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Show Friday, November 19th, 1926 THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI. UTAH S. What Radioactivity PAGE FIVE High School Notes h NEW PRICES Kadium science explains ihe mys (By Florence Chase, Reporter) Irwin, national lecturer, uncommercially is a mass of activity, derPryor of the University of the auspices usually stored in some chemical salt Utah, honored the N. H. S. by comof barium, it emits constantly, def to the auditorium Wednesday inite quantities of emanation, def- - ing giving them what he morning, Thls gas, in turn, is product of rapid called an and 'informal address." Every changeability which emits rays. student was interested in his words Radium is found in nature assoc and thoughts. He gave them a good iated with uranium ores. Radium was lesson in many things, especially on discovered by .Madame Curie and the subject of good citizenship. The others In the latter part of the nine- band gave three splendid selections teenth centry although the princi- before Mr. Irwin's address. ple of radioactivity was demonstratA test in Civic information, was ed earlier by Henri Becquerelle, to given Thursday morning at school, be common to. a number of minerals to determine how much the students it is a property of the atom. Scien know in the line of civics. tific literature describes in detail the The Boosters of the Nephi High ceaseless process at work in radium. were quite conspicuous Thursday, at Radium is considered a metal but school. The "goats" were compelled found in chemical form in ore, fine to come to school in very grotesque ly disseminated throughout the rock. costumes, such as wooden shoes, In whatever form jt exists, whether farmers' clothes, as a solid or liquid in ore or refin- clothes worn backwards, and pigtails. ed salt, radium gives off the "heal- This was for their initiation into the club. The members are much more ing gas" known as Emanation. to eminent medical enthusiastic this year and intend to According authorities the following are given as make the Boosters a lasting thing in the effects of Radium and Radium the school, and to help the school Emanation on the body system: put over every worthy act. The Boosters will give an assembly Radium causes an increase in the the auditorium next growth and number of healthy cells program in morning. They have plan and vitalizes the body tissues, while Wednesday ned something new and interesting. brokare or cells morbid unhealthy The biggest event of the season en down and eliminated. vs. Freshman will be the Faculty exand' secretion the It promotes basket ball afternoon at this game, cretion of urine; causes an increased four o'clock, with the fauctly in their elimination or uric acid in the urine costumes and their little and reduces acidity. It stimulates ac- unique knowledge of the rules of the game, tivity of the stomach and intestines. we expect to see an excellent comedy Radium has a tendency to lessen enacted. Mr. Durham is making all chronic constipation; excites the arrangements. vasco-motnerves and causes exThe annual Ag. club ball will be pansion of the blood vessels; lowers given at the Arlington tonight. It a high blood pressure; has tendency will be a genuine apron and overall to raise low blood pressure and in ball with the breath of new mown creases metabolism. It has a sedative hay and doughnuts and cider. or soothing effect upon the nerves; The athletics has been recgirls relieves sleeplessness or insomnia; increases sexual activity; has a stim- ently reorganized, andin the girls of for sport. school are going ulating effect upon the liver; causes the increased activity of all organs or el Races, tennis matches, volley ball, indoor baseball, and swimming will imination; acts directly on the blood, as an oxidizing agent; causes an in- be the big features for the season. "kid s party" in creased activity of all the "processes They are having ona December 3rd. of nutrition; has power to stimulate the gymnasium the elimination of toxins or poisons, and stimulates mental activity. Roman Army Officer It will be seen that the effect of A centurion was the captain or radium appears to be to restore con- commander of a subdivision of a Roditions to normal. Especially is its man legion. The legion contained use effective and beneficial in troub 6.000 men besides auxiliary cavalry. les arising from a derangement of the The leelon was made up of centuria, circulatory, glandular and nervous bodies of 100 men each, and at the head of the centuria were the cea systems. turtons. ( Advertisemetn) terious regeneration process. Radium A BANK Account is the Father of Success, and the Grandfather of Wealth. "Whatever You Earn, Spend Less" ON MAZDA LAMPS The New Mazda Lamp is a Revelation to the Boys and Girls that Study at Inside-Froste- d Night. 