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Show Thursday, October 17th, THE 1929 01 NEW EATS Rah Rah NEPHI, UTAH TIMES-NEW- S, Rah-ah-h-- PAGE THREE D h! qL UNIQUE Right now erery one hankering for sauerkraut with sparerlba or frankfurters, baked or sweet candled potatoes, pumpkin pie, pancake with maple syrup, or pur honey, hot nutritious breakfast cereals, new split pea soup, pure pork sausage, and hundreds of other Items not served during the past warm weather. 1 TIME ONLY ASH AB5DHJI WW Nephi, Utah eT1 LIMAXIXfi the oilier important an nouncements of the past 12 months including sweeping price reduction, new models, Porcelain-on-steinside and out, the famous "Cold Control", the quiet compressor and with &alcs greater than at any time in the history of the Company, Frigidaire a Corporation announces el CLASSIFIED ADS JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL FOR SALE ASSORTED NOTICE OF INTENTION Beag-ley'- a. qRSKAGCS FOODV Grmttft Stores "A Surety of Purity Delta FOR SALE NHotSK 54;3E4 oISS14;No1SW14;W also All the students of the Junior High are rejoicing over the fact that school waa dismissed Wednesday, for the purpose of allowing the faculty to attend the U. E. A. meeting which is being held Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of this week at Salt Lake City. The only regret the students have is that they don't come more often. Due to illness, Mr. McArthur was absent all of last week. Mr. T. W. Vickera waa substituting. The othar teachers seem to be in good health. The students received their report Some are afraid Wednesday. Section cards to take them home, (better get your 1 IS South, Range 32, Township mind off the sex) or give West, Salt Lake Base A Meridian. the teaclters opposite a hint .that they're TERMS TO RIGHT PARTIES. marking too low or maybe it would be a good thing if you studied. J. H. Burtner, Student 'Body Reporter, - Helen 143 N. San Marino Ave., San Gabriel, California Chase. ... APPLES Jonathans and other varieties 11.00 per bushel At R. T. O10-2tn- p. F cffajcdtic Amy Radio Electric Co. and lower the cost. 03-31-- 5t SECURE j DELIVERY ' LIMITED ni ofNWtt;SENW NEofNWK,&NEK. - . It is the effort of the O. P. Skagge System management to be the first in each com-unity to stock new and seasonable items. Also, to establish a price that the public can afford to pay. One trip to our store will convince you we are busy all the time, trying to decrease your food problems Lota WAY tO PLAN We Have Them All Fillmore EASIEST EASY -- Nephi BEFORE YOU ARtRA FUGLE Tov YOUR CHRISTMAS RAIDED SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NUMBER IS Notice is hereby given by the City FOR SALE SWEET SPANISH Onions, Stark's Delicious Apples, Council of Nephi City, Utah, of the also other kinds of apples Jos. R. intention of said Council to make O10-3t- p the following described Price. improvements in Nephi City, to wit:- To construct cement sidewalk AND PROBATE GUARDIANSHIP four feet wide, and four inches thick on all sidewalks hereinafter specifi NOTICES Consult County Clerk or Respective cally described, and being in propos district sidewalk Improvement Signers For Further Information. ed number fifteen of Nephi City, to wit:- On sidewalk on the North side of NOTICE TO CREDITORS Third North street between Second deEstate of Thomaa W. Miller, and Third West streets, and abutting ceased. Creditors will present on the south side of lots one and claims with vouchers to the under- two, block 68, Plat "A"; signed at Nephi, Juab County, State On sidewalk on the east side of of Utah, on or before the lat day of First West street between Oeriter August, A. D. 1930. and First North streets, and abutting ELFIE J. MILLER, Administratrix on the west side of lots two and of the Estate of Thomaa W. Miller, three, block 37. Plat "A": On sidewalk on south side of Cen Date of first pub. Sept 26. r92t. ter street between First West and Date of last pub. Oct.. 17. 