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Show mm Fill Your Needs In Nephi " or "WHAT NEPHI GROWS OR MAKES- - ;j MAKES NEPHI GROW" Buy in Nephi The News, Vol. Nephi, Juab County, Utah, Thursday, October 27, 1932 mes, Vol. 22. No. 43 W ' 13, No. 43 T ' .X Funeral Services For W. P. Ostler To Be iimS Znl Held Saturday2P.M. republicans by At the Helm InTime of Need! FOR Committees For Nov. COHTRACT SUED 11 Are Selected By I WORK HAS Service Star RELIEF FOR REB1DIIIG Legion FIRST I CU BEEN RECEIVED Funeral services will be held In the Juab stake tabernacle Saturday at 2 P. M. for William P. Ostler. 71. farmer and cattle man of this city who passed away at his home Comlttees have been named for the annual Armistice Day banquet for all men and their partners, to be held November 11 at 6 P. M. at the North Ward Amuse ment Hall, acording to anounce ment by President Ida Harris of the Service Star Legion. Members of the various commit tees are as follows: General Arran gements Fontella Boswell, Lucille Brough, Afton Beckstcad,, Erma Garrett, Minnie Smith Abbie Leeta Blackett; Reception Committee Harriet Brough, Maude Forrest; Program Elsa Harris, An na Aliped. Nora Reld; Invitation Committee Lucille Brough, Afton Beckstead; Decoration Committee Delia Chairman, Elsie Wood. Zelnora Ockey, Jennie 8tanley. Beck, Kate Bowles, Phena Belllston, Refreshment Committee Chairman Lila Richardson, Clara Park, Elsie Sidwell, Mary Garrett, Mabel Gol den, Emma Memmott, Laura Mor pan, Betsy Anderson, Ella Cowan, Flossie Carter, Alice Haynes. ROAD UP TRACK Work will begin In the immed iate future on the grading and the County Commission on (Traveling of the south side of First Thursday from Oovernor George North Street from Main Street to H. Dern as the county's first allot ment of the Reconstruction Fin the east city limits, according to a contract being signed today (Thursance Corporation Relief Funds, for distribution to the needy of Juab day) between the State Road Com mission and Juab County. The cost County. of the grading and graveling will to set the up by According plan be six thousand dollars, of which the the Reconstruction Finance Cor state will pay $3,000 and Juab Co poration, not more than $20.00 per unty and Nephi City cooperating month will be allowed and expen in the payment of the other $6,000. ded for the relief of an ordinary The oiling of this road will be family of five members and not done next year at a cost of $2,000, more than $10.00 per month for the which will also be a cooperative relief of one person. project, but the contract for that This money is for the families work will not be signed until next of the county who are in dire ned. year. and according to information given The work on this road will be done out Thursday, no funds will be a- by single hands and men and teams. vallable, but orders on local stores No trucks will be used In the haulwill be given to the people. Provtd ing of the gravel. lng there are members of the family o It Is with a great deal of pleasure and can per that are able-bodiIs able to that The Times-Neform manual labor, then he will be Inform the public of the city of asked to perform certain labors for Nephi that this road will be conthe funds. ..Exactly ..what make- structed, and that, everybody who work projects will be provided, has desires to work will be equal not been ascertained, but it is un Dean Kendall was in Salt Lake chance to get a Job and given work on it. derstood that such labor as clean City Tuesday on business. We are grateful for the splendid ing streets, fixing up cemeteries, work on the part of Npphl City and and like projects, may come under Mr. and Mrs. George Cromar of Juab County officials for cooperatthe relief work plan. No road con Eureka spent the past few days ing with the state rond commission struction work or with Mrs. W. A. Starr. In making this $6,000 make-wor- k projects will come under the plan. Larson of this city, returned to her In regards to paying back of this Mrs. Joe Parmley of Hiwatha, Ut project within this city. We know home Wednesday. 