100 Defusion of Light 98 as much light as clear glass Watt 25 Watt 40 Watt 50 Watt 60 Watt 100 Watt 25c each 15 25c each 25c each 27c each . 30c each 43c each or TIM. B We carry a complete line of 'Player Pianos, Pianos, Brunswick New Musical Instruments, Band & String Instruments, The Latest Phonograph Records and Piano Rolls, and also A Good Line of Standard Make Radio Sets. This Is Our Line Come in for a Demonstration. SERVICE & SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Some Used Pianos, Cheap; also Radio Sets, some for Less than Half Price, such as the Crosley and others. The There is COMING! COMING! COMING! .1 ii Saturday Night NOVEMBER 20th In Each of Nephi Wards GREATEST delinquent upon the ! Name Niels Aagard Niels Aagard Niels Aagard Anthon Christensen EACH OF THREE NEPHI WARDS 111C Anthon Anthon Christensen 298C Jos. M. Christensen 299C Margaret Jacobsen 158C 450C Niels Mortensen 277C Niels Mortensen 408C Fanny Mortensen Erick C. Peterson 412C 63C Victor Stephensen Jos. II. Stephensen 273C Heber Shepherd Albert A. Tunbridge 322C 1 1 6 4 9 12 8 9 3 4 1 12 1 1 1 273C 28 N. G. Taylor 24 J. M. Thomson William Worwood 298C 1 Alice Lila Worwood 407C 4 Alice Lila Worwood 4 10C 4 X.00 1.00 6.00 4.00 8.75 13.00 8.00 18.00 6.00 8.00 1.92 8.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 8.00 21.50 1.00 4.00 4.00 Marinus Christensen Administrator 534 11 11.00 And in accordance with law and an order of the Hoard of Directors, so many shaers of each parcel of such stock will be sold at the resi dence of the President of this corp oration in Levan, Utah on November 1 30th, 1926, at 1 :00 p. m., to pay the delinquent assessment thereon, to ) get her with cost of advertising and expense of sale. J. C. JENSKN. Secretary publication, Nov. 19th; publication. Nov. 26th, 1926 Powered by a Wsrld Famous Motor Low Prices Tburing$ EHjf valve-in-hea- d yiTVi ruck $ Arir valve-in-hea- AU (wicrf f. o. b. Hiru Mich. fay-me- nt terms. T II A X K IIOLID.1V S ti 1 V I X o KXtTRSIOXS Embodying the most recent developments In the highest type of quality construction, the Chevrolet motor has won a worldwide reputation for power and economy of operation. It is the or.ly motor used in alow the priced cai exactly type of motor which has won every race classic of recent years. With Its fully machined combustion chambers and expertly honed cylinder walls, it gives Chevrolet d owners all the advantages of the principle, so successfully used on some of the automobiles. moht famous Come in! Get a demonstration! Learn for yourself the power, stamina, and smoothness pro vided by Chevrolet's famous motorl design and Small iloun end cor ten-le- A tk ahout our 6' J Purchase Certiicate I'lun. high-price- d 1 FARES ROUNDTRIP 1- TICKETS 10c and 25c Proceeds for benefit of Nephi's Mutual Improvement Associations fol- - No. of No. of Cer. Srs. Amt. 5 $ 5.00 54B 311C 136B Christensen 150B Tast Sponsored and Guaranteed by M. I. A. of Juab Stake Jbr Economical Transportation amounts set opposite the names of the shareholders as follows: First THE PRIZE WINNING ACTS FROM THE ROAD SHOWS OF THE FOUR CIRCUITS OF UTAH STAKE ASSESSMENT Irrigation Company. . -t with respect to time of war, thing which will give aid, comfort of assistance to the enemy." The United States congress has during wars of the United States defined what shall constitute contraband articles. Allotted Territory "sphere of Influence" may be described as an area wherein other powers undertake not to attempt to acquire Influence or territory by treaty or annexation. Such British spheres exist In the Persian gnlf and in Arabia. A eral Robert Lomax, Mgr. utvfw m m.irm-.- Is, "any- flowing stock on account of assess ment levied Dec. 7th, 1925, the sev THE MUSIC STORE wfrawrfR Has Liberal Definition The definition of "contraband" OF SALE FOR NOTICE l)KLIQl'E.T Levan IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE YOU -3 DENVER & RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD Tickets on sale November 23, 24 and 25 between all points in Utah, Westwater and west thereof; also to all points on L. A. & S. L., Southern Pacific and Western Pacific whoro one-wa- y fare is $30.00 or less. Final return limit, November 29. For detailed fares and man rosrvat Ions call on Itlo Grande Agent. Pullnear-"- t Grace Motor Co. Nephi Utah QUALITY AT LOW COST |