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Show PAGE TWO Friday, November 25, 1927 Seel They tuay hear II the time. him breathe." MARSH By GEORGE by Th Pcnn Publishing Co. CprrlM WNO Sorvlct. CHAPTER XIII Continued 20 It atripped down to this: If the police found Galbrulth at Elkwan Garth Guthrie was done. Cameron might fix It with the company, but the authorities would be merciless. Then the smug Charles could revel In his "I told you sos," and Ethel he had not thought of Ethel, whose Christmas letters he had not answered, since he found Joan Quarrier on the Alhuny clearing she could thank Heaven for her lucky escape. "But the police won't find him at Elkwan 1" Guthrie rasped through his to teeth, and went to the trade-hous- e make his plans with Etlenne. "Did you have any trouble getting Mm up here?" Guthrie asked. "No, he holler some, but he was lashed In good." Then 'Guthrie explained the part Etlenne was to play when the police appeared. They would want to Interview him, and must find him In bed, a sick man. Accordingly, he must have the bandages, which Miss Quarrier would prepare at once, ready to put on. The children would have to be coached and kept out of the way. "Have you ever been badly hurt. Etlenne?" smiled and opening The his shirts, drew them back, baring a long scar across the muscular chest. "At Henley house, at de New Year dance, I get dls, nianee year ago. I was ver seek man. I know. W.'en poleece dey come, I be ver' seek man once more.' Guthrie laughed outright at the gravity of his head man. "Trust you, Etlenne, to act your part anywhere I Now If we could only keep them away from my quarters, but I've got to feed them there. That's where the danger lies. He may make a noise. He'll have to have au opiate to keep him quiet. If they hear him. It's all up with us." Savanne took the pipe from his mouth and leaned toward his chief, the muscles In 'his swnrt face knotted with the Intensity of his feeling. For a space the two men hardly breathed as the narrowed eyes of the bored Into Guthrie's quizzical gaze. Then Etienne said slowly : "You are good.frien' to me an' my familee. I feex dese poleeee if you say so." Slowly, as he read the stark sincerity of the offer In the other's face sensed that his friend of the dusky skin was bringing to the altar of their friendship the supreme gift, the hazard of his life, Guthrie's eyes softened with the affection which two years of river and const and trail with Ktlenne Savanne had kindled. He reached out a long arm and took the sinewy hand of the other. "I won't forget my friend." The swnrt face of the lit with pride at the words, then turning a way, he threw over his shoulder: "1 get lie bandage from M'a'mselle Quarrier an' show Marie how to muk" good nurse." half-bree- d . half-bree- half-hrcc- "His temperature's risen to 10.1. hear It In the other lung now." Joan Quarrier entered the living room, from which Old Anne had takep the supper dishes. "Double pneumonia!" Guthrie muttered. "Not a chance, after the flu, I there? I'oor old Craig! We've done what we could." She raised her eyes to the man who slouched, head In hands, elbows on knees. "Friendship is a very real thing to you." He looked up. "Yes, so real that without a thought of the cost to you. I brought you Into this " "Thnf was rather a fine compliment to nie, Mr. Exile, that you should feel sure of me know that I would come." "I thought only 'of him of what I owed him." For an Intervnl he was silent, then continued with a look that brought the blood to her face: "You? I knew you would come when you understood. I!ut It was unfair-wro- ng." I can "Why she demurred wrong?" "Ktlenne or this man, what did It matter? You needed me to help you and I cnnie." "Rut I've done worse still. If the prllee find him here, you'll be subject to the Inw an accessory. I did Dot think. I was mad, but 1 want to et you out of this before It's too late. I'll take you to Alhuny tomorrow." As Joan Quarrier stnred at the speaker, her surprise slowly shifted to anger. The dark eyes lit with n look new to the mun who watched. "Yon mean that? You think Id defer! him, dying, your friend?" He shrugged hopelessly In the face of