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Show Thursday, March 27, 1930 THE mate, ah In BLACK SHEEP'S GOLD only, out of all the wom-e- u tht world, all whom I bid known, all whom I had not known. This waa aa plain to me aa the wing of the sun from east Id went. The rest of It followed. Some way a purl from the olh era aha stood, on a clear spticu of murtiliy gruss; It came to me that vheliHil aomeihing privute lo any. I witlked toward her; and stopiied. I can recall the almpling aoond of the Knnilllv waters against the anchored launch; mid I the amoke of the camp tires, aee the little group of white uin Maudlng eeremml-oiihI- j apart. I remembered tlinl I wna Juki beginning lo feel a ccr lulu uneasiness, that struggled foi TIMES-NEW- S. NKI'III. ITTAIT saw" I never also. If I could have fitted myself "No. Ilui it seema he wa hid- Into the prison ahupe so far aa to den away amieliere, afraid to behave "decently." "civilly." "realiow. Mr. Splcer got It out of him. member I waa In Jail, and not In lie Mr. Splcer knew all aorta of the Hotel Australia,," (Heaven "Why, knows I waa admonished often things I can't think" "I con," I aald. remembering that enough) 1 might have "waggled" uru. and thtt meeting ninny a little Indulgence, as night on by Beatrice Grimihaw S house. with Splcer. outside lliis-si-Mre granted to the model usually "He net all tbltiga going before experienced jail bird. Illustrated by Irwin Myere he and the other man Blurted np But for Ma and for me, there country after you. He must have were no extra visits, no unread known be you (or waiting they'd letters. Worst ot all. though perCopyrlicbt by Hughea here." Uaaaie Y Co. fectly legal and right, waa the All that hud puzzled me, all I of Holly at all our Interpresence WNO Service tiad fell and feared, waa plain lo views. He read a paper, and preme loo lule Well might they tended kindly not to be lake their defeat llghlly, when It listening; tint enough I ask you Whitt meant o III tie! Well might they Is CHAPTER X Continued under such condit supremacy against the mastering slick close on the way down to tions? 12 the trap that waa to be sprung 1 heard Caxon tihout us I went; Joy of her presence; her face, when 1 I pass over months cannot reI saw seemed unusually uisiii nte me. their only rival to member do doubt tie thought I hud sudden- grave. .It . near, for how certain many; ii I I . ih gold of Taiaiata Then her caught oihiL was there Perhaps may have been about six and ly gone "I'm going." she said. "It has to come hnnds, and held fhera for an end a little madness In the art, hwaun a It to waa visiting day when lest minute, and I wus anre Dial he goiM l.j. ms I said, hut I ahull could nut be quite sure tliot I the day, nnd Pia, darling over patient trouble did not mailer, what- tie near you. all the time, and If should light where I reckoned Hie ever was Pla. awaiting below at the cate It waa. becnuse It had left chief bad lighted on ame ante, her of the palm avenue, until the hour and myself alive, ami She could not hrlng forth the "when unseen ledge. I saw the ledge aa I both elite, she might Justly climb the of us together. black words a second time. "I unhill. leaped, managed to hit It. and then, Always, she was a Hi tie thinI told her. "God'a bless-luderstand," curt "Phil." she with said direct of bootaoles dure Instead having lovely npplo-rouuon you. darling." And Usm ner, always thewaa nesa. aa If seconds, nilnutea. were a III Ma more cheek prehensile feet to hold on with, I counted. young we "Will you do something that, parted. It waa touch and go, lost footing. a fruit frosts have pre like wasted, I took me Bassett to the launch. for me? want you to make a I got but I did not so Hint lime. She was gay. maturely touched. one elbow round a atone, clasped a blindfold promise, and you won't It appeared that Splcer and Caxon almost merry, before tnef merry 1 were Baswant you to promise going by the other boat. the projecting root with the other like that. taught the sett wouldn't take them In the with ask no questions. " hand, and managed to wriggle back you'll well bred girl, as lettera and Ian I I launch "We "ball gel there first," gunge are an did not like It. Still. to safety. The chief bad disaptaught her; she strove promise anything he told ine. "It may matter to you to put aside the weariness, lonell peared. I made after hi in, round swered "I'll not. and shall Anyhow you the corner of the cliff. I did not you choose, andI ask nothing." mar- have may that ravaged her the chance. I suppose you nesa, despair, "Then. Phil, want you to loot .down; the path waa not aa even aa they ravaged mine heart, me now." got