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Show 7O 'The Wheat City" The Times, Vol.' Xii 16, No.. 52. Nephi NT NT V . "vy Nephi, Juab County, Utafi, ;Fftdaj- December 24th, 1926 - The News, Vol ' QUARANTINE REGULATIONS TO BE - ENFORCED JURYI.1EN BY BOARD OF HEALTH 1927 i Special Officer Employed By City Board of Health-Chil-dren From Infected Homes Must Observe Quaran-tin- e Measles Increasing Public Places May Have To .; Close Unless Disease Is Checked Says Health Board of Owing to the rapid increase measles in this city it has become necessary to take some drastic measures to curtail the further spread of this disease. A meeting of the City Board of Health was held' Tuesday, and it was decided as a preliminary step, to order the closing of the Cen. tral schools until such time as the health department deems It wise to reopen again. Of course the schools are now closed for the holidays, but if the disease is not under control by .January 3rd, a longer holiday period may be deemed necessary. The Board of Health also decided to employ a special quarantine officer who will have a list of the homes un- der quarantine, and children from these homes will not be allowed to attend any public gathering or mingle with other children. It is very important that citizens of thii community give their cooperation to the city officials and aid in every possible way to stamp out this disease that is now so prevalent among the children of this city. Unless this is done, it is the determin ation of the City Health Board to close every public place in the community until such time that the present epidemic is wiped out. It is to the best interest of all concerned to lend their influence in bringing about better health conditions in this city. SURVEY MADE OF PURE BRED SIRES FOR JANUARY 8TH The followng letter was received by C. W. Johnson, president of the Nephi Commercial club,, from J. H. Rayburn, secretary, of the Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce: The po "My dear Mr. President: tential possibilities of the tourist business, insofar as Salt Lake City concerned, are almost unlimited. The Salt Lake City Chamber of Comment recognizing this fact, has, in the past I 3?"' I I lcU The jury commissioner of Jub county selected the following named men to serve as Jurors for the coming year: Eureka: 0. A Allred, Ray Barney, C. H. Berry. Bar! Beck. W. B. Bell, Bishop, Arthur BllHnge, J. B. Blackett. Ernest Bryne, W. A. Boyer, Frank Brohm, L. A. Brady, H. M. Bradley, Em Brandt, Frank Brlskie, Joseph Buys. Robert T Burton, L. J. Bulllngton, Charles , Underwood. Richard May, William Maxwell, Le Manson, Heber Mellor, WilliSJit B. Mitchell. Theodore Miller, John Morley. Sr. V. H. McBeth, Dan A. H. McChrysttl. F. Q. Me Clure, Collin McCurphy, Joseph A-Nielsen, J. A. Norman. A. C. Nornv- ington. E H. Osborne, Peter Olson, Edward Olson. J. O'Connor, Frank Pett, John Phipps, J. A. Pike. Jerry Piatt, Victor Pett, Thomas Randall. E. W. Redmond, Charles Samson. William Senford, Joseph Schlecht, 11 : J. E. Session, George Seeyle, X. T. Shiver. Arthur Smith.-ChestSnow. J. Ray Sorenson, Karl Stewart Joseph Stokes, Delbert Stewart, J. D. Sullivan, George Sylvester, Ray Taylor,. John Coffey, Frank Bradley and P. er O. Reynolds. Dean Mlkesetl,' Bugeiie Mammoth Larsen, Alma Ln nee ford, Albert M. Larsen, James S. Lant, Jam Steed man. James Shepherd. Wilford Stoker, W. H. Nlaonger, James H. Whitlock, James Vnce, Peter Bets, Ramond Jones, John R. Klndendoll. ' Roy Feredsy. Silver City Dob C Wheeler, Robert A. Wllklns. Jesse Haws, John Nelson, R. L. Potts, R. H. Shaw. V. A. Taylor. A. T. Blgler. Trout Creek Roy O. Speneer and A L. Tripp. Nephi 7. W. ScBofleld, KlUh. F. ; . 1 .i RuflMil,, JokuRihdgoa,-JameM. RIcnesvlKwI "ReMJJs ' rirst-uuu- Raymond "GTFaeeT :p&r;ji,. kV- sixty-thre- f5!N ' HRISTMAS is a Henry Palntef, Sid-we- X - Find that every word is - -- vi Qive some happiness away. Grandpa says this little secret ber 1st, IRON County le n John W. Kay. Levan Lorenso M angelcon. Jame E. Taylor. Ray Franeom. Christian ChrlstenscB, Vans H. Jennings. Fras-tu- s W. Teterson, J. Leonard Franeom Wilford W. Beard, Richard H. Gardner, Alex Peterson, Augustus Shep herd. Asa II. Fowler. Nephi Nielson. Mills LeRoy MePnereon. George OrgiU. v h - Rlehard H. SuSweka. Thomas W. Sephensen. Warner W. Stephensen. Jame R. Stanley, CharL es E. Stephensen, . L. Sperry, Hugh Sperry, George Sowby. Gideon Sld- well, wilford Sl!s, Arthur Scott. Mona James