her determination. "You're In a false position. I hud no right " "Stop!" she rommanrlod. raising her hand In finality. "Now, If they come, whnt will you do?" For a sp-- e he could not answer, ave of pride In the swept by a staunchness of the gin of whom he had asked so much. "I've got to feed them here. Can keep nun tinder nn opiate?' "Yes. he under one now. If he trow delirious, as some do, he'll Mf self fry to get up. We'll l.r.ve to keep Mm lashed to t!,e ,ed." "I'll get triem over to the trade, house as soon ns they eat Tiiev run not stay n.ore than a night, hut when they fall to find his body at the achooner, they'll want to see me." yu In-J- aob. she stotxi at the door of the bedroom. "To think be should die like this!" "Enh-en- h !" replied the Cree. "How U he now?" Guthrie asked abe said. Joan. Guthrie strode back to her. He took a limp hand In both of his. "Healer Her reflected her anxiety, X "I gave Etlenne his bandagea and "Worse eyes of Wounds. I love you I Courage!" 2 It's m Privihgt to Liv in much worse. Raging fever showed Marie how to adjust them." And be went out. 105; pulse running away. He's been What a wonderful coconspirator At the trade-hous- e door bis set face straining terribly at his bonds. Lucky you are. Healer of Wounds I How am you and Etlenne made them Its lines. dropped strong." I ever to repay you?" He sat from 'You him the opiate, of "Well, Old Anne Is about ready for habit with the unraarred left side of course?" gave us. It's short variety but I OGDEN Ogden has been placed on hope his face quartering on the girl. Sudthere'll be enough for your appetites. "Yes. he s feeling It now. By supairmail route between Salt Lake the denly she straightened, startling him per time he'll be quiet but his I'm sorry, but I'll have to put you up with the tenseness of her look. and! Great Falls, Mont., United States here. Miss Quarrier has my extra breathing?" "Why do you sit that way?" she de Eenator William H. King advised the "That's what worries me." Guthrie room." manned angrily. As Joan Quarrier, pale, but miswent to the stc-- room where the giant, Offden chamber of commerce by tele'What what do you mean?" he bound to his bed tress of her nerves, met them in the 'by thick bandages of Senator King stated that while graph. asked, confused by her tone. cloth, lay moanlnj In a hnlf stupor, living room with a forced graclousness "You treat me as If I were oh, like for an airmail conadvertisement the "Old Craig. To finish like this!" Sor. and was introduced, the eyea of Rawthe one he came back to." She point two points of this the between rowfully, the man who was Imperiling don bulged in patent admiration of tract ed toward the adjacent sickroom. his future that his friend might have the picture she made. Fair women are route did not include Ogden, W. Irving vaguely her meaning dawned on his chance went out to meet the ap rare where life Is hard, and hla evi- Glover, second assistant postmaster him. Scars to her were an ac dent surprise at finding the general, assured the senator that Ogproaching colade. Those straight eyes of hers With Shot beside him, curious of nurse who had wintered at the mis- den would be placed on the route aa never turned in horror from a wound. the strange dogs. Garth watched the sion at Albany of .such comeliness, an airmail depot. visitors climb the eliff trail behind seemed temporarily to paralyze his "Forgive me," he said, and his eyes UTAH Balance of $10,421.71 reclouded with mist "I knew the day their team of scrubs. tongue. mained to the credit of the Utah State I met you that you saw beyond the "Good day !" called the older of the Appearing on the minute with the Fair association this year after all exscars." two men, stepping forward with ex stew, Old Anne filled the room with penses of the last fair were paid, it For an Instant her face was radiant tended hand. This Is Mr. Rawdon. the harsh sibilants of the Cree tongue. was shown by a statement of the reThe speaker nodded to his companion, with a look that stirred the man with "Don't mind Anne," Guthrie laughed, ceipts and disbursements of the asthe mad desire to go to her take her a young, heavily built man, who shook