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Show THE PAGE TWO The TIMES-NEW- LONGER SKIRTS, SHIMMERING SATIN, MATCHING SLIPPERS FOR EVENING Times-New- s I'ublUhed Every Thursday at Nephl, Juab County, Utah A. u. UiUiton, Editor and Mauuior by Arthur Brisbane Entered in the Post Oliice at Nepal, MacDonald' Work Uiahj a second cU&t mail matter, under the Act of Congress ol Uarcu 8. 1879. Ctrl' " TP .r NEITHER SUBSTITUTE NOR m Old-Fashion- work in i RAMSAY is well done. The United States and Britain have solemnly MA.NACil.lt FOR A BANK ACCOUNT THERE IS i mSmmmMmWIMmmim Drudgery, Harsh Word Daughter Lesson for Farmer MacDONALD-- Will" Oh THE THE Thursday, October 17th, 1929 NEPIH, UTAH S, : IMITATION I V "Whatever You Earn Spend Less" '; bo ui e yuj.ru ago, it waa taken lor pledged themselves against war as and to the granted that tuy goveiuiuwut was between the two countries, all proper wu ol promotion of peace by corrupt; tual iiuelivL-leucu means, everywhere. BbcesBHy the rule Iu municipal I at-Ici- a. In fact, an Englishman by the nuwt) of Lord iiryce had said the American municipal government the disgrace ot tuis country, 'ihui waa during the acveuueucy of lUe old Uiayor-couuc- il plan, a type ol auveuLrauzed that administration breeued lueuiciuucy and sralt la its Very bones. It tooa a couple of good hard Jolu to waae ua up. The Ural jolt came In when Ualvesion, Texas, found lueli unable to cope with floou condition under the old plan. A special couiiuiauion ol five men waa loriued, to run the city under the emergency created by the flood, llie form of governuieut waa so it spred like wildfire. A Utile experieuce, however, goon demonstrated mat where five of equal responsibility run tne government, there may be greater centralization than undei tne old decentralized plan, but lack of directing autnority will prevent smooth operating. W'.hat the piau amuunta'to la a of five men. A partnership of two ia bad enougn; a partnership' of five is well nign inconceivable; Potash and Perl-utter aren t in it. Staunton, Virginia, led the way in laid with the manager plan. The idea caught like wildure; it fitted with the American idea of efficiency; it waa the principles of business management applied to the city. in academic language, it accom- lu, rs com-miaai- part-nerau- ip m plished the separation of the legislative and administrative powers of the city government. In every day terms, the council met, decided .policy, and hired a manager to run the business. The manager had complete control of ad ministration; if be made a good record, he kept his job; if he made a poor record, he was fired. 'that's the way every t business corporation of any size operates. Why not the city? lii YOU EVER STOP TO THINK By Edson R. Waite, Shawnee, Okla. W. B. FOSHAY, PRESIDENT OF THE W. B. FOSHAY COMPANY. OPERATORS OF BUSINESSES THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES, CANADA, MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA, SAYS: THAT the question of what con stitutes success seems to be the thing that is uppermost in most people's minds, and when ask an official of a successful they company about his formula fnr aucceaa they are generally disappointed in that it is simple instead of some complicated formula. There are three outstanding requirements in a man if he is aoinz In h Wirat he must be loyal to his employer, his employer's customers and himself, at all times and above all things. Second, he must believe that whatever la to be done is nriRHi. ble. The motto ot our organization is "It Can Be Done." Third, he must work and love his work. If a man gets pleasure out of his work, if it appears to him in the same light as the golf game, the ten ma game, or the card game does if well played, then he will, if he is loyal and optimistic, be sure to be a success. Some people think that an optimist is a man 'who tries to do the im possible, but my opinion of an optimist is a man who is able to fore see the trend of futum evanui mir. ficiently to so pursue his course in f 11 1 business that he may accomplish what is best for his business ana make a success of it. No man without vision ever accomplished any- iuiu& auu vision ia to a certain ex tent optimism. The employee who when asked to do something, cheerfully says with a Smile On his face. "I will Hn .It" a the one who succeeds and he is the one who makes his organization happy by not only saying: he will do it, but going out and it because that is the type doing of man who ooes what he says he will do an believes always that "It Can Be Done." It isn't a hard program, this road to SUCceHS. for a man whn rnallv wants it, but most men don't want to pay the price that of sincere loyalty, common sense optimism and real honest hard work. if vou i I What the future will bring forth, what the British Government following the present Labor Government, or what American public opinion may desire