7.i.V2. money, it Is understood that it is to ah Is the house guest of her mother that the people of Nephi appreciate It very much. r si be taken out of federal road money Mrs. l Joseph Hanson this week. Work was started, Tuesday on to be alloted to the various counties was that of Congressman Don B I road bankers of Ogden spent last week Improvements on the state beginning in 1935 Miss Afton Greenwood, fresh highway between and the their mother. Mrs. Maria Pet TO VE 7""" II with nlac nf thu tne maim distribution each the In man county, student at Snow College, spent Utah County line. Nephi crson. includes the It ai At i. i HU.uiuuiAa. comes control under of funds week-enthe d the ivs Willi regurus tu uic pixHuuiuiuu here, a guest at the of the shoulders along of the County Commission with home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Winn. widening T Hiiiuiiumeiu,. unKre&siiia:i ouituu ftnfl vrmirl,A t.nGpn loft and the filling in of the cement, onmmlf-.tAtra in rinftlst.lTicy fdn dealso discussed the cause of the barrow-p- it at Mona and several Cit where the last ;,eek for Salt oi election The are nf following juages tv,i students Mn. The Manti Seminary Tjrhi Miss Mai da Starr feft Sunday places along the highway. meet- - K E recent thev are visiting with relatives. a , at I i were appointed Hansen to oresent the first exchange pro Levan; and Raphael night for a weeks visit with Mr. The work at Mona will commerce the ing oi tne ouao uuiuy wmuu-- 1 Garflelcl Mona and Mrs. H. M. McCunee in Salt next Monday, and it is understood ainon at me present time, naa it Mrs Minnle winters returned to gram of this school year ineven " not been for the Collapse Of the up. knmn ThnrsHntf attr ervnrnp- Juab Stake tabernacle Sunday Other members are appointed on Lake City. nw that the state road comission will at 7:30. v -major nations of Europe." He went a few days yM several thousand dollars on th her daugh- - ingThe ana " act at to election, any students of this seminary pointed Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brough were expend uu lo ten tuc u uwu oi.ai.ca terS( Mrs. Embro Bendixon and Mrs, the road between Nephi nad the last will save many hours or strenuous here a In program splendid gave naa suiierea wnen nations oi the Payson Sunday, spending day Utah County line. In Utah County Edhardt Bendixon. at tne nome or Mr. and Mrs. Ar- they have year and one equally as good is ex work on the partisof thelistJudges. ope Degan reaeeming tneir Donas added about four feet on for East the The following towns to the be to Powell. T ror goia, ratner than redemption thur presented pected each side of the cement and the nw Mr. and Mrs. Erick Thompson OUT Juab County of Nephi Sunday evening. bonds. The confidence of these nat- - announce the birth of a people has been oiled, but In Juab daughter. Nephi, No. 1 Receiving juages Mrs. J. A. Whipple left Thursday strip Exchange programs wrcn many ions xor me umtea estates nas nowigaLurday October 22, County the strip on the side of W. G. Orme, Mrs. T. W. Vlckers, are Seminaries for different becoming American to Fork Deen restorea, nowever, accorang to spend the the cement will be graveled and not an annual event and give much in Vera P. Howell; Counting Judges, remainder or the week visiting with oiled, It is understood. tne congressman, ana tne gold re- Sunday in Sacrament meeting the GerWJilliam Bent Burton, to the material ner Bryan, public. S. Mrs. T. Boley. mother, turn to the united States at pre- Levan Ward Primary association was teresting that the state road commission will The graduating class or the local ald Cazier; Constable Chester Foote sent is more man twenty munons organized, with Mrs. Vera M Christ building of the road behind Mount 2 No. a Receiving Judges: for are Nephi Mrs. C. D. making plans Sparks and Bobby Nebo, and the construction of the of dollars per weeK. ensen as president and Ruby Win- - Seminary D. T. Itha Davis, Bowles. Kate on Novem to are Sanpete County Young spending the latter part road up first north street, is providHe aerenaea the Republican aam- - ters and Christina Taylor as coun trip be pre- - Parkes; Counting judges Lisle Blg-le- r, of the week at Clearlake with Mr. inlstratlon or the past four years selois. The outgoing officers are ber 13. Five programs are totowns ing work for a great number of James of Andrews; Gilbert in the cented Ba?ley, and Mrs. Fenton respective Is so much as the farmer and lab- - Mrs. Christina Stephensen, Mrs. Eva Young. the unemployed men of Nephi. HIGHWAY on Kendall Constable Fred student th going county. Every o onng class or people is concerned Mangelson and Mary Anderson. 