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Show Nephi : r "The Wheat City" I "The Wheat City" The Times, Vol. 16, No. 51 TAX COMMITTEE HOLDS LUNCHEON Nephi Nephi, Juab County, Tjtah, I'Viday, December 17th, 1926 LEVAN CITIZENS MEET WITH KIWANIS CLUB The News, Vol. 10, No. 51 NEPHI FISH AND GAME EIGHTY MEN AND BOYS AAA. CLUB HOLDS MEETING OFFICIALS LAUDS SCENERY ONTRIBUTE LABOR The Nephi Fish and Game club, at their annual meeting held Wednesday evening, passed a resolution op- People 'Advised to Speak of posing an increase in the license fees Utah, and Not of Parts of to hunt and fish in this atate, deem Community pride again found exthe State President PreThose services to in the now on this revenue of the contributing during ing accruing pression city Friday dicts are: to More Tourist Traffic the last week, when eighty men' and day department as sufficient not only Team labor: Owen Boswell, Les- maintain the present status of gamp, boys responded to the call for men and teams for the purpose of filling ter Belliston, Rulon Linton, Nollo but to materially increase the same, e Sudweeks, Evan Howell, George D. They also felt that the proposed in Salt Lake City, Utah'All the in the unsightly and unhealthy in the street west of the centrS! Haymond . (hired man and team). creased fees would decrease the rev people of Utah should unite in ad n Loran school buildings. This work was Christenson, Clarence Burton, enue and increase the violations of vertising the scenic beauties of the last spring when the entire Glen Schofield, Ralph Christenson, the law. state. There should be no southern A number of other resolutions Utah, no central Utah, and no north-ecommunity turned out on two suc- Eugene Worthington, Clarence Ock-ecessive days and hauled approximate,, Cleon Memmott, Ivan Bailey, Har. were passed, these being practically Utah, but Just Utah," was the ly 1000 loads of. dirt onto the city .old Warner, Rulon Bracken, Frank the same as a number of the other statement made .Monday by Ernest vot' N. Smith, general manager of the park site, between the high school Sperry, Alma Chase, Battery "E clubs throughout the state have ed in favor of. and central school buildings. Friday's 145th F. A., American Automobile association, in The annual election of officers an address at a luncheon at tho labor contributions added 126 more Single hands: A. E. Smith, Harry loads of dirt, and the resulting ben- Beagley, Geo. A. Sperry, Art Kendall, took place, with the following results Chamber of Commerce for the offi- efit of these can hardly be estimated T..O. Durham, Calvin S. Smith, C. president, Russell Hawkins; vice- - cers of the association, who were in dollars and cents value, when con- W. Johnson, Sam Paxman, Walter president, J. H. Carter; secretary-treasure- visitors here for a day. A. J. Crapo; sidered from the standpoint of nec- Paxman, John Ellison, Richard Suddirectors, 'It doesn't matter," he said, "In essity; in that it removed from the weeks, Darrel Chase, Rulon Linton,1 Ernest Foote, W. L. Gardner, A. W what part of the state a tourist front dooryard of our public school Cleon Lemon, J. W. Barnes, Joseph Clyde. One member of the board of lands, just so he comes here. For buildings such an unsightly and un- Vickers, James Riches, Ed Jones, directors to be elected from Mona nstance, a hotelkeeper doesi'.'t care t A. H. Belliston, George healthy menace. what door a guest enters his estab Parkins, and one from Levan. Reports were made by J. H. Carter lishment, as long as he enters and High school classes were discon- Ralph Belliston, A. J. Crapo, Don tinued for the day, and. all high Rees, James Pexton, Willis Linton, Russell Hawkins and the secretary- - spends some money there." school boys were, given an opportun-- , Farrel Carter, Orin Anderson, Doug- treasurer, which showed that a num Mr. Smith stressed the importance ity of rendering a public service; las Burton, Doran Warner, Archie ber of projects had received atten of advertising; getting before the and of learning a lesson in citizen- Lundsteen, Rex Pay, James Smith. tion during the past year, chief people of the country the scenic ship. An education is narrow and Orin Howard, Rex Christenson, Ken- among them was the leasing of beauties of the state.' "I am willing of to 'make the statement before anydestructive of its own purpose, which neth Firmage, Lawrence Olpin, Far- twelve sections of land north-wedoes not mould a character, one rel Winn, Ernest Sorenson, James Nephi for public