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Show Thursday, October 31st, 1929. THE TIMES-NEW- NEPIII, UTAH S, PAGE THREE NOTICK OP IXTEXTIO.V 18c A Pound HIDE WALK IMPHOVKalENT All Week Notice la hereby given by the City Council ot Nepm City, Utah, ot the intention ot said Council to make the following described improvements in Nephi City, to wlt:- - U14T1UCT 8o as to acquaint mora people of Nephi with the good quality of our country style, pure pork, sausage, and our fresh, clean wholesome hamburger (ground beet), our meat department will sell both for IS cents per pound all this week. Our pure pork sausage contains nothing but specially selected fresh pork, spices and salt. Our hamburger la made cf special cuta ot beet, bought tor that purpose. Neither our hamburger nor aausage contains scraps or odds and ends around the market. You'll like them both. They could not be made ot better materials, or In mora sanitary Meat Loaf Hundreds ot our patrons serve delicious meat loat often, by mixing one pound of our pure pork sausage with two pounds ot our beef only adding hamburger. chopped onions, green pepbread or pers, eggs, cracker crumbs and milk. Try a meat loat one day this week, while our Introductory price is in effect. CLP.SIWIGGS FOOD STORES "A Surety of Purity" Nephi Fillmore Delta FOR SALE NHofSE;SB ofSE;NVotsw;w also B ot N W Section Lota S N W hi NEViotNWtt&NEK, Township 15 South, Range 32, 1 West, Salt Lake Base & Meridian. TERMS TO RIGHT PARTIES. J. H. M3 03-31-- 6t Burtner, N8?n. Dan NtMlii.lt 15 Shrubs la Shady Spot There ure many shrubs which will grow well or perhaps better In shady situations than In the aun. Such plants Include: Japanese barberry, J.C.PENNEYCO. Ni:nn, vt.mi red bud. red osier, dogwood, baaelnut. varideutzta, forsythia, ous species of privet, Indian currant, Van Ilnuttel splrea. Japanese msple and numerous viburnums. , In plant-luEasily Possible to Cut To construct cement sidewalks shrubs around the home many sitEnormous Fire Lossea four feet wide, and four Inches thick uations such aa north exposures and now are we to stop the depreda on all sidewalks hereinafter specifiwhere tree shaded areas will be found tions of the fire demon? There are three cally described, and being in propossome sliruhs will not grow. If the ways In which we can aid. First we ed sidewalk improvement district cared and selected are species number fitteen ot Nephi City, to wit:- - proper will should be careful to prevent Are. In On siduwalk on the North side ot for a vigorous and healthy growth our homes we can refruln from doing Third North street between becond result In any situation. the little things that, seemingly unim and Third West streets, and abutting portant, oftentimes result disustroua- on the south side ot lota one and ia B.aaty Buildiag ly. We should clean out the chimneys two, block bit, flat "A"; Communities built to look like "peas annually and keep the smokeplpes In On sidewalk on the east aide of In a pod" have aroused the American repair; refrain from putting hot ashes First West street between Center Institute of Architects Into developing In wooden containers; use only standand First North streets, and abutting on the west side of lota two and a plun for a union of effort In the arts ard electrical equipment and installa of designing, C Merrick Hammond, tions; be careful with the use of In three, block 37, Plat "A"; On sidewalk on south side ot Cenpresident of the Institute, announced. flammable liquids; and provide an inThe movement would bring about combustible roof. Similarly, we should ter street between First West and Second West streets, and abutting collaboration among architects, sculp- use reasonable care In our place of on the north side ot lots three and tors, mural palntera. landscape designbusiness. block 27. Flat new tour, A"; ers and craftsmen in creating a Even so, there will at tlmea be acci On sidewalk on West side ot First mode of architectural expression. dental fires and we need to tear a leaf and Second Kant street between from the book of our European neigh'l nil d North streets, and abutting on Mod.raise With Windows bors. We should so construct buildings the east side of lota oue and tour, The dark, dismal bouse with Its thut a fire, once started, will be conblock 62, Flat "A"; On sidewalk on south aide ot First dismal Bright," fined near the place of origin until the walla has gone. North street and between First East healthy rooms and friendly exteriors fire arrives. Building codes, and