3 Noi on least at will Judges, Receiving take Ned Ostler, who Is employed with the trip Nephi part To tne protest mat Fresiaent M. Kate M. T. Gadd, one Howard, Mary of the programs. the Eagle Coal Company in Clear Hoover has not helped the worK- Mrs. Leola Nelson and children Wolf; Counting judges N. A. Nell- Creek, was a guest Tuesday night Ing class, he answered that over 86 of Provo are enjoying this week at H.I on automobiles of the W. Drivers of Juab J. Patterson, George son, the and Wednesday at the home of his The honor students per cent oi tne money- - maae avail- - the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Stake I exnot must state six Foote. Ernest of the Ostler; Constable highways seminary for the first parents, Mr. and Mrs. George O. able through organization of the tian Christensen. col N. to if collect J. pect Levan Receiving judges, weeks period are: Margaret Crapo, damages they ostler. Reconstruction Finance Corporat Cowcars motor left standing Schow, Mrs. J. L. Francom, James lide with ion, has been loaned to farmers Mr. and Mrs. Martin Nielsen. Or- E6.6; Kathryn Kay, 95.7; Nelda the road, according to a supreme Mrs. June Peterson left this morn and concerns cf cities of less than pha and Sherman Nielsen of Pro-- an, 95.3; Catherine Bowles, 95.3; Christensen; Counting judges, Wil-li- nford Beard, Floy Mortensen, Mar- court decision in this state. They ing (Thursday) for her home In 25.000 population. vo. Miss Florence Brinehurst of Donna M. Belllston, 95; Beth Hobbs, Three persons were injured in Bar-net- t, ion Christensen; Constable, Elgin must drive cautiously enough and Klamath Falls, Oregon, following two Ke also commended the work of Springville and Mrs. Bud Averlll 95; Melba Fowkes, 94.3; Wilmer automobile accidents in this Ihave In condition an 94. their in visit extended good Gardner. with this lights In city Senator Smoot, aiding in the cf Casper, Wyoming were visiting district Monday. In El- -t on o N. the Mrs. her Mona Ernest Hanson highway Elgy "e mother, Kay, or an Joseph estaDiisnment Agricultural relatives and friends in Levan Sun- Mrs. Jesse Matthews of Chicago All Republican ladles of Nephi lertson, Edwprd H"1 and with other relatives and friends. time to avoid' them. Credit Bank, a branch of which Is day. suffered a fractured right thumb C." be In attendance at to In state a was decided are This Utah Wni Edith Mills requested Orglll, locatea in sail uity. in the city Young, Chas. Williams. Mr. and Ws G. M. Whltmore her teeth were knocked out and she supreme court decision, handed In conclusion, Congressman Col- - Mrs. Florence Roseauist Is In Del a meeting Monday night cut and bruised on the bead at convene will and at were hall. down a The the in Salt Lake 2iiy Tiesday to was meeting capitol Wednesday ton, told of the Republican adminta this week as a guest at the home 7:30 P. M. 5:30 p. m. Monday when the car at Ellas W1." Hansen Justice written Beal attend W. of Nelson funeral the of Mrs. by Arm Springville istratlon's road building program 0f Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Crane and .k'ch she was riding collided o visited today (Thursday) In this Chief Justice J. W. Cherry and Jus strong. Mr. Whltmore was one of He stated that hundreas or thous- - family. a trJek ;i"en by Alton Gadd, with while Folland W. H. tice Mrs. the concurred, at the home of her sister, anas oi men nave Deen empioyea honorary pall bearers. At the Mail PETTY IN THE city Justice D. N. Strup wrote a dissent time of his death, Mr. Armstrong of Nephi, at Sixth North-anRobert Winn. on