W. Vest, John ft. Nielson. Geraldus Newell, Jame W. Kay, Roy Ellerteon, John Tates Jr., Alonso Oeborne Young. Toung, c carried through the year, And if all would try to heed it, Earth would soon be full of cheer, V.JLJ-- ) "Would you have a happy day?? Give some liabbiness away" vx5 Should Y Kr, 7 v . County Agent Smith Mslces Annual Report H. A. Ly.ian METXYQ UAPPPMITr.!r.andMrs.GW.Garrett HPAI iLiWu i ki i isi mi L,VvnLi rjiu, c:i., ;. I n-- Darrell Chase wan the speaker at There will bo a general ptIchI hood meeting next Sunday afternoon at the., regular weekly luncheon of the two o'clock, at the N'eplil High School Nephi Klwanls Club, hll Monday noon. , building. Mr. Mr. and Mrx. J. W. Olpl" and T. W. Miller shipped 500 turkoya nad Mrs. W. J. Olpfn. Lynn Olpin. to the Long ISeach. California, mark- Mrs. ICllen Jarrett and Mrs. A. V. et this week. The price paid by Mr. I'ypcr attended the funeral of fMslmp Miller was 40c per pound. , V.. J. Olpin. whli li wast held at Pleasant Grove, Thursday. IlUHsell Hawkins and J. H. Carter sttended a moetin?; of the t'tah Sportsmen's assorlat Ion. hold at Lake City. Monday. Thn jro!"Kt'l raise In hunting and fishing occupied most of the timo at tho moptlng. As there were not enough delegates present to make a quorum, no definite action could be taken. llcf-nw- Mnrrlaee licenses were issued by County Clerk I'.owers. Tuesday, to: .laine.n .1. Moore, raysnn. and Miss Ft. Green; Clara O. Ctiristenr.en, Henry A. Kearns and Kllen II. Hof-l- i Ins, both of Gunnison. IMshop V. 11. Cownn married the last named rouple. ll. C. W. Tolley. true; The annual report of extension work la agrlcultur and home economics In Josh connty, has been completed by A, M. Smith, county agrv Mr. and Mrs. George W. Garrett eultural agent. The report consist of "lebrated their Silver Wedding at a a statistical snmmary of project pat over In the various town of the i inception given at their home last county. Saturday. December 18th. Dinner One of the outstanding projects vas nerved at three o'clock in the af. was the boys and girls elub work, t rnoon to twenty. The evening was which showed that: four leaders spent In games, music and social were selected and teat to the tJtaa hat. Those present were Messrs. and Agricultural rollege leadership trainItesdames Lorenzo Mangelson. Charl. ing school; calf and lamb elob or(t A. Mangelson, Richard Gardner, ganised with twenty members, who I? 'is. Charles Mangelson and Mrs. J netted a savings of ftf.ai; en poi Hansen. Levan; Messrs. and tato club, with seven members, raisM. W. Herman ed 1000 bushels of salable potatoes; Mangelson. Mangelson, Geo. Purkworth. Dr. and two girls clubs organised In sewing Mrs. T. W, Allred, Wanda and LeVoo project, thlrty-tbr- e partlrlpatlsg, Carrett. and the host and hnste Mr completed 1T pie of clothing t a saving f tTT.31. !i id Mrs. (Jeorge W. Garrett. w-- , ! ' Mes-('jni- es I I ' B. " Harold Park, J. R. park. William O. Pay. Samuel G. Paxmaa, Joseph Ost- ler, Wlllard Ockey, James H. Ockey. J. Walter Olpin, Samuel G. Ord, H. A. Nielson, Heber . MePherson. Alfred M Madsen, George W. Lunt, Burnell It. Luat, Robert ' Lomax, Samuel Linton, Fred Kendall. Bno . Jones. Charles R. Jenkins, T. Carter. John F. Wright. John 8. Wright. Dennis Wood, Joseph F. Worthlngtoa, Bdgar Winn. David Winn. Charles WUhi, Robert Winn. George Wilky. Arx Wilson, John Wllkey, Joseph Willis, Jamas Memmott. John . Well. W. A. Warner, Orrald Waraar, Mlvla Warrn. Joeph W. Viekere. Claad II. Tolley, Samuel R. Winn and John W. time of secrets, So 1 11 whisper cue to you, VM (Qrandpa says that all who try it, ; ' Fsxton. ' . ninety-se- - SELECTED Mo-Can- n. : First term, JanuMeetings were held at the Nephi ary 18th; second, March 1st; third. and high school building Tuesday June 14th, and fourth, November 15. Wednesday, for the purpose of orWASHINGTON County First In Club a Pure Sheep ganizing boys' term, March 15th; second, September this community. Representatives 6th, and third, December 6th, 1927. from the J. H. Patrick and Sons Co., All of the above terms of court of Salt Lake City were in attendance wilt be held in the county seat of the at the request of Harry Beagley, agof the district. counties respective ricultural teacher, County Aient Smith, and local sheep growers. The first meeting was held with Club Specialist of U. A. C. the boys who are interested in the In Nephi Last Wednesday growing of sheep, while the fathers were invited to the Wednesday