hunting grounds. one," he continued, "that there Is fundamental of which is service to McCune, Donald Gadd, Udal Bailey, (Continued on page 3) no territory on the entire American mankind. Earl Warner, Spencer Sowby, Jessia continent which will return as much One rather interesting and com- Bailey, Max Ellison, Earl is Christen- to the tourists as Utah. But you mendable notation of Friday's work aon, Edwin Goble, Bert Powell. El- can't rest secure in the belief that was that tobacco in any form was don ' Coleman, the millions of travelers In this Ray Worthington, not in evidence among the seventy Garnett Kendall, Alma Burton, Clyne country are going to accldently dis- men working at the loading pits. All Leavitt, Boyd Lunt, Maurice Chase, r pnvflP vrmr att rnpHnno TIibt muat dirt was loaded into the wagons by Morgan Lunt, Maurice Howarth, told about them." shovel, and one group "of workers Clarence .Cox, Harold Belliston, Entire State Proposal Mr. Smith promised that the A. A. d prided themselves that one wagon Thomas Belliston, Elroy Barnes, was loaded in one minute twenty wouia cooperate wun me wnoia Phillips. Dr. L. T. Booth was elected comseconds. Ladies preparing lunch: Mrs.- Al- mander of the liable statistics and data covering Post Number 1 of Utah in telling of the glories of Nephi Again, some of Nephi's public fred Orme, Mrs! J. W. Schofield, Miss of American Legion, at the annual the entire state, and getting more taxaton problems and also to make a E. H. Steele manager of the Venwomen folks, representing Laura Lowe, Miss Jennie Lowe, Mlsa spirited a an arid careful experts, study by ice theatre, announces that he has the meeting held Tuesday evening. Dr. people to come here. "Telling contln. association, Asenath Grover, Miss Mary Morgan, Booth served as in introduced the secured HilLman's Ideal Stock comfor ually of the beauties of southern alysis of Boosters club of the 'High Miss Alice Cowan, Miss Ruth Beag- the E. Utah." he declared, "has a bad effect Other are: officers legislature. The members of the leg pany for a special engagement of and the added past year. Miss Milthe on the minds of eastern people. They School, and Miss ley, always helpful Brough, Evelyn and however hard Cleon working L. 1st vice islature, Jones, one night only, Thursday, December commander; conscientious they may be, are con- 23rd. This company comes ' highly much appreciated feminine touchM dred Sperry, Miss Florence Chase, Memmott, 2nd vice commander; W, think of the south as being a great l'f M tea .Edith Ord,' Miss Sarah Orme. J ninin iiUlltantSamuel CI Pax- - distance a war. and come to the con fronted with a flood of bills at each recommended as.. one of the best to the occasion, by furnishing Mr. iiclK clusion that, southern Utah is,too McKendrick?, session,aai of theMiss Cornwall. it is impossible for any single mem- Middle West. They carry ten people historian; Rulon Bracken, sergeant- - lar away ror them to visit;- Furthermore, Utah has beauties in other ber to carefully analyze and secure and a five piece orchestra. Thursparts of the state which are equally Memrelable data upon. The State Tax day night they will present a new South Ward Conference Per Cent "One Hundered Two Fat Steers Bring worth while visiting. It is import Association at the 19 25 session had a Irish is the decided bership," slogan upon entitled, comedy, "Judy To Be Held Next Sunday Exceptionally High Price for this year, and 'to this end two ant, therefore, that no sectonal ref careful analysis made of all mean O'Grady." Prices are: adults 50c, ures that were Introduced and sup children under fourteen 25c. As a teams were selected, and erence be made In advertising." ' The annual ward conference will James five cars membership Andrews The prediction was made by Mr. shipped both of members houses the former service man will be askplied sp'ecial inducement to pack the house of cattle to Los Angeles this week. every ed to join the organization before Smith that within five years tourwith printed copies of these analysis on their first appearance here, the be held in the South Ward meeting2 In next Sunday afternoon at this shipment were two extra December 29th. ists would be able to get Into Utah and endeavored to assemble all pos Hillman company will admit ladies house said that A committee was also appointed to from any direction. He sible reliable Information on all free, Thursday night. One lady ad- o'clock'. A suitable program has been large beef steers, which were sold by