something." wide aa a book cover. I came on ry and show a bright face throughout I leaned to pick np my swag; The promise held as a heel rope He the savage In a few momenta. our little hour. We may hnve been it. of a out a and turned pile waa carrying Splcer, with due re- holds horse, that would break opened better for our pretenses; I cannot coarse a A II of gold, from the bottom hundred I only know that they were gard to the law of centrifugal force, away, If only Indared. say; "1 I dishes washed twelve have blllycan. my eyes, well on the outside of the ledge, ho questions were hard to keep op. I for Basnet him. t's I told that," have no doubt either that the luckless fellow's legs hung no doubt; Pla's parents, I knew, maintained opened wide. "What have you a ceaseless siege of her; Mrs. out over nothing at all. Splcer that the whole hundred Inwere eyes If as he "Looks struck?" asked. the wasn't Insensible, I Judged, but he drowned, swept out of sight. Lnurler bud eveD visited Port a Jeweler's." was limp and powerless with sheer tide of fierce triumph that caught you'd been raiding Moresby, more or less Incognito, 1 told him. "1 "A 'JewelI me when hove," realized that Pla was to had practically gone down on her fright. name local the er's shop' "using knees to Pla, begging her, as she There was no way of getting him be mine today. or area some for rich misShe read ma "There's a unusually valued the affection of her people, unless one risked his life; so rens," she said. "Mr. pocket "But It Isn't likely to mat- her place In society, ber Immortal membering what was likely to hap- sionary with break ter If my welfare (characteristically, by Mrs. they particularly; coming now. He'll pen to him If the savage got away. Gnrlney. us. He's but I can't go with neck at Kokl jail. I shan't bave I.aurler, placed last) to leave the I toppled that worthy over with a marry It." much to time enjoy Into whose pastures black shot right Into the hack from my you." Bassett hid nothing to say. I she hadsheep so unfortunately strayed, "Go with me? Pve com hack I" 45 Colt, and "stood by" to grab. much so he hated his that think Job It return to ber own fold. It was a near thing; so near I hod her hand: I heldI It ns If he couldn't even be civil. I under- and would be easy according to Mrs. In life or death, meant to that I used to wuke op in the oight never. more or his of frame stood mind, to "manage" a divorce. Th let It go again. and remember It, afterward. less shared It, and on the run to I wouldn't be un"Tes," she said, her eyes look Port Moresby, happily a brief one, She was sure chief went down with a yell that was like the screech of a train go- ing a I me and through me, In the we scarcely exchanged ten sen- reasonable. Evidence could always be arranged. I never beard same moment, as though she saw tences. ing Into a tunnel. Pla In reply-- but So Mrs. Laurier. I had seized Splcer'a something very fnr beyond. "Yes, him crash. On the day when we made port, I will let ber speak for herlegs almost as I fired, hut hi went hut it's good by, ail the same. You the Papuan Chief, tagging a few self. over the cliff, too, and If 1 had not promised, Phil I" miles behind us, I was given per"Mum almost went on her "I'll ask nothing." 1 told her. But mission to visit the mines ofllce knees. dropped Into a sitting posture and, I was most frightfully luckily. Jammed one foot against I kept that slim brown hand In more or less In custody, and make sorry. I petted ber, and told her a stone, I should have gone after. mine, and I never let It go until my application. So far as precau- she mustn't worry so; I asked her As It was, 1 had to hold up. his en- Rev. Mr. Gartney, and his two wittion could do it, I was holding how she'd bave felt If father but tire weight until Caxon (who had nesses had done with her, and with Tatatata. But that my tenure was that made her worse; she said I been scrambling and cursing all me; until my seal ring was on her perilous, none knew belter than I. mustn't compare bim to to never this time, trying to get down the marriage finger, and my name, the ('axon Splcer were In court mind." cliff face) managed to reach us. Black Sheep's name. was. hers till .lur.ng tiand e trial, when It came on "I don't," I assured her. "There's and take hold. I wus pretty nearly death should part us. Then I let a day or two after. They watched only one person on earth I mind, done then. go, to place my arms about her. and every with the sharpness of point Mrs. Laurier's daughBetween ns we got up, and bul- before any and every creature who prosecuting attorneys. I don't know and that's But all the same, I was lied and shoved him, somehow, onto