forest is, tfvouph money ap- Mr., and Mrs.' Erastus Sorenson CLEG to police report. ing opinion in which Justice Eph-ra- was a stockholder of the First streets, according In Salt Lake proprlated in the Reconsuiotlon spent the week-en- d U. S. A. C. BAND Hansen concurred. National Bank of Nephi. He has Gadd, who Is secretary of the Finance Corporation's program. Mrs. Lloyd Williams and family city visiting at the home of Mrs of an ac served as cashier of the bank for Nephi Poultrymen, Inc., was driv out decision The grew Claude F. BaKer, Republican nom- - sorenson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. a few of spent days Chapman, Utah, LOGAN October 26 Cleo Petty north and made a left-hainee ror tne omce oi uisinct At- - Hvrum Lard of this week at the home of Mr. cident occuring July 5, 1930, on the two years, president for two years ing of Nephi is a member of the his truck colliding with the turn, Iron in Zion and Park director for four County Highway years. and Mrs. roruey lor nit; riitu tuuiuiax uiav- Wilkey, parents when R. S. George Utah State Agricultural other car, which was southbound, o Dalley collided with a rict, introduced the county, district Mr. and Mrs. Loran Kendall re- - College band, which will present a of Mrs. Williams. enroute to Los Angeles. He was cut truck presumably left in the road candidates turned last week from Delta after concert over radio station KSL In o and state Republican over the right eye, suffering other oi N. Smith, A. U. C. S. employee BROADCAST by Joseph who were present. of home an extended visit at the Salt Lake City on October 28. Mr. cuts and brulss and possibly a fracProducts Western Mid the Dairy The rally was In charge of J. M Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Crane. EVERY Dlays a bass In the band WEDNESDAY Petty tured right arm. sues the u. dairy company. Dalley unairman. Christensen, precinct The college band this year gives The other machine was driven for Smith and company damages state committeeman W. Glazier, Miss Minerva Johnson sDent promise of being the best in the Mrs. Matthews' daughter Virgin disby Court District but Fifth the and president of the Young Men's the week-en- d at the home of her history of the school, accoramg to was LOGAN ia, Matthews, 18. Neither she nor a The an missed Utah State action or that the case, Agri mtroauuiud r. wepni Republican parents in Springville. Professor N. W. Christiansen, 18 and a brother-in-laof starts leaves school the After sister, over broadcasts cultural supthe sustained College Wednesday by cea senator omooi. members come The seventy Alfred Sonnie, 28, Mrs. snow Matthews, comes, radio then KSL the first station Wednes decision. court reme fall, on every numbers Musical the evenings Mrs. C. P. Winters entertained a from twenty-seve- n differentl high its winter which all reminds Justice Hansen in his decision day and Friday at 12:15 to 12:30 were injured. program, inciudea a selection irom few ladies last Friday afternoon schools and colleges of Utah and Miss Emma Shepard, 18, daughme you can't expect your overholds "that Dalley was traveling These presentations are given by the juaaies unorus or tne rvortn A (jelicous supper was served. states. surrounding coat to come out clean in the on a clear night. There members of the College faculty, all ter of Mrs. Ed. Shepard of Mona, road the wara; a vocai soio ay nars. rtoDeri, nrst on is concert the The Friday and fall just because its been in was nothing to divert his attention specialists in their respective fields suffered cuts on the head Winn; and a vocal quartette by A number of Levan hunters of a series of a busy season. ArSoak all summer. must inevitable follow that The talks are given: on subjects body at 7 p. m. when the car in Jt Mrs. Alice Crapo, Mrs. Florence have been sxjecessful In getting their to made are pre being rangements the plaintiff did not keep a lookout of special interest to the farmers vvhich she was riding, driven by Winn, Mrs. ueiia rmmes, uiu u - i eer. sent programs in the various nign Most of the deer hunters are ahead, or if he did, he