Third East streets, and abutting have come to stay. More and larger suchapparatus as Issued by the National Board on the North side ot lota three and windows la the verdict of the archi- of Fire Underwriters, are a pattern tour, block 35, and 'lots three and tect and owner alike. Thousands of after which communities may draw tour, block 34, Flat "A"; On Bidewalk on the eaat side of old homea are being modernized In up their own codes for Ore safe Second East street and between thla way. First South and Second South streets and abutting on the west side of All ot said lots, blocks, and plats Proper Planning for lota two and three, block 18, Plat In Nephi Survey of Building Growth of Community being "A"; On sidewalk on south side of Third lots. Juab County, Utah. The era lu which American cities North street between Main and First That the whole of the cost ot said "Just grew," pushing outward their East street and abutting on the sidewalk estimated at boundaries and piling up their buildnorth side ot lots three and four, $3843.84 (orpaving, 16 centa per so., foot) ings tier on tier, has given way to an block 52. Plat "A"; to be defrayed by local assessment On sidewalk on the north side of upon the lota or parcels or ground era of orderly planning and developSixth South street between Second fronting or abutting on the side- ment, milking of them better places in and Third EaBt streets, and abutting walks In the above proposed district, which to live and work, says the on the south side of lota one and two all of said lota and parcels afore- Week's Work published by the United block 18, Plat "B"; mentioned comprising said district Slates Chamber of Commerce. On sidewalk on the south side ot and being lota or parcels of ground Streets are not merely open spaces Fourth South street between Main to be affected and benefitted by said between houses and factories but chanand Second West streets, and abut improvements. nels through which traffic circulates, ting on the north side of lota three All protests and objections to the not only within the city but into which and tour, block 27, and lota three carrying out of such Intention must It pours from the outlying country. and tour, block 28, Plat "B"; be presented in writing to the City Parks are not merely municipal ornaOn sidewalk on the west side ot of City, on or be- mentation but breathing spaces essenThird West street between First Recorder 21st Nephi of 1929, tial to wholesome city existence. North and Second North streets, and fore the thereindaythe November, description of stating Is not a mere agThe modern one of lota on east side the abutting the property by lot, block, and Plat, glomeration of city and four, block 41, Plat "A"; buildings but an or fixed by time the said date being which functions badly or well On sidewalk on south side of Third the City Council when It will meet ganinin South street between Main and First at at ns it develops Improperly or properly. In Hall the City, City Nephi East street, and abutting on north 8 o'clock P. M. and hear and con- One part cannot be severed from anside of lots three and four, block 4, sider such protests and objections other without disastrous results. NeithPlat "A"; reer can It be blocked off from On sidewalk on north side of as may be made thereto. Council of gion of which It Is the vital the nerve By order of the City Second South' street between First center without stagnation and decay. West and Second West streets, and Nephi City. ot Dated October, this 16th on one, lot of side south day abutting and block 22, Plat "A", and on west 1929. City to Be Colorful side of First West street between MARTHA H. VICKERS, The world's most beautiful, First South and Second South and restful city la the arabltio: Recorder Nephi Clty.l streets, and abutting on the east tuorporaieCity of Oslo, Norway, In Its new schenn seaij of lot one, block 22. Plat "A"; of civic decoration. The city la to be divided into districts, each painted In a different color. Including pale blue, green, rose, white and other soothing tints. Various tests were made last y pale green year, and a building In the center of the business district is said to be very striking. Experts argue that green absorbs more light, and Is, consequently, more restful to the eye than any other shade. They also point out that a particular tint of blue eyes steal more protection from the sun's heat than any other color. By these methods of choosing colors, Oslo Is expected to be a city of utility as