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Show Nephi Nephi ij'The Wheat City"! I "The Wheat i The Times, Vol. 17, No. 45. Friday, November Nephi, Juab County, Utah, BUICK SCHOOL CENSUS FOR DISTRICT BELONGING TO DR. i 11, 1927. AUTOMOBILE The Newi", Vol. 11, No. 45. CRMER NEPHITE DIES C IN SALT W. WOODBURY STOLEN LAKE-BURI- HARRY BEAGLEY ED ELECTED MAYOR IN THIS CITY MONDAY SHOW DECREASE Report Shows That There Are 640 Boys and 575 Girls In District The annual school census of Juab District was completed this week and report sent to the office of the State Board of Education. There are 640 boys, and 675 girls living In the district between the age of 6 and 18 years, a total of 1215 of school age. This number is a decrease of 40 children from last year, the 1926 report having a total of 1255. This loss of 40 children will affect the revenues received from the state to the extent of $1000.00, the school district receiving $25.00 for each child enumerated. A check was made from , last cards to ascertain years census where the loss came from. It was found that 45 children of school age who were enumerated in Nephi last year have moved away with their parents and are now living in other parts of the state. Mona had an in-- , crease of 3 and Levan a decrease of OF NEPHI CITY Automobile thieves stole the new Buick Sedan belonging to Dr. Clare W. Woodbury, and also broke into a number of garages in this city Dr. Woodbury Wednesday evening. was out on a case until about two o'clock in the morning, and came home, leaving his new car standing in front of his home. In addition to the car, he is out a medical case, and, over one hundred dollars worth of instruments and a good overcoat which were in the automobile. Dur ing the night it Is reported that the thieves broke into the garage belonging to J. H. Lunt, and took the keys out of his car; also broko into the garages belonging to Geo. A. Sperry and J. A. Christensen. Mrs. Margaret Pass Foote, wife of C. L. Foote, died at her home in Salt Lake Sunday, following an attack Mrs. Foote is a of Diphtheria. native of Nephi, and was 47 years of age at the time of her death. She is the daughter of Thomas Pass, and a sister of Vivian Pass, of this city. The body was brought to Nephi Monday and burled in the Vine Bluff Cemetery, the grave being dedicated by Joseph Greenhalgh. She is survived by her husband Leslie Foote; six children, Clare, and Melva, Earl, Lynn, Bernlce, Naomi, and father, Thomas Pass, and several brothers and sisters. STATE PRESIDENT VISITS LOCAL P-- Sx - tu ilL m' rs ; vice-preside- secreta- '....Mrs. Will L. Hoyt Solo Reading Eunice Urough .... Roy Lomax Orchestra Wallace - L. Ellen Martin Cole returned home Accompanied by Mrs. L. T. Booth Mr. Burton has Song Mrs. E. M. Greenwood and Co. Tuesday evening. Miss Helen Lyman in been the Veterans' hospital at Reading Ora Judd Boise, Idaho, for the past three Song .... American Legion Boys months, whore he has been receiv Quarette Maurine Kendall Reading ing treatment. Vincent Ord He reports that he is feeling Saxaphone solo Ord pretty good, but during the three SoloAccompanied by Mildred Mabel Lunt months spent in the hospital he has T. D. Davis and Company been on a diet, which has reduced Song Community' singing, led by .Mrs. A. h'. weight a great deal. J. Crapo, accompanied by Mrs. L. T. Booth. Burton -- rue cu-ftt- e. MAiuM aretes uvr Business and Professional Women's Club Met Thurs. The Nephi chapter of the Business and Professional Women's club held their regular meeting Wednesday evening In the city hall. A number of business items were discussed after which the following program was enjoyed by the members pre sent: two readings, Maurine Ken dall; talk, "Armistice Day", Attor ney Will L. Hoyt; song, "Military Waltz", Mrs. Mabel Lunt, accom panied by Mrs. Diane G. Booth. WORTHINGTON TRYOUT The following item appeared In the Eureka Reporter of Nov. 4th: W. R. Stevens, nr,nclPal of tne Eureka grade schools who during the latter part of the last baseball season managed the