an ex-rpicture was taken of the arm and it was set that night. G RAYCO aw END-LOC- K, TIES TUB "END-LOC- PATfNTiD PtATUR K ay of IVic 2c a mile enable you to travel ot less IT'S BETTER cost than driving a car. And think of the unequalled comfort o! riding over AND BETTER FOR YOU AND YOUR TRY CHILDREN smooth steel rails, in oft - cushioned seats. ith plenty ol leg room. wide aisles, convenient OUR RICH MILK! washrosMns Special foures on "The Chalcar sec lenger." coach-tourition ei the Los JL'geles Limited, includet Stewardess - registered nurse service, and spe- -' de luxe coach tot women and children. I. KEEPS YOUR TIE IN PLACE Do your Christmas Shopping EARLY Buy Men's Presents At A Mens Store st For farther particulars consult your Union Pacific Agnt "WHERE BARGAINS AWAIT YOU" Miss Marjorie Lomax spent last week in Salt Lake City, as a guest of her sister. Miss Maurine Lomax, who has employment at the State LADIES WRIST WATCH capitol. engraved Lucille. Reward. Finder ' Mrs. Samuel P. Nielson returned please return to The Times-New- s to Nephi after visiting in Salt Lake Children's dance and carnival City for some time. She was accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. Orin Armory hall, Fridav December Foote who spent the week end at . M. Adm 5c. the Nielsen home. Carloads broke or range horses, Mrs. Archie Aiken returned to mules b id colts wanted. Fred Chandler Hjrse and Mule Market, Clar-ito- n, Spring City on Wednesday after Iowa. visiting for ten days at the home oi her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Tolley. XMAS PRESENTS FOR SALE Nephi Ward Y. L. M. I. A. Bazaar Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Park, Mrs. Tuesday, December 17. Tabernacle Leslie 7:30 P. M. Aprons, Pillows Pop- George R. Howard, Mrs. corn, Candy. Buy For Christmas. Howard and Byron Howard "attend-- e the funeral services of Joseph FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR D. Park at Salt Lake City WedMr. Park was the oldest 1 Chev. nesday. FRESH MILK COW born man in Salt Lake City Leland Belliston Coupe. ltp native at the time of his death. Cream separator for sale. Good A Chrislmas Cantata will feature Condition. With or without motor. Mrs. Louis Garrett. the entertainment at the Nephi Ward Mutual meeting next Tues day evening. The full evening will CARD OF THANKS be devoted to the entertainment schedWe take this opportunity of ex- many other numbers being cantata. The the with uled evening pressing our gratitude to the many ior class. who assisted us in any way following the death of our husband Mrs. William Bailey was the and father. Expressly we wish to at a meeting of the Bus thank those who gave flowers' and speaker iness and Professional Womens furnished cars and numbers at the club held last Thursday evening. services. subject was "Moves for World The family of Thos. Broadhead Her Peace." A program of musical and reading numbers was also given. FOR. FLASHLIGHTS The new "Eveready Masterlight"; Streamline with more features than any other flashlight see our Miller motored to Eureka Sunday and Visited with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Miller. George Parkes, son of Mrs. Itha B. Parkes, whq left in September for the New Zealand mission, reports that he is located at Thames, New Zealand, and is enjoying his work very much. SILVERWARE MADE ESPECIALLY W. DuckMr. and Mri. George Bigler and Mrs. Alice 25c 26 piece set Tudor Plate Silverware, complete with 25 year guarantee only $13.50 Tarnish proof Chest use GENUINE SUPPLIES Mr. and ius. George r'4 worth, accompanied by 20-3:- BASKETBALL I Our shop is under ABSOLUTELY NO" CONTRACT with any manufacturer; therefore we are able to V. Cooper. LOST 106. CHCIIEI S CAFE