making conversation as his guests ate. sociation for the year, issued by ErIn his arms wring from this woman Guthrie's hand. "She's a bit queer in the head, but nest S. Holmes, manager, and Mar1 ve who doubted him his love, the adbeen expecting you," said her heart's all right, isn't It. Anne?" tha E. Gibbs, uecretary, of the assomission that she too cared. But no, Guthrie. "You can turn your dogs Anne turned upon him a chaos of ciation. not here, his ward and guest, helpless into mat empty snack after you've chatter. From the kitchen, where she SALT LAKE According to the to avoid him. His chivalry checked fed them. They'll be safe there. My went for the boiled goose, the his Impulse. She knew he loved her; only assistant, as you know, Is laid staunch old Cree kept up a rattle of weekly weather, crop and range reshe should have fair play at Elkwan up." pans, until she hurriedly returned to port, from the office of J. Cecil Alter, The dogs fed and safeguarded from resume her conversation with the man weather observer in Salt Lake, precipMuttered words from the sick man has been fairly general, and in whose ears strained for sounds itation drew them to his bedside. The great the big Ungavas of the post, Guthrie most sections amounts have been sufled his to warm the stove of through the shut door of the sick guests frame, banded by strips of cloth to ficient to benefit ranges and fall grains. the trade-rooroom. confine him In his delirium, rendered "You come straight from Seal As yet no sound from the room. The soils have become too wet to plow the bed he lay on Insignificant. His In places, and sugar beet harvesting he cove?" asked Thus russet far victory! smoothed the carelessly. "They hair, heavy by has been temporarily suspended nurse from his wide forehead, framed "Well," said Farrel, comfortably, as this work is now fairly well though he finished, "your cook may be a bit the deep blue eyes which stared, un along. talkative, Guthrie, but I sure have seeing at the celling of the room. Be low leered the torn mouth, ghastly In her supper." PRICE District Road Engineer "Glad you have. Sorry It wasn't Reuben Simpson and Inspector J. H. Its distortion. better." 'We were happy before," they Young of the federal bureau of public "And you've got to run to that roads left for Emery county, where heard him mutter. "I know I know it was hard. But couldn't you bear it demurred Rawdon, now quite they will Inspect the construction at his ease with Joan. "I don't see work, which Is being done on federal for the sake of the old days? Handsome Galbrulth It was once. why you can't stay a while and talk aid project No. 4, the to us." Then that shell I Good-by- , highway has been accomplished during Handsome Galbralth I But you I loved needed. "Oh, a nurse always puts duty be- - the past month, and Engineer Simpson ' fore Your eyes! God! the look in there pleasure, Mr. Rawdon," she re expects it to be almost completed bewhen you saw me!" plied, with a stiff smile, as with tilted fore frost Interferes. head she waited, nerves taut as wires, The eyes of Joan Quarrier and Guth SALT LAKE Gasoline taxes colfor the repetition of a sound she had rle met. Two tears, ignored, slowly lected by the motor vehicle departheard a sound incomprehensible, terwet her cheeks. The face of the man ment of the secretary of state's office was twisted with pity. rifying, from the closed room. in October totaled $150,000, "Well," he laughed, "that's what I $20,308.94 in back taxes paidincluding "What hell he must have lived by the call a compliment But you'll be back Utah Oil Refining company. Net col through !" soon?" lections were approximately $130,000 "And she why are such creatures "Back soon, you whelp!" cursed In 1926 collections for October were put Into the world?" said the girl, Guthrie inwardly. "If you don't finish $111,566.75, the October, 1927, increase huskily. "When his need of her was that food. I'll choke you with It!" Then being about $18,000. greatest she unmasked her little his heart skipped to shake him with soul." MYTON A. C. Marchant, of Myton its hammering, ns he heard a thud a Carth Guthrie started Involuntarily the past week has been buying during sound cloth. of ripping Raising his How unerringly she hail characterized turkeys in the Uintah basin for a mar he said voice, "If sharply: you're Ethel. Had she guessed, he wondered. ket in Salt Lake City. Tuesday Mr through, gentlemen, we'll have a smoke Marchant made "I can guess what followed." Garth a shipment of 300 ami trade-housbesi.de the and stove." 