either did and housewives of the lntermoun- - Elmo Christiansen of Payson, struck Ellen uoie. ine i.evan Dana iurstate. of the schools and colleges a hayrack. Both the automobile and back, most of them lucky I not heed what he saw, or he could taln country. nished music before the rally began. RhorwnnH nf Pnrjt.Piin id The band also performs in the ath am still eating Mutton cause Free copies will be sent upon re the hayrack, driven by Louis Jones not see the truck because his lights Accompanied by the Levan Band, ah0 at home 0f his letic contests of the college ana its cheap (sheep) were not such as were prescribed quest to the Information office, of Nephi, were southbound when tne caravan oi xwpuuiiua.ii u and lSn James sher marches in demonstrations at FootYou can eat Venison cause Utah State Agricultural College. the accident happened a mile north i wood by law." anixo, iiiuiutuiitj wiuw iui ball gamte. its deer. The decision places the entire Programs for the remainder of the of Nephi on the state highway. cuswci senatorial, congressional, o o and county ornces serenaaea uevani Dinner guests Sunday at the home responsibility on the driver and present month and November in To Voters" clude "Instruction the A addresses: seem driver or not does fair following Sherwood just. Nephi, Mona and 'untie towns. Jarnes of and LADIES DEMOCRATIC Political rallies are very much may be turning a corner and col October 26 Dr. F. B. Warm, "The AUDRIE HANSEN TO o were: LeRoy Sherwod of Pocatello mow. to advice in My of Certain Soil Nutrients PLAY LEAD IN SHOW vogue Relation obstacle the while an ORGANIZED with lide CLUBS C. N. Fillmore iIdaho, Mr. and Mrs. i n voters is to attend all rallies, iv-i- in VY. 15. lights are pointing in a diferent to Health in Plants." j and two childsen of Eureka; Mr. and take notes and compile them October 28 A. J. Morris, "Man direction. He may approach an 1 1INU Mrs. Elden Sherwood and son Nlel Permanent organizations of DemREliULAK them carefully. On Nov. obstacle in the road ufacture of Dairy Products In the Miss Audrle Hansen of Levan, standing and Mr. ana Mrs. Keuoen anerwooa ocratic Ladles Clubs were effected study 8 take all notes with you to when the highway Is slippery and Farm Home" was given the task of "Bossing" the Wednesday afternoon and evening Members of the local B. P. W. of Nephi. the election booth tear them to apply the brakes is most danNovember 2 dirJ. C. Hogenson, aristocratic the under and In Mona, of Tatum family, when Nephi a evening delightful were enjoyed vote way the, and you to Bed' Your up own slide Garden associate car I his V. and A. Mrs. "Putting may gerous Gadd, she was selected to take the part of Mrs. Lucille Wankler returned ection of 'fwoinmpnt. Monday evening at nome first to in the 4 L. November A. place. "Stor a going off Wilson, uo Countv Chairwoman, dugway. Ruth Thomas in the play "Who's rnaay irom rrovo wireseveral their regular meeting in tne city There are still many who believe ing Vegetables.' Oficers named for the Nephi club Boss." The opposite lead will be an operation underwent hall 9 November E. J. Expert" "Efficiency hall In individual a who leaves Maynard, held the that the city played by Joseph Crane of Salina. Mrs Leeta Squire read the play weeks ago. Reports state she Is very at a meeting who Scotchman "Livestock The Outlook" applied as motor follows: are or a car or other Feeding wagon, any Other members of the cast include Wednesday evening, A musical mucn lmprovea. "The Man From Home." at 16 for A. November SeaH. hat privileges Powell, checking obstacle MrsV Lila Richardson, Vee Hunt, Dorothy Jessen, Laura president bv the Fldells standing on the highway son Care of and Winter Mr rings. political in Repair the path of traveling1 public, Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Nielson and Mrs I. M. Petty, vice president; Carter, Daisy Knaphus, Eleanor Choral Club Farm Mrs or without lights Machinery" Clyde warning of danger November Peterson, Lincoln Orme, Francis family of Provo spent a few daya Morgan Miller, secretary; she welcomes 18 R. "PreJ. says Evans, Germany