mlelil be looking on. to kiss my what they made of it. What 1 ter." for Acmy mother-in-law- . level ground, lie was barely able wife. made of it, that first day, was that sorry She did not kiss me back ; almost I was not, at all events, going to cording to ber lights, I felt she was to speak. We gave him whisky, and a little, as If be I had a lawyer; he Justified. started collecting the carriers. We she seemed toI shiver "She said some more about crimloosed her, looked was hanged. his were off the line of the village by with cold. best, and making the inals. And I told her that you bad friend Mas-se- most doing now; nothing more wag seen of the round, and saw that mywas of Fanshaw's attack on me; made yourself a criminal for me. was there. He walking and bis attempt to run me down. tribe who lind ambushed ns. Two And she said that didn't matter; us across the marshy grass: The old Solomon islnnder was chief she carriers had been clubbed, and a towardreached understood how I felt oh. mum ns; was looking at witness. The boy I had hired In third damaged. We bad to carry had Isn't half bad, when you know her rifle who cleaned hi in, hoping he might recover. . . . me; was speaking. and my port, but she said the point was "Amory," he said, "I'm sorry to been fired; a how would Again Tatatata had drawn blood. say I have orders to arrest you found one shot had who society feel? and that been bad Hula native, On the road once more, I forgot I was young, and didn't know what for the alleged murder of Sir Rich- stray on the and out had reef, fishing It seemed the whole business. I was up, and that I must, Kanshaw." away rrom Fisher- simply giving that Caxon did not, however. When ard turned not to him, but to Pia. seen me come must, come back with her, rea and make long sweep, man, we were camped that night, he got She, the fearless rider, the candid and that It wouldn't be too late; me away from Splcer (who seemed lover, had dared one more risk. turn, were others. Splcer, when I could rebuild my life; my peoto like me rather less than he had She had tricked me Into doing that they called, told shamelessly all ple would stand by ma . . . She done before, on account of that which never, knowingly, 1 would that he bad overheard under the is a quite good little mother, you Well, I told morning's business) and spoke as I have done link my life with hers house In Daru. and thereby sheet- know, Phil, even If had not expected to hear htm beneath the shadows of crime and ed home to me Ithe one thing her that I was twenty-one- , and had was of known, motive, abwanting to He seemed think, speak. death. The words were said; there course, to tie in love witn suss my aunt's money, and I' was very of the I must judge for mysurdly, that my hurried dive I'la was Laurier, but that alone would sorry, but was no unsaying them. I quoted that thing from the morning and my rescue of Splcer, married to an arrested murderer. have fixed the crime If self. hardly were something to be praised; he Bible 'Whither thou goest, I will "Anything you say," warned I have crime one roust call seemed to want Inexplicably to go, and where thou lodgest, I will be used In evidence never felt Inclined to doIt;so. "may make np for it, reward it. "This against you." ; thy people shall be my peoThe end of It was that the Jury lodge was bonder, what you did," he The and thy God my God. ple, I paid no more attention to him me guilty of manslaughter, Lord do so to mo, and more also, said; lsoked for a word, and fail- than to the winds of the Romilly found that I was sentenced to five and to find "Bonzer. death thee but and if aught It, repeated, part ing I faced my five minuies' river. 1 was I couldn't have." me." Then he fell wife, squarely looking her In the years. shaking all over when 1 am certain these that quite was It Phil. I said like and bis bands silent, it, pro dangled, "You should not have done twelve good men and true of Port nouncing vows. And mother " loose at his sides; he looked at eyes. It," I said. Pla looked back at me, In order them as If they didn't belong to and her eyes did not fall before Moresby stretched a point did "What she" save my neck; and I am equalShe lis "You can't down mum. him before he went on. "I tell mine, in that duel. "It's my an- to the sure and the that Judge ly had been at church, as site You out. if out." clear Clear tened you. swer to you," she said. "I know crown prosecutor one of whom "What?" and then she said, in that was officially doing his best to have way of others 'Very nice, myclipped "I Cin't go back on my mates. everything." "That you don't " I was begin- me hanged, while the other was but don't