measures' introduced, and. make the mitted free with each holder of a 50 prepared, and the bishopric would Gus Keyte of Mona. The largest one arrange for the decorating of tho when a bridge is completed at Lee's old weighed 16f0 club rooms, and all same available to the members of cent ticket. This is the first visit of like to have the officers and teach- a Durham Legionairres who Ferry thousands of additional tour the legislature. It was pointed out the show to Nephi, but if local ers of each auxiliary organization, pounds, and brought the sum of have war trophies that they wish to ists will come Into the state from the and the members of the Ward present $132.48, while the other, a Holstein loan the Legion, should that the interested cooperation of all theatre-goer- s notify E. R. outh who now pass right by. indicate that they wish on this occasion. brought $96.04. "Travelers," continued the speak Shaw, chairman of the committee. taxpayers of the state is neede'd in to patronize the spoken drama er, "are not only looking for scenorder that (he taxpayers burden may enough to justify a return date of to make Joel Tayor, county assessor of ery, but also for places be lightened. he Hillman company, we will have tomes and Invest money. To this Juab Geo. H. Rys.n several high class plays attended the Representative-elec- t County, county by presented assessors convention in Salt Lake end, also, Utah should extend its apmade a short talk, assuring the this splendid stock organization dur- peal." desirous of was he that City, Thursday and Friday. gathering ng the winter. Thomas P. Henry, president of having his constituents make their the A. A. A, said his organization wishes and opinions on legislative Reasons why cities of Utah cannot Alumni to Furnish Program is not concerned in local squabbles. matters known to him, and that he Wilford Belliston the operation of motion unreasonable and discriminatory. The forbid to form a national on at all times ally himself would the At Nephi High School but Is attempting 221 court Member section Ass'n. cantherefore finds that Beekeepers picture shows on Sunday, and which will be in the Interest policy side of governmental economy and not legally enact ordinances which of chapter 25 of the revised ordinanc efficiency. The Studeut Body association will of the motorists of the entire coun Wilford Belliston, of thl3 city, was prohibit them, are given in a deci- es of Nephi Cfty passed and adopted try. One of its principal alms, he de a H. made Thos. Burton Judge a member of the Utah sion of Judge Thos. H. Burton, of the by the city council of Nephi City have charge of a special assembly clared. Is to have federal aid continshort talk nnd commented upon the next at afternoon program Thursday association at their an- Fifth District court, Thursday, in the July 21, 1911, is null and void for ued. "The he added. government," magnitude of expenditures by the beekeepers and 1:15 at the Nephi High School, nual meeting held in Salt Lake City case of Nephi City, vs. Earl H. Steele. the following reasons, to wit: should build four transcontinental the judicial astern of the state and the Wednesday. will be furnished by program A number of very im The decision was rendered on a "1. For the reason that the city highways to accomodate the ever- necessity for rare and attention on had no authority to enact said ordi- Nephi students now attending the increasing numbers of people who pertaining to the bee demurer. the part of District Judges to keep portant items of three the universities state. After nance, and has no authority to enindustry were discussed at the con Misdemeanor Cluargcd down needless costs. the program a basket ball game be want to travel back and forth by vention. Others from Nephi attending as does force the Oc it same, was Steele arrested at prohibiting Nephi automobile." inThose present at the meeting, the sessions were: W. A. Bowles. tober 31 and was charged with i the operation of a picture show cn tween the Alumni and Nephi H. S. Driver Licensing cluded jn addition to the chairman Thomas Vickers and be basket ball will teams played. Belliston. misdemeanor. It was alleged that on Sunday. The A. A. A., he said, Is against and speakers mentioned, the follow- Mrs. W. A. Bowles Ralph At 8:30 p. m. a big dance will he her that day he, at the Venice theatre, "2. For the reason that said ordi- held In the liability Insurance, but Is ing: II. J. Pitts, C. R. Hulsh, Prof. husband to Salt accompanied gymnasium, which