In the future, no one can say. But at least, war has been classed NEPHI NATIONAL BANK In a previous paragraph the raised waistline was njeu tloned In connection with Hit Fact la w gown pictured. as barbarous. The two most powerful nations In the world have declared against It, and that is progress. ill are fit the threshold of an era of raised waistlines. Perhnp no sulijeot Is so widely dlx cussed In couturier circles as this matter of raising the waistline, unless It be that of lengthening the skirt. With both of these drastic change facing us there Is no telling what the future will bring forth In the way of a revolutionized silhouette. : Whatever may be the fate of gowns, future and present 1 In regard to "lines," one thing Is certain, colors and materials are growing Increas Ingly lovely with the go lug and coming of the sea sons. Just now It Is rlcb dull which nre creating comment, hi nh:u!r both for evening and for daytime wear Blueberry is a new shade widely fen tured Pink tints grow In favor foi formal evening wear. These pinks and flesh shades and creamy tones with u blush of pink have a subtle beaut; which captivates, and they are as al luring expressed u terms of moire h satin or In they ore in soft crepe-lik- e tulle or In velvet the Kheerness of which Is one of the marvels of the age. Some real surprising things are happening this season in fashion's realm, among which are gloves and trailing skirts, coarse net In black or colors for evening wear, tinted tulle made up over flowered taffeta, bolero effects for the formal evening JUUA P.OTTOMI.EY gowns. Charter No. S508 REPORT mi;: Raised by his own effort, from humble workman to British Prime Minister, Ramsay MacDonald gives advice tor success that will not attract mod ern youth. 'Accustom yourself to drudgery. rw vnnr heart Into your work- whatever it may be. for work with out heart Is dead. "Discipline yourself to drudgery for hr that vou sain a mastery both over yourself and the world." P hmsmsw r That word, "drudgery." has a harsh sound. But without drudgery there Is no great success, even for genius. Edison's definition of gonlus, "10 per cent Inspiration. 90 per cent perspiration," applies to every form of genius, from Phidias to Michael Angelo, from Michael Angelo to Pasteur. j! ill . mm the young matron, the FOR evening tdrl, the debutante here sl agreed lu regard to longer skirts ami soft shimmering materials such us ever spell the enchantment of sweet simplicity and the utterly feminine. This frock in the Illustration quite puts the theory Into practice, qualify ins very definitely In matter of beguiling details such as quoted above, us a proper gown for the smart dinner party. It Is fashioned of suge green rnyon satin, with tightly bound hips, slightly raised waistline and skirt which nears the floor with Its Sons of treat men rarely make a mark In the world. Their fathers' success enables them to escape drudgery. MUi iHhbel MacDonald. here with her father, will seem hopelessly old- fashioned to many of our rising female generation. She does not smoke or drink alcoholic liquors, and does not paint or powder her face. of all, she And most does look after her father and take a serious interest in publlo affairs. over-drapin- Exquisite slippers odd to the witchery of this costume. Much emphasis la being laid this fall upon color and decorative quality In You read about the great baseball game seen by fifty thousand. Two hundred thousand would have gone had there been room for them. A long line headed by a small boy whohad taken his place thirty Hours Defore the game started, waited tnrougn the night. , More important than the game Is the fact that even a game of hitting, running, catching and throwing, depends as everything does, on brains. (, 12S. Western OK Reserve District No. CONDITION OF THE NEPHI NATIONAL BANK OF NEPHI, IX THE STATE OF UTAH, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON OCT. 4, 1929 RESOURCES Leans and discount $241,654.23 Overdrafts 1,176.40 United States Government securities owned 50,000.0n 3.349.7B Other bonds, stocks, and securities owned 8.700.00 Banking house, $(,700.00; Furniture and fixtures, .$2,000.00 2.000.00 Real estate owned other than banking house Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank 13.262.28 Cash and doe from banks 24,927.02 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. 500.00 Treasurer NewaraDer Union.) Total .$346,459.65 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in Undivided $ 50,000.00 .". 418.05 48,000.00 profita-r-n-et Clrsulating notes outstanding Due to banks, including certified and cashiers' checks outstanding ....,...,.,.. Demand deposit Time deposit Bill payable and rediscounts ... .. 