1929 Second West streets, and abutting Wm. A. C. Bryan, Attorney for on the north side of lota three and inistratrix,' Nephi, Utah. four, block 27. Plat "A": On sidewalk on West side of First Second ana East street between Third North streets, and abutting on the east side of lots one and four, Block 62, Plat "A"; On sidewalk on south side of First North street and between First East SpBflaaL puts any Frigidaire in your home . balance to suit your convenience . and Third East streets, and abutting on the North aide of lots three and four, block 35, and lota three and four, Block 34, Flat A ; On sidewalk on the east side ox Second East street and between South streets First South and Second and abutting on- - the west side of lota two and three, block 18, Plat "A"; . On sidewalk on south side 01 Tnira North street between Main and First East street and abutting on the north side of lots three and four, Block 62, Plat "A"; On sidewalk on the north side of Sixth South street between Second tide seaurcli for an lionest man Diogenes were looking for an honest man today, instead of going about the streets with a lighted lantern, he would get a select list of those whose Credit Ratings show they pay their bills promptly. THERE is a distinction between dishonesty and carelessness about letting your bills run past due. The careless person does not intend to be dishonest, but it is difficult for your Retail Merchant to make the distinction. He only knows ho is not being paid for values he has given. TTF JUL Don't be careless about paying your bills. It may be misunderstood. 3 (pay your bills promptly)1 and Third East streets, and abutting on the south side of lots one and two block 18, Plat "B"; On sidewalk on the south aide of Fourth South street between Main and Second West streets, and abutting on the north Bide of lota three and four, block 27, and lots three and four, block 28, Plat "B"; On sidewalk on the west side 01 Third West street between First North and Second North streets, and abutting on the east side of lots one and four, block 41, Plat "A"; On sidewalk on south side 01 inira South street between Main and First East street, and abutUng on north side of lota three and four, block 4, Plat "A"; On sidewalk on north side of Second South street between First West and Second West streets, and one, abutting on south side of lot and block 22, Plat "A", and on wesi side of First West street between First South and Second South streets, and abutting on the east side of lot one, block 22, Plat "A"; All of said lotSj. blocks, and plats being in Nephi Survey of Building lots, Juab County, Utah. That the whole of the cost of said estimated at sidewalk paving, 33843.84 (or 16 cents per sq. foot) to be defrayed by local assessment upon the lots or parcels or ground fronting or abutting on the in the above proposed district, all of said lots and parcels aforementioned comprising said district and being lots or parcels of ground to be affected and benefitted by saia improvements. All Drote8ts and objections to the carrying out of such intention must be presented in writing to the City Recorder of NeDhi City., on or De- fore the 21st day of NoTGinbsr, 1929, statin therein the description 01 the property by lot, block, and Plat, said date being the time fixed by the Citv Council when it will meet at the City Hall in Nephi City,conat 8 o'clock P. M. and near ana sider such protests and objections oa mnv Ho mndA thereto. By order of the City Council ot aide-wal- ks Nephi City. Dated this 16th day of October, 1929 MARTHA E. VICKERS, City Recorder Nephi City, (Corporate Seal) The Frigidaire "Cold Control" The "Cold Control" enable you to control the temperature in the freezing compartment, peed the freezing of ice cube and make a great variety o delicious desserts End the risks of uncertain refrigeration. End the dangers of tainted food. A special small cash payment puts Frigidaire in your home now. And Frigidaire brings you a combination of essential features found on no other refrigerator in the world. The Frigidaire "Cold Control" for example, is one of the greatest developments in electric refrigeration. It is offered only by Frigidaire. Furthermore, the Frigidaire mechanism is built into the bottom of the cabinet. It is accessible. Inspections or adjustments can be made easily and quickly with no interruption in service. All of the food shelves are in the upper part of the cabinet. Stooping is eliminated. The top of the cabinet can be used for shelf space. Winter as in Summer you need Frigidaire. And now, today, you can buy this truly modern refrigerator with all the features that only Frigidaire can offer on remarkably liberal terms. Come in and let us tell you about our deferred payment plan a plan that makes Frigidaire easier to buy than ever before. Call at our display room or phone for our representative, today. IFIRn(SIPAISIIS MORE THAN A MILLION IN USE Kendall Bros. NEPHI, UTAH |