well as beauty. hllls-of-sno- Khaki Shirts g Union Suits In Army Style Xra Of Heavy Weight m Think of fine ing buy- heavy union weight suits for only 93c I Our thrift price policy brings them to at tuch you a Army style shirts of kh? flannel (part wool). Made w double elbows, large arm ho' Excel-Lasand two flip pockets. low price. .! t low price, Heavy weipM cotton, ribbed in ecru color. Snug fitting ankles and cuffs. Stock up now I and $2.08 98c Lumberjacks Of Sucdc Cloth Kattle King A Warm, Sturdy Farm Shoe Tough rubber uppers that wU Hot crack or check fleece-line- d from top to toe. Heavy soles that will stand the hardest kind f wear. These are very good looking as well as practical for all kinds of outdoor wear Come in tan, brown or grey with fancy elastic bottoms Two pocked. $3.98 $2.98 "IT.'siae uaurioi, uamm " ' liaali flve-stor- Costly Road Building A good road, smooth as a MoJtl AA Sttdf-ty- p body billiard table, with neatly graveled shoulders d fences alongside, and may be one of the ugliest things in a verdant countryside. Where It cuts a rocky hillside the blasting makes skeletons of living trees; where It grades a sandbank construction rips up the natural growth of roadside flowers and leaves a Jagged scar; where It plunges Into a forest the Improved road seems by some unerring chance to demand the right of way from the finest old oak and maple trees. When the work la done the road Is merely a road leading somewhere the lingering Invitation of the old countryside is gone. ITffi - i - - - whlte-pulnte- "Credit is like the blood circulating in your veins. Anything which retards the flow of credit harms the business body. Hence, when you owe money all of your city suffers thereby, Ownership Versus Divorce There la a dignity in ownership that far outweighs any lack of conveniences. There Is something fine In maintaining a home under one's own roof-treEvery Improvement has a value far beyond Its Intrinsic cost be cause of the romance of beautifying one's own heme. Once young married people center their thoughts on ownership of a home, work together, save together to achieve that home, the heresy of divorce will "fold up its tent like the Arab and silently steal e. away." THE chassis of the new Ford truck is designed for reliable service. There are forty different kinds of steel used in it, each made to wear longest under the g stresses to which it is most often subjected. The camshaft crankshaft and the are of Ford carbon manganese steel. Valves are of chrome silicon alloy. Transmission gears and shafts are of chrome alloy steel, heat treated for hardness. The front axle is a chrome alloy steel forging. Steels for other important parts are equally specialized . . ; to make certain that the Ford truck will give long, economical service. three-bearin- A your current bills immediately so that others can pay you." ' J Three Form Created Architectural town planning has created three esthetic forms, the plaza, the monumental street and the Inad equately named "patte d'ole." A ayn thesis of nil three makes the Plaza del Popnlo the plory of civic art says Town Planning Ilevlew. . Many features contribute to the splendid performance of the Ford truck. Its engine develops forty horse-powat moderate speed. Cantilever rear springs reduce rebound and lessen unsprung weight. A at each front wheel increases e stability, decreases jolts. The fully enclosed system is long wearing and positive. A shatter-proo- f glass windshield increases the driver's safety. These and similar things throughout the entire chassis give evidence of the thorough care with which the new Ford truck has been designed for long wear, biliry and economy. Come in to see the Ford truck, and let us help you decide which body type is best for your use, er Hou-dail- shock-absorb- Roads Beautified program of hlgtiway has been undertaken by the Connecticut state highway department. Thousands of trees and shrubs. grown in nurseries maintained by the department or transplanted from other places, are being placed along the highways where there la no natural growth. ' Natural growths are being preserved wherever they do not Interfere with the safety of motorists or become a detriment to the highways. communities. If you really are anxious to improve business in your city pay up all Your City's Progress and Development! fast . . . powerful . . . rugged . . economical three-bearin- g "Debts cause death both to men and Pay Your Bills Promptly and Aid in m le er six-brak- PAGE MOTOR 0 NEPHI, UTAH |