2,501.12 116,887.41 101,401.03 26,750.00 Total $345,459.65 STATE OF UTAH, COUNTY OF JUAB, as: I, Ralph Brough, Cashier of the above-name- d bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is troe to the best of my knowledge and belief. RALPH BROUGH, Cashier. CORRECT Attest: T. A. Foote, Barton Brough. Geo. O. Ostler, Directors. The dug up ments, among india-rubbe- A world series Is not won by young men with muscular legs, that swing bats and slide to bases. It Is won by some Connie Mack who DOES THE THINKING. Too old to play, Connie Mack Is not too old to think. Ills team won young gentlemen take notice. Tri-Sta- Manufacturers of safes, with electricians, have made a gigantic steel bos, so delicately arranged that it sounds an alarm If a burglar so much as lays his hand on It The slightest touch, even the laying of a hat on top of the safe, Is felt, reported, and brings policemen. Farmers, crvina for "relief," may learn from New York's striking truck drivers that real relief can be found in organization. g (C 1929, bf Klac Fwm Sraduau, be) te nj asm Kmi mm . Such things amaze us, but each of us Is Just such a safe. A system pf net-vp-s coverlne the whole body. sounds the alarm when anything is punctured or touched. And the Uraln always knows what is going on In the outside world. Lying, gray and cold Inside its "ivory temple" it sees, hears, feels, tastes and smells, and we don't know how. There's a really wonderful safe. - 12 Toy of Pharaoh's Day Egypt Exploration society has a large number of tools, ornaweights, and other objects, them a child's toy described as Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of October, 1929. thousands of years old. It U a little NEPHI ANDERSON, Notary Public. (SEAL) monchariot drawn by monkeys, and Commission Expires April 18, 1931. Residence, Nephl, Utah SUMMONS keys are the passengers. Today big. a ger children have different toys, but i IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THIS among the smaller nursery folk the FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN type of plaything that pleased little AND FOR JUAB COUNTY, STATE Egypt centuries ago Is still a favorite. OF UTAH. We have monkeys riding bicycles, or driving tiny goat carriages, or popping E. R. Shaw, and r out of an ball. On the Clyde Shaw, counters of the finest shops our friend Plaintiffs, the monkey persists, with tbe beady TS. Investment and Security eyes and grinning mouth that brought a smile to the face of Pharaoh's little Company, a corporation ot the State of West Virginia , son. There Is something about the gay, Impudent, yet wistful face of the & Inter Parkersburg, Marietta that has endeared him to the monkey Urban Real Estate and Improvechildren of all times and places. ment Company, a corporation organized under the Laws of West Virginia, Horn Ownenhip Home as the best road te ownership Also all other persons unknown, the prosperity of the Individual and claiming any right, title, estate, the country was the keynote of a con lien or interest in the real ference of representative retail turn property described Jn the comber dealers from various sections of plaint adverse to plaintiff's ownership, or any cloud upon the United States, held recently at plaintiff's title thereto. Chicago. Defendants. Organization of a council whose ob THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE ject will be to help home builders build better and more livable home SAID DEFENDANTS: You are hereby summoned to ap- was the outcome of the gathering. The pear within twenty days after the lumbermen met primarily to discuss service of this summons upon you, many of their merchandising prob if served within the county in which lems, but the home ownership theme this section is brought; otherwise, was injected Into the conference. within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; THE chassis of the new Ford truck is designed for and in case of your failure so to do, Henry Uaually Goad judgment will be rendered against Teacher Did I see you copying this reliable service. There are forty different kinds of you according to the demand of the problem from Henry's papery steel used ia it, each made to wear longest under the complaint, which has been filed Stupid Yes. with the Clerk of said Court. tresses to which it is most often subjected. The three-beariTeacher Don't you know tfeafs ter This action is brought to recover camshaft crankshaft and the three-bearin- g a judgment against the defendants ribly wrong? know. didn't I of and each Umrfn Stupid are of Ford carbon manganese steel. Valves are of them, quieting plaintiff's title to the lands described in usually pretty good at arithaatui chrome silicon alloy. Transmission gears and shafts said complaint, and more particularBoy's Life. t: are of chrome alloy steel, heat treated for hardness. ly described as follows Beginning 10 rods North of the In Spirit of Love The front axle is a chrome alloy steel forging. Steels corner of Southeast Lot 1, The Indescribable quality lingerie! for other important parts are equally specialized ; ; ; Block 44, Plat "A", Nephl City In old gardens Is the outward evi Survey, thence west 68 feet 6 to make certain that the Ford truck will give long, dence of the spirit of love In which inches; North 1 rod; West 3 economical service. 