should be sent to the state pen! Havnes. treasurer. Thomas and Rex Reeve. the courtesy of the State of last week with relatives here, to Through relative her now for next Plantas suggestions any was pare selected year's Mrs. Nada Kay The play "Who's Boss" will be tentlary. noma npnnrt.ment and! ri- war to her debt of ing" o payments After spending the past several Dresident of the organization at presented by the Play Production the untiring efforts of HallandBros 23 We States November suggest United B. Rena the Vice Maycock, Class of Snow College on November the years In Mount Pleasant, Mr. and Mona. Other officers follow: sec of the City Meat Market, Union meeting for all workers In "Our that she pays it. Homemaklng Leadership 18, at the Ephraim Theattre. Florence Newton; jUab County Fish and Game Mrs. Alvln Christensen moved back president. and the Relief In Functions Society.i Utah" Primary retary, Viola Lynn; Treasurer, Hilda W ticvail umiauoj. M. I. A. will be held in the high Association, a bUU eiK UUV " Nevember 25 Carl Frischnlecht. There isn't anybody on earth Newton. and Mrs. Hyrum Brough had an unicnown nunter, m school smokas killed a October 30 "Observations ..From ..First ..Year as Mr. by so girl building a Sunday, for calls sophisticated week-en- d Club program The Z Christensen to and v, and guests at thnir Angus Lyman given Kpnhi ir.tf 2 M. All at P. officers teachers u thinks and Record first her 6 . . .. cigarette Poultry ing Keeping Wok." v, Mnnrfnw fw leld where meeting each month, the principal Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Kimball, Mrs Tha meat-Jlnfof are these Is. she organizations request' the Relief they have employment working In issue for discussion to be a study of by ed to be in attendance. was "distributed WATSON issues.. beets. party the Society. A check for $7,000 wag received by "The Sugar Beet crop will net the Wiraiav afternoon, following a farmers of Utah more money than lingering Illness. any other farm product, therefore. Mr. Ostler was born In Salt Laki a strict duty on Imported sugar Is City October 11. 1861, a son of John necessary," urged Senator Reed C. and Mary Ann Prince Ostler. He Smoot, Senior Senator from Utah, came to Nephi when he was four in an address at a Republican rally years old and has since resided here. held In the Juab High School aud- He married Mary Ann Weeks In the itorium Tuesday evening. Logan temple December 15 1887. He Is survived by his widow, two Backing to full extent the Smoot- and two daughters: Horace P. Hawley bill, Senator Smoot expoun-Isoded the principles of the tariff Ostler and Mrs. Kenneth Blackett, measure and told of the aid and Nephi; W. Karl Ostler, Salt Lake protection that bill has given to City: Mrs. E. M. Johnson, Venice, the farmers of the United States. California. Also three full brothers He stressed the need of the return and one sister: George O: J. E. of a Republican administration In Ostler: Mrs. Eliza Pay, Nephi; J. the coming election. In order that S. Ostler. Salt Lake City; and the rs and hair-tectlthe Sugar Tariff and others In pro-- following of the farmer, will be in sisters: Fred Ostkjr, Salt Lake City; no danger of repeal. Moroni Ostler, Tooele; Earl Ostler, Senator Smoot stressed that 94 Moroni; Mrs. John Aaguard. and oer cent of the measures of the Elizabeth Ostler, Fountain Green. Smoot-Hawle- y Interment will be In the City bill and amendments thereto, were endorsed by the heads Cemetery, under the direction of of the four Important farmers or- - the Anderson Funeral Home, Nephi, ganizatlons of the United States. The Senator answered statements of the opposite . party, concerning the Importation of sugar products from Cuba and like sugar produc- X. 1. .1 . . V i ""I After an extended visit In Salt the Juab Mac-Farla- ns on half-brothe- ne ed Local and Social Levari News ng ESJifi .?.'lmeL.lne.T Millll SEMINARY EEECTIOII JUDGES L Gl ARE PROGRAM SELECTED 1 TJ. ,,7 WH FOR OBSTACLES Oli STATE Three People Hurt In Auto Crashes - d - m nd seven-ty-tfec- e Watson says: air-ecto- w jgg tr r. ur -t uni rC Mtt xu'ub . nntrf |