Tintlc team, is in receipt of a letter from William Essick, scout of the New York Yank ees. Mr. Essick, who is an old time friend and team mate of Mr. Stevens, seeking illil Local Couples Married At Provo Tuesday Two marriages of local interest happened at Provo, last Tuesday, Miss Norma Sparks, daughter of Xr. and Mrs. B. II. Sparks became the bride of Lode Sperry, son of Mrs. Miss Pearl 8tep Richard Inscore. henson of Levan, and Rdge Lnnt of Nephi, were united l.i marrlrge Miss Stephenson is the daughter of information regarding Glen Worthington of Nephi who may be fast enoagh to break into the "big baseball show." Mr. Stevens, some time ago, called the attention of Essick to both Worthington and Tony Bernardo, of Eureka. Bernardo is now on the coast and will likely get his chance during the coming baseball season. Worthington will finish his work at the A. C. at Logan next winter, and the recommendation which Mr. Stevens has given him may result In a good baseball offer. He is one of the fastest men in the state, according to track moct records, and Mr. Stevens thinks he has all the earmarks of a big league ball player. His position, up to this time, has been behind the bat although he is able to play in the field. Worthinghead ton is tall, rangy, has and can hit. The use to which he ran put his legs adds to his value as baseball player. W. R. Stevens and "Vinegar Bill" Essick, now manager of one of the teams in the Pacific Coast League, played on the same ball team in Clarion, Iowa, shortly after they completed their college courses. Stevens came from Cornell and Essick from Knox and both were They have been close pitchers. friends ever since that time. Both are Interested in the development of baseball talent and anxious to see that deserving vounesters have chance to get Into fast company. a I NEXT THURSDAY annual'dd folks banquet, pro gram and dance will be given ne Thursday, November 17th. The ban' auet will commence at 12 o'clock noon, and the committee in charge are arranging to have a banquet fit for a king, as the elderly people of the cit? are entitled to the best eats in the land. Following the banquet an excellent program will be given to which the general public are in . The vited. In the evening a dance will be given in the Arlington. Service Earl Olpin and Lou Henroid Kfcwe OLD FOLKS PARTY HOLD MEETING adA luncheon will be given by the routine business the meeting Ladies of the Service Star Legion in journed. the Stake Tabernacle for all Ex Boys and their partners from 4 until 7, at which time the following BIG LEAGUE MAY GIVE program will be given: Selections a SCHOOL BOARD way. The reerular meeting of the Board At the officers meeting at 4.15 was held Tuesday eve Sunday Mrs. Reid gave some very of Education valuable suggestions and instruct ning. Present: Harry Foote, A. H. Belliston, and Raphael Garfield. ions. Claims against the district after being duly audited were ordered paid. PROGRAM GIVEN IN The census report was submitted by the clerk of the Board which HONOR OF VETERANS showed a school population in the district of 1215. After the transaction of some Piano solo Lanell Burton Returns Reading From Boise Hospital Cornet duet PHILOSOPHICAL PHIL Ward), 230 rotes. Harry Beagley was elected Mayor; The music department of the Nephi high school, under the . direc tion of music supervisor, Wallace L. iMartin, will present a big Negro Minstrel in the N. H. S. auditorium, November 16th, at Wednesday, 8:15. The students, have worked very hard for' the past few weeks preparing to put over a real high class evening of entertainment. The cast of sixty people will please their audience with lufllaby's an!d negro harmonies, and will make them roar with their clever pre sentation of jokes, dialogues, and rs Parent-Teache- The Sunday School of the South ward will hold their annual confer ence next Sunday morning, Novem ber 13th at 10:30 a. m. A special program has been arranged for the occasion, and the parents, as well as all of the children in the ward are extended a special