meetE. P. Murray, club specialist of the ing, and as a result of these meetings a number of boys have signed up to Utah Agricultural college, was in Nephi Wednesday, checking up recpurchaae Pure Bred Lincoln gheep. According to County Agent Smith, ords and reports on the hoys' club approximately fifteen boys will pur- work. As soon as all the records are chase in the neighborhood of sixty gone over, a committee will be selected to make the Unon Pacific head of ewes. scholarship award. This scholarship Alvah Stout former resident- of carried $100 cash, and a years' tuiNephi, will be in charge of the fing- tion to the V. A. C, together with to and from the boys borne erprint division at the Salt Lake fare County sheriffs office after January town to the school at Logan. first, according to an announcement Born to Mr. and Mrs J. W. Ockey, made Wednesday by sheriff-elec- t Friday Dprember 10, s girl. C. W. Tatten. FOR L.-- C "..' The percentage, a purebred .sires l ThA Board. rjfcinciallonaKftri u among au.cJasses.lweiitocJi in auai uiscusumg 1U1BSU mailers county is shown by an Interesting with the interested communities to chart contained in the anual report see what assistance and help can 1)3 of the county Agricultural agent. rendered in 'ironing out' these probThe chart is based on the result of lems. a survey made by tne county agent, ' "Will you be good enough to see cooperating with the Farm Bureau. that at least one representative from Eleven committeemen were selected your community is present at this last winter, who divided the county meeting, which will convene at. ten into districts and set May 1st .as the o'clock? date to report the location and creYours very truly, J. H. Rayburn." dentials of every sire to the central General Secretary. organization. The chart shows that the county has eight registered dairy bulls, TERMS OF COURT ARE which is just fifty per cent" of all regdairy bulls. There are thirty-si- x SET FOR NEXT YEAR istered beef bulls, which is ninety bulls. beef cent all of Hog figures per show seven boars registered, or ven and one half per cent of all Terms of court in the respective boars in the county. Among the rams counties of the Fifth Judicial District e per cent for the year 1927 are announced. The seventy head, or are registered. Stallions head the first term in Juab County will be percentage list with one hundred per held January 3rd, at 2 o'clock, p. m. cent registered, but there are only The terms and dates are as foltwo animals involved. Cockerels show lows: 310 birds, or ninety-thre- e per cent of JUAB County First term Monday, pure bred extracton. January 3rd, 1927, two o'clock p. m. to Juab is the first county in Utah Second term, Monday, 18th, on all 1927, two o'clock, p. m. April make this sort of a check-u- p Third term the sires among its livestock. ' Mr. Monday, September 26th, 1927, two Smith reports that this pure bred o'clock p. m. census will be followedup with the MILLARD County First term, nlm of replacing all grade and scrub Monday, January 31st; second term, with sires pure breds. Monday, May 2nd; third term Monday, October lOtb, all at 2 p. m BEAVER First term, County Bred Lincoln Pure Sheep Tuesday, February 15th; second, Club To Be Organized Here Wednesday, June 1st; third, Novem- No. 52. Citizens From Various Parts Of County Who Will Serve As Jurors During Th Coming .Terms of Court BIG MEETING CALLED four years, spent over a quarter million dollars calling the attention of the people of the United States to the scenic attractions and natural resources of the State of Utah. "Are these 'strangers within our gates' the tourists receiving the assistance, help and courtesies they should receive from all sections of the States, and is this information unblasedly and fairly given? Tho Board of Governors of the Chamber has been informed that they are not. Information has been submitted to the Board, from time to time, that communities feel they are being rankly discriminated against in the matter of tcuirist business. "For the purpose of discussing these matters, the Board of Governors is arranging a special meeting and inviting the various communities of the State to send their representatives and discuss in ' open meeting these problems. This meeting will be held Saturday, January 8th, next. The Board of Governors and "tbfj chairman of our Advertising,: Tourisf and Information, and Highways committees will be y attendance. lt will not hflf mSH Vir 'mihir'mfljnsr. 10, ' |