5 68 North inches; rods; East they were made, Woman's Hoase feet 9 inches; South 6 rods to Companion. Many features contribute to the splendid perform place of beginlng. THOS. H. BURTON, SAID DEFENDANT : ance of the Ford truck. Its engine develops forty Plaintiff Attorney. You are hereby summoned to ap horse-powat moderate speed. Cantilever rear springs P. O. Address: Nephl, Utah. pear within twenty days after the reduce ot summons rebound and lessen unsprung weight. A Hou-dail- le this service upon you If served within the county in which shock-absorbat each front wheel increases SUMMONS this action ia brought; otherwise decreases wfthin stability, jolts. The fully enclosed days after service, and IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE defend thirty the above entitled action is long wearing and positive. A shatter-proo- f system FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN and in case of your failure so ta AND FOR JUAB COUNTY, STATE do, Judgment will windshield increases the driver's safety. These glass be rendered OF UTAH. and similar things throughout the entire chassis give against you according to the demand Nephl Corporation of the Church of the complaint, which has been evidence of the thorough care with which the new of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y filed with the Clerk of eaid Court. Saints, a Corporation sole, This action is brought to recover Ford truck has been designed for long wear, reliaorganized and existing under and a judgment against the defendants bility and economy. by Virtue of the Laws of tbe and each of them, quieting plain State of Utah, tiff's title to the lands described la Come in to see the Ford and let us LEGALS The divers haul farmers' produce and wanted an increase in pay, representing as much as the average farmer earns. It was not difficult The agreement was made that any farm produce hauled Into New York must be unloaded from the farm truck and reloaded into a truck operated by a member of the market truckmen's association before It could be delivered practice these three attributes hon- to a commission house. estly, sincerely and happily day in Who pays for that reloading, (Or and day out, there is no question as the second truck, and the services of to tne results tnat will be occora another truckman, all unnecessary T plished. THE FARMER PAYS OF COURSE. TWELVE YEARS OF APPLYING THESE PRINCIPLES TO THE BUS INESS OF OUR COMPANY HAS On October 21, the world celebrates PROVED TO EVERY ONK OF OITR the fiftieth anniversary of Edison's EMPLOYEES FROM THE OFFICE electric light Invention. Emll Lud-witJUlf TO THE PRESIDENT WHAT makes the Interesting suggestion CAN BE DONE IF ONE WANTS TO on the night of the anniversary, DO IT AND THAT IT CANT HR that, be turned out all over DONE HAPPILY AND THAT ALL electric lights for world minute, to emphathe U' TWUSE DOING IT CAN ENJOY size the value one work. Edison's of li'. THERE MUST BE NO SELF' He calls Edison "a second PromeISHNESS IN SUCH A PROfiH A M THE MUTUAL INTERESTS OF ALL theus." Edison stole light from the UUNCEKNED MUST BE CONSIDERlightning as Prometheus stole fire ED, AND THAT REALLY COMES from heaven. UNDER LOYALTY; IT IS THE FIRST AND GREATEST ATTRI The Government planned a topoBUTE OF A SUCCESSFUL EM graphic and geological survey of the BUSINESS PLOYEE, MAN OR United States, calling for work to last GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL. eighty years. When the program was presented to President Hoover, he cut the eighty years to eighteen years. Imported Vegetables This bhows that an engineer, who Cucumbers, eggplants and muskmtlnow so common In tbe United knows how things should be done, ons, can be useful, in the White House. States, came originally from the Old world. I fast . . . powerful . . . rugged! ...economical ng "m. to-wi- 017-N14-- 5t. er er six-bra- vs. Plaintiffs, to-w- it: The Nephl Social Hall Association, consisting of Enoch Bowles, Jacob Bowers & James D. Pexton, and others, Also all other persons unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the complaint adverse to plaintiff's ownership, or any cloud upon ' a plaintiff's title thereto. Defendants. THE STATE OF UTAH said complaint, and more particu larly described as follows THE OLD SOCIAL HALL PROPERTY The north half of lot 4, block 30, plat A. ot the Nephl survey of building lots, situated In section 4, in Twp. 13 south range one east of the Salt Lake Meridian. 64 H Containing rods of land. rods shrdlu shrdlu cmwfyp mmrom THOS. H. BURTON, Plaintiff Attorney. P. O. Address, Nephl, Utah. 017-N14-- TO THE 5t truck, decide which body type is best for your use. r. Zji help yoa ; PAGE MOTOR CO- NEPHI, UTAH |