invitation to be present. The entire Republican ticket, of Democratic with the exception City Recorder was elected at the the city election held last Tuesday. An exceptionally large vote was cast for a municipal election, there being a total of 885. In district number one, (South ward), 322 votes were cast, in number two, (Nephi Ward), 303, and in number three, (North T et So. Ward Sunday School To Hold Conference corder Elected Tuesday. NEXT WEDNESDAY , Parent-Teache- Lanell Entire Republican Ticket. With Exception of Re- NEGRO MINSTREL Mrs. William Reid, State Presi dent of the Congress of Parents and Teachers was in Nephi Sunday after noon attending a meeting with the district and local officers of tire 4. organizations. Losses are made up in part by Juab School district is well to the children who arrive at the age of 6 front in work. each year. But this is again off-sThe district is organized with Mrs. by the high school graduates who Alfred Orme, president; Supt. Bar- leave school .the majority being over nett, Eva' Winn, the age of 18 when the census is ry-treasurer, Mrs. Iester BelJis- again taken. ton, chairman of welfare committee School population reached its peak and membership committee. in this district in the year 1917 when There are three organizations ia there were 1305 of school age. the district; one at Mona with John J Since that time there has been a S. Nielson, president; one at Nephi, gradual decrease, the present year with Rose M. Lunt, president; and showing the greatest loss during the one at Levan with Lorenzo Mangel-so- n past decade. president. All of the organizations have besides the presidents a real live bunch of officers who are Dancing Party Given at working hard to put over Parent- Arlington Thursday Evening Teacherwork in the .best possible A dancing party was given in the Arlington hall Thursday evening, by the Missionary committee of the North ward, in honor of Mrs. Sylvia Peters, and Clarence Gowers. It was a farewell for Mrs. Peters and a home coming dance for Elder Mrs. Peters leaves Nephi Gowers. Saturday for Salt Lake where she will take a short missionary course, and she expects to leave there on November 25th for a mission to the Central States, with headquarters at Missouri. Elder Independence, Gowers recently returned from England, where he has been serving a mission for the L. D. S. church, but was released on account of ill health. City"! LEVAN MAN MAKING GOOD IN CALIFORNIA Leo Jennings, a native of Levan Utah, is making good in the insur ance business in Southern Califor- An article under the caption ia. "Leo Jennings Promoted to High Office," taken from a San Pedro paper, reads: "Opening offieem at 213 Sixth his St.. Leo Jennings receives second promotion with Mutual Life Insurance company (of New York within a year, it was announced to Last May Jennings became day. sales director In the company' and now I Los Angeles office, elevated to district superintendent In the harbor area. A present staff of seven agents will be increased rapidly to a dozen or more, accord ing to Jennings. "Jennings, a resident In San Pedro for four years, declares that his confidence in the community, is well Indicated In his being able to keep among his company's first ten executives on tho Faelfic coast i point of sales, and In his building a $13,000 borne at 3613 South Cabrillo avenue. Jennings now has more than $1,000,000 In Insurance In effect here, which he has written at the rate of a quarter trillion dollars yearly, and so has qualified as a convention delegate in th National Field club and In his com Producers nany's Million Dollar club. "Jennings Is a member of th Rotary club and chamber of com merre In San Pedro, and preslden association of the Underwriters' here. He will be recalled as direc tor of the community chest cam palgn of last year Manager Earl Steele of the Venir Theatre announces that "BEN-HUone of the largest and best motion Mr. and Mrs. George Stephenson. pictures of the season will be shown nt this lionular show house next while the