will compulsory Lake Tuesday, Nephi, conducted an entertainment nance attempts to In favor of an act which will make a picture be a prohibit T. Z. Bartlett, W. C. Andrews, Ralph where she affair for the big a visit with relat by producing and exhibiting a mov show on Sunday, while at the same compulsory the licensing of all driv- Brough. Will L. Hoyt, Dennis Wood ives, while enjoyed Mr. Bowles attended the ing picture show, and collected 25 time the state law, common law and alumni and present high school (Contlnued on page 5) E. R. Forrest. and students. convention. cents from each patron, contrary to public policy in force In the state of The of the associaofficers Alumni A committee composed of N. E. a certain ordinance of that city. Utah permits and condones the opera tion request that all alumni me ruber g Vlona Relief A.' W. Anderson, Miller, Provo; The defendant filed an answer lu tlon of picture shows on Sunday. Society Honor Fire Destroys Hay and be In attendance at all three of these Wilford Belliston, Nephi; which he admitted the act, but deMrs. "3. For the reason that there Is no events. Newton Sheds at Jackson Home Price; Margret Spencer Stone, Ogden, and Dan II. nied that it was a misdemeanor, al- Mate law authorizing the city to pass Hillman, Salt Lake, will go into pos- leging that the city had no authority an ordinance prohibiting the giving A party was given m honor cf sibilities of cooperative marketing of to enact the ordinance, and that the of a Sheriffs for show on Sunday In case Deputy A fire at Nephi Jackson's Monday picture Mrs. Margret Newton, who Is leav-n- g and will work out a plan honey was that He void. ordinance prayed Juab County Named an admission fee is charged therefor. afternoon, destroyed twenty tons of this state. for California, where she will the cause be certified to the district "4. For the reason that said ordi hay, and corrals and sheds, amountthe winter with her daughters. spend Tho to determine the ,ourt validity. un16 nance as a Dec. Lewis Garrett of matter of law, is, Eureka, ing to approximately $300. The local Relief Society sisters met at the The Steele were and ecords transmitted reasonable and discriminatory. Nephi has been appointed fire department responded to tho Ladies Literary Club deputy home of Sister Nade Kay, where a demurred, on the ground that there sheriff for Juab County, with headliaw call, but was hampered by lack of Repealed very pleasant evening was spent. A Hold Regular Session was no statute authorizing the city water, on account, of no fire hydrant "5. For the reason that if said or- quarters at Nephi. He was chosen rplendld program was enjoyed, after o it an prosuch that pass ordinance, blocks. within two and dinance at the time of Its passatje, by the central committee and Sheriff which games were played and reThe Ladies lect Roy'M. Kalghn. Literary club held hibits something which the state stattheir regular meeting in the club utes and common law condone, that July 21, 1911, wans based upon sec Other deputies who have been ap- freshments served to twenty-eigh- t 8128 of laws of the tion compiled guests. Sister Newton has been a It rooms in was that void at ordinance the the hall, city Elias Worwood Leases Tuesday, pointed for different parts of the December 14th; Mrs. G. R. Judd as seeks to prohibit the charging of an Utah, 1917, the said section having county are Heber Bauer of Eureka, constant worker as teacher In th The Tourist Cafe Business hostess. "Women's Place In "Athlet- admission fee and is therefore dis- been repealed by chapter 56, laws of Richard Iverson of Levan. Relief Society for many years. Joseph Utah. 1925, and by its repeal th? ics," was given by Miss Margaret criminating. V. H. Taylor of Sabey of Callao and Edith Garrett of Nephi, has regThe ordinance in question is quot- section 224 of the ordinances of Ne- Silver City. Ellas Worwond, announces In an- Neville; "Art In the Home," by Miss must fall. phi City musiistered at the Brlgham Young Unisacred ha Lillian Blackett. A discussion was ed as follows: "Sunday other part, of this paper, that he "6. For the reason that section H. S. versity for the winter quarter, which leased tho Tourist Cafe, and will op- - (hen entered into by the club. Those cal concerts: It shall be unlawful for Dramatic Club to began Monday, December th. eate an up to date cafe. This business present were: Mrs. T. W. Allred, any person or persons to give any 570x38, compiled laws of Utah, 1917, Present "Bab", Wednesday istration