36 cents per pound for dresssd replied. "I know him. Heart-brokepaid rose fromffxvltll table the Farrell, he often spoke of her 'he weirt trt birds. Representatives of other com where Rawdon lingered, hypnotized drink, to forget. Then it happened." panics also are buying in the basin Team on the Riviere!" the face of the who sat by "Dog girl rigid "But after all, are they sure he's The turkeys this year are in fine coudl-rion- . with fear. the man?" were expecting you when I left Mooss Guthrie flung open the door, admit"The circumstantial evidence puts with Miss Quarrier." HELPER The united efforts of the the biting air. "Rawdon !" The ting It beyond question the description, At the mention of Joan's name, the words snapped through the silent citizens residing along the hanks ol his being here in the north." henvy face of Raxvdon lighted xvitli room like the crack of a "Miss the Price river in this c:ty have reInterest. While Joan caught a fewi hours' has a dressing to do for sulted in the importation of the coun Quarrie room of Guthrie which he "Yes," replied Farrel, lighting his sleep in the Savanne." Then behind the shut door, ty steam shovel here and the com had again given her, the factor sat bepipe. "We went over to the Island a crash, curses, a groan froze him, mencing of work in deepening and side the unconscious man, whose torxvith Cameron's people who are guardlipsperate, where he stood. The game widening the channel. During the tured lungs labored for breath. ing the fur. But, of course, we wanted was up. He had lost ! past summer the flood waters overran to talk to you and your man before we Before she lay down the girl stood the banks and caused much damage. "Why, what's that? Somebody to got down to work." quizzically before the photographs there?" demanded the younger policePARK CITY Heavy storm fell al "Got down to work? What do you which still stood In their plnces on his man, rising, heud thrust In the direcMountain Dell, it was reported. l mean?" dresser. Guthrie's cold eyes studied tion of the sounds. Gray-faceJoan deposit of rain and snow totaled the f.ice of the Inspector. A decent Quarrier, like one under a spell, "You're very lovely," she murmured. the unusual content of twe "It's cot strange that he cau't forget face, he thought, honest, human. watched the hawk-likfeatures of inches. It waswater estimated that it snow or still He not we remembers saw you. found only three bodies. Guthrie burden the gray eyes ed at least "Why you'd fifteen inches in Brighton be here still remembers, although he Cameron says you found four. Includ Farrel groxv cold, as the surprised Harry Hammond, waterworks obserr wants me to think he hns forgotten." McDonald's wasn't turned to his host. ing McDonald's. er is In Salt Lake having gone down there." "Get Etlenne. quick !" Like the ring for a few days from the watershed. of of the voice XIV metal CHAPTER "McDonald's body not there? Im (ittthrle tempered ROOSEVELT Following the rain crossed to the Cree In the kitchen possible!" storms of the last week, which were o door. She disappeared. "No, we made no mistake. The In In early afternoon Etlenne swung much value, all roads into the Ulntar "What's tills all about. Guthrie dlans must have spirited It axvay. back the trade-housdoor with a basin are open and in good condition crash. They tell me there's a fortune In fur this racket in there?" stormed Uaw-doTraffic has not been held up on that schooner, too, but there's no "Dog-teaon do riviere!" heatedly. unduly and both the Strawberry route and for As waited the Farrel bewildered of Its "All right the "Tell Guthrie. sign being plundered." replied Castlegate-Duchesnroads have been Guthrie's answer, his eyes widened Miss Quarrier on your way. Now you The watchful Guthrie had his open bearing heavy traffic throughout