young man is lh3 son of ' Mr. and Mrs. George W. Lunt ci this George O. Ostler was in Sanpete Sunday. Monday, and Tuesday, Nov, 13th. 14th, and 16th. city. county Wednesday on business. R tricks. It will be one of the biggest and best minstrels ever presented in Nephi and should have the support of the people of Nephi. The prices will be within the reach of all and the public is assured they will get more real entertainment and more good laughs than they ever have Rend the advertisement in before. another part of the paper, and plan npw to get a good long laugh., ,,. A twenty five piece orchestra win Therte play the accompaniments. will be three big acts, and the faculty are also presenting a comedy stunt in addition. HARRY BEAGLEY four-yeterm J. Walter Paxman. Lloyd Hobbs, and C. W. Johnson, Mrs. .term councllmen, Martha E. Vlekers,- city recorder and Mrs. Leah Chase, city treasurer. is the complete The following vote by districts: District No. One: Mayor: Thomas Bailey, 97,. Harry Beagley, 225; coucilmen: Russell Hawkins, ENTERTAINS IN HONOR 98, Charles R. Jenkins, 223; councilmen, I. M. Petty, (D) 101, 117, Stephen OF MRS. SYLVIA PETERS Ralph Belllson, (D) Boswell, (D) 77, J. Walter Paxman, (R) 216, Lloyd Hobbs, (R), 23S, C. W. Johnson, (R), 223; recorder, A number of entertainments have Martha Vickers, (D), 183, Mayme been tendered Mrs. Sylvia Peters Riches, (R), 137; treasurer, Mrs. during the past week prion to her Leah Chase, (R) 248. District No. Two: Mayor: Thomas leaving for a two year's mission. Mrs. Cleo Reid entertained at a Bailey, (D), 167, Harry Beagley, councilman: Rus dinner party last Friday evening. (R), 136; The sell Hawkins, (D), 127, Charles R. Covers were laid for eight. council- Sunday School and Mutual Officers Jenkins, (R), 175; entertained for her at the North men: I. fit. Petty, (D), 146, Ralph ward amusement hall last Friday Belliston, (D), 136, Stephen Boswell evening, during which games were (D). 112, J. Walter Paxman. (R), played and refreshments were ser 161, Lloyd Hobbs. (R), 171, C. W. ved. Saturday evening a handker Johnson, (R), 177, recorder, Mar chief shower was given at the home tha E. Vickers, (D), 187, Mayme of Mr. and Mrs. Seth McPherson, Riches, (R) 116; treasurer, Mrs. by Miss Lulu McPherson and Miss Leah Chase, 202. District No. 3: Mayor: Thomas Bertha McPherson. On Monday evening, the Social Friends club tender Bailey, (D), 106, Harry Beagley. ed her a farewell party at the (R), 124; councilman: RusMcPherson home, at which forty sell Hawkins. (D), 103, Charles R were present. term coun&lmen: Jenkins; I, M. Petty. (D), 94, Ralph Bellis(D), 98, Stephen Boswell, (D) REMEMBER THE FREE ton, 103, J. Walter Paxman, (R), 130, Charles J R. Jenkins, ar councilman; two-ye- ar - CLINIC NEXT WEEK Lloyd Hobbs, (R) 127, C. W. Johnson, (R) 122; recorder: Martha H. Vickers, (D) 137, Mayme Riches, Parents should not forget the Free (R), 89; treasurer, Mrs. Leah Clinic to be held in this city Novem Chase, (R) 154. ber 16th, 17th, and 18th, at the June Kendall, manager of KenCity Hall. The clinic is being held under the direction of the 'State dall Bros Hardware, was in Eureka Board of Health, and the local Wednesday on business. It pro Health Center Committee. B. D. Gibson, employee of the vides for the treatment of teeth in for children of age. Dr, Times-New- s, spent the week-en- d A. B. MuTray, of the State Board of Logan, Utah, where he enjoyed Health, will be here to take care of visit with relatives and friends. the work. pre-scho- ol M- - I. A. PROGRAMS NephJ North Ward Wallace L .Martin Vocal solo Vocal duet .... Evelyn Brough and Ellen Cole . Selection Nephi high school Ladles Chorus -- Ms Nephi Ward Verona Worthington Beth Hobbs Reading Mabel Wilson Piano solo Vocal solo Mrs. Lucille Munk of Mantt has been visiting at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Seth McPherson for the past two weeks and will return to her home In the Sanpete county town Saturday. FY GOSH THEV ATI'S TOW UOHT1KQ THEia CIGARETTES WITH COLLAR BILLS W FLORIDA |