will probably reach Regthe has been operated for the past year Mrs. Geo. A. Sperry Jr., Miss Itha llnd of Suday sacred musical concerts only empowers the city to Ilcensn, 1300 mark this week, according to and a half by "Dad" Osterloh, who Parkes, Mrs. W. C. Andrews, MIsi or other entertainment and to charge tax and regulate picture shows, and The Nephi high school dramatic John Hayes, registrar. Due to the that the power to license or regulate Mrs. W. F. Brough, an admission fee therefor." has returned to his home in Lehl. Neva Booth, lub will present the annual school fact that there are only about ten does not include the power to proCourt's Decision where he operates a chicken ranch. Mrs. J. M. Chrlstensen, Mrs. R. T. play, "Bab," at the auditorium, next days of school before the Christmas The court's findings and comments hibit or suppress. Cowan, Mrs. E. R. Forrest, Jtflst Lula For the reasons assigned the de- Wednesday, December 22nd, at 8:00 holidays, school official believe thst E. I. Jones, manager of the Grace Mcpherson, Mrs. V. M. Greenwood. follow: "There Is no question but what murrer Is sustained, the complaint o'cock p. m. They will also have a many students from dwtant place Motor company, will attend a Chev Mrs. O. R Judd. Mrs. S. B. McCune, relet salesman's convention In Salt Mrs. M. L. Sowby, and special guest, the ordinance is, as a matter of law, dismissed and the defendant relenf-- mntlnee on Tuesday afternoon at t will not register until after the vaca. tlon. from custody." j o'clock. Mrs. Howard Cox of Mantl. under the great weight of authority. Luke City, Saturday. A good sized delegation of Llevan citizens headed by Mans E. Jennings W. M. McKendrick and R. W. joined in the noon luncheon and the Nephi Kiwanis club, Eardley, Representatives of meeting ofDecember 13th, to enlist State Association and Geo. Monday, the support of the club in a moveH. Ryan, Attend Meeting. ment to secure a better road from Nephi to Levan. The delegation was the result of a mass meeting recent Members of the Juab County Tax ly held at Levan, protesting against Committee held an informal lunch- the condition of this strip of road. eon and meeting, Friday noon of last The members of the Kiwanis Clul) week, at the Forrest hotel. W. M. were told by the speakers of the del deg McKendrick of the egation that transcontinental tour partment of the Utah Taxpayers as- ists had been for the last several sociation, and R. W. Eardley, field months unanimous in pronouncing the representative of the Association, al- this eleven mile strip of road Geo. H. worst piece of road they had crossed so State Representative-elec- t Ryan of Eureka, were present and in their journey across the contin addressed the gathering. Claude F. ent, and the Kiwanians were appeal of the County ed to, to lend their support to the Baker, Tax Committee presided at the demand of Levan citizens for h luncheon, which was called for the good road across the famous Levaa purpose of discussing with Juab Ridge. It was pointed out that each County's members tit the coming city in the county had in the last few legislature,' problems that affect the years been favored by the constructaxpayers of the county and state. tion of a fairly good road through State Senator Joseph E. Finlinson, of its limits with the single exception Leamington, was to have been pres of the Town of Levan, and that apent at the meeting, but was unavoid proximately $40,000 has been ex ably detained. Mr. McKendrick of pended from the county fund in the the State Association was the prin- interest of Eureka and Nephi, while cipal speaker, and assured the tax yet Levan citizens were traveling payers present that it was not the over a notoriously bad road to reach purpose of the Utah Taxpayers As- the county seat. The members of the Kiwanis club sociation to prevent the expenditure of public funds, but to cooperate were unanimous in their pledge of (Continued on page five) with legislatures and public officers in the endeavor to make the tax payer's dollar reach, the farthest and do the utmost for the public benefit Both Mr. McKendrick and Mr. Eardley pointed out that the research or department of the State devoted its Taxpayers Associaton time and attention to compiling re x . mud-hol- bp-gu- y, facts-findin- m . : - Vice-Chairm- r, . - st . BOOTH ELECTED HUMAN STOCK TO HEAD LEGION CO. HERE THURS. fact-findi- Vi Rav-mon- . .. " Parent-Teacher- s' all-bill- s er - , i . I - a. MAY Re-elect- ed fr one-ha- lf MOVIES LEGAL |