forget that all thnt dear; was But clear out." I looked at him, ning, but Bassett cut me short. to pronounce the mother-in-law- , officially ready to win Was he puzzled. trying "She does," he said. "I told her." sentence were much better pleased said by Ruth to her the race Into Port Moresby, get "What d d reason had you to " with the verdict than they would not her husband; and don't forget that by and by she married Boaz first with an application to the Said Bassett In his precise man have admitted. like a shot !' " "Mines". Was it a trick! Caxton ner "You don't seem to realize (officially) I couldn't help myself. I laughed. So I wus sent to Kokl Jail, and was notoriously tricky. Or what that you have no private afTalrs Inwas no gallows built up And Head Jailer Holly (sometimes was It? left. In any case, all this Is very there lie snw my doubt, seemed to lose I must ask you to come side the yard for me, after all. And that man was nearly human) got so I chose out of a dozen who offered far behind his newspaper, and hia temper about it "I've warned irregular. with me and the police, Amory, a friend to go to Tatatata, and cleared his throat so much and "I'll say one I'm Sure you won't make trouble." you," he snapped. was necessary to noisily that Well, What would you more thing, because it was "1 won't," I answered him. "Give do the work that hold my claim for me. have done? . . . bonzer. . . . Take another road. me five minuies talk first." "Yon had something more to tell Get to Dam. Get across the Island. They did not consciously make It He. went away, remaining In hell for me In Jail. They were me," I reminded her, when Holly There are countries Clear, "What is I turned to Pla. sight. ofhud finished gurgling with his feel kindly cold, coldly kind, ns Jail You're not believing me. Well, go it that you know?"'! asked her. are. Holly, the head ings, and Pia's hat had resumed its your own way. Go to h 1." He "I know." she said, calmly, "that ficials Justly jailer, with his sharp blue eyes, usual, saucy angle over one eye. added a few embroideries, and Richard was a leper" and the smile that wasn't a smile, stalked off. He seemed to be an"Yes," she said, suddenly grave. "Not proved." nnd the voice that could rake the "I had; I should have known about I all events. at noyed with himself. "Suspected, native pri- It and told you before, if mum's I gave the matter little thought. know you met him and. told hlin hide off a delinquent If I had considered It, had acted you'd recognized him. And he said sonerturn him, with two words. visit hadn t put things out so. Un brown 111 a she was gone she simply ab henp of shivering otherwise than I did, the course of he did not care. And he was going Into two lives certainly, three or four to the mainland for the wedding Jelly Holly wasn't my friend, kept sorbed me, and I didn't Phil, I'm reguJail me to the letter of the afraid It's something serious.' possibly, would have been changed. And you shot him. because you "Is It about " I could not stop him any other way. lations; slacked nothing that might But what Is to be, will be. nothnl lowed been "The gold claim yes. It Is. slacked, went on. You know you might be hanged for have ing that could b refused. I sup- made as much as I could of that to So we came back to the Romilly It " Justified. I could learn mum, but you can't get the better river, we crushed through the last "Dear love, It's not might; It's pose he was working to order; I didn't mind of her she shoots so .straight she of the Lioinus; we left the heat will be." on the new went to the point more than I'd and heavy smell of the bnsb, and "I don't believe It. But If you piling stones by myself came Into the fresh scents of flow- are, I'll go with you to prison, and little jetty, far removed from the dared to do myself, and said 'All who were doing very well, and people will forgive ing water, and the sweep of the I II walk with you to the end, and black criminals river wind. Before us showed the I'll kiss you before you die like similar work ; 1 made no trouble most things to millions, but, my about keeping my cell tidy, didn't good girl,' she said, 'do you think green, marshy bank, and on the this." sufficient that gold's going to lie loose till bnnk, a little group of tents, white, I met her Hps before they had grumble at the plain, I ridged, with - separate Hies gov- time. to reach mine; and we clung food. What I could not learn was he's ready to picka it up?" toAnd look friend to avoid "answering back"; letting said, 'He's sent ernment tents. men the for nothing together caring spirit flash out afier It' And she saia, "I under There were while people near on