the get Into those bandages nnd Into bed, Ing and lost no time In developing It. as he saw the groping fingers of the storm period. Three inches of snow who leaned against factor of Elkwan, and don't have the children around If we In left McDonald dead his "Why, was reported on Indian summit last on the find the and close come to to talk I from tin. you." they berth, Breault suppose. w eek, but none since. "I am ver' seek man," laughed the was In the cabin, and the other two butt of bis automatic. a of Then door the crash with the LOGAN Elaborate preparations are In berths. The Interpreter and a sailor and went out. bedroom xvus thrown back, and a i.eing completed by the Logan board So the police had come? He hadn't they claim xvere on the boat must giant figure, shreds of cloth hanging if education for tiie dedication of the have made for the nearest camp. Did expected them for days, but they must from naked shoulders nnd arms. new high school plant located on FlrHt hnve reached Albany from Moose the you search the Ice? The Indians South and Second West streets. Nomight have burled him. lie had some swayed, head lowered. In the door day he left. They certainly hadn't way. Burning with fever, the wild vember 30. Superintendent L. A. PeterIndians picking up fur for him on the litgcred at the schooner with Cameron's men ; mystified at failing to find Island. They may hnve found him and eyes above the grinning mouth glared son, will have general charge of the with the ferocity of a mad beast nt lay's activities. the body of Mclionnld, they probably given him n decent grave In the Ice." wanted to talk first to the men who 'That's true, but why should they Rawdon, who Instinctively recoiled LOGAN Utah'a alfalfa seed Indus from the diabolic countenance thrust had discoxered the tragedy, then releave the rest on the boat?" Is not likely to suffer as the retry him. Gripping the door Jambs turn to Seal cove. 'lie was the big loan the chief. lie toward sult of Canada's recent ruling against of his muscles for the great support, comman alfulfa seed and her new regThey would pass at least one night had a great hold on them. That might arms Hexed, Laughing Mcionni(l ulations at Elkwan to talk it over. There was explain It," Guthrie suggested. "Well. concerning the Importation ol xxlth "Give room a roar: shook the no alternative to having them eat at wonder what they've got for yu em the stel, Cndlim ! Steel for certified seed of hardy varieties, achis quarters. There Iny the danger. men he to eat," added. "Make to Dr. George Stewart, agronhungry their i;lve Vm " With a gasp, a cordingof He would rush them through supper the Utah experiment station. omist yourselves nt home while I go over hoarsegas! a of the nimble throat, deep to the trade house where they and and ask Old Anne when she'll be frame MYTON the massive There Is rejoicing on the choking cough, would sleep, as, of course, Joan Qnar ready for us." to the floor. of pitched headlong many part rler had his spare bed. Etienne's acpeople in the Uintah "By the way," called Farrel as On her knees beside the man whose ' basin over the practical completion of cident they would have heard of from iarth opened the door. "How's your unit of the Vicpulse she could not feci, sobbed Joan the Cameron, and Etlenne and Marie were nnn, wound all right? He can talk. more than equal to entertaining them Quarrier. Gripping the relaxed hand tory highway. The road is now bolnn can't he? I xvnnt to get his state used from Myton to Roosevelt nnd e of the friend he had failed to snve. with the picture of a man suffering ment." listened for n heart bent. few more days will put the finishing Guthrie from a painful wound. The rub would He's doing finely thanks to his touches to the entire project. Since There was none. Laughing McDonald come at meal time. Would the opiate army nurse. Mie saved turn from in the state took the wirk over from the had Joined Hie silent battalions. bresth-Inand his keep quiet Ion." feet 'He's giitie?" be nsk"d the girl. Lyon Construction company a few would they hear It? If only he were for Garth nt the while the policemen, dumb In their weeks ago, raild progress has They waiting could hnve been moved for a day, but been house. Her eyes shadowy with strain , where? The gaped at the two figures made. factor's Joan nut him nt the surprise, nnd anxiety, with their dead. quarters, and Et'enne's were the sole door. DUCHESNE Federal aid money heated buildings nt the post, doing She nodded. It Is "The morphine? xvorklng?" he "Gentlemen." Gtnnrle turned his amounting to $!4."