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Show THE PAGE FOUR o ! 9. p - week. Miss Dorothy Johnson, a student at Ephralm vls- ittd with her parents. Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Johnson, over the week-en- Armand Symphonic and Woodbury's Face Powder Other sizes 50c and $1.00 now available in 23c Sizes P P P o p y p p p Free Speech Mrs. Thomas Vickers spent Tuesday in Payson visitnig with her son and daughter-in-laMr. and Mrs Li. P. Vickers j Jud Tuuklns s:iy all people bine the privilege of free speech, hut if everybody exercises it at once, who's going to he audience? Mrs. T. W. Vickers is visiting in Salt Lake City for a few days and daughter, with her Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moyer. Gome in and See It son-in-la- w A 50c Permanent Indelible Automatic Lip Stick Free p op, pP with each Dollar Size Symphonie Powder. I. I LAX THE BLADDER U p NOW for Bring us your Christmas Tree Lights Let us make them light a FREE CHECK OVER up. George D. Haymond, Druggist. SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY Best Milk For Children Meadowbrook Dairy In 35 of Cases! essema and similar farms of Itchinf . ss pimples and boils, wtui this new type treatment which bee been found so successful by doetora Ws sell It under the name 11 VDKOHA1-- , In liquid or ointment form. It's almoet unbelievable how last HVUHOrlAL stoiie Itching, allays pain and dries up "weeping" skin You'll always use U YDHOOAL lor euie. bums and other Injuries because H allays pain prompUr and promotes last Dealing, uet tuunyi fV SELLS FURNITURE COMPANY muiuwai. Nephi Drug Company. stt.1.1' ji. ijenflJJft Itaqaaajiajwunjsn, 1) m vgMmiuM 69c quart Hot Water Bottle muination Hot water bottle and fountain Syringe ui" mmrv" .. mjM.mJjmm is m. mjj, tew J" a imn m i.n.....m mj m u nt.ii Will .....1.. 98c v a Year TREAT Two r. Oil It Only Once Juniper Oil, Buchu Leaves, Etc. If you are bothvrea felting up nlsbta, barninff, lee pains, backache, make this Its test. Flush out the excess acids and waste matter that cause Irritation. Get Juniper oil, extract buchu leaves, etc- - In ereen tablets called HUKF.TS, the bladder taxatiee. After four dajrs U not satianed any drucgist will return your l&c. This action is brought to recover a Judgment and decree quieting plaintiff's title to the following described real estate situate In Juab County, State of Utah, to wit: All of Lot 1 of Block 21 of Plat "C", Nephi's survey ot building lots. WILL L. HOTT Plaintiff's attorney P. O. Address, Nephi, Utah First pub, November 1, 1934 Lat pub. NoVember 29, J934. General Electric Washer $59.50 d. p o Plaintiff vs Thomas M. McCune, and all other persons unknown claiming any right, title, estate or interest in, or lien upon the real property described in the complamt, adverse to the plaintiff's ownership or clouding plaintiffs title thereto, Defendants President's Auto tJceuse The 1'iesiileiit'M automobile a ways bears the Ilrenie number K." which Is reserved for It. of Snow College with coin purse and Envelope and Pouch ftyles Priced at $1.19 and $1.69 mirror SENA B. McCUNE, DEITNDANTS: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of thw summons upon you. If served within the county in which this action is brought; otherwise withli th'rty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; and In case of your failure so to do, Judgment will be rendered you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. THE STATE OF UTAH TO SAID Mrs. D. M. Miller Is visiting in Oarfield and Salt Lake City this Ladies Hand Bags I P P IN THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT .COUIIT OF UTAH . IN AND FOR JUAB COUNTY d. o o , SUMMONS MEETING Notice U given that the annual meeting of the Stock holders of the Mrs. H. E. McPherosn visited in Neplii Irrigation Company will be held at the Juab county court house Fountain Green over the week-enon Monday, December 3, 1934, at 2 Mis Ruth Francom was a Provo P M. of that date, for the purpose of electing two directors to serve visitor Saturday, three year terms and to transact John Richardson has been caled sucn other business as may come to Salt Lake City to act as a Jury- before the meeting. man of the Federal Jury. Nephi Irrigation Company By C, W. Glazier, Secretary Miss Margaret Smith spent Saturday and Sunday visiting in Salt Lake City. o o y NOTICE OF AN'N'l'AL Local and Social p pP Thursday, November 15, 1934 NEPHI. UTA'H TIMES-NEWS- . Nephi Drug Co. 4. -fr-H" Northern Lights The Northern Limits take the form of arcs, hnmK rnys. wavy curtains, p:tiehen or a hroud corona, varying In rolur from silvery white to yelii " 'ii'i!. vlolo; .r red. j St. Patrick P.-i- f Kiiakes abound ill iic;ir New York elty. Mnti rcir'on Compulsory School Attendance It was n..t until 1877 thai compulsory s,',l,ml ntiemlance was mmle effective In Ohio, ,) tlmt re vj attendance only at leant three months out of emli year. fr 3 ill Whaling 1,030 Year Old Whale fishing dates back a thou- 1 c) sand years to the voyages of the Basques In the Twelfth century. Hot Dinner Play Dance v. Ostler Bid Tabernacle Arlington D inner vv-- -- t M l -a jRmim&$ da if sWtin .'','fiifcXw-- v,:W etesa - V . 4 A iixX 'l . eVrt A tale cf enduring love... of desperate adventure. ..of heroic effort. ..as the world end the billions of creatures that teem upon its surface are smashed into oblivion. THE MOST AMAZING STORY IN YEARS k It to be published serially In these columnt...do net JJ i Play Dance Ifu zi zi Noon 7:30 9:30 |