the river bank, caring nothing my sore and angry fury at the least reproof. stand' (mum does get to know the tents; I did not look at them, for who saw us, In an embrace in sudden or even wonder. who they were, for fierce, long as If Indeed the shadow What I did not realize, for long, everything) 'that a gold field's been that In losing my freedom, I oroclalmed. and half the bad char unbelievably. I saw a woman's fig- of the gallows tree rose up above was had also lost ray rights as a hu- acters of Australia are there; what ure detach itself from the group, us, ready to end all. and a man. It Is so, do yon think's going to happen to and move toward me; I heard It She drew back; the little feet man being in Jails; It must be so. There were a fortune left lying loose? Don't speak my name and It was Pla. that I had swept up away from times when I could have murdered tell me,' she said. One never does earth. In the long passion of my Holly, smashed his black wardens tell her: she always does the tell kiss, enme down again with their Into CHAPTER XI butcher-meat- . Yet there was ing, and she's so right except white wedding shoes splashing In 1 no think when right, ac- about you." time In the SUPPOSE that the appearance the mud. "They'll take you If yon could I of Pla, there on the Romilly government Inunch," she said. "The cording to prison custom, was on "She's Iright there. see it" told her. "Thank God river fur from civilization, when I Papuan Chief's down the river a my sicie. This had a had result. When you can't But have you heard any had thought her safe with her par- little way, waiting for me." he three months were out. and thing definite?" "Where are you going " ents by tin's time, might well have TO BE CONTINUED) "Back to Port Moresby. I never Visitors, by law. could be permit-tdl- , astonished me. started me guess1 aot my one hour on Sunday, many tilings began ing and wondering. It did not at went away so Working and Praying first. Nothing on earth seemed so to happen. Mr. Splcer turned up owe a month, and not another as If you were to live 100 I Work to Fisherman went he Island and my letters, monthly; got mlpute. natural and right as that she hould be there, should be any- questioned the old Solomon man always read and Initialed. The let- years, pray ns If jou wera to die ters I 'wrote were read and Initialed tomorrow. 1 ran una. where where 1 was. She was my who s caret a it tt If" g d self-master- 1 Has-sett- ... i 4 PAGE SEVEN Malco dresses English Chalk Pit Give Up Victims of Tragedy bright as new! that What la the grim secret of the little knoll on 'luntttbl downs Eighty-fivskeletons have op to the present been excavated from one shallow depression. Forty akele-ton- a were found during research operation Iiihc yeur, and now excava-tor- a have unearthed forty-fivmore Ihit yourself rifcM with natare ty skeleton. They are believed to be chewing Feea . a . mint Works mildly the remain of young men and wom- bat effectively la small doses. Modem aafe sciealiflc For the family. en of early Saxon tltnea. One of the vkelctons haa a wound In the temple, nnd othera bear signs of other wound, while a few have their hand tied behind them. Weapons have been found, and also a brooch of the iHJJk asm osTWlti?aV First century B. 0. The excavators urn puzzled at flailing thU ancient Feen3-niin-r brooch among Saxon remain Many theories huve been ndvunced about I iTu Chcwiitq Gum H the Kkcletoua of t lie knoll. It la sug ft LAXATIVE A Tiutt But tht hUttt A gested that there was a wholesale A inaaoucre of prisonera during a Ah J Oteiut Saxon tribal war, and that men and women were killed and thrown Into a chalk pit. (Kng-land)- DIAMOND DYES are easy to use; jo on smoothly and evenly; make dresses, drapes, lingerie look NEW. Never a trace of that look when Diamond Dyes are used. Just true, tven. new colora that hold their own through the hardest wear and washing. Diamond Dyes owe their auperiorl-t- y to the abundance of pure anilines they contain. Coat more to nuke? Surely. But you pay no more for them. All dealers 1 Sc. d slugoisk ieeling ? f Highest Qucl.'y for SOVs ar Unanimous Wulter (ut the club) There Is a lady outside who aaya that her hus band promised to he home early tonight. All (rising) Excuse nte a mo ment. Cupper's Weekly. New York experts recommend molii mkam for children's sweets because of Its rich content of Irron and calcium. home-makin- Harold's Mother Knew Answer Vf fill 'TTv talnly proud of my little boy," saya Mrs. f II. M. Smith. 