Have A Genuine Sommers Natural Permanent Miss Alburta Cowan was In Salt Lake City on Saturday and Sunday visiting with her sister Miss Nelda Cowan who Is attending the L. D. S. Business College. STORES FOR RENT Three room apartment, furnished 94 West 3 South ALL KINDS Chicago Electric Waffle Iron, a bargain at "HOT POINT' Waffle Iron $5.95 Streamline toasters $1.25 to $3.95 Sandwich toasters $1.85 to $3.95 Standards "A Snrety of Turity" itf ifii liu ELECTRIC APPLIANCES S. Per Dozen FOOD Tonight, FIVE TUBE "EMERSON" RADIO "The World's biggest selling little Radio" A real value at ... $20.95 Four Tube "Emerson" Radio only $15.95 25c pounds HI Mrs. E. G. Pyper and children spent the week end In Salt Lake City at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Paxman, parents of Mrs. Pyper. CLRSKAGGS vs Nephi Cafe; RADIOS Mix Chocolates Mixed Nuts 5 lb box $1.00 Best assortment of boxed candy TREASURE ISLAND No Blanks. Get your card at Free Cards Mrs. Maud Everett of Emmett, Idaho and Mrs. Essie Larson of Missoula. Montana are the house gi'.ests this week of their niece, Mrs. B aa. EGGS PUMPKIN YOU 1- weei Lorn CANDY Xmas Hard MIXED NUTS GIFT FOR ANY MEMBER OF "ILL FIND IT AT THE M Sc cans 25c lb-lb. 20c lb. 22c 19c and Xmas Mix Mr. and Mrs. George Christiansen were guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.C. E. Harrocks of Santaquin. 9c Sweet FOR A SHORT TIME We are offering Mill Run in ton or more lots at $15.00 per ton. Juab Mill an Elevator Co. r1 - CORN CHRISTMAS TREES $ 85c We htfve your choice of XMAS Candies and Nuts in Quantity, Quality and Price: returned to their home on Monday CIDER CLASSIFIED ,f Mol- CANDIES AND NUTS after visiting for several days at the home of Mrs .T. H. O. Parkes. 25c Aro Kraut Large can, each TOMATOES Pierces Large Can her daughter. Mrs. Thomas 19c KRAUT QOf OC With Peanuts 2 pounds Mrs. Richard Sudweeks spent the week end In Provo the guest of Mrs. A. W. Conover and children Top Pure I tah Dixie asses, gallon cans lC 2C 3C McDonald's 5 pound box Cowan. MOLASSES BOX CHOCOLATES 1 1 EMSTITSHING DONE by Mrs. Lou Henroid. 140 8. 2nd East. Mrs. Roy T. Cowan was In Salt Lake City last week Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stellman 25c MINCE MEAT t hoiee Quality 2 pounds for Choice Naval Oranges, priced iff"" A Cherry Chocolate 1 pound box ORANGES each XUC eyC Soap Lorn, 3 pound's Grain Fed Steer Beef Per pound County Commissioners Russell Hawkins of Nephi, Frank Bacon of Eureka, and R. H. Gardner of Levan, together with county cleric J. H. Vickers went to Callao on Monday, on business pertaining to a road building project. Spin- - James H. Ockey went to Ogden on Sunday where he was called to serve on the Federal Jury. CHOCOLATES . JLvC Crystal Wedding OaU Large Package ANTA Says! RITE WAY - They have "IF YOU WANT 10c bjC Bam on Sunday attending a tea by Miss Barbara Maughan. large pkg 1'eet'n Granulated Ktap, 2 bars Crystal Mi1de d Arizona Grapefruit large size, 3 fur GAMES; Ricks Richfield vs JHS C MAYERS HOME FOR RE NT-- See 25c Mrs. Frank Harris. p. ni. Gym. Tg half-poun- Mellow GRAPE FRUIT BASKETBALL Tonight. ........ Mrs. A. H. Belllston was In WASHING POWDER White Three and Juab stake Sunday school union will be held Sunday afternoon, December 15, at 2:30 P. M. 'lhe meeting is lo be held hi the Juab stake tabernacle, according to Miss Grace Jenkins, secretary of the slake board. Froth California lu h; 3 bum hen fg 1UC BARS . imt-uiit-f 2 1 for Mrs. Lynn Jackson visited In Salt Lake City on Thursday. SPINACH VEGETABLES yea.-t- - vs Nephi Cafe; pound cellophane baffs su-ta- nuicr and Thursday, December 12, 1935 NEI'IIl, UTAH TIMES-NEW- A phone call will ' secure delivery to your door. Meadowbrook Dairy At A T |