!7..H, which will b to his quarters, he called Joan nnd sked. applied to the cost of construction ol to Ills guests. "You are too lute. (Mil Anne. "lies quiet noxv. hut I don't know face highways In Duchesne. Summit. WeS r bus escaped " man Your "Anne, you can't speak English how long It will last. It seems lost and Davis counties. ni d M n "Stan' buck !" don't answer Hny questions. Under-s'andin him. I've given hint all I dare." nt the oflice of John Walker, sl it.; day (TCI HE CUNTINM'KIl I The broad face of the cook "His tempera turn pulse?" tree surer. stretched In smile as she xx Inked. e how he lives t.'-"Awful! I don't SALT LAKE- - National forests In Labor Come Fir l "Naion." she, answered In Cree. It looks like the crisis tonight." man plant mid sows nnd Utah Include approximately 7!t:i,3'irj I'nlesi 'Coed' And when you hear us "I can't hear him breathe. Is sup reaps, seedtime Mild harvest avail hi til acres of land. They usually occupy come In for supper, nuke as much the high mountain ranges, th" cestn ready 7 ill tiring them in a.n) per nothing. Presbyterian Witness. noise as you can In the iltchon. Sing lsb It through." of which exceed K'00 fo,.t, although all you wish, ruttle the pans. Whtu "Yes." we encounter wise a man they generally extend down nearly Sometimes you wait on us, tnik to me In free Aa he turned to go out he heard a to the foot of the range. In some In who causes ua to admire foot. stances hi low aa 60U0 tvui. News Notes SjWhat to Give at wimstmas iime Utah Dainty New Flower Aprons I k dog-tea- mm i y If the Christmas program is to be carried out according to tradltioa there will be the usual exchange of gift aprons. Happy the recipient of one of the new flower aprons! They are made of organdie In realistic flower colorings and patternings. Yoe buy them stamped ready to embroider. The one iq the picture has green organdie for its foundation, also for the huge leaves which form the bib. The apron Is cut in the form of a pans using purple and orchid organdie The two center petals serve as pockets. There Is narroxv lace edging hen and there. Wild rose designs done In pink and green are lovely. Holds a Ball of Cord . " Price-Ferro- n Pill) It would seem as if inost everybody appreciate ns a Christmas gift e n - would a Handy Andy who xvould hold guard over a ball of cord, keeping It ever ready for use, like the little paste-hoar- d faced elf In this picture is doing. No, the spiral neck nnd spindling legs of this little sprite aren't just for "looks"; they form the axis on xvhlch the ball of cord revolves. The flower petal skirt? Oh, Just a way of "dolling up" the trinket so that It is "ornamental ns well as useful." The figure stands on : box which holds .rubber bands, tag, thumb tacks and other needed articles, An Attractive Sewing Box The-tota- e lr e e gun-rac- half-bree- j Myton-Rooseve- The mission of this little and more of her kind Is to enterlady many a household on or about December 25 bearing a message of "Merry Christmas" from someone to someone. I J ft her bouffant skirts made of decorative crepe paper nnd you will find that she Is a very dainty bisque doll wired te n nanny box Just large to hold wee scissor?, needles, enough a thlra-thread, j ble und such a pretty gift, Inexpen- iinu easy to make. !. Flower Basket Book End lt g trade-house- If you nre losing sleep nights try-t: ink up" tiie daintiest and loveliest of Christmas gifts some wlnnmo debutante or' bride, here It ing to fr r h. j,,,,,,. rmK Tlifiy nie nil tl.nt esthetic f rn'nltiilv might wlh for. ( ..n.hir. l f c ;d inr strcl. over colored I'i.ot fort: s. t;,r y are ns substantial n'.d j r.n tif.J , f f ,lf,1Vjr ,,rotl7 Hi""- posies which over the lop n:-- handmade of gav silk nnd snlin fcnd j..Mvery "Hrrnchy"! sntiu-covere.- |