421 To-peka Ave., Topeka, Kansas. "He's five and weighs fifty-seen pounds. lie's the picture of health as you can see, and I feel like hell al ways be that way as long as I can get California Fig Syrup. I have used It with him ever since he was a year old. I knew what to give him for bis colds and his feverish, upset spells because Mother nsed Califor nia Fig Syrup with all of us as chil dren. I bave nsed It freely with my boy and he loves It It always fixes him up, quick." In many homes, like this, the third and fourth generations are using pure, wholesome California Fig Syrup because It has never failed to do what Is expected of It Nothing so quickly and thoroughly purges a child's system of the souring waste which keeps him cross, feverish. with coat headachy, bilious, half-siced tongue, bad breath and no appetite or energy as long as It is allowed to remain In the little stomach and bowels. Fig Syrup gives tone and strength to these organs so they con- tlnue to act as Nature intends them to do, and helps build up and strengthen weak, gale and tinder-weight children. Over four million bottles used a year shows its popu- The genuine, endorsed by larity. physicians for 50 years, always bears the word "California." fHyl- - rOR CONSTIPATION Liva Stock It Jift v Silly Old Superstition the most persistent Ideas during ancient and medieval times, was that Jewels had sex. stones were supposed to be male and lighter ones female. Under proper conditions they were said to reproduce, and In the Middle ages everybody had a cousin who had a tiend who had actually encountered the phenomenon. One of Park-colore- d Mechanical Meals With the advance in the use of canned meals, why doesn't somebody Invent a multiple can opener that will open six at a time. The maid would bear them away and substitute six others and the low hum of machinery would Inform the waiting guests that dinner Is to be ready In a moment. Woman's Home Companion. We that age ured ural Another Youth are often made to feel there is another youth and than that which Is measfrom the year of our natbirth. Some thoughts always find ns young, nnd keep us so. Such a thought 13 the love of the nnlversal and eternal beauty. Emerson. Abbreviation of John The custom of abbreviating John as "Jno." seems to be an ancient one. "Notes and Queries" of June, 1864, says: "Our forefathers wrote '.Thnn' oftener than 'John,' and the 'h' in former days assumed the form of 'n.' '.Thon' contracted into Mho,' and writing the 'h' as 'n' becomes 'Jno.' " Splendid Royal Show The Field of the Cloth of Gold was the name given to the meeting place of Henry VIII of England and Francis II of France, near Andres, France, In 1520, on account of the gorgeous apparel of the participants and the splendor of the pageantry that took place. As- 0 vA Reason Enough He "Whv do you give me onlv one date a week, Helen?' She "Oh, there are half a dozen reasons." Is estimated by the Horse sociation of America that there are now 19,ftu0,000 horaea and mules on farms In the United States, and 700,-00tractors. m Aon. T , EG Abaorblna will nduea lafUmad, tnlnad. awollas tandona, Hiamani el inucl . 8topa lb lamaaas end pla tram nUnt, rtU boa or boa aparta. Ko bltetar, do hair com and bona aa , ar postpaid. t uod. 12.10 at DsKrlbo roar ess for apodal Instraa-tfcofraa. lntsrsstioa bona book From a rsea bans vwnsn "Used AbaarbiM oa yesxtins pus mitM trained teadon. Colt alloror lamsaaaa, thousb for awnakCaaiaa'takaaatcB Gnat ttaO." droa-tirta- a. t-- 3 "WhenFood Sours j Vacation Land Sunshine All Winter Long Splendid roads towering mountain ranges Highest type hotels dry Invigorating air clear atarlit nights California's Forsmost Datart Playground Ifrltt Or a Cfftmr aim Spring; CALIFOBNIA $50.00 IIEWARD roses ... U need ... mmr we need year Dullness For aayas that caa bay better ross tkaa sara Tan nw mn 2 yr. atdftUfrm Writ for Cttahf F0RDHAM NURSERY CO. BozF.Sandy.Utakaad Salt Lake Clty.Utaa HIPS ii Milk of Magnesia Ranch, with 1,000 acres $60,000, rlKbla equipped. balance eany. 800 acre sheep and equipped. 142.000. ranch, stocked Trrnii. 10 arre Irrlxated alfulra, 12.000. 10 caah. balance easy. B. O. K1NUWELU Rosebur. Oregon. S.Ooe Acra Rhecp dueded S Martyr to Principle John ifunyan was born In 1628 near Bedford, in England, lie was placed in Bedford Jail because, being a dissenting preacher, he refused to give up preaching. Unable to extort a promise from him to refrain from his preaching, the authorities released hira after holding him for about twelve years. Part of the "Pilgrim's Progress" was written 61Ulyfnnbl..bonnthld,l au. The Ideal Lots of folks who think they have "Indigestion" have only an acid condition which could be corrected In five or ten minutes. An effeclike Phillips Milk of tive anti-aci- d Magnesia soon restores digestion to normal. Phillips does away with all that sou mesa and gas right after meals. It prevents the distress so apt to occur two hours after eating. What a pleasant preparation to take And how good It Is for the system! Unlike a burning dose of soda which Is but temporary relief at best Phillips Milk of Magnesia neutralizes many times its volume In acid. Next time a hearty meal, or too rich a diet has brought on the least discomfort, try 1 ; Inc. W. F. TUUfiG. In prison. World War Air Fighting Various types of combat planes were used In the World war and the guns were not always mounted In the same fashion. With the single-seateIt was common or usual to fire through the propeller's arc. German planes were equipped with parachutes toward the end of the war, but scarcely any of the Allied planes carried diem. rs water 10,000 caah. Inca Treasure Hidden? Frequently great treasures were buried In the tombs of the Inca nobles, and although many of them were rifled later on, there must still be some left. The Peruvians are also said to have secreted a great mass of valuables away from the rapacity of their Spanish masters, and In some Instances threw them. Into the rivers and lakes. Desert Meat and Cold Blankets are frequently necessary at nig?.t In a desert. There Is a great range of temperature In desert regions. In the Sahara there is sometimes as much as 40 degrees between day and night. The dryness of the air permits easy absorption of heat by day and as easy radiation of heat by night The Greatest Wish More Birds On Islands In the South seas ornithologists bagged a ground dove, a sand piper and a species of paradise bird which sea captains of the old sailing days used to spin yarns about, but whleh have not been seen for the last hundred years, and which were supposedly extinct. Like dreams, old yarns sometimes come true. What a man most wishes Is to be lifted to some higher platform, that he may see beyond his present fear the Trans-Alpin- e good, so that his fear, his coldness, his custom may be broken up like fragments of Ice, melted and carried away In the great stream of good will. Emerson. Supporting Power of Ice Ice of Vt inches In thickness Is generally strong enough to support a man. Four inches of Ice Is necessary to support cavalry and light guns, 5 inches to support an cannon, 10 Inches of Ice will support a crowd, 18 Inches a railroad train. A tablet was unveiled In the National library at Paris on the fiftieth anniversary of the death ot Edotiard Leon Scott de Martinville who, according to the tablet, constructed a crude sound reproducing Works Both Waya Gratitude is one of the rarest things of life. You will find much of it in your daily experience. But you are to blame as much as any one for thlg condition. You give little gratitude, so you cannot expect to receive much In return. Grit . Pioneer Woman Suffragist The Pastor Says: The humanist's notion of prevailing prayer Is to talk Into a telephone whose wire Is cut . . . While the fairway Is a pleasant part of life's course, we should accept the bunker in a sportsmanlike spirit. John Andrew Holmes. Sn.san B. Anthony became a leader In the woman suffrage movement In 1S48, but It was not until 1S72 that she made the test by voting at the polls. She was arrested and fined but was not Jailed for refusing to pay her" fine. Not Strong 6n Religion Gypsies have no well defined religion and frequently adopt the religious customs of the people among whom they live They attach little Importance to religious observances and In some countries are practically pagan. Household Hint When the wood on the hack of a picture frame becomes worn so that It will not hold the screws, fill In around the screws with sawdust, mixed with glue. When hardened, It will hold the screws firmly In place. I Inventor of Phonograph apparatus known as the "phonaulo-graph- " 20 years before Edison Invented his phonograph. Pacific's First Name The Pacific ocean was called by Balboa the Sea of the South because he first saw It In 1513 when Magellan In looking southward. 1520 called It the Pacific because of the steady and gentle winds that drove his fleet across the Immeasurable stretch of water. Pathfinder-Magazine- . Moral Conveyed by Winter The simplicity of winter has a deep moral. The return of nature, after such a career of splendor and prodigality, to habits so simple and austere, is not lost upon either the head or the heart. Burroughs, In "Touches of Nature." College Roll of Honor Eton college, which was founded by Henry VI of England In 14 40, has had a notable list of worthies on roll, among them William Pitt, Lord